Cigarettes Impact

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Every hour around teh world, there are 800 people killed by cigarettes smoking.

we're talking about 2 bilion 747 planes LOADED (sarat) with men, women and childern
BLOWING UP (meledak) in the sky every single hour of the day, every single day

that would be EQUIVALENT (setara) to the number from the september 11 attacks
which killed nearly 3,000 people, hapening six and a half times a day

are you sitting on these flights?

why does no country banned tobacco MANUFACTURINGS? (pabrik)

by LEADING (mengarah) to nearly 7 milion deaths per year, cigarettes hold claim the
no 1 spot of the top
most DESTRUCTIVE INVENTIONS (penemuan yang merusak) of human history.

Cigarettes even OUTRANK (lebih tinggi dri) AK-47 RIFLES ATOMIC (senapan atom) BOMBS
have you ever wondered why most governments in the world have anti-smoking
but none of them banned tobacco manufacturing?

the answer is OBVIOUS (jelas banget)

the tobacco industry contributes significantly to the government budget of those

manufacturing cigarettes

in 1990, the french goverment collected 1.2 milion francs per minutes
in 1977, the japanese's goverment budget collected 13 bilion from cigarette taxes
and the 1984 the small island of cyprus still earned 11 million pound from
cigarette tax

for ages. tobacco companies in the united kingdom have been known for the mass
manufacturing of cigarettes
every year the world produces 6 million tons of cigarettes
the united statesaccound for 1 million tons of those total
the business profit is worth tens of billions of dollars
in the U.S tobacco companies power is reflected through their contribution to the
budget, which is a crucial part to the development and survival of that country

therefore (karena itu), the tobacco companies are untouchable since their 'evil'
impacts have reached
deeply into the goverment
they LOBBY (melobi) every goverment ELECTION (pemilihan), as well as support the
goverment's finances

politicians dont dare to DEFY (menentang) tobacco companies because they do not
want their politician career to end
PREMATURELY (sebelum waktunya). the history of the world tobacco industry is long
and it has been growing with a great number of mysterious bussines AFFAIRS
(urusan), and political manipulations.

even the health department was manipulated

in the early TO MID 20 CENTURY (pertengahan abad 20), tobacco TYCOONS (raja)
covered negative effects of tobacco research
in the other hand, they secretly invested in building tobaccco research centers

spokespersons from these center were all related to this 'dirty' money
they claimed that there was no EVIDENCE (bukti) that proved cigarettes caused
cancer, NOR (juga bukan) did any ingredients
in cigarettes lead to cancer

in fact, about one third of all cancer deaths are related to tobacco use
tobacco companies have made people believe that cigarettes are healthy by paying
millions of dollars
for celebrities to smoke cigarettes on movie, or paying famous athletes to be
cigarettes spokespersons

on the CONTRARY (kebalikan), tobacco companies ENDEAVOR (berusaha keras) to fund

campaigns for children. we can see this is how tobacco companies REASSURE
public opinion, and greatify (membesar besarkan) the goverment
by funding the construction of tobacco rehab centers, are building anti-smoking

in 1986, the united states launched anti-smoking movement

it's ironic that the nation manufacturing the largest number of cigarettes started
an anti-smoking movement

the movement took millions dollars from the goverment budget, but fines from
smoking illegally
were also profitable.

this movement had made a huge impact around the world other country started to

tobacco companies hapilly PLUCKED (dicabut) out hundreds of millions of dollars to

deal with those antimovements
However, they raised the sale productivity in order to increases the purchasing
power from buyers
as a result, cigarettes sale of the united states increases dramatically reaching a
total of
93.4 billion in 2016

with financial power, the tobacco companies spend load of money to RECRUIT
(merekrut) the smartest ad most skillful
employees to protect empire, including managers, salespeople, lawyers, doctors,
spokepersons and many more

everyone OPERATES (beroperasi) like a WELL-OILED machine. they ready to face any
problems threatening their empire
due to the large contribution to the goverment budget from tobacco companies,
cigarettes not only
ENCOURAGED (mendorong) to be manufactured but also protected secretly or publicly

therefore, the goverment will mot allow any organizatons to pressure or inlfuence
cigarettes manufacturing
the goverment just VAGUELY ACCUSE (menuduh samar samar) the negative effects of
cigarette by IMPRINTING (cetak)
some useless warning
on the pack of cigarette, which no one pays attention to

OCCASIOANLLY (kadang2), there were some wining cases against tobacco companies in
the COURT.
However, that might be an action of REASSURING (meyakinkan) the public opinion

or is it a hidden war among tobacco companies?

meanwhile, tobacco companies are still selling 27.675 million cigarette cartons
globally each year

which is equivalent to EMITTING (memancarkan) 2.262 million kilograms of waste, 209

kilograms of chemical waste to the
environment. there are more than 4 million hectares of deforstation for cigarette
FUELS (bahan bakar)
rolling paper productions and paper wrapping.

with these intimidating figures, tobacco companies arround the world have GROSSED
765 billion but they also killed 7 million people every year

isn't ironic how most goverment PROHIBIT (melarang) smoking in public but still
allowed cigarettes manufacturing?

a 'smoke-free' world seem llike an impossible thing

if there's still hope for a world like that, you should start quit cigarette or
simply to say no to cigarette

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