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Earth Science
Quarter 1 – Module :7
1 Types of Waste

What’s In

On the previous module, you learned about the different soil resources as well as its importance.
Waste (or wastes) are unwanted or unusable materials. Waste is any substance which is discarded after
primary use, or is worthless, defective and of no use. Waste has to be managed properly to preserve the planet for the
coming generations. Waste generally generated accordingly with life continuity and related proportionally with the
human activities such as agricultural, industrial, residential, institutional, municipal, commercial, mining, recreational,
and others.
Nowadays, we are suffering environmental dilemmas such as global warming, flash floods and etc. One of the
causes of these problems is the misbehavior of the people towards waste management. Some people are reckless in
throwing their garbage. They do not think of the possible results of their actions on the environment as well as on

What is It

Classification of Waste
Solid waste- all discarded household, commercial waste, non-hazardous institutional and industrial waste, street
sweepings, construction debris, agricultural waste and other non-hazardous/ non-toxic solid wastes.
- It causes land pollution
- Toxic solid wastes affect plant growth
- Serve as breeding place for disease-carrying animals
- Cause aesthetic degradation of the environment
- Lowers the quality of the land

Liquid Waste- are wastes that originate from industrial, commercial, mining, and agricultural operations and from
community and household activities
a. Agricultural waste
b. Domestic wastes
c. Industrial wastewater
d. Sewage

Gaseous Waste- is a waste product in gas form resulting from various human activities, such as manufacturing,
processing, material consumption or biological processes.
1. Carbon dioxide - produced by the burning of fossil fuels.
2. Nitrogen oxides - are usually produced from the burning of automobile and power plant fuels.
3. Hydrocarbons- come from transportation vehicles.
4. Carbon monoxide - comes from internal combustion engines.
5. Sulfur dioxide - is produced by the burning of coal.
6. Hydrogen sulfide - comes from geothermal power plants.
7. Methane - is produced by the anaerobic decomposition of organic matter.
Some gaseous are wastes called Greenhouse gases.
1. It includes carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, water vapor, and chlorofluorocarbon.
2. Nitrogen and sulfur oxides, along with water, form acid rain.
3. Acid corrodes cement and metals
4. Acid rain lower the pH of rivers and affect aquatic life.
5. It also reduces forest and crop productivity.
6. Hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen, and sulfur oxides may cause respiratory ailments.

What’s More

Name the three main types of waste. Give examples for each of them from the box.

kitchen waste unwanted toys animal excreta

carbon monoxide used kitchen oil perfumes

insect killer computer parts methane

aluminum cans construction debris paper

carbon dioxide plastic bottles furniture

Types of Waste 1. 2. 3.

2 Impacts of Waste to Human Health and the Environment

What’s In
Waste Management is the collection, transport, processing or disposal, managing and monitoring of
waste materials. The term usually relates to materials produced by human activity, and the process is generally
undertaken to reduce their effect on health, the environment or aesthetics. It is a distinct practice from resource
recovery which focuses on delaying the rate of consumption of natural resources. All waste materials, whether they
are solid, liquid, gaseous or radioactive fall within the remit of waste management.
Waste management practices can differ for developed and developing nations, for urban and rural areas, and
for residential and industrial producers. Management of non-hazardous waste residential and institutional waste in
metropolitan areas is usually is the responsibility of local government authorities, while management for non-
hazardous commercial and industrial waste is the responsibility of the generator subject to local, national or
international controls.
Every individual should take the responsibility of managing their wastes properly. Public awareness campaigns
are essential tools for environment protection. Thus, there is really a need to encourage the people to be part of this
objective, protecting our environment through proper waste management.

What is It

Solid Waste Management

1. Reduce- means limiting the amount of generation of waste.

2. Reuse- refers to the recovery of materials with the intention of using it either in the same or for a different
purpose, without changing its physical or chemical properties.

3. Recycle- means covering any used material or waste material into a new product that is useful.

Phases of Recycling

a. Segregation- the practice of separating solid waste at the point of origin.

b. Collection- the removal of solid waste from the source.

c. Production of new product-the original product loses identity and may be used as raw material for the production of
other goods or services.

d. Composting- refers to the controlled decomposition of organic matter by microorganisms into a humus-like product.

e. Landfill- refers to a waste disposal site, designed, constructed, operated, and maintained so that the potential
environmental impact of the operation in the facility is controlled.

f. Incineration- is the combustion of waste in the presence of oxygen, converting it into carbon dioxide, water vapor,
and ash.

RA 9003, also known as the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000.
- It provides systematic, comprehensive, and ecological solid waste management policies that ensure the
protection of human health and the environment and maximizes the utilization of valuable resources among others.
- is the integration of ecological solid waste management and resource conservation and recovery topics into the
academic curricula of formal and nonformal education in order to promote environmental awareness and action among
the citizenry.
RA 9512 also known as the National Environmental Awareness and Education Act of 2008.
- the act promotes environmental awareness through environmental education.
- It mandates the integration of environmental education in the school curricula at all levels- public, private, formal
non-formal, technical-vocational, professional, indigenous learning, and out-of-school youth courses or programs.
Liquid Waste
RA 9275 known as Clean Waste Act of 2004
- it is the policy that aims to protect, preserve, and revive the Philippines freshwater, brackish water, and marine

Gaseous Waste
RA 8749, also known as Clean Air Act of 1999.
governs the management of gaseous wastes.
it provides a framework for sustainable development by balancing development and environmental protection.
- its primary focus is the prevention of pollution rather than its control, and the promotion of a system of
accountability for the citizenry for increased compliance.


Let’s try to check…

Multiple Choice.
Directions: Read carefully each item and choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Improper management of solid waste causes , since drainage canals are designed for rain water,
and not for solid waste.
e. Marine Debris c. Microplastics
f. Flood d. Landslide

2. Improper management of solid waste causes , since marine animals could not differentiate
between solid waste materials and marine species.
e. Microplastics c. Brown Environment
f. Marine Debris d. Greenhouse Gas

3. It is referred to as the garbage or discarded materials generated from domestic/household, commercial,

industrial, agricultural, institutional activities or operations
d. Dumpsite c. Solid Waste
e. Liquid Waste d. Gaseous Waste

4. Health hazard from improper waste management includes the following, except:
d. Leptospirosis c. Asthma and Lung Cancer
e. Dengue and Malaria d. Rheumatism

5. As waste generators, which priority program should we best engage in?

e. Collection, proper transfer and transport
f. Temporary storage and residual management
g. Waste avoidance, reduction and segregation
h. Resource recovery, reusing and recycling

6. Which waste bin should you place candy wrappers?

a. Compostable c. Special waste
b. Recyclable d. Residual waste

7. Which waste bin should you place egg shells?

c. Compostable c. Special waste
d. Recyclable d. Residual waste

8. Which waste bin should you compact disk (CD or DVD)?

c. Compostable c. Special waste
d. Recyclable d. Residual waste

9. Which waste bin should you place spray canisters?

a. Compostable c. Special waste
b. Recyclable d. Residual waste
10. is the process of reclaiming raw materials and reusing them to create new products.
c. Reducing c. Composting
d. Recycling d. Repurposing

11. How does recycling help the Earth and the environment?
e. Helps people make less cans
f. Helps people make more cans
g. Makes more garbage
h. Causing less garbage

12. Which item should you NOT put in your compost pile?
c. Plastic c. autumn leaves
d. wood chips d. food scraps

13. The conversion of organic waste into a substance that helps us grow crops and makes soil healthier is:
c. Incineration c. biodegradation
d. Recycling d. composting

14. Why are composting and recycling beneficial?

c. Makes us rich c. Increases waste
d. Reduces the amount of waste d. Makes pollution

15. A discarded material is a waste. Which of the following is not discarding?

c. Inherently waste-like c. excluded
d. Abandoned d. recycled and applied to the land

16. Clean Air Act of 1999 that governs the management of gaseous wastes is also known as what?
a. RA 8749 c. RA 9478
b. RA 4987 d. RA 7498
17. Waste minimization includes all but what?
c. Toxicity reduction c. reduction in waste generated
d. Reduction in costs d. beneficial use of waste

18. Three broad questions must be answered to determine if a facility generates hazardous waste. Which of
the following are not included in that analogy?
e. Is the solid waste a hazardous waste?
f. Are the secondary materials a solid waste?
g. Is the product recycled?
h. Is the hazardous waste exempt from hazardous waste requirements?

19. All but one is the cause of air pollution coming from gaseous wastes.
a. hydrocarbons c. sulfur dioxide
b. hydrogen sulfide d. penthane

20. Which is the disease carrying bacteria brought by liquid wastes?

a. cholera c. diverticulitis
b. gastric reflux d. colitis

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