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8th - Social Studies

SN Marks

Jones discovered that his interests were shared by many British officials living in Calcutta at 5
the time. Englishmen like Henry Thomas Colebrooke and Nathaniel Halhed were also busy
discovering the ancient Indian heritage, mastering Indian languages and translating Sanskrit
and Persian works into English. Together with them, Jones set up the Asiatic Society of Bengal,
and started a journal called Asiatick Researches.

1 Who were having same interests as of Jones ? 1

( a) Henry Thomas Colebrooke and ( b) Henry more and thomas cook
Nathaniel Halhed

2 In which language was Sanskrit and persion work translated? 1

( a) Pali ( b) English

3 Henry Thomas Colebrooke, Nathaniel Halhed and jones set up which 1

( a) European ( b) Asiatic

4 Where was the society established? 1

( a) Maharashtra ( b) Bengal

5 What was the name of the journal they started ? 1

( a) Asiatick Researches. ( b) Bengal researches

With this object in view a madrasa was set up in Calcutta in 1781 to promote the study of 5
Arabic, Persian and Islamic law; and the Hindu College was established in Benaras in 1791 to
encourage the study of ancient Sanskrit texts that would be useful for the administration of
the country.

6 According to the passage, what was set up in the year 1781 ? 1

( a) Madrasa ( b) Court
( c) Primary school ( d) University

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7 Which language was taught in madrasa ? 1

( a) Persion ( b) Arabic
( c) Persion and arabic ( d) English

8 Hindu college was established in which year? 1

( a) 1770 ( b) 1769
( c) 1771 ( d) 1791

9 Hindu college was established in which city? 1

( a) Kanpur ( b) Alipur
( c) Benaras ( d) Agra

10 Which laws where taught in madrasa ? 1

( a) Persion ( b) Islamic
( c) Hindu ( d) English

James Mill was one of those who attacked the Orientalists. The British effort, he declared, 5
should not be to teach what the natives wanted, or what they respected, in order to please
them and “win a place in their heart”. The aim of education ought to be to teach what was
useful and practical. So Indians should be made familiar with the scientific and technical
advances that the West had made, rather than with the poetry and sacred literature of the

11 Who attacked the orientalists ? 1

( a) James more ( b) James mill
( c) Thomas cook ( d) Charles mill

12 What should be the aim of education? 1

( a) Useful and practical ( b) Useful and theoretical
( c) Theoretical and rote ( d) Useful and humdrum

13 James wanted indians to get familiar with__ 1

( a) Islamic laws ( b) English culture
( c) Scientific and technical ( d) Hindi poetry

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14 James opposed poetry and sacred literature of the orient. 1

( a) TRUE ( b) FALSE

15 He opposed to teach what do the natives wanted. 1

( a) FALSE ( b) TRUE

In 1854, the Court of Directors of the East India Company in London sent an educational 5
despatch to the Governor-General in India. Issued by Charles Wood, the President of the Board
of Control of the Company, it has come to be known as Wood’s Despatch. Outlining the
educational policy that was to be followed in India, it emphasised once again the practical
benefits of a system of European learning, as opposed to Oriental knowledge.

16 In which year educational despatch was sent to the governor-general in 1

( a) 1854 ( b) 1845
( c) 1888

17 Who issued wood's despatch? 1

( a) Charles mill ( b) Charles cook
( c) Charles wood

18 Who was charles wood ? 1

( a) Member of the Board of Control ( b) President of the Board of
of the Company Control of the Company
( c) President of the university

19 Wood's despatch opposed? 1

( a) Oriental knowledge ( b) Group knowledge
( c) All of the above

20 Wood's despatch favoured what kind of learning? 1

( a) Hindu ( b) Islamic

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( c) European

Following the 1854 Despatch, several measures were introduced by the British. Education 5
departments of the government were set up to extend control over all matters regarding
education. Steps were taken to establish a system of university education. In 1857, while the
sepoys rose in revolt in Meerut and Delhi, universities were being established in Calcutta,
Madras and Bombay. Attempts were also made to bring about changes within the system of
school education.

21 In which year the sepoys rose in revolt? 1

( a) 1854 ( b) 1853
( c) 1852 ( d) 1857

22 In 1857, universities were being established in which states ? 1

( a) Delhi and agra ( b) Calcutta, Madras and bombay
( c) Bihar and odisha ( d) Odisha and Madhya Pradesh

23 No attempts were made to change the system of school education. 1

( a) TRUE ( b) FALSE

24 Who introduced measures following wood's despatch? 1

( a) Indians ( b) Islamics
( c) British ( d) All of the above

25 Which department was setup to extend control over all matters regarding 1
( a) Education department ( b) Wood's department
( c) Educational group of people ( d) British department

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