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The Kashmir issue is a long-standing territorial dispute between India and

Pakistan that dates back to the partition of British India in 1947. The region of Jammu
and Kashmir, located in the northern part of the Indian subcontinent, has been a source
of tension and conflict between the two countries. Here are the key aspects of the
Kashmir issue:

1. Historical Background:

 Partition (1947): The partition of British India led to the creation of two independent
nations, India and Pakistan, along religious lines. The princely state of Jammu and
Kashmir, which had a majority Muslim population but a Hindu ruler (Maharaja Hari
Singh), became a point of contention.

2. Accession to India:

 In 1947, Maharaja Hari Singh acceded to India, citing the threat of invasion by tribal
forces supported by Pakistan.
 The accession was accepted by the Indian government, and Indian troops were sent to
the region.

3. First Indo-Pak War (1947-1948):

 The first war between India and Pakistan took place over the Kashmir region.
 The conflict resulted in the establishment of the Line of Control (LoC), with Pakistan
gaining control of parts of Kashmir (referred to as "Azad Jammu and Kashmir" and

4. Article 370 and Special Status:

 Article 370 of the Indian Constitution granted Jammu and Kashmir a special
autonomous status, allowing it to have its own constitution and decision-making
authority, except in defense, communications, and foreign affairs.
 The special status also included Article 35A, which provided special rights and privileges
to the residents of Jammu and Kashmir.

5. Subsequent Wars and Tensions:

 The Kashmir issue has been a primary cause of three major wars between India and
Pakistan (1947-48, 1965, and 1999) and numerous smaller conflicts.
 The Line of Control (LoC) established after the 1971 war divides the region into
territories administered by India and Pakistan.

6. Insurgency and Militancy:

 In the late 1980s and early 1990s, an insurgency erupted in Jammu and Kashmir, with
various militant groups seeking independence or accession to Pakistan.
 The insurgency led to human rights abuses, displacement of populations, and increased
militarization of the region.

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