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WGSD Investment Proposal

I. Introduction:
World's Greatest Street Dancer (WGSD) aims to revolutionize the street
dance scene, offering fans the power to curate their dream dance
battles. Our primary attraction, the Main Event, promises electrifying
performances on a global stage. Tokyo is the kickoff, with Osaka and
Fukuoka following.

II. Estimated Costs:

1. Website/Platform Development: $5,000

- Includes design, coding, testing, and deployment.

2. Main Event Facility Rent (Tokyo): $20,000

3. Production Costs: $60,000

- Lighting: $15,000
- Sound: $15,000
- Set Design: $15,000
- Casting: $5,000
- Miscellaneous: $10,000

4. Marketing (For each event): $25,000

- Digital Ads, Billboards, Influencer Collaborations.

5. Airfare (For 6 dancers to Tokyo): $10,000

6. Other Miscellaneous Costs: $50,000

Total Estimated Cost for Tokyo: $170,000

III. Revenue Projections:

Tokyo Main Event (May 2024):

1. Ticket Sales: 1,000 x $15 = $15,000
2. Pay Per View: 50,000 x $10 = $500,000
3. YouTube Channel Monetization: Estimated $1,200/month
(Considering a steady increase in subscribers).
4. Merchandise Sales: Estimated $5,000 (T-shirts, hats, etc.)
5. TikTok/Instagram Ad Revenues: Estimated $3,000

Total Projected Revenue for Tokyo: $524,200

Projected Profits: $524,200 - $170,000 = $354,200

Osaka & Fukuoka Events:

Estimated costs will likely rise given a larger capacity. Let’s budget an
additional 15% for each subsequent event:

Osaka: $195,500
Fukuoka: $195,500

Revenue Projections:
Osaka (August 2024):
1. Ticket Sales: 2,000 x $15 = $30,000
2. Pay Per View: Given the momentum from the Tokyo event, let’s
project 60,000 viewers x $10 = $600,000
Total for Osaka: $630,000

Fukuoka (December 2024):

1. Ticket Sales: 2,000 x $15 = $30,000
2. Pay Per View: 65,000 viewers x $10 = $650,000 (Incremental growth
due to increased popularity)

Total for Fukuoka: $680,000

Projected Profits:
Osaka: $630,000 - $195,500 = $434,500
Fukuoka: $680,000 - $195,500 = $484,500

-IV. Yearly Summary (2024):

Total Costs: $561,000 ($170,000 + $195,500 + $195,500)

Total Revenue: $1,834,200 ($524,200 + $630,000 + $680,000)

Total Projected Profit for 2024: $1,273,200

V. Conclusion:

WGSD promises not only a fresh, fan-driven dance experience but also
presents an attractive ROI for investors. With the pilot event in Tokyo
setting the stage and subsequent events building momentum, we're
poised for significant profits and long-term growth. Join us on this
exhilarating journey!

This revised proposal offers a clearer overview with the adjustments made to the website, airfare, and
miscellaneous costs. The monetization rates for social media platforms are estimations; actual
revenues may vary.

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