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Objective of Deliverable Identifies program priorities and technical contraints that could affect the final scope of the release.

Responsible to Produce Deliverable

Required Sign-Off

Release Sign-Off Matrix

Release Level Email

Location of Sign Off to be Captured

Purpose of Sign Off


Release Parameters

NSRI Management


Represents a full understanding of the program proirities and technical contraints in order to create the initial scope list.

OSCAR Roadmap

Planning GBPM Initial Scope List Provides initial scope for the release. GBPM TRAC Leads GBPM Mgmt Release LevelExcel File on Sharepoint Represents initial scope list that has been approved by GBPM management. This scope list will be forwarded to NSRI management. The scope list is expected to meet Release Parameters based upon GBPM view point. Release Parameters

Milestone Established: Planning Complete Ensure requirements accurately and thoroughly reflects business intention associated with upcoming Service Desk - SC system change, according to GBPM and RBPM (where necessary). Ensuring an FSD can be created based upon the details in the requirements, as stated, without question to the best of their ability. Ensure requirement document follows standard formats and is documented in a clear way that can be Service Desk - SC understandable to others. Ensuring an FSD can be created based upon the details in the requirements, Initial Scope List as stated, without question to the best of their ability. Represents developer has reveiwed requirements and understands requirements, as stated, to ensure Service Desk - SC FSD and design documents can be created without question to the best of their ability. Service Desk - SC Represents QA Tester has reveiwed requirements and understands requirements, as stated, to be able create test scenarios without question to the best of their ability.

Requirement Detail Document (RDD) Minor Specification Document (MSD) Business Requirement Document (BRD) Capture requirements for the enhancement or defect, in sufficient detail to provide understanding of what change is required.

GBPM GBPM responsible for content ASAT ASAT is responsible for deliverable DEV format QA


Ensure functional specifications are accurate and complete, based upon the requirements detailed in the Service Desk - SC RDD/BRD. Ensuring TSD/Protoype can be created based upon the details in the requirements, as stated, without question to the best of their ability. Ensure functional specifications document follows standard formats and is documented in a clear way Service Desk - SC that can be understandable to others. Ensuring TSD/Prototype can be created/modified based upon the Requirement Detail Document (RDD) details in the FSD, as stated, without question to the best of their ability. Minor Specification Document (MSD) Represents developer has reveiwed funcional specifications and understands the specifications, as Service Desk - SC written. Ensuring a TSD/Prototype can be created/modified based upon the details in the FSD, as Business Requirement Document (BRD) stated, without question to the best of their ability. Represents QA Tester has reveiwed functional specifications and understands specifications, as stated, to be able create test cases without question to the best of their ability. Requirement Detail Document (RDD) Minor Specification Document (MSD) Business Requirement Document (BRD) Functional Specification Document (FSD)

Capture functional specifications for the enhancement or defect, in Functional Specification sufficient detail to provide Document (FSD) understanding of what change is required.

GBPM responsible for content


ASAT is responsible for deliverable DEV format


Service Desk - SC


Initial Estimates

Capture initial estimates from development and QA based upon requirements.



Service Desk - SC N/A

Milestone Established: Final Requirements Sign-Off Ensure the functional/technical risk of deploying requested changes into the current production Service Desk - SC environment is reviewed, necessary prototypes based upon high risk is identified, and identify items to be descoped based upon high risk. Release Parameters NSRI Management Ensure AFT has completed the necessary functional/technical risk assessment and understand the risk associated with scope items before deployment to production. In addition, agree with action items for Service Desk - SC risk mitigation (i.e., prototyping), and recommend scope modifications based upon risk assessment and available resources. The technical assessment is expected to meet Release Parameters based upon NSRI view point. Initial Scope List Requirements FSD High Level Design/Implementation/Test Approach GBPM Review and understand technical risks associated with requested scope items and agree on final scope, Estimates and Resources Leveling Service Desk - SC including suggested scope modifications.

Technical Assessment and Final Scope List

Capture technical risk of deploying requested changes into the current production environment, using the following criteria: 1) Lack of confidence in complete requirements 2) Concern of implication of changes Application (e.g. unknown impacts to other parts Framework Team of the application) (AFT) 3) Concern of technical complexity of changes (e.g. interfaces to other systems are involved) 4) Performance concerns 5) Concern of code quality/implementation/design


Re-verify estimates based upon Estimates re-verification technical assessement and final and Resource Leveling scope list. Conduct resource leveling. Milestone Established: Scope Freeze

Technical Assessment RM NSRI Management Release E-mail or Validate final resource allocation based upon estimates and final scope list. meeting notes Final Scope List Initial Estimates DEV Service Desk - SC Represents development has completed the TSD according to their understanding of the FSD. Ensuring development can be completed without question to the best of their ability. FSD DEV Tech Lead and/or AFT Ensures the TSD has been completed according to their understanding of the FSD, as well ensure best Service Desk - SC practices have been used as part of the design (i.e., with relation to being robust and optimizing performance). Ensuring development can be completed without question to the best of their ability. Final Scope List

Capture technical specifications for the enhancement or defect, in Technical Specification sufficient detail to provide Document (TSD) understanding of what change is required.

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Objective of Deliverable

Responsible to Produce Deliverable

Required Sign-Off AFT

Release Sign-Off Matrix

Location of Sign Off to be Captured

Purpose of Sign Off


Design Ensure design functionality works as per the original requirements. Enable GBPM to clarify requirements and DEV necessary detail. In addition, confirm the risk identified within the Technical Assessment. NSRI Management

Ensures the prototype has been completed according to their understanding of the TSD and the Service Desk - SC functionality detailed in the FSD. As well ensure best practices have been used as part of the design (i.e., with relation to being robust and optimizing performance). Ensures the prototype has been completed, and signs off on the risk associated with the scope item Service Desk - SC before deployment into TEST.

FSD Final Scope List

Prototype Planning


Ensures design is accurate and complete, by validating the functionality works properly based upon the Service Desk - SC requirements detailed in the RDD/BRD/MSD/FSD.

Milestone Established: Design Complete (Scope Validation) Coding Unit Test Cases Provide requested functionality. Provide visibility into what Unit Test Cases will be executed by the developer to ensure quality of code. DEV DEV N/A N/A AFT QA AFT N/A N/A TRAC N/A N/A TSD Prototype


Report Unit Test results so that all DEV Unit Test Case Results are aware of any risk identified by the testing. DEV Report integration test results so that all are aware of any risk identified by DEV the testing. Milestone Established: Development Complete Integration Testing Results (if applicable) The Test Plan defines test scenarios and test cases/data for a release. QA This will be updated at various intervals during the testing phase.

Conduct code review to ensure quality standards are maintained in the code (i.e., with relation to being robust and optimizing performance). Ensure QA has an understanding of the quality of code before testing begins. This is not a sign off or Service Desk - SC approval of the results. TRAC Conduct code review to ensure quality standards are maintained in the code (i.e., with relation to being robust and optimizing performance).

Release Test Plan



This document is a wrapper containing links to test scenarios and tes cases for all services within the release. No formal sign-off is required. The test scenarios and test cases are signed off individually and captured in the service call. Final Scope List Requirement Detail Document (RDD) Ensue the scenarios are accurately verifying all requirements as listed in the RDD, BRD, MSD, and FSD. Minor Specification Document (MSD) QA is ready to begin creating test cases without question to best of your ability. Represents the developer has reviewed and understands what will be tested based upon what was developed. This is the opportunity for the developer to provide input or advise into the test scenario. Ensure the scenarios accurately represent the requirements and/or use cases as listed in the RDD, BRD, and MSD. Ensure all detailed functions, including data, to be tested are adequately representing in all test scenarios/cases. Business Requirement Document (BRD) Functional Specfication Document (FSD) Technical Specification Document (TSD) - As Necessary Prototype - As Necessary

QA Test Scenarios Organize test scenarios to be executed, based upon requirements and business work flow. QA DEV GBPM Provide visibility and structure into specifc testing activities that will define the successful completion of the test.

Service Desk - SC Service Desk - SC Service Desk - SC

Test Cases/Data



Service Desk - SC


Scope items that the regions will be performing User Acceptance Testing PM on. Milestone Established: Test Scenarios and Test Cases/Data Sign-off User Acceptance Test Scope QA Test Execution QA Test Regression Execute test cases, with data identified. Execute regression test cases, with data identified. QA QA


By Service Team Ensure the scope of SCs that the regions are to test are accurate and complete. E-Mail Test Scenarios



N/A Test Cases/Data N/A Test Regression End-to-End Test Cases/Data

Service Desk - SC Ensure test results are acceptable.

Test Results

Report test results so that all are aware of any risk identified by the testing. The results will capture any issues that are considered acceptable to be deployed to production.

QA Test Execution QA GBPM Service Desk - SC Ensure test results are acceptable for the scope to be deployed to staging and/or production. QA Test Regression

Milestone Established: Test Case Results Sign-off Milestone Established: Development Code Freeze

Provide visibility into the priority of the test scope, as well as the execution plan to complete the scope and Regression Test Plan define the successful completion of Iteration 1 the Regression Iteration-1 Test, in order that sufficient testing can be completed within the time available.

NSRI Management QA

By Service Team - Upon review of the test plan and technical assessment, prioritization and risks will be identified and E-Mail communicated.

Final Scope List Technical Assessment

GBPM 71779892.xls.ms_office Iteration -

By Service Team - Ensure the test plan accurately reflects scope and priority to be tested for the release in Regression E-Mail Iteration-1. 2 4/23/2012



Objective of Deliverable

Responsible to Produce Deliverable

Required Sign-Off

Release Sign-Off Matrix

Location of Sign Off to be Captured

Purpose of Sign Off


Iteration 1 Test Execution Planning Execute test cases, with data identified. QA N/A N/A N/A Regression Test Plan - Iteration 1

Test Results Regression

Report daily progress of test results so that all are aware of any risk identified by the testing. Report User Acceptance testing results so that all are aware of any risks identified.





Test Execution

UAT Test Results



By Service Team - Ensure the results are acceptable, and accurately reflect the requirements as listed in the RDD, BRD, E-Mail MSD or FSD.

UAT Test Execution

Milestone Established: Regression Test Iteration-1 and UAT Complete

Regression Test Plan Iteration 2

Provide visibility into the priority of the test scope, as well as the execution plan to complete the scope and QA define the successful completion of the Regression Iteration-2 Test.

NSRI Management

By Service Team - Upon review of the test plan and technical assessment, prioritization and risks will be identified and E-Mail communicated.

Final Scope List


By Service Team - Ensure the test plan accurately reflects scope and priority to be tested for the release in Regression E-Mail Iteration-2.

Iteration Test Execution 2

Execute test cases, with data identified.



N/A Release Level E-mail Release Level E-mail

N/A QA Manager ensures test results are acceptable. Provides final Go / No Go decision for Production deployment based upon the STG regression test results. Signs-off on any outstanding defects that have not passed regression testing, and accepts the risk that the outstanding defects are acceptable to go into Production. Ensure test results are acceptable. Sign-off on any outstanding defects that have not passed regression testing. This sign-off accepts the risk that the outstanding defects are acceptable to go into Production.

Regression Test Plan - Iteration 2

Test Results

Report daily progress of test results so that all are aware of any risk identified by the testing.


NSRI Management

Test Execution

GBPM Milestone Established: Regression Test Complete & Go/No-Go Deployment Sign-Off

Release Level E-mail

Technical Release Notes and Implementation Plan

Provides the deployment plan with the necessary details, including infrastructure and application information. This is required for implementing the release.



Service Desk RFC

Ensure production deployment resource review and approve associated work orders to complete the production deployment according to the technical release notes and implementation plan.

Final Scope List


Make the end user aware of the changes going into the release and GBPM how specifically the change will effect business process. Milestone Established: Production Deployment Release Business Release Notes Ensure deployed functionality meets requirements, according to the RDD/MSD/BRD.


E-mail with a descriptive word document attached

Communicate to the end user what will be deployed.

Close Service Call


Originator on Service Call

Service Desk - SC Ensure deployed functionality meets requirements, according to the RDD/MSD/BRD.

Final Scope List

Provides feedback on the release to NSRI Management, and identifies Lessons Learned and areas of potential improvements for Associated Action Plan future releases. Also lists the SCs (issues) that are attributed to the release being put into production.

NSRI Management RM

Release E-mail or Agree on the action plan based upon lessons learned. meeting notes Production Deployment Release



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