Sux 3RD Exam Summary

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Art. 960.

Legal or intestate succession takes place: (3) If the suspensive condition attached to the
institution of heir does not happen or is not
(1) If a person dies without a will, or with a fulfilled, or if the heir dies before
void will, or one which has subsequently lost
its validity; the testator, or repudiates the inheritance, there
being no substitution, and no right of accretion
(2) When the will does not institute an heir to, takes place;
or dispose of all the property belonging to the
testator. In such case, legal succession shall Suspensive condition – is where the institution of the heir is
take place only with respect to the property of subject to the fulfillment of the condition. If such condition
which the testator has not disposed; does not happen then there is no institution to be given
(3) If the suspensive condition attached to the
institution of heir does not happen or is not Predeceased – heir dies before the testator and there is no
fulfilled, or if the heir dies before the testator, other representative to succeed or no right of
or repudiates the inheritance, there being no representation.
substitution, and no right of accretion takes
place; Repudiated – did not accept what was instituted in the will.

(4) When the heir instituted is incapable of Follow: ISRAI

succeeding, except in cases provided in this
(4) When the heir instituted is incapable of
succeeding, except in cases provided in this
Article 960 does not provide the definition of legal Code.
succession but rather these are instances of legal
succession. Note: If the instituted heir is incapacitated, the estate will
be distributed through intestate succession.
It is called legal succession because it is in accordance with
the law. There is no will that will dictate how the OTHER INSTANCES WHEN LEGAL OR
succession will take place. INTESTATE SUCCESSION TAKES PLACE: (PIFA)

1. Preterition- inadvertently omitting compulsory

(1) If a person dies without a will, or with a void heirs from the will, depriving him of his legitime.
will, or one which has subsequently lost its
validity; 2. Improper Disinheritance-
Note: There is no will here or that the will created was
subsequently declared void or revoked e.g failure to 3. Fulfillment of a resolutory condition – fulfillment
of which will result to the extinguishment or
follow the formalities. Any of these circumstances,
recovery of the estate from the person given
legal or intestate succession takes place. through will.

4. Arrival of the resolutory period – will terminate

the inheritance.
(2) When the will does not institute an heir to, or
dispose of all the property belonging to the
testator. In such case, legal succession shall take TESTATE OF RIGOR VS RIGOR
place only with respect to the property of which
the testator has not disposed; The Civil Code recognizes that a person may die partly
testate and partly intestate, or that there may be mixed
Note: Emphasis on no institution of heirs in the estate. succession. The old rule as to the indivisibility of the
testator's win is no longer valid. Thus, if a conditional
legacy does not take effect, there will be intestate
A will that disposes some parts of the property and
succession as to the property recovered by the said
some are not is called a mixed succession hence both
governed by testamentary and intestate succession.

The administration over the rice lands was subject to a

If only the disinheritance is stated in the will it will be
condition that the church will only administer the land in
valid and what will govern is intestate succession.
the interim period while there is still no male relative
Jus Imperi- Under the legal or intestate succession, the
taking priesthood or that when such male relative be State is also an heir (as we discuss along the way.)
excommunicated. Since there was no relative who
became a priest, therefore that disposition became Art. 961. In default of testamentary heirs, the law vests
inoperative. the inheritance, in accordance with the rules hereinafter
set forth, in the legitimate and illegitimate relatives of
The church was not instituted as an heir, but only to the deceased, in the surviving spouse, and in the State.
administer the property. So, since there was no nearest
male relative who was studying priesthood, that portion Who are considered as legal heirs? (There is NO ORDER
now became vacant, and legal succession would now be OF PREFERENCE)
Legitimate children and descendants Illegitimate children
As mentioned, what we have here is not really or descendants
“intestate”, but “legal succession” only as that portion
because there was that portion of the Will with regard to In the absence of legitimate children, legitimate parents or
other properties wherein devisees were named such as ascendants
the sibling of Father Rigor.

Surviving spouse
The State (not compulsory heirs)
Legal or intestate succession are where dispositions are
provided by LAW hence, the heirs are called LEGAL
HEIRS. The law presumes it based on the will or the Brothers and sisters (legal heirs, but not compulsory heirs.)
presumed will of the testator.
Although, in legal succession there is no disinheritance
In intestate succession it is important to prove the because there is no will there can still be legal heirs who
relationship with the deceased. can be EXCLUDED. How?

1. Express – that is disinherit; and

FORCED LEGAL/INTESTATE 2. Implied – being a legal heir, he is not mentioned in the

SUCCESSION SUCCESSION last will and testament
There is forced succession Dispositions of the estate
pertaining to the legitime in the absence of a will is a. purely by will – he will not receive anything
regardless if the testator provided by law.
consents to it or not. b. in mixed succession or intestate succession – he may
receive something depending on the rule on proximity or
These are compulsory rule of preference which will be discussed later on.
heirs to which their The disposition is based
legitime must be given to on the presumed will of If the legal heirs are NOT compulsory heirs. Testators are
the testator. the testator. not required to give them anything pertaining to their estate
because the law provides who shall receive the estate first
and who will not be deprived of the inheritance.

Relatives in the 5th degree can inherit but they are the least
To reiterate, to be considered as an heir, proof of filiation
priority. If the compulsory heirs are not available, the 5 th
must be presented. You can prove filiation by:
degree relatives are prioritized and if there are no 5 th degree
relatives, the property will go to the State.
Jus Familiae - Relationship arising out of the family to
which the heir and testator belong.
Also remember these rules:

Jus Sanguini - Blood relationship between a parent and the

When talking about relatives, we have the relatives in the
child. This is the most important source of right to inherit in
direct line who are the descending or ascending line and
legal or intestate succession.
collateral line.

Jus Conugi - Relationship arising out of conjugal

The direct line is preferred over the collateral line.
relationship or marriage. The basic source of right of the
spouses to inherit from each other.
In the direct line, descending line is preferred over Two degrees is son to grandfather
ascending line.
ARTICLE 964. A series of degrees forms a line, which
Preference of degree or those relatives closer in degree with may be either direct or collateral. A direct line is that
regard to relationship are entitled to inherit better than those constituted by the series of degrees among ascendants
who are farther in degree. People who are closer is degree, and descendants. A collateral line is that constituted by
however, are subject to one exception–Right of the series of degrees among persons who are not
Representation ascendants and descendants, but who come from a
common ancestor.
Through representation, a person in the lower degree (Ex:
child), is raised to the category of the person to be A collateral line is that constituted by the series of degrees
represented (Ex: parent), whether such person belongs to among persons who are not ascendants and descendants,
the first degree or second degree. but who come from a common ancestor, such as siblings.

Art. 962. In every inheritance, the relative nearest in Art. 965. The direct line is either descending or
degree excludes the more distant ones, saving the right ascending.
of representation when it properly takes place.
The former unites the head of the family with those who
Relatives in the same degree shall inherit in equal descend from him.
shares, subject to the provisions of article 1006 with
respect to relatives of the full and half blood, and of
The latter binds a person with those from whom he
Article 987, paragraph 2, concerning division between
the paternal and maternal lines.

RULE ON PROXIMITY: The nearer excludes the

Art. 966. In the line, as many degrees are counted as
there are generations or persons, excluding the

GR: Relatives in the same degree shall inherit in equal

In the direct line, ascent is made to the common
share o (for example, siblings)
ancestor. Thus, the child is one degree removed from the
parent, two from the grandfather, and three from the
XPNS: great-grandparent.

(1) Article 1006 with respect to the relatives of full In the collateral line, ascent is made to the common
blood and half blood. ancestor and then descent is made to the person with
whom the computation is to be made. Thus, a person is
In legal succession, the full blood relatives are two degrees removed from his brother, three from his
entitled to twice as much as those of the half- uncle, who is the brother of his father, four from his first
blood relatives. cousin, and so forth.

(2) Article 987 concerning the division between

maternal and paternal lines (rights);
(3) (Application of the) Right of representation;
and |

(4) In legal succession and the same in GRANDPARENT

testamentary succession, illegitimate children
only get ½ of the share of one legitimate child.

Art. 963. Proximity of relationship is determined by the

number of generations. Each generation forms a degree.

Ex. One degree is father to son.

A. child to the great-grandparent: three degrees A person who repudiates an inheritance cannot be
represented. The right of representation, as we will discuss
in the subsequent articles, obtains only in case of
B. child to the grandparent: two degrees predecease, incapacity or disinheritance. When the right
exists, it shall take preference to the right of accretion.
C. child to the parent: one degree
Accretion takes place in testate or intestate succession as
regards only the free portion. And when the requisites for
Art. 967. Full blood relationship is that existing between accretion are present. In case of predecease, accretion does
persons who have the same father and the same mother. not take place.

Half blood relationship is that existing between persons Art. 969. If the inheritance should be repudiated by the
who have the same father, but not the same mother, or nearest relative, should there be one only, or by all the
the same mother, but not the same father. nearest relatives called by law to succeed, should there
be several, those of the following degree shall inherit in
their own right and cannot represent the person or
persons repudiating the inheritance.
Art. 968. If there are several relatives of the same
degree, and one or some of them are unwilling or This provision only refers to repudiation. It does not apply
incapacitated to succeed, his portion shall accrue to the in cases of incapacity, predecease or disinheritance.
others of the same degree, save the right of
representation when it should take place. The respective children will inherit in their own right. It is
no longer by virtue of right of representation. Based from
These are heirs who are who are unwilling or incapacitated. the example above if Juan and Pedro will repudiate their
Their shares will then accrue to the other siblings except if share, their children will inherit in their own right so that
there is right of representation (child will represent the 1M estate will be divided among them. Divided by 3.
Remember, we discussed before per capita, and per stirpes
– in this case wherein Juan and Pedro repudiated their
share. Their children inheriting in their own right, meaning,
equal sharing, they will inherit per capita.


• In their own right = per capita

• In their representation = per stirpes

Art. 970. Representation is a right created by fiction of
If Juan is incapacitated he will now be represented by his law, by virtue of which the representative is raised to the
children Arvin and Ryan. If for example, the NHE of the place and the degree of the person represented, and
decedent is 1M, if it will be distributed among these heirs, acquires the rights which the latter would have if he
Juan and Pedro. There is no LWT here. It will be divided were living or if he could have inherited.
equally between them at 500k each for Juan and Pedro. But
since Juan is incapacitated, he will now be represented by
his children Arvin and Ryan and they will get 250K each, Representation takes place either testate or intestate
while Pedro gets 500k. Don of course will not get any share succession but they are applied in different ways.
as he is excluded. We have Pedro who is the nearer heir to
the decedent. The representative is raised to the place and degree of the
person represented and acquires the rights which the latter
If Juan renounces or repudiates (this is different from would have if he were living or he could have inherited.
incapacity) his share it will accrue to Pedro. The right of
When can the right of representation apply?
representation shall not apply, because one of the basic
principles in the right of representation is that an heir who 1. In vacancies caused by predecease, incapacity, or
repudiates cannot be represented. Thus, Juan cannot be disinheritance.
represented by Arvin and Ryan.
a. Predecease – the heir dies ahead of the decedent. Irenea Rosales insisted in getting a share of the estate in
her capacity as the surviving spouse of the late Carterio
b. Incapacity – the heir is disqualified to inherit under the Rosales, son of the deceased, claiming that she is a
law compulsory heir of her mother-in-law together with her
son, Macikequerox.
c. Disinheritance – the heir is validly disinherited but, he
can still be represented. There is no provision in the Civil Code which states that
a widow (surviving spouse) is an intestate heir of her
2. In testamentary succession, the right of representation motherin-law. The entire Code is devoid of any
applies only to legitimes. provision which entitles her to inherit from her mother-
in- law either by her own right or by the right of
In legal or intestate succession, right of representation is representation.
applied to the entire estate because there is no more free
portion. Indeed, the surviving spouse is considered a third person
as regards the estate of the parent-in-law.
In disinheritance, it applies only to testate succession
because there is a requirement that there should be a will. Article 971 explicitly declares that Macikequerox
Rosales is called to succession by law because of his
In testate succession, representation is only as to the
blood relationship. He does not succeed his father,
legitime it only covers all that the person being represented Carterio Rosales (the person represented) who
would have inherited., free portion is not included. But in predeceased his grandmother, Petra Rosales, but the
legal succession, the right of representation covers all that latter whom his father would have succeeded. Petitioner
the person being represented would have inherited. cannot assert the same right of representation as she has
no filiation by blood with her mother-in-law.
In adoption, there is only a relationship between the adopter
and the adoptee. However, the adoptee cannot represent the iRght of her husband was extinguished by his death that
adopter. While the adoptee can inherit from the adopter, the is why it is their son Macikequerox Rosales who
adoptee cannot represent the adopter. Neither can the succeeded from Petra Rosales by right of representation.
adopted child be represented. He did not succeed from his deceased father, Carterio
NOTE: The right of representation covers not only the
properties, but also the transmissible rights and obligations. A surviving spouse is not an intestate heir of his or her
Art. 971. The representative is called to the succession
by the law and not by the person represented.
MACIKEQUEROX does not succeed his father, Carterio
The representative does not succeed the person Rosales (the person represented) who predeceased his
represented but the one whom the person represented grandmother, Petra Rosales, but Petra whom his father
would have succeeded. would have succeeded. The mother here, Irenea, cannot
assert the same right of representation as she has no
To reiterate, the representative does not inherit from the filiation by blood with her mother-in-law.
person represented but from the person from whom the one
represented would have inherited.
Art. 972. The right of representation takes place in the
direct descending line, but never in the ascending.

In the collateral line, it takes place only in favor of the

children of brothers or sisters, whether they be of the
full or half blood.

In the collateral line, the right of representation takes place

only in favor of the children of brothers and sisters.
Meaning, nephews and nieces. (grandnephews and
grandnieces are not included)

Exceptions: 902 & 908 Right of representation never takes place in the ascending
line. It only takes place in the descending line. The right of
INTESTATE ESTATE OF ROSALES VS ROSALES representation always goes down. If you look for a
representative, go down.
STIRPES - Inheritance by all those within the group
inheriting in equal share.

Scenario: Juan predeceased the decedent, then he will be

Grand nephews and nieces like Don, cannot represent. represented by his children Arvin and Ryan. The
ONLY UP TO THE CHILDREN OF BROTHERS AND representative step into the shoes of Juan, the person being
SISTERS. represented. That also means that they cannot inherit more
than the person represented would have inherited.

Art. 973. In order that representation may take place, it

is necessary that the representative himself be capable of Art. 975. When children of one or more brothers or
succeeding the decedent sisters of the deceased survive, they shall inherit from
the latter by representation, if they survive with their
uncles or aunts. But if they alone survive, they shall
The representative must have the capacity to succeed from inherit in equal portions.
the decedent.

Art. 974. Whenever there is succession by

representation, the division of the estate shall be made
per stirpes, in such manner that the representative or
representatives shall not inherit more than what the
person they represent would inherit, if he were living or
could inherit. Scenario:

Juan, Decedent, and Pedro were siblings.

If Juan predeceased his brother, Juan can be represented by

his children - Ryan and Arvin, who were the nephews of the

The inheritance of Ryan and Arvin are by virtue of per


Examples of stirpes: If the estate is worth P1,000,000,

divided by 2 for Juan and Pedro – 500,000 each. So, Ryan
and Arvin will get 250,000 each. Don will not get anything
because Pedro is still alive.

But if Juan and Pedro predeceased the decedent. Upon his

death, he is survived by his nephews – Ryan, Arvin and
Don, they will now inherit in EQUAL shares, per capita.

That is now 1,000,000 divided by 3 as compared to the

previous one which was per stirpes. Take note of this one
because this is VERY SPECIFIC to nephews and nieces
with regard to the children of 1 or more brothers or sisters
of the deceased survived.
BICOMONG VS ALMANSA thing. The effect of that is his son cannot represent Don in
the estate of Pedro.
In the absence of descendants, ascendants, illegitimate
An heir who repudiates, Don, may still represent the
children, or a surviving spouse, Article 1003 of the New
Civil Code provides that collateral relatives shall person, Pedro, whose inheritance he repudiated. But an heir
succeed to the entire estate of the deceased. It appearing who repudiates cannot be represented by his children.
that Maura Bagsic died intestate without an issue, and
her husband and all her ascendants had died ahead of Repudiation Disinheritance or
her, she is succeeded by the surviving collateral Incapacity
relatives, namely the daughter of her sister of full blood Voluntary act Involuntary act
and the ten (10) children of her brother and two (2) Effect: Heirs who Effect: Children of the
sisters of half blood, in accordance with the provision of repudiate their share may incapacitated or
Art. 975 of the New Civil Code. By virtue of the latter not be represented disinherited persons are
provision, the nephews and nieces are entitled to inherit not deprived of their right
in their own right. of representation. They
should not suffer from the
AbellanaBacayo vs. Ferraris-Borromeo circumstances out of their
"nephews and nieces alone do not inherit by right of
representation (that is per stirpes) unless concurring with
brothers or sisters of the deceased." RESCISSION AND PARTITTION

Article 975 makes no qualification as to whether the Art. 1097. A partition may be
nephews or nieces are on the maternal or paternal line rescinded or annulled for the same
and without preference as to whether their relationship causes as contracts.
to the deceased is by whole or half blood, the sole niece
of whole blood of the deceased does not exclude the ten
nephews and nieces of half blood. What are the grounds for Rescission? LESION.
In this case, the decedent no longer had any brothers or
sisters. If there are concurring brothers or sisters of the What is the ground for annulment? Vitiated consent.
deceased, inheriting together with the nephews and nieces These include fraud, mistake, violence, undue
by virtue of the right of representation, so, they will inherit influence, etc.
per stirpes.

Art. 976. A person may represent him whose inheritance

Art. 1098. A partition, judicial or
he has renounced. extra-judicial, may also be rescinded
on account of lesion, when any one of
Art. 977. Heirs who repudiate their share may not be the co-heirs received things whose
represented. value is less, by at least one-fourth,
than the share to which he is entitled,
considering the value of the things at
the time they were adjudicated.

Example the heir receives a share which is

valued less than ¼. Let us say the heir is entitled
to 100k but he only received 75k, there’s a
lesion in the amount of 25k so that’s at least ¼.
That can be partitioned.

Art. 1099. The partition made by the

Pertaining to the estate of the decedent, if Pedro
testator cannot be impugned on the
predeceased the decedent, Don can represent Pedro in the
estate of the Decedent even if Don repudiates his share in ground of lesion, except when the
the estate of Pedro. In the first scenario, Don is a legitime of the compulsory heirs is
representative of the decedent. This is okay. But if Don thereby prejudiced, or when it
would repudiate his inheritance from Pedro, that’s another appears or may reasonably be
presumed, that the intention of the 1. If an heir is prejudiced due to lesion, he
testator was otherwise. would be given the amount that is lacking to
complete his legitime. In other words, he will be
General Rule: Under Article 1098, a rescission indemnified for the balance to complete the
may be asked on the account of lesion, if there legitime. OR
is a reduction of at least ¼ of his share to which
2. He can also have a new partition, but the
he is entitled.
heirs whose shares are correct or are not
Exception: If the partition is made by the prejudiced will no longer be included in the new
testator himself even if the deduction is less partition as provided under Article 1101
than ¼, the heir cannot ask for rescission.
Art. 1102. An heir who has alienated
Exception to the Exception: the whole or a considerable part of
the real property adjudicated to him
The heir can still ask for rescission even if the cannot maintain an action for
partition was made by the testator himself: rescission on the ground of lesion, but
he shall have a right to be indemnified
1. When the lesion affects the legitime of the in cash.
compulsory heirs

2. If it was the intent of the testator that his The heir can no longer return the property
partition to be rescinded in the case there is adjudicated to him, so he cannot have a new
lesion. partition. It would be unfair to the others. What
he can do is to indemnify in cash the balance
Art. 1100. The action for rescission on amount of what is supposed to be due him.
account of lesion shall prescribe after
four years from the time the partition Art. 1103. The omission of one or
was made. more objects or securities of the
inheritance shall not cause the
Should be reckoned from the time the partition was made.
rescission of the partition on the
ground of lesion, but the partition
Art. 1101. The heir who is sued shall shall be completed by the distribution
have the option of indemnifying the of the objects or securities which have
plaintiff for the loss, or consenting to been omitted.
a new partition. “Preterition on the Objects in the partition”

The omission of one or more object is not a

Indemnity may be made by payment
ground of partition.
in cash or by the delivery of a thing of
the same kind and quality as that There is no new partition.
awarded to the plaintiff.
What needs to be done is just to partition those
If a new partition is made, it shall objects that weren’t included in the prior
affect neither those who have not partition.
been prejudiced nor those have not
received more than their just share. Art. 1104. A partition made with
preterition of any of the compulsory
heirs shall not be rescinded, unless it
What are the consequences when there is
be proved that there was bad faith or
rescission due to lesion? fraud on the part of the other persons
interested; but the latter shall be
proportionately obliged to pay to the shall be binding upon any person who has not
person omitted the share which participated therein or had no notice thereof.
belongs to him.

Art 1104 Art 854

Preterition not in the Preterition in the will. NON VS CA
will but in the
partition The exclusion of petitioner Delia Viado,
alleged to be a retardate, from the deed of
extrajudicial settlement verily has had the
Article 1104 speaks of preterition not in the will effect of preterition. This kind of preterition,
but in the partition. So there’s a compulsory heir however, in the absence of proof of fraud and
that was not included in the partition. bad faith, does not justify a collateral attack
on Transfer Certificate of Title No. 373646.
GENERAL RULE: Preterition here will not cause The relief, as so correctly pointed out by the
rescission of the partition. Court of Appeals, instead rests on Article
1104 of the Civil Code to the effect that
EXCEPTION: If proved that there was bad faith
where the preterition is not attended by bad
or fraud on the part of the persons interested.
faith and fraud, the partition shall not be
They purposely did not include one of the rescinded but the preterited heir shall be paid
compulsory heirs in the partition. If such is the value of the share pertaining to her.
present then the partition can be rescinded. Again, the appellate court has thus acted
properly in ordering the remand of the case
for further proceedings to make the proper
valuation of the isarog property and
It was clear that there was preterition in this
ascertainment of the amount due petitioner
case because the petitioners Zosimo and his
Delia Viado.
children executed an extrajudicial settlement
without the knowledge and consent of all the
other surviving heirs of the deceased spouses Art. 1105. A partition which includes a
Quiterio San Jose and Antonina Espiritu person believed to be an heir, but who
Santo. is not, shall be void only with respect
to such person.
They misrepresented themselves as the sole
heirs of the spouses when in fact there are Under this provision, there is a person who is not an heir
other children of the spouses who are but was included in the partition.
Galicano, Victoria, and Catalina.

The Court held that a deed of extrajudicial Art 1104 Art 1105
partition executed without including some of A person who must A person who is not an
the heirs, who had no knowledge of and be included but not heir but he is
consent to the same, is fraudulent and included; included in the
vicious. The deed of settlement made by partition
petitioners was invalid because it excluded
respondents who were entitled to equal The partition pertaining to that person is invalid.
shares in the subject property.
An action to annul the extrajudicial partition
Under the rule, no extrajudicial settlement which involve a person who is not an heir is
imprescriptible or does not prescribe.
grounds to rescind or consider the said
partition as void.
Applying Article 1104, a partition made with
Maxima Andrada, the surviving spouse of
preterition of any of the compulsory heirs
Teodoro Abenojar, and Severino Abenojar,
shall not be rescinded unless there is bad
executed a public document, entitled
faith or fraud. Wherein in this case there was
"ExtraJudicial Agreement of Partition"
no evidence of such bad faith or fraud and
whereby they adjudicated between
then as to the two parties who were allegedly
themselves the properties left by Teodoro
not heirs, we have Article 1105, wherein it
Abenojar. Severino Abenojar represented
shall be void only with respect to such
himself in said document as "the only forced
persons. In other words, the partition of non-
heir and descendant" of the late Teodoro
heirs does not render the partition void in its
entirety but only to the extent corresponding
to these nonheirs.
Maria, Segundo, Marcial and Lucio, all
surnamed LANDAYAN alleged that they are
the legitimate children of Guillerma Abenojar, EMILIANA BAUTISTA VS HON. CAROLINA
then already deceased, who was the only
child of Teodoro Abenojar with his first wife The said partition also effectively resulted in
named Florencia Bautista and that , he did the preterition of the right of Evangeline
not have any offspring in any of the said Bautista as a compulsory heir of Manuel
second and third marriages. Bautista, daughter of the latter by his second
marriage. It is difficult to believe that Manuel
It could be gathered from the pleadings filed Bautista would wittingly overlook and ignore
by the petitioners that they do not seek the the right of her daughter Evangeline to share
nullification of the entire deed of extra- in the said property. It is not surprising that
judicial partition but only insofar as the same he denied signing the said document.
deprived them of their shares in the Moreover, the other Bautistas knew
inheritance from the estate of Teodoro Evangeline Bautista who is their half-sister to
Abenojar. Should it be proved, therefore, that be a compulsory heir. The court finds that her
Severino Abenojar is, indeed, not a legal heir preterition was attended with bad faith hence
of Teodoro Abenojar, the portion of the deed the said partition must be rescinded.
of extrajudicial partition adjudicating certain
properties of Teodoro Abenojar in his favor Article 1104 provides that a partition made
shall be deemed inexistent and void from the with preterition of any of the compulsory
beginning in accordance with Articles 1409, heirs shall not be rescinded, unless it be
par. (7) and 1105 of the Civil Code. By the proved that there was bad faith or fraud on
express provision of Article 1410 of the Civil the part of the other persons interested; but
Code, the action to seek a declaration of the the latter shall be proportionately obliged to
nullity of the same does not prescribe pay to the person omitted the share which
belongs to him.
If we consider that partition in connection to
There was an allegation that there were heirs Manuel’s estate, there is bad faith because
who did not participate in the extrajudicial the person who executed has knowledge that
partition and there are also persons who they still have a half-sister which is
participated therein who were heirs of the Evangeline. With that, the partition will be
deceased. Still as a general rule, these are not rescinded.
If the property does not belong to the estate
of the decedent, then it cannot be subject to
an extrajudicial partition.

With regard to Juliana, that deed of

extrajudicial partition is void ab initio because
it does not belong to her. Again, to include in
an extrajudicial partition, property which
does not pertain to the deceased would
deprive the lawful owner thereof.

Only the property of the estate of the

decedent which is transmitted by succession
can be the lawful subject matter of an
extrajudicial partition.

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