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Manual testing
1. What is Software testing..?
2. What is Automation testing and manual testing..?
3. What is SDLC..?
4. What is STLC..?
5. What is JIRA..?
6. What is EPIC..?
7. What is the status of JIRA..?
8. What is the user story..?
9. What is the Bug Life Cycle..?
10. What is the Black box testing..?
11. What is the White box testing..?
12. What is the Grey box testing..?
13. What is the functional and non-functional testing..?
14. What are the techniques of black box testing..?
• State transition
• Error guessing
• Equivalence partition class.
• Decision table technique
• Use case technique
15. How to prepare the test case and why we need to prepare it.
16. What is Database testing..?
17. What are the types of functional testing..?
Unit testing
Component testing
Smoke testing
Sanity testing
Regression testing
Integration testing
GUI testing
18. What are the different types of Models..?

19. What is Adhoc testing..?

20. What is Static testing and dynamic testing..?
21. What is RTM..?
22. What are the test environments..?
23. What is System testing..?
24. What are Entry exit criteria..?
25. What is the UAT testing..?
26. What is agile methodology..?
27. What is the Sprint..?
28. What is the Scrum..?
29. Who is the Scrum master..?
30. What are roles and responsibility of Scrum master..?
31. What are the sprint backlogs and product backlogs..?
32. What is the burn up and burn down chart..?
33. What is the velocity of the sprint/product..?
34. What is the validation and verification..?
35. What is the build and release..?
36. What is the compatibility of testing..?
37. What is the Cross browser testing..?
38. What is the difference between Bug, Defect and error..?
39. What is the usability testing…?
40. What is the Scalability testing..?
41. What is the Alpha Beta testing..?
42. What is the Difference between Test cases and test scenario..?

1. Diff b/w overloading and overriding?
2. Diff b/w final finally & finalize
3. Diff b/w abstract class & Interface
4. Diff b/w HashSet & HashMap
5. What is this keyword?
6. Diff b/w Collection & Array
7. Diff b/w StringBuilder & StringBuffer
8. Difference b/w Collection & Collections

9. Diff b/w ArrayList and Vector

10. Diff b/w HashMap & TreeMap

Java Programming

11. Reverse String in same position?

12. Prime number?
13. Reverse numeric number?
14. Reverse String without Array?
15. Occurrence in given String? Example Harsh
16. How many time character in String -Find the character in string –count
17. Get integer number in given String then addition of numeric

Automation Questions

1- What is WebDriver?
2- What is TestNG?
3- What is Listener?
4- What is the syntax of Drop Down?
5- What is POM (Page Object Model?)
6- What is Maven?
7- What is the syntax of Scrolling?
8- What is the Syntax of change window?
9- How to upload the file in selenium?
10- What is the command for doubleClick?
11- What is the command for right Click?
12- What is the Syntax for Mouse Hover?
13- What is the diff b/w driver.close() & driver.quit()?
14- What is the diff b/w driver.get() and driver.navigate()?
15- What is the diff b/w build () and build.perform() ?

16- How to handle Alerts in selenium?

17- What is the diff b/w driver.getWindowHandle & driver.getWindowHandles()?
18- What is diff b/w implicit Wait & Explicit Wait?
19- What is Assertion?
20- Diff b/w findElement & findElements?
21- Diff b/w (/) & (//)?
22- What types of locator in selenium?
23- Write a code for screenshot?
24- Write a code to read the data from excels?
25- Write a code to read the data from property file?

API Testing
1. What is API..?
2. What is the Collection of API..?
3. Why we need API..?
4. What are the methods of API and what it’s used..?
5. What are the different responses we get in API and Why and when..?
6. What is the difference between Rest and Soap API..?
7. What is the AUTH API and what its types..?
8. What is the rest API..?
9. What is the SOAP API..?
10. Which tool we used for the rest API..?
11. Which tool we used for the SOAP API ….?
12. What is the main difference between web service and API..?
13. What are the Limits of API usages..?
14. What are the types of API testing..?
 Unit Testing
 Functional Testing
 Load Testing
 Runtime/Error Detection
 Security Testing
 UI Testing
 Interoperability and WS compliance Testing
 Penetration Testing

 Fuzz Testing

15. What are the protocols we used in API ..?

16. What are the components of HTTP request..?
16. What is the API test Environment..?
For API the test environment is a quite complex method where the configuration of
server and database is done as per the requirement of the software application. API
testing does not involve graphical user interface (GUI).

17. What is API Framework..?

18. What are the Advantages of API..?
19. What are the common tests that performed in API..?

 Response of the API should be verified based on the request. We will verify
that the return value is based on request.
 When API is updating any data structure we should verify the system is
authenticating the outcome.
 We will verify whether the API is triggering other event or request another
 We will verify the behavior of the API when no value is return.

20. What exactly needs to verify in API..?

 We will verify the accuracy of the data.

 Will see the HTTP status code.
 We will see the response time.
 Error codes in case API returns any errors.
 Authorization would be check.
 Non-Functional testing such as performance tests, security testing.

21. What is API documentation..?


22. What are the types of bug that can be found in API..?
23. What is the difference between API testing and UI testing..?
24. What are the major challenges you faced while doing API testing..?
25. What are restful web services..?
26. What is URL.? And what is the purpose of web based services and what is its

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