Syllabus Class 10 - English

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`kg †kÖwY -2021 m„Rbkxj cÖkœ t

# †gvU 11wU cÖkœ _vK‡e| M`¨ †_‡K 4wU, c`¨ Ask †_‡K 3wU, mncvV
welq : evsjv cÖ_g cÎ (Dcb¨vm Ges mncvV (bvUK) Ask †_‡K 2wU K‡i 4wU cÖkœ _vK‡e|
# M`¨ Ask †_‡K b~¨bZg 2wU, KweZv Ask †_‡K b~¨bZg 2wU, Dcb¨vm
cÖvK-wbe©vPwb cixÿv Ask †_‡K b~¨bZg 1wU I bvUK Ask †_‡K b~¨bZg 1wU cÖkœmn †gvU 7wU
M`¨ cÖ‡kœi DËi w`‡Z n‡e|
welq †jLK eûwbe©vPwb cÖkœ t
1| D‡cwÿZ kw³i D‡Øvab KvRx bRiæj Bmjvg # ‡gvU 30wU cÖkœ _vK‡e| M`¨ Ask †_‡K 12wU, c`¨ Ask †_‡K 12wU,
2| wkÿv I gbyl¨Z¡ ‡gvZv‡ni †nv‡mb †PŠayix mncvV (Dcb¨vm Ask) †_‡K 3wU Ges mncvV (bvUK Ask) †_‡K 3wU
3| ggZv w` gvwbK e‡b¨vcva¨vq cÖkœ _vK‡e| me KqwU cÖ‡kœiB DËi w`‡Z n‡e|
4| mvwn‡Z¨i iƒc I ixwZ nvqvr gvgy` wbe©vPwb cixÿv
# beg †kÖwYi cybiv‡jvPbv beg I `kg †kÖwYi m¤ú~Y© cvV¨m~wP|
cÖ‡kœi aviv I gvbe›Ub t Gm.Gm.wm cixÿvi Abyiƒc|
welq †jLK welq : evsjv wØZxq cÎ
1| Avgvi cwiPq ‰mq` kvgmyj nK cÖvK-wbe©vPwb cixÿv
2| ‡mB w`b GB gvV Rxebvb›` `vk e¨vKiY t
3| Avwg †Kv‡bv AvMš‘K bB Avn&&mvb nvexe Z„Zxq Aa¨vq t
4| ¯^vaxbZv, GB kãwU Kxfv‡e Avgv‡`i n‡jv wbg©‡j›`y ¸Y beg cwi‡”Q` t K…r-cÖZ¨‡qi we¯ÍvwiZ Av‡jvPbv|
mncvV (Dcb¨vm) `kg cwi‡”Q` t Zw×Z cÖZ¨q
PZz_© Aa¨vq t
welq †jLK wØZxq cwi‡”Q` t wµqvc`
ewncxi (bvUK) t m¤ú~Y© ‰mq` IqvwjDjøvn Z…Zxq cwi‡”Q` t Kvj, cyiæl I Kv‡ji wewkó cÖ‡qvM|
KvKZvo–qv (Dcb¨vm) cybiv‡jvPbv ‡mwjbv †nv‡mb PZz_© cwi‡”Q` t mgvwcKv, AmgvwcKv I †hŠwMK wµqvi cÖ‡qvM|
cÂg cwi‡”Q` t evsjv AbyÁv
†kÖwY cixÿv lô cwi‡”Q` t wµqv wefw³, mvayÑPwjZ
M`¨ KweZv
Aóg cwi‡”Q` t AbymM© ev Kg©cÖePbxq kã|
D‡cwÿZ kw³i D‡Øvab Avgvi cwiPq
cÂg Aa¨vq t (m¤ú~Y©)
wkÿv I gbyl¨Z¡ †mB w`b GB gvV G Qvov beg †kÖwYi cvVm~wP m¤ú~Y© cybiv‡jvPbv|
# wbe©vPwb cixÿv t beg I `kg †kÖwYi m¤ú~Y© wm‡jevm cÎ wjLb t ¯^vMZ I we`vq Awfb›`b cÎ, PvKzwii Av‡e`bcÎ, (wkÿv
cÖwZôvb I e¨emv cÖwZôvb), Avgš¿Y,wbgš¿Y I ¯§viK wjwc| G
gvbeÈb t Qvov beg †kÖwYi cvV¨m~wPi (wPwV, Av‡e`bcÎ, msev`c‡Îi
# m„Rbkxj cÖ‡kœi Rb¨ 70 b¤^i Ges eûwbe©vPwb cÖ‡kœi Rb¨ 30 b¤^i eiv×| wPwV) m¤ú~Y© cybiv‡jvPbv|
# cÖwZwU m„Rbkxj cÖ‡kœi b¤^i 10 Ges cÖwZwU eûwbe©vPwb cÖ‡kœi b¤^i-01| Aby‡”Q` wjLb t Awba©vwiZ
m„Rbkxj t 7X10=70 cÖwZ‡e`b t mvaviY, ¯‹zj mµvšÍ I msev`c‡Î cÖKv‡ki Rb¨|
eûwbe©vPwb t 1X30=30 mvivsk / mvigg© t iPbv m¤¢vi eB (m¤ú~Y©) G QvovI Awba©vwiZ|
†gvU = 100 fvem¤úªmviY t iPbv m¤¢vi eB I Awba©vwiZ|

Ten # 05 Ten # 06
M`¨vsk t [ we‡kl `ªóe¨ t 2015 mvj †_‡K 2019 mvj ch©šÍ mKj †ev‡W©i cÖkœ †`L‡e]
1| KxwZ©gv‡bi g„Zz †bB / gvbyl evu‡P Zvi K‡g©i ga¨‡g, eq‡mi g‡_¨ b‡n| gvbeÈb t cÖvKwbe©vPwb I wbe©vPwb Gm.Gm.wm ev †evW© cixÿvi Abyiƒc|
2| ¯^vaxbZv AR©‡bi †P‡q ¯^vaxbZv iÿv Kiv KwVb| cÖ‡kœi aviv I gvbeÈb t
3| e‡b¨iv e‡b my›`i, wkïiv gvZ…‡µv‡o| * Aby‡”Q` wjL 10
4| cy®ú Avcbvi Rb¨ †dv‡U bv| * wPwV / Av‡e`bcÎ 10
5| AvZ¥kw³ AR©bB wkÿvi D‡Ïk¨| * mvivsk / mvigg© 10
6| †fv‡M bq, Z¨v‡MB cÖK…Z myL| * fvem¤úªmviY 10
7| `yt‡Li g‡Zv Ggb cik cv_i Avi †bB| * cÖwZ‡e`b 10
8| Avjm¨ GK fqvbK e¨vwa| * cÖeÜ iPbv 20
9| cÖ‡qvRbxqZvB D™¢ve‡bi RbK| * e¨vKiY Ask (ˆbe©¨w³K) 30
10 `yR©b weØvb nB‡jI cwiZ¨vR¨| *Ô†kÖwY cixÿvi wm‡jevm Ñ cÖ_g 5wU fvem¤úªmviY I cÖwZ‡e`b (wm‡jevm eB)
KweZvsk t * †kÖwY cixÿvi gvb Ñ 20
1| Ab¨vq †h K‡i ................................. Z…Ymg `‡n|
wbe©vPwb cixÿv
2| Avcbv‡i j‡q weeªZ iwn‡Z .................. c‡i Z‡e|
beg I `kg †kÖwYi cvV cybiv‡jvPbv (m¤ú~Y© eB)
3| Avgvi G Ni fvwOqv‡Q †hev ................. K‡i‡Q ci|
4| DËg wbwð‡šÍ P‡j ............................. wgwb P‡jb Zdv‡Z|
5| MÖš’MZ we`¨v ................................... n‡j cÖ‡qvRb| SUBJECT : ENGLISH 1ST PAPER
6| Av‡jv e‡j, AÜKvi .......................... ZvB Zzwg Av‡jv| Pre-Test Examination
7| c‡ii Awbó wPšÍv .............................. K‡i †m ecb| English For Today
8| ¯^‡`‡ki DcKv‡i ............................. cï †mBRb| Lesson- Unit : 10-14
9| ˆkevj w`wN‡i e‡j ........................... GK‡duvUv w`‡jg wkwki| Part-A : Reading Test (50 Marks)
10| wekÖvg Kv‡Ri A½ .......................... bq‡bi cvZv| ## Paragraph (Seen/Unseen)
For Practice :
cÖeÜ iPbv t 1. Your Visit To A book fair
1| Aa¨emvq 2. Uses and Abuses of Computer/Cell Phone
2| ¯^‡`k †cÖg 3. Deforestation
3| kÖ‡gi gh©v`v 4. Global Warming
4| weÁvb I AvaywbK mf¨Zv 5. Necessits of Learning English
5| gvbe Kj¨v‡Y weÁvb 6. A School Magazine
6| AvaywbK Rxe‡b Kw¤úDUvi 7. A Street Hawker
7| evsjv‡`‡ki cÖvK…wZK `y‡hv©‡M I Zvi cÖwZKvi 8. Air Pollution/Soil Pollution
9. Traffic Jam
8| RvZxq Rxe‡b †Ljva~jvi cÖ‡qvRbxqZv # Letter (For Practice)
9| †`kMV‡b QvÎmgv‡Ri f‚wgKv 1. Write a letter to yourpen friend describing your country.
10| gv`Kmw³ I Zvi cÖwZKvi 2. Write a letter to your younger brother telling him about the
11| evsjv‡`‡ki FZz‰ewPÎ importance of reading newspaper
12| RvwZ MV‡b bvixmgv‡Ri f‚wgKv 3. Write a letter to yourfriend thanking her for her hospitality.
13| GKwU el©YgyLi mܨv| Ges Awba©vwiZ

Ten # 07 Ten # 08
# Email (For Practice) SUBJECT : ENGLISH 2ND PAPER
1. Write an email to your father informing him about your
Grammer : 60 marks
preparation for upcoming examination.
Test Items : Same as class-IX
2. Write an email to yourfriend describing about the tourist Composition : 40 Marks
spots of Bangladesh Formal Letters :
# Dialogue writing (For Practice) To the Headmaster :
1. For a Testimominal.
1. Write a dialogue between youand yourfriend about the uses
2. For setting up a common room in the school campus
and abuses of Face Book 3. For increassing library facilities
2. Write a dialogue between youand your younger sister about 4. For permission to go on a study tour.
the importance of I.C.T education 5. To takeing necessary steps to set up a computer club
6. * To take necessary measures to eradicate mosquito and
Syllabus for Class Test: (Marks-20)
clean up the surroundings of the school campus.
First 3 Paragraphs, First two letters, Unit-10. To the Deputty Commissioner :
Marks and Test items distribution Total Marks-100 * Requesting for remedial support to destroy the possible
Part : A Reading Test (Marks -50) places or things of Aedes Mosquito.
Seen Passage : 7. Requesting him to construct a bridge.
8. For repairing the damaged roads.
1. M.C.Q 1x7=07 Paragraph :
2. Answering questions (Open ended and close ended) 2x5=10 1. A Day labourer
Seen Passage : 2. Load shedding
3. A Rainy Day
3. Gapfilling without clues 1x5=05
4. Our National Flag
Unseen Passage : (Q.No. 4 and 5) 5. A book Fair
4. Information Transfer 1x5=05 6. A Moonlit Night
5. Summarising 10 7. The Benefits of Early Rising
6. Matching 05 8. Your School Library
7. Re-arrangement 08 9. A Winter Morning
10. Aforestation
Total=100 Composition
1. Your Aim in life
Part : B Writing (Marks -50)
2. Your Favourite Game
8. Writing Paragraph answering questions 10 3. Recent Floods in bangladesh
9. Completing a story with title adding at least ten new sentences. 10 4. Physical Exercise
10. Writing informal letter / e-mail 10 5. Descipline
11. Describing graph / Chart 10 6. The Season you like Most
12. Writing dialogue 10 7. Students and Social Service / Duties of Students
8. Computer and its uses
Total = 100 9. Visit To a Historical Place
Test Examination C.V. Writing/E-mail-Unseen
According to NCTB Question Pattern. * Syllabus for class Test Marks=20
* Grammar (All) * C.V / FormalLetter
Test Examination
According to NCTB question Pattern

Ten # 09 Ten # 10
Marks Distribution
SUBJECT : MATHEMATICS Creative : 7 Questions out of 10 Questions 10×7=70
Pre-Test and Test Examination : Whole Book M.C.Q: 30 Questions out of 30 Questions 1×30=30
Class Test Syllabus: Exercise : 10, 13.1, 13.2 Total=100
Question Pattern and Marks distribution
(Half Yearly, Test Examination and S.S.C Examiation): SUBJECT : HINDU RELIGION AND MORAL EDUCATION
Question Pattern : To be answer 7 questions taking 2 out of Pre-Test Examination
3 from Algebra, 2 out of 3 from Geometry, 2 out of 3 from Trigonometry and Chapter—Two : Faith, Origin and Manifestation of Hinduism
Mensuration and 1 out of 2 from Statistics. Chapter—Nine : The ways of Religion and Ideal life.
Chapter—Ten : (1) Shee Ramkrishna
Creative question : To be answered 7 out of 11 10×7=70 (2) Shee Bijoykrisha Goswami
M.C.Q. question : To be answered 30 out of 30 1×30=30 (3) Swami Vibekananda
Total= 100 (4) Sheema
For Pre Test Only Class Test
# 100 marks converted into 80: 80 Chapter—Two : Faith, Origin and Manifestation of Hinduism.
# CA: 20 Chapter—Three : Religious rites of ceremony.
Total=100 Test Examination
Model Test and Test Examination : Whole Book Class Nine and ten Full Syllabus
Class Test
SUBJECT : ISLAM AND MORAL EDUCATION Chapter—Nine : The ways of Religion and Ideal life.
Pre-Test Examination Chapter—Four : Reforms in Hinduism
Chapter—One : Aqaid and Moral Life. : Whole Marks Distribution :
Chapter—Two : Source of Shariat. Class Test: To be answerwd two creative Questions 10×2=20
Hadith-6 to Terminology of Islamic Shariyat [Lesson 17-24] Half Yearly and Annual Examination : To be answered
Chapter—Three : Ibadat. 7 out of 11 Creative Question 10×7=70
M.C.Q: To be answerwd 30 out of 30 1×30=30
Student-Teacher Relationship to Jihad and Terrorism [Lesson 10-13]
Chapter—Four : Akhlaq.
Dutifulness to Interest and Bribery [ Lesson 11-22] SUBJECT : BANGLADESH AND GLOBAL STUDIES
Chapter—Five : Model Lives. Pre-Test Examination
Muslim Scholars to Mathematics [ Lesson 10-16] Sociology
[ N.B. Syllabus of Class Nine will be include] Chapter- Fourteen : Family Structure of Bangladesh and Socialization.
Chapter- Fifteen : The Social change of Bangladesh.
Class Test Chapter- Sixteen : Social Problems of Bangladesh and their Remedies.
Chapter—Two : Source of Shariat, Lesson (17-24)
Test Examination Chapter- Five : The Rivers of Bangladesh and the Natural Resources.
Chapter—One : Aqaid and Moral Life : Whole Civics
Chapter—Two : Source of Shariat : Whole Chapter- Nine : The United Nations and Bangladesh.
Chapter—Three : Ibadat : Whole Economics
Chapter—Four : Akhlaq : Whole Chapter- Ten : Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
Chapter- Thirteen : The Financial and Banking systems of the
Chapter—Five : Model Lives : Whole Government of Bangladesh.
N.B. [Student should recite & write Arabic verses of related chapters correctly] Revision : Whole syllabus of class Nine.

Ten # 11 Ten # 12
Chapter- Five : The Rivers of Bangladesh and the Natural Resources.
Chapter- Thirteen : The Financial and Banking systems of the Pre-Test Examination
Government of Bangladesh. Chapter—Seven : Exchange of gases.
Chapter- Fourteen : Family Structure of Bangladesh and Socialization.
Chapter—Eleven : Reproduction in Organism.
Test Examination Chapter—Twelve : Heredity in organisms and Evolution.
Whole syllabus.
Marks distribution : Chapter—Fourteen : Biotechnoloy.
Creative 10×7=70 [N.B : Whole Syllabus of class Nine will be included in pre-test exam.]
Objective 30×1=30 Class Test
Total=100 Chapter—Seven : Exchange of gases.
SUBJECT : PHYSICS Chapter—Fourteen : Biotechnoloy.
Pre-Test Examination Marks distribution :
Whole book Creative : 50
Class Test Objective : 25 Converted to: 80
Chapter- Ten : Static electricity Practical : 25
Chapter- Eleven : Current electricity Total : 100
Marks distribution :
Creative :[ Answer any five questions from eight questions ] 50 Converted marks : 80
Objective 25 Continuous Assessment 20
Practical 25 Grand Total : 100
Test Examination Total=100
Biology (Practical)
Marks distribution : Whole book
1. Experiement no.-11 : Observaton of the nature of exhaled gas during exhalation.
Creative :[ Answer any five questions from eight questions ] 50 2. Experiement no-12 : Observation of the movement of plant of light and dark place.
Objective 25 3. Experiement no-13 : Necessary of chlorophyll and light in photosynthesis.
Practical 25 4. Experiement no-14 : Observation of the Transverse section of ovary of a flower.
Total=100 5. Experiement no-15 : Identification of similarities and dissimilarities of two
SUBJECT : CHEMISTRY person with their parents.
Pre-Test Examination Marks Distribution (Practical)
Content: Whole book 1. Experiment : 10
Marks distribution : 2. Result presentation with Explanation : 5
Creative :[ Answer any five questions from eight questions ] 50 3. Practical Note Book : 5
MCQ : 25 4. Viva : 5
Practical : 25 Total : 25
Test Examination Total=100 Test Examination
Content: Whole book Content: Whole book (From chapter one to
Marks distribution : chapter fourteen)
Creative :[ Answer any five questions from eight questions ] 50 Marks distribution :
MCQ : 25 Creative :[ Answer any 5 questions from 8 questions ] 50
Practical : 25 Objective:[ Answer 25 questions from 25 questions ] 25
N.B: Syllabus of C.T before half yearly Practical 25
Chapter-Eleven Marks 20 Total=100

Ten # 13 Ten # 14
Pre-Test and Test Examination : Whole Book Revision of Class Nine and Pre-test Full Syllabus
Class Test Syllabus: Exercise : 10.1, 10.2, 11.1, 11.2, 11.3, 11.4
N.B : Whole Syllabus will be included in Test examination.
Question Pattern and Marks distribution
(Half Yearly, Test Examination and S.S.C Examiation): Marks Distribution :
Question Pattern : 3 questions from Algebra, 3 questions from Geometry and M.C.Q. : 25
Vector, 2 questions from Trigonometry and Probability will be stated. Practical: 25
Creative question : To be answered 5 out of 8 10×5=50 Total : 50
M.C.Q. question : To be answered 25 out of 25 1×25=25
Practical: 25
Preperation Test Examination
SUBJECT : INFORMATION AND 1. Chapter— Eight : ( Cricket, Voleyball.)
COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY 2. Chapter— Nine : Athletics & Swimming
3. Chapter— Ten : Accidents during sports.
Pre-Test Examination Revision : Whole Syllabus of Class Nine.
1. Chapter—Three : The Internet in my Education.
1st Class Test
2. Chapter—Five : Multimedia and Graphics.
1. Chapter—Ten : Accidents during sports. (Full Marks : 20)
3. Revision of Class IX Syllabus
Test Examination
N.B : Whole Syllabus will be included in pre-test exam.
Full book / Whole book.
Practical: (1) Internet : i) E-Book Searching
Marks Distribution :
ii) Concept of Digital Content.
Class Test. : 20
(2) Multimedia : i) Multimedia and Graphics
C.W & H.W : 20
ii) Opening power point programme, Saving
Practical : 60
presentation, Adding new Slide, Apply sound to Transition
Total : 100
3) To prepare new file in Adobe photoshop programme,
the Toolbox of Photoshop and Palette Distinction,
Selecton of Tools and Acquaintance of Move Tools,
Fill Colour in the Floating selection, Editing Files
Preperation Test Examination
and introduction of different Tools.
1. Chapter— Four : Me and My Workplace
4) Illustrator : Opening a File, Names of the Necessary
Revision of Class Nine Syllabus.
Tools of the Tool box. Filling color on object, Placement
of Image in Illustrator.
Test Examination
Revision of Class Nine and Pre-test full Syllabus.
Class Test
1. Chapter—Three : The Internet in my Education. Marks Distribution :
Class Test. : 20
Marks Distribution : C.W & H.W : 10
M.C.Q. : 25
Practical : 20
Practical: 25
Total : 50 Total : 50

Ten # 15 Ten # 16

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