Pairus Salam - 2115071019 - , Tugas Bahasa Inggris

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Activity 3

1. Indonesian because it can be used everyday and easy to communicate with friends or

teachers and the people in Indonesia. Indonesian is also easy to write once you see we

can write a few sentences or words, and also if a teacher or lecturer explains a lesson

in Indonesian we can also write it without looking at the words being explained.

2. I learn Indonesian informally only by using it in everyday life and communicating

with other people in Indonesia. Why informally because I am Indonesian and will

definitely be able to speak Indonesian and for sure we will be able to because we were

born with Indonesian parents and will definitely be passed down from generation to

generation to our newly born children.

Instead I study English in a formal way and learn pronunciation and writing and under

the guidance of a more proficient teacher

Activity 4
1. B. Global language learning center
2. A. International language center
3. E. University of Canberra
4. C. Tafe International
5. D. Club Francais
6. E. University of Canberra
7. E. University of Canberra
8. B. Global language learning canter

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