The QCC and Teamwork Movement in Mexico

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The QCC and Teamwork movement in Mexico

Acerca del autor Círculos de Calidad, ICQCC 2003, this movement failed by late 1980´s and
DR. RICARDO HIRATA OKAMOTO Kaikaku, Kaizen, Nuevo movimiento de most of the QCC activities simply
Círculos de Calidad, QCC disappeared.
Director de Keisen Consultores
especializados en los campos de
Planeación Participativa, Articulación In 1990, Dr. Yuzuru Itoh … (Former QA
Estratégica, Mejora Continua e Innovación, Ingeniería
Kansei, Efectividad Organizacional y del Liderazgo Efectivo
THE NEW QCC & TEAMWORK responsible in Matsushita Electric, Advisor
e Inteligente con el sistema SYMLOG©. MOVEMENT IN MEXICO for United Technologies – Otis elevators
Divulgador y promotor incansable de la calidad y mejora
and international consultant) proposes the
continua en México en radio, Blog y redes sociales. 14 years of development and growth of the promotion of QCC though the creation of a
QCC in Mexico forum where success stories of
Cofundador de la Asociación Mexicana de Trabajo en
Equipo (AMTE AC), profesor de maestría en diferentes improvements could be presented and
universidades. Investigador invitado en la Universidad (Original presented at International recognized. With the support of JETRO
Internacional de Hiroshima y profesor invitado en la Convention of QCC Circles, Oct 2003,
Universidad de Arizona en el Mel & Enid Zuckerman (Japan External Trade Organization office
College of Public Health. Tokyo Japan). in Mexico), other institutions and many
Miembro de la Japan Society for Quality Control y Miembro Mexican experts (called the technical
Senior de la American Society for Quality. committee), the I National Contest of QCC
Ricardo Hirata Okamoto This paper acknowledges the development in Mexico (Dec. 7-8, 1990) was organized.
Octubre 31, 2003
and growth of QCC and other teams in
In order to manage and assure the future of
Mexico in a successful promotion that
this movement, in 1992 a Non for Profit
Temática: Calidad y Mejora Continua, started 14 years ago in what is been called
(NPO) organization called The CNCCC,
Calidad y Satisfacción al Cliente, the New Movement of Mexican Teamwork
A.C. (Concurso Nacional de Círculos de
Capacitacion, entrenamiento y desarrollo, activities. History of the QCC and other
Control de Calidad, A.C. or National
Culturas y subculturas organizacionales teams in Mexico is explained.
Contests of QCC) was officially born with
efectivas, Estrategia y Administración,
the initiative and personal support of 4
Liderazgo de Equipos y Teams, Liderazgo exican first QCC was created in
Individual para Trabajo en Equipo,
M 1976 and by 1982 around 362 QCC people: Hermelinda Yamazaki (+), Carlos
Liderazgo y Efectividad Organizacional, were operating in more than 20 companies. Gonzalez (+), Sergio Garcilazo and Ricardo
Mejora Continua e Innovación, AMTE, Unfortunately, Hirata. Actually, this movement is managed
nationwide through this NPO and with 6

regional promotion partners and regional 3) National Encounter of Strategic Finally, the facts and trends of this New
contests called Mexican Association of Methodologies for Teamwork (since 2001). Movement are presented (available data
Team Work (AMTE). This movement is This new forum is designed for all other since 1991). Some of them are as follows:
growing, is self-financed and has a teams that are emerging in Mexican
prestigious image in Mexican TQM organizations that need to be known and ▪ 78 % of Mexican teams solve in
movement. seen in a public event, such as 6 Sigma average one case per year the rest
teams, project management teams, TPM solve two or more.
The plan for the next 3 years will promote teams, SMED teams and many others that
regional events and promotion offices ▪ 87% of Mexican teams have one
either analytic or synthetic methods for
(partners) in at least 4 more States to problem solving or target achievement. meeting per week meeting, 10%
increase coverage and demonstrate that the have two meetings / week (3% is
AMTE. 4) National Encounter of Teamwork others).
Coordinators (ENC, since 1997). Originally
AMTE currently organizes four yearly ▪ Regarding annual savings and/or
designed to promote a network of all
National Events in one same week in participant team’s coordinators (general results and analyzing 2002 finalist
October: facilitators) for open communication teams we find that a team saves an
between the members, as well as to develop average is US $35 000 / year
1) National Contest for Quality Control it as an important asset of the AMTE. This (minimum US $ 7 000 and max. US
Circles (CNCCC, since 1990). Traditional is not a contest and actually it is also the $ 3 000 000).
QCC voluntarily formed by people in the main process for updating and training these
frontline with a permanent and continuous ▪ In the last 6 years we have been able
lifespan (they choose their own problem to to demonstrate that companies are
solve, but in many cases the companies may Besides the General Awards (Best teams of making a better use of the problem-
suggest the themes). the Year), AMTE presents 2 Special solving methods, specially:
Awards called THE Yuzuru Itoh Award, in
2) National Forum of Work Teams (FTE, 1. Quantitative and data-based theme
honor of Dr. Itoh as the key founder of the
since 1995). This event is designed for all selection.
New Mexican Teamwork Movement and
improvement teams that are not properly the Mitsunori Nakano Award, in honor of
QC Circles (commonly known in Japan as 2. Quantitative and evidence-based
all his support to AMTE. selection of root cause analysis.
QC Teams). These teams are commonly
non-voluntary and with a temporary project-
based life span, improving a top down
defined problem.

3. Definition of several solution
alternatives or countermeasures
(not only one).

4. Quantitative and evidence based

selection of solution alternative or

5. Standardization procedures and

definition of new process control

It is difficult to have the precise data, but

AMTE estimates the existence of more than
12 000 teams nationwide and an important
growth in the next years (including not only
QC Circles, but other kind of teams). AMTE
hopes to reach a number of 50 000 by 2010.

The AMTE (Mexican Association for

Teamwork) has still a long way to go. Must Contenido relacionado:
re-structure and create a flexible
o Metodologías Utilizadas por Equipos de
organization that promotes teamwork, its
Mejora en México (Más comunes)
techniques, methodologies, and benefits
throughout different channels (chapters, o Webinar: La historia de los Círculos de
regional offices, IT, training, conferences, Calidad (México y Japón) - Incl. Preguntas
y Respuestas
networking, etc.).

Como citar este articulo: Hirata-Okamoto, Ricardo, (31 de octubre de 2003), The QCC and Teamwork movement in Mexico, Artículos y Blog de Keisen Knowledge, KEISEN Consultores, México,
Reserva de Derechos: Cualquier forma de reproducción, distribución, comunicación pública o transformación de esta obra solo puede ser realizada con la autorización de sus titulares, salvo excepción prevista por la ley.

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