Article Writing: "Computers: Boon or Bane?"

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Article Writing

“Computers: Boon or Bane?”

Submitted by:
Rayyan Yousuf
In today's fast-moving world, the role of computers in the lives of young
people is matter of frequent debate. There are two distinct viwes, as
presented in the texts, that discuss this issue and as a young person
myself, I believe that both of these viewpoints have merit.

Lets discuss the conerns first. Many believe that usage of technology has
deprived the thinking capacity of the younger people. The first text
highlights the importance of independent learning by mentioning how kids
now just look up facts rather than researching them in depth. Further,
concerns over one’s physical and mental health are stated; I myself have
seen signs of this in one form or another amongst my peers. Some may
spend large amounts of time on scrolling though social media whilst
others may play immersive games etc…

On the other hand, the text discusses how computers can be

helpful/benificial for younger people. Emphasis is put on the efficiency
and speed of technology that allows people to get work done earlier thus
leaving time for leisure or other work. The role of computers in the
educational sector is also positive. Students can learn things online
free of cost and researching information for any topic has been made
easier than ever courtesy of this tech. Moreover, computers also allow
people to talk and meet people from all over the world without having to
leaving the comfort of their homes.

As a young person myself, I can understand both viewpoints. Computers can

offer a large number of advantages if used mindfully. When it comes to
education and knowledge, computers open a realm of possibilities allowing
students to study different subjects, learn different skills and use
their learnt skills to freelance. As a student, computers have allowed me
to learn programming and editing videos; furthermore, I have also put my
skills to use through freelancing services.

Despite the numerous advantages, it is important to address the concerns

related to the use of computers/technology. The convenience and
instantaneous responses can sometimes discourage deep thinking and
understanding. Excessive usage of computers and phones can lead to both
physical and social problems such as neck pain, eye straining etc.

So now the question remains; are computers causing more harm than good?
(and vice versa) The ultimate answer to this query lies in how this tech
is used. If used correctly, computers are invaluable tools that aid our
education, development and connectivity. All things considered,
moderation and a health balance between the real and the digital life is
key to ensuring that computers remain a boon rather than a bane for our

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