Kinds of Questions

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Questions can be categorized into various types based on their purpose, structure, and the kind of response
they aim to elicit. Here are some main types of questions:

1. Closed-ended questions: These questions typically require a short, specific answer, often a "yes" or
"no." For instance: "Are you feeling better?" or "Did you finish the project?"
2. Open-ended questions: These questions encourage a more elaborate response and cannot be
answered with a simple "yes" or "no." They often start with words like "why," "how," or "what." For
example: "How do you think we can improve our customer service?" or "What are your thoughts on
the latest developments in the industry?"
3. Clarifying questions: These are used to obtain more information or clarification on a previous
statement. For instance: "Could you explain that in more detail?" or "Can you give me an example?"
4. Empathetic questions: These questions aim to understand and show empathy towards the other
person's feelings or experiences. They often start with phrases like "How did that make you feel?" or
"What was that experience like for you?"
5. Reasoning questions: These questions encourage critical thinking, logic, and analysis. They often
start with phrases like "Why do you think that is the case?" or "What evidence supports your
6. Opinion-based questions: These questions seek the respondent's viewpoint or belief on a particular
subject. For example: "What's your opinion on the current economic situation?" or "Do you believe
technology has improved our lives?"

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