Komunikasi Sel

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KOMUNIKASI SEL The main difference between the

different categories of signaling is the

By: vidill
distance that the signal travels to reach
the target cell.
➢ Autocrine signaling
a. Learning objectives
➢ Paracrine s
➢ Forms of signaling
➢ Endocrine s
➢ Types of receptors
➢ Direct s. across (melintasi) gap
➢ Signaling molecules
➢ Propagation of the signal
➢ Respons to the signal

1. Autocrine signaling
➢ A cell target itself (auto)
b. Introduction
➢ Autocrine signals are produced by
➢ Cells communicate via various types of
signaling cells that can also bind to the
signaling that allow chemicals to travel
released ligand
to target sites in order to elicit a
(Sinyal autokrin dihasilkan oleh sel
pemberi sinyal yang juga dapat
(Sel berkomunikasi melalui berbagai
berikatan dengan ligan yang dilepaskan)
jenis sinyal yang memungkinkan bahan
➢ The signaling cell and the target cell
kimia melakukan perjalanan ke lokasi
can be the same or similar
target untuk memperoleh respons.)

➢ There are two kinds of communication:

- Intercellular signaling:
communication between cells
- Intracelluler signaling:
communication within a cells

➢ Signaling cell: releasing chemical

signals received by a target cell
(Sel pemberi sinyal: melepaskan sinyal
kimia yang diterima oleh sel target) ➢ Occurs during the early development
➢ Target cells’ protein: receptor -> of an organism -> cells develop into the
binding to signaling molecules -> correct tissues and take on the proper
response function (mengambil fungsi yang tepat)
(Protein sel target: reseptor -> ➢ Regulates (mengatur) pain sensation
pengikatan pada molekul pemberi sinyal and inflammatory
-> respons) ➢ Undergo programmed cell death during
➢ Signaling molecules that bind virus infection -> killing the virus
(berikatan) to receptors are called during the process.
ligands. (Menjalani kematian sel terprogram
➢ Ligands and receptors are specific to selama infeksi virus -> membunuh virus
each other. selama proses tersebut.)
(Ligan dan reseptor bersifat spesifik
satu sama lain.) 2. Paracrine signaling
➢ A cell signals a nearby cells
c. Forms of signaling
➢ Paracrine signals move by diffusion 3. Endocrine (berkaitan dengan hormon)
through the extracellular matrix signaling
(cairan ekstracellular) -> elicit
(memperoleh) quick responses that
last only a short time
(Sinyal parakrin bergerak secara difusi
melalui matriks ekstraseluler (cairan
ekstraseluler) -> menimbulkan
(memperoleh) respons cepat yang
hanya berlangsung dalam waktu
➢ A cell targets a distant cell through
the bloodstream
(Sebuah sel menargetkan sel yang jauh
melalui aliran darah)
➢ Originate (berasal) from endocrine
cells -> produce a slower response but
have a longer-lasting effect
➢ The ligands released in endocrine
signaling are called hormones
➢ To keep the response localized, ➢ In the body, many endocrine cells are
paracrine ligand molecules are normally located in endocrine glands, such as
quickly degraded by enzymes or the thyroid gland, the hypothalamus,
removed by neighboring cells and the pituitary gland
(Untuk menjaga respon tetap (Di dalam tubuh, sel endokrin banyak
terlokalisasi, molekul ligan parakrin terdapat pada kelenjar endokrin,
biasanya dengan cepat didegradasi oleh seperti kelenjar tiroid, hipotalamus,
enzim atau dihilangkan oleh sel dan kelenjar hipofisis.)
tetangganya.) ➢ Hormones travel large distances
➢ One example of paracrine signaling is between endocrine cells and their
the transfer of signals across synapses target cells via the bloodstream
between nerve cells. (Hormon menempuh jarak yang jauh
(Salah satu contoh pensinyalan antara sel endokrin dan sel targetnya
parakrin adalah transfer sinyal melalui aliran darah)
melintasi sinapsis antar sel saraf.) ➢ Hormones get diluted and are present
in low concentrations when they act on
their target cells
(Hormon menjadi encer dan hadir
dalam konsentrasi rendah ketika
bekerja pada sel targetnya)

4. Direct signaling (biasanya ada pada sel

otot polos)
Gap junction

➢ A cell targets a neighboring cell 1) Internal receptors
through a gap junction
➢ Gap junction: connections between the
plasma membranes of neighboring cells
(hubungan antara membran plasma sel
➢ These water-filled channels allow small
signaling molecules to diffuse between
the two cells.
Saluran berisi air ini memungkinkan
molekul pemberi sinyal kecil berdifusi
di antara kedua sel.)
➢ Small molecules, such as calcium ion ➢ Internal receptors, also known as
(Ca2+), can move between cells, but intracellular or cytoplasmic receptors,
large molecules like proteins and DNA are found in the cytoplasm of target
cannot fit through the channels cells and respond to hydrophobic ligand
(Molekul kecil, seperti ion kalsium molecules that are able to travel
(Ca2+), dapat berpindah antar sel, across the plasma membrane
tetapi molekul besar seperti protein (Reseptor internal, juga dikenal
dan DNA tidak dapat masuk melalui sebagai reseptor intraseluler atau
saluran tersebut.) sitoplasma, ditemukan di sitoplasma sel
➢ The specificity of the channels target dan merespons molekul ligan
ensures that the cells remain hidrofobik yang mampu melakukan
independent but can quickly and easily perjalanan melintasi membran plasma.)
trasnmit signals ➢ Once inside the cell, the hydrophobic
(Kekhususan saluran memastikan ligand molecules bind to protein that
bahwa sel tetap independen namun act as regulators of mRNA synthesis
dapat dengan cepat dan mudah (transcription) to mediate gene
mengirimkan sinyal) expression.
➢ Direct signaling allows a group of cells (Begitu berada di dalam sel, molekul
to coordinate their response to a signal ligan hidrofobik berikatan dengan
that only one of them may have protein yang bertindak sebagai
received, e.g.: in muscle cells. pengatur sintesis mRNA (transkripsi)
(Pensinyalan langsung memungkinkan untuk memediasi ekspresi gen)
sekelompok sel untuk
mengoordinasikan respons mereka 2) Cell-surface receptors
terhadap sinyal yang mungkin hanya
diterima oleh salah satu sel tersebut,
misalnya: pada sel otot.)

d. Types of receptors
1. Internal receptors
2. Cell-surface receptors
➢ Enzyme-linked receptors
➢ Ion channel-linked r
➢ G-protein-linked r
➢ Cell-surface receptors, or besar, namun daerah rentang
transmembrane receptors, are integral membrannya terdiri dari satu alfa-
proteins that bind to external signaling heliks pada untai peptida.)
molecules ➢ when a ligand binds to the extracellular
(Reseptor permukaan sel, atau domain of an enzyme-linked receptor,
reseptor transmembran, merupakan a signal is transferred through the
protein integral yang berikatan dengan membrane, activating the enzyme ->
molekul pemberi sinyal eksternal) leads to a response.
➢ These receptors span the plasma (ketika ligan berikatan dengan domain
membrane and perform signal ekstraseluler dari reseptor terkait
transduction, in which an extracellular enzim, sinyal ditransfer melalui
signal is converted into an intercellular membran, mengaktifkan enzim ->
signal. menghasilkan respons.)
(Reseptor ini menjangkau membran
plasma dan melakukan transduksi 4) ion channel-linked receptors
sinyal, di mana sinyal ekstraseluler
diubah menjadi sinyal antar sel.)

3) Enzyme-linked receptors (berhubungan

dengan enzim)

➢ ICLR bind to a ligand and open a

channel through the membrane that
allows specific ions to pass through
➢ This type of cell-surface receptor has
an extensive membrane-spanning
region with hydrophobic amino acids
(Jenis reseptor permukaan sel ini
memiliki wilayah rentang membran yang
luas dengan asam amino hidrofobik)
➢ Conversely, the amino acids that line
➢ Enzyme linked receptors are cell-
the inside of the channel are
surface receptors with intracellular
hydrophilic to allow for the passage of
domains that are associated with an
(Sebaliknya, asam amino yang melapisi
(reseptor permukaan sel dengan
bagian dalam saluran bersifat
domain intraseluler yang berhubungan
hidrofilik sehingga memungkinkan
dengan enzim)
lewatnya ion)
➢ ELR normally have large extracellular
➢ When a ligand binds to the
and intracellular domains, but the
extracellular region of the channel,
membrane-spanning region consists of
there is a conformational change in the
a single alpha-helix in the peptide
protein’s structure that allows ions to
pass through
(ELR biasanya mempunyai domain
(Ketika ligan berikatan dengan wilayah
ekstraseluler dan intraseluler yang
ekstraseluler saluran, terjadi
perubahan konformasi pada struktur 1. Memberi sinyal molekul
protein yang memungkinkan ion ➢ Kecil, ligan hidrofobik
melewatinya.) - Hormon, vit. D
➢ Ligan larut air
- Molekul kecil, peptida, protein

2. Propagasi sinyal
➢ Jalur persinyalan dan penguatan sinyal
➢ Metode sinyal intracellular
➢ Fosforilasi
➢ Pesan kedua

3. Respon terhadap sinyal

➢ Respon terhadap jalur persinyalan
➢ Ekspresi gen
➢ G-protein-linked receptors bind to a ➢ Peningkatan metabolisme seluler
ligand and activate an associated G- ➢ Kematian sel
protein ➢ Penghentian jalur persinyalan
(Reseptor terkait G-protein berikatan
dengan ligan dan mengaktifkan protein
G terkait)
➢ The activated G-protein then interacts
with a nearby membrane protein, which
may be an ion channel or an enzyme
➢ All G-protein-linked receptors have 7
transmembrane domains, but each
receptor has a specific extreacellular
domain and G-protein-binding site.
(Semua reseptor terkait protein G
mempunyai 7 domain transmembran,
namun masing-masing reseptor
mempunyai domain ekstraseluler
spesifik dan situs pengikatan protein

Hydrophobic: larut lemak tidak larut air

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