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Curriculum Vitae

Personal information
Name / Surname Redion ÇOKA
Address Rr. “Medar Shtylla”, building no. 8, Ap. 4, Tirana
Phone +355688115915

Nationality Albanian

Date and place of birth 13.12.1990 , Përmet

Gender Male

Civil status Single

Job experience
Date April 2012- November 2022
Job position Architect
Main activities and responsibilities Various works such as : Housing design, home furnishings, bar- restaurants, business shops of
various services, fast-food, ect... as well as supervision of works.
Employer’s name and address Private initiative works.
Type of business or sector Architectural designs around the construction sector.

Date January 2013 –November 2022

Job position Architect

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Main activities and responsibilities - Residential and commercial building, 1, 5 & 9 floors located:
Rr.”Kont URANI”, Tirana.
- Residential and commercial building, 1 and 4 floors located: Rr.”Selite
e vogel”, Tirana.
- Residential and commercial building, 2 and 12 floors located:
Rr.”Unaza e Re”, Tirana.
- Residential and commercial building, 9 floors and 2 floors of
underground for parking
located in the street Rr.”Sulejman Delvina”, Tirana.
- Residential complex with 2 floors located: Rr.”Saukut”, Tirana.
- Industrial and storage building, 2 floors located: Rr.”Vaqarr ”, Tirana.
- Industrial and storage building, 1 floors located: Rr.”Vaqarr ”, Tirana.
- Hotel building, 4 floors located: ”Tale ”, Lezhe.
- Hotel building, 4 floors located: , Vlorë.
- Clothing store “Timberland” located in the commercial center “ Tirana
East Gate” ,Tirana.
- Clothing store “Pink Woman” located in Rr. “Gjergj Fishta” ,Tirana.
- Supervisor at “KFC”-2 located in “Ish Blloku” , Tirana.

Employer’s name and address “ERE “ Architecture&Construction

Address: Street name “Gjik kKuqali”, building “Golden Palace”, 4-th floor, Ap. 45.
Type of business or sector Design studio &Construction company

Education and training

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Date October 2008- August 2013
The title of qualification obtained Architect

Emri dhe lloji i organizatës

që ofron edukimin dhe trajnimin Universiteti “Vitrina”

Computer programs Autocad 2d, 3d Sketchup, Photoshop,V-ray, 3d Enscape, Microsoft Word, Excel

Personal skills and

copetencies Rating from 1-5

Mother tongue Albanian

Other languages
Understanding Speaking Writing
Italian 4 3 2
English 4 4 4

Other skills and competencies

Driver’s license Class B

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