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7/14/23, 1:10 PM Environmental Science Exam


Environmental Science Exam
51 Questions

1. Which gas makes up 78% of our atmosphere?

A oxygen B Carbon dioxide

C argon D nitrogen

2. Which layer of the atmosphere does all weather occur?

A troposphere B thermosphere

C exosphere D mesosphere

3. A compound made of three oxygen atoms is called

A ozone B smog

C acid rain D carbon dioxide

4. Which layer of the atmosphere do we live in?

A stratosphere B mesosphere

C thermosphere D tropsophere

5. What is the function of the ozone layer?

A To keep oxygen in B to allow UV rays to get to Earth

C to allow meteors to get to Earth D to block UV rays from getting to Earth

6. The troposphere is heated from below, which drives weather patterns caused by

A Jet Streams B Conduction

C Convection Currents D Convocation Cells

7. Air pollution is _________________________

the addition of any substance that has harmful or toxic

A B a chemical reaction
effects to air

C the addition of any good substance that benefits air 1/8
7/14/23, 1:10 PM Environmental Science Exam

8. The Clean Air Act is federal law that regulates levels of air pollution produced from

Transportation, factories, power plants, and HIDE

A Private homes only B
private homes ANSWER

C Transportation and factories D Power plants only

9. A common air pollutant that is very dangerous because you cannot see it or smell it

A Sulfur Monoxide B Nitrogen Oxide

C Carbon Monoxide D Carbon Dioxide

10. Acid Rain has multiple negative effects on the environment, but what does it do that effects our clean air?

A Creates erosion B Melts Statues

C Harm animals D Kills plants

11. What part of the United States gets the most acid rain?

A Northeast B South

C West Coast D Gulf Coast

12. Without the greenhouse effect, Earth's atmosphere would be __________ to support life.

A too dry B too cold

C too hot D too wet

13. The gases that make up Earth’s atmosphere are commonly referred to as air. What are the two
most abundant gases in the atmosphere?

A nitrogen and oxygen B oxygen and carbon dioxide

C water vapor and argon D nitrogen and carbon dioxide

14. Reduced vegetation on Earth results in:

A more oxygen in the atmosphere B increased habitats

C more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere D less room for humans 2/8
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15. The process by which gases in the atmosphere absorb and radiate energy as heat back to Earth.

A lake-effect snow B greenhouse effect

C condensation D sublimation

16. Global warming is thought to be increasing the temperature of the oceans and the lower atmosphere. How will this
affect the amount of moisture in the air?

Higher ocean temperatures do not affect the

A It will decrease moisture. B
development of hurricanes

C It will have no effect on moisture. D It will increase moisture.

17. What is the difference between climate and weather?

Climate is an average of temperatures over a long Climate is an average of temperatures over a long
period of time, weather takes place in one day. period of time, weather takes place in one day.

C Weather is affected by global warning, climate is not. D Climate is affected by global warning, weather is not.

18. Which of the following is NOT a greenhouse gas?

A Water Vapor B Oxygen

C Methane D Carbon Dioxide

19. The main use of fossil fuels by humans is to use the thermal energy they contain to

A nuclear power B biodiesel

C ethanol D electricity

20. What is it called when CO2 is absorbed by the ocean and reacts with seawater to produce acid.

A ocean acidification B hydrochloric acid

C water pollution D seaweed salad vinegar

21. Fossil fuels

The remains or impression of a prehistoric organism

A B Use of fossils to make power
preserved in petrified form.

Coal, oil, or gas formed in the geological past from the

remains of living organisms. 3/8
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22. Coral bleaching

Education and public awareness campaigns to preserve

A B The process to clean coral before it is sold.
the health of coral reefs.

The process by which corals lose their algae and color

C D under stressful conditions like high water temperature
and light intensity.

23. Long-term change in the earth's climate, due to an increase in the average atmospheric temperature

A Global Climate Change B Human impact on climate

C D Weather

24. An underground layer of rock or sediment that holds water

A watershed B groundwater

C aquifer D permeability

25. It refers to the removal of salt from ocean water

A dam B desalination

C reservoir D salination

26. ____________ is the water that collects in spaces and soil UNDERGROUND.

A Soil water B Groundwater

C under pools D ice caps

27. What % of freshwater is on Earth?

A 3% B 71%

C 97% D 1%

28. A barrier that runs across a river or stream to control the flow of water.

A River B Levee

C Dam D Reservior

29. How do landfills effect the environment?

Landfills cause chemicals from trash to absorb into the

A B Landfills cause fish to be poisoned and die.
soil and harm plants.

C Landfills support plant growth and healthy soil. D Landfills cause smog in the air. 4/8
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30. Which human action can cause pollution?

A Biking B Walking

C Recycling D Mining

31. What is an effect of land pollution?

A diseases from breathing in poor quality air B loss of habitat for animals

C no clean drinking water

32. _____________________ is the contamination of air, land, and water.

A Conservation B Ecology

C Pollution

33. What causes acid rain?

High concentrations of sulfuric or nitric acid from


C Pesticide use D Fertilizer use

34. A natural resource that is naturally formed much more slowly than we use it is called __________

A nonrenewable B ecological

C renewable D stustainable

35. Which of the following is an example of a nonrenewable natural resource?

A sunlight B natural gas

C geothermal energy D wind energy

36. Which of the following is an example of a renewable natural resource?

A crude oil B wave energy

C copper D coal

37. Which one of the following environmental issues is the primary cause of the others?

A Destruction of habitat B Premature extinction

C Increasing resource use D Human population growth 5/8
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38. Which of the following natural resources is nonrenewable?

A Sunlight B Trees

C Wind D Petroleum

39. Any materials or energy from nature that humans need to survive.

A nonrenewable resource B natural resource

C environment D inference

40. The study of the environment is called:

A biology B geology

C environmental science D chemistry

41. True or False? Humans affect the environment but the environment does NOT affect us.

A True B False

42. What is the definition of ecological footprint?

a measure of the impact humans have on the is a measure of the impact living things have on the
environment. environment.

C is a kind of plant that grows in the rainforrest. D is the footprint of ecologist

43. Why should we remove an invasive species?

They will eat native species and cause other species to

A We should not remove them and let nature be. B

C They won't be able to survive in a new environment.

44. Which is a consequence of an increase in greenhouse gases?

A Ice caps freezing B global cooling

C sea levels rising 6/8
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45. What do we need to replace nonrenewable resources with?

A other nonrenewable resources B renewable/sustainable resources

C We don't need to replace them

46. As species go extinct what will happen to the biodiversity in that ecosystem?

A Decrease B Increase

C Stay the same

47. What is biodiversity?

A all the endangered species in one area B the variability among organisms

C All the same species living in one area

48. What will happen to ocean life if the water gets warmer?

A They will be fine B increase in variation

C decrease in variation

49. Does what we do today to the environment affect those after us?



50. What is a good way to tell people the good about renewable resources and bad about fossil fuels?

A they already know B they don't need to know

C let them read it for themselves D Education

51. What will happen to the populations of seals, polar bears and penguins if the ice caps melt?

A Populations will decrease B Nothing will happen to the populations

C Populations will increase

Answer Key

1. d 2. a 3. a 4. d

5. d 6. c 7. a 8. b

9. c 10. d 11. a 12. b

13. a 14. c 15. b 16. d

17. a, b 18. b 19. d 20. a 7/8
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21. d 22. d 23. a 24. c

25. b 26. b 27. a 28. c

29. a 30. d 31. b 32. c

33. b 34. a 35. b 36. b

37. d 38. d 39. b 40. c

41. b 42. a 43. b 44. c

45. b 46. a 47. b 48. c

49. a 50. d 51. a 8/8

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