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Terrorism is a term occurs as a violence to create fear in population and to

bring a political objective. Terrorism is not only effect on human lives but also
in economic and political damages. The rise of terrorism is link to political and
socioeconomic conditions such as country size, political instability, poverty,
inequality, unemployment, inflation, and low development opportunities. Due
to all these factors, people will lead to support terrorism. The presence of
terrorism is a sign that there are disturbances in social and moral values of the
society. The targets of the terrorists are tourists, military, police, institutions,
and government officials. They use strategies like suicide attacks, bombing,
kidnapping and armed attacks that badly effect on damage buildings and
economic costs.
Terrorists are connect with each other and using nationwide terrorists for
recruitment and training. They trade criminal weapons and plan mutually for
creating terror in the economies. Pakistan is highly affected by these terrorists
because they are threatening the conditions of Pakistan’s law and order and
human rights by damaging infrastructure and economic conditions.

There are four types of terrorists; firstly, vigilante terrorism which is

committed by private citizens against other private citizens.
Secondly, insurgent terrorism is doing act of terrorism to achieve their goals.
Thirdly, transactional terrorism involves unlawful use of force by
internationally linked groups.
Fourthly, state terrorism involves violence against civilians to win political
conflict with non-state groups. It involves mass murder, assassination, and
Terrorism is not only effect the victim but terror group as well. It effect the
functioning of the government, and growth and development. People neither
live their life easy nor grow. Society as a whole is not safe if they go to the
office they do not know whether they came to their home safely or not. People
are very busy in their daily routine; they stop their children’s to go out and
spend some time because of security risks. They stop doing physical activities
due to continuous threat.
The main issues of the people in any country is survival without any threat,
but in these days, people are saving their life from threat. Due to all these
things, psychological issues are increasing like, depression and anxiety. People
are becoming use to of these diseases, which effects on their businesses, and
the overall economy.
The social impacts of terrorism is human loss of innocent and civilians, some
people became homeless, orphans, disabled and loss their loved. Another
implication is that terrorists target on the educational sectors, they do not like
modern education and this is the reason they attack on schools and colleges.
This threat is directly effect on the parents and they do not allow their
children’s to go school and fulfill dreams. It effect on the tourism sectors also,
people always want to go to the safe places.
The economic effects of terrorism are it destroy

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