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DAILY QUIZ-816 (29.10.



Directions (Q.1-10): In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered.
These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, Find out
the appropriate word in each case.
A professor was (1) the Indian Independence Movement and the idea of non-violence (2) by
mahatma Gandhi. “Although others like Nelson Mandela followed this idea and (3) the Nobel Prize for
Peace Mahatma Gandhi did not,” she said. One student spoke up, “It is good that he didn’t, (4) it was an
award started by Alfred Nobel who invented dynamite, which causes (5)!”
The professor (6) “In fact the world should be (7) to Nobel because he invented dynamite. It was
very useful to build tunnels (8) mountains for trains to pass. If we choose to use it for war it is not his
fault. Furthermore he (9) all his wealth into instituting prizes for literature, physics, chemistry, medicine,
peace, etc. His (10) was that anything which would benefit the human race deserved recognition so that
the person who had started it would have no financial difficulties in achieving his goal .”
1. a)lecturing b)talking c)discussing d)speaking e)arguing
2. a)originate b)specialised c)start d)conceived e)thought
3. a)awarded b)given c)presented d)win e)received
4. a)that b)get c)accept d)though e)since
5. a)blast b)ruins c)destruction d)bombs e)damages
6. a)disagreed b)answers c)shouted d)upset e)agreed
7. a)dedicated b)grateful c)appreciated d)thanking e)cursing
8. a)from b)through c)over d)under e)within
9. a)put b)left c)gave d)donated e)contributed
10. a)decision b)logic c)cause d)excuse e)discovery


Directions (11-15): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
Eight persons A, B, C, D, U, V, W and X are sitting around a circular table in which only two persons
are facing the centre and rest are facing outside the centre. Each of them likes different colours viz. Red,
Green, Pink, Peach, Blue, Grey, Cyan and Brown. Also they belong to different countries India, Nepal,
Japan, Austria, Italy, France, Germany and America (but not necessarily in the same order).
V doesn’t belong to Italy. C belongs to Austria and is not an immediate neighbour of V. The one who
likes green colour sits 2nd place away from the one who belongs to America. U belongs to Japan and sits
2nd to the left of X, who likes grey colour. The one who belongs to Germany likes cyan colour. The one
who likes pink colour sits 2nd left of V. W belongs to India but doesn’t like blue colour. D belongs to
France. C sits 2nd place away from the one who likes blue colour. The one who belongs to Italy sits 2nd
left of U. A doesn’t belong to America. Both the immediate neighbours of C face opposite direction of C.
V is not an immediate neighbour of both, the one who belongs to Italy and X. A likes red colour, sits
immediate right of U, W doesn’t like green and brown colour. X does not belong to Italy.
11. Who is sitting second to the right of the one, who belongs to Austria?
a) The one who likes Grey b) C c) The one who likes Peach
d) D e) V
12. Who among the following person likes cyan colour?
a) B b) W c) X

Plot-1441, Opp. IOCL Petrol Pump, CRP Square, Bhubaneswar-751015

Ph. : (0674) 6556677, 8093556677. Web, E-mail : 1
DAILY QUIZ-816 (29.10.2019)

d) V e) None of these
13. Which of the following combination is not true regarding the given sitting arrangement?
a) D – Blue b) B – Pink c) U – Japan
d) W – Peach e) V – Nepal
14. What is the position of W with respect to the one who likes Brown colour?
a) Third to the left b) Fourth to the right c) Second to the left
d) Third to the right e) Immediate right
15. Which of the following statements is true according to the given sitting arrangement?
a) V likes peach colour b) A doesn’t belong to Nepal
c) X belongs to America d) C faces outside the centre
e) All of the given statements are true
Directions (Q. 16-20): Study the following line graph and table carefully and answer the questions
given below.
Number of employees working in five different bank A, B, C, D and E.

16. What is the total number of male employees taking all the banks together?
a) None of these b)4060
c)4120 d)4180 e)4280
17. What is the average number of female employees taking all the banks together?
a)656 b)686 c)668
d) None of these e)646
18. Approximately by what percent is the number of male employees working in banks A and C together
more than that of the total number of female employees working in bank B and D?
a) None of these
b)9% c)15% d)11% e)13%

Plot-1441, Opp. IOCL Petrol Pump, CRP Square, Bhubaneswar-751015

Ph. : (0674) 6556677, 8093556677. Web, E-mail : 2
DAILY QUIZ-816 (29.10.2019)

19. What is the ratio of female employees working in bank D to that in E?

a)7:4 b) None of these
c)8:5 d)7:3 e)9:5
20. Approximately by what percent is the number of total employees of bank C more than that of bank
a)8% b)6% c) None of these
d)4% e)10%

15-20 : Outstanding
YOUR SCORE 10-14: Very Good
6-9: Good
1-5: Average

1-c; 2-d; 3-e ; 4-e ; 5-c ; 6-a ; 7-b ; 8-d ; 9-d ; 10-b ;
11-d; 12-d; 13-e; 14-b; 15-c ; 16-d ; 17-a ; 18-e ; 19-b ; 20-b ;


11. d;
12. d;
13. e;
14. b;
Plot-1441, Opp. IOCL Petrol Pump, CRP Square, Bhubaneswar-751015
Ph. : (0674) 6556677, 8093556677. Web, E-mail : 3
DAILY QUIZ-816 (29.10.2019)

15. c;

Reqd. Answer = 4180
Reqd. Avg. = = 656
(1040  657)  (720  780)
Reqd. % more = 100  13%
720  780
Reqd. Ratio = 780 : 497
1460  1380
Reqd. % = 100  6%

Plot-1441, Opp. IOCL Petrol Pump, CRP Square, Bhubaneswar-751015

Ph. : (0674) 6556677, 8093556677. Web, E-mail : 4

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