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TIẾNG ANH TƯ DUY Thầy Phạm Quốc Trưởng

English for a better life


Social Networking
STT Vocabulary POS Phonetic Nghĩa Meaning
1 persist v pəˈsɪst kiên trì to continue to do sth in
spite of difficulties or
opposition, in a way that
can seem unreasonable
2 attribute v/n ˈætrɪbjuːt thuộc tính quality or characteristic
that someone or something
3 dire adj ˈdaɪə tàn khốc very serious
4 acute adj əˈkjuːt sắc bén very serious or severe
5 attain v əˈteɪn đạt được to succeed in getting sth,
usually after a lot of effort
6 opt out v ɒpt aʊt chọn to choose not to be part of
phr không an activity
tham gia
7 bear v beə chịu đựng to be able to accept and
deal with sth unpleasant
8 dictate v dɪkˈteɪt ra lệnh to tell sb what to do,
especially in an annoying
9 advance v/n ədˈvɑːns tiến bộ progress or a development
in a particular activity or
10 mentor n/v ˈmɛntɔː người an experienced person
hướng dẫn who advises and helps sb
with less experience over a
period of time
11 networking n/v ˈnɛtwɜːkɪŋ mạng lưới a system of trying to meet
and talk to other people
who may be useful to you
in your work
12 complication n ˌkɒmplɪˈkeɪʃᵊn sự phức to make something more
tạp difficult to deal with, do or
13 corporate n/adj ˈkɔːpᵊrət ˈkʌlʧə văn hóa the ideas, beliefs and
culture doanh values of a particular
nghiệp company or organization
14 validate v ˈvælɪdeɪt xác nhận to prove that sth is true

TIẾNG ANH TƯ DUY Thầy Phạm Quốc Trưởng
English for a better life

STT Vocabulary POS Phonetic Nghĩa Meaning

15 patent n/v ˈpeɪtᵊnt bằng sáng an official right to be the
chế only person to make, use
or sell a product or an
16 commensurate adj kəˈmɛnʃərɪt tương matching sth in size,
xứng importance, quality, etc
17 workforce n ˈwɜːkˌfɔːs lực lượng the group of people who
work in a company,
industry, country, etc
18 institute n/v ˈɪnstɪtjuːt lập nên to introduce a system,
policy, etc. or start a
19 on-site adj ɒn-saɪt trên công happening at the main
trường offices of a business
20 flex-time n/adj flɛks-taɪm thời gian a system of working in
linh hoạt which people work a set
number of hours within a
fixed period of time, but
can change the time they
start or finish work
21 be content to v biː ˈkɒntɛnt tuː làm vừa satisfy
phr lòng, thỏa
22 frustrated adj frʌsˈtreɪtɪd bực bội feeling annoyed and
impatient because you
cannot do or achieve what
you want
23 discrepancy n dɪˈskrɛpᵊnsi sự khác difference
24 permission n pəˈmɪʃᵊn sự cho the act of allowing sb to do
phép sth,
25 absence n ˈæbsᵊns vắng mặt when someone is not
where they are usually
expected to be
26 unanticipated n ˌʌnænˈtɪsɪpeɪtɪd hậu quả outcomes of a purposeful
consequence phr ˈkɒnsɪkwəns không action that are not intended
lường or foreseen
27 client n ˈklaɪᵊnt khách a person who uses the

TIẾNG ANH TƯ DUY Thầy Phạm Quốc Trưởng
English for a better life

STT Vocabulary POS Phonetic Nghĩa Meaning

hàng services or advice of a
professional person or
28 grave illness n ɡreɪv ˈɪlnəs chứng an immune system
phr cường disorder that results in the
giáp overproduction of thyroid
29 acquaintance n əˈkweɪntᵊns người mới a person that you know but
quen who is not a close friend
30 unfold v ʌnˈfəʊld mở ra to be gradually made

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