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Fake News Alert: It’s Extremely Unlikely That Kiev Sh...

Fake News Alert: It’s Extremely Unlikely

That Kiev Shot Down A Hypersonic
6 DE MAI. DE 2023

21 3 Share

No air defense system anywhere in the world at this time is able to intercept any
such projectile traveling at ten times the speed of sound. At most, there might have
been an accidental hit or a technical malfunction. Either of those scenarios would
represent statistical anomalies, especially the �rst one, which means that it’s
almost certainly the case that Kiev is just lying through its teeth yet again.
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The Commander of the Ukrainian Air Force claimed on Saturday that his forces shot

1 of 3 10/05/2023, 14:21
Fake News Alert: It’s Extremely Unlikely That Kiev Sh...

down a hypersonic missile with the help of the US’ Patriots, which Mainstream
Media outlets like CNN took at face value to question Russia’s related capabilities.
It’s extremely unlikely that this happened, though, since no air defense system
anywhere in the world at this time is able to intercept any such projectile traveling at
ten times the speed of sound. At most, there might have been an accidental hit or a
technical malfunction.

Either of those scenarios would represent statistical anomalies, especially the �rst
one, which means that it’s almost certainly the case that Kiev is just lying through its
teeth yet again. It makes sense why it would do so at this particular time since its
perception managers hope to dent Russians’ pride ahead of Victory Day, sow the
seeds of doubt about its hypersonic capabilities with the intent of deterring
purchases whenever they’re eventually put to the market, and exaggerate the Patriots’

Furthermore, Kiev was likely tipped o� about CNN’s investigation into Russia’s
electronic jamming of their much-hyped HIMARS missile systems by some of those
same Pentagon o�cials that the outlet cited in their report, which was also released
on Saturday. In response, they could have then prepared this latest fake news
provocation with the expectation of carrying it out on the same day that CNN’s
report was published, thus distracting the public from this unsavory story.

Even so, as was noted in the introduction, CNN had no problem taking their side’s
claim at face value and subsequently spinning it for maximum anti-Russian so�
power e�ect. It obviously has the experts on hand who, if they were honest, would
have informed them that the Patriots are incapable of shooting down hypersonic
missiles. By not relying on those professionals’ insight prior to publishing their
report and inserting their opinion into it, CNN once again exposed its anti-Russian

The same observation can be said about all those other Mainstream Media outlets
that reported on this fake news story without including any reference to the Patriots’
lack of requisite capabilities for achieving this literally unprecedented military feat.
They uncritically repeat Kiev’s most ridiculous claims about the NATO-Russian
proxy war despite knowing better like in this instance, which proves that they don’t
conduct genuine journalism anymore and only parrot a foreign country’s propaganda

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Fake News Alert: It’s Extremely Unlikely That Kiev Sh...

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3 of 3 10/05/2023, 14:21

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