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Ashmed Luna
Cristopher Vargas Abad
Hannani Josué Ortiz

Some Advertising and Marketing scholars, such as McCarthy and Perreault,

define promotion as the action of transmitting information between the seller
and potential buyers or other members of the channel to influence their
attitudes and behaviors.

Other scholars, in turn, such as Stanton, Etzel and Walker, define promotion as
all personal and impersonal colors from a seller to the seller's representative
to inform, persuade and remind a target audience.

What is it for?

Promotion is a marketing tool that seeks to interfere in the behavior and

attitudes of people in favor of the product or service offered by a company.

Therefore, the promotion serves to give strength to your product or service,

make it known, convincing and unforgettable.

Main promotional tools in marketing

To achieve the specific objectives of informing, persuading and remembering,

promotion has its own strategic tools. These tools are:

1. Advertising.
It refers to any form of presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or

2. Sales Promotion or Merchandising.

Sales promotion refers to a set of techniques, incentives or activities to
stimulate the influx of public and maximize the purchase or sale of a product
or service.

3. Events and Experiences

Through events you can make your product or service known and offer the
possibility to the consumer to be in contact and experiment with the product
or service.

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