Canadian and American Reformed Churches

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Canadian and American Reformed Churches

The Canadian and American Reformed Churches (CanRC) is

Canadian and American
a federation of Protestant Reformed (Calvinist) churches in Canada
and the United States, with historical roots in the Reformed Reformed Churches
Churches of the Netherlands.

CanRC emphasizes the importance of adherence to Biblical,

covenantal, redemptive-historical preaching within the Reformed
Christian tradition, as well as sanctification.

Basic beliefs and doctrine

CanRC churches believe in the full sovereignty of God and in
Biblical infallibility. The basis of the preaching and teaching in Classification Protestant
these churches is the belief that Jesus Christ is both truly God and
Theology Orthodox
truly human, and is the long-awaited Messiah who suffered and
died for the sins of God's people, and that this demands a thankful Reformed
response of faith and obedience. Like many other Reformed Governance Presbyterian
churches, they teach that salvation is by grace through faith in Associations International
Jesus Christ alone. They broadly follow Calvinist theology, and
Conference of
have adopted the Three Forms of Unity, a common Calvinist
Churches, North
When a member of the church public states their faith in Jesus, American
they are understood to subscribe to the confessions of the church Presbyterian and
as faithfully summarizing the doctrine of the Bible. Profession of Reformed
faith also confirms their status as communicant members, subject to Council
a process of church discipline, up to and including
Origin 16 April 1950
excommunication if they are considered delinquent in doctrine or
lifestyle.[4] This is ascertained by other members and by the elders
Alberta (Canada)
through yearly home visits.[5]
Branched from Reformed
Churches in the
History Netherlands

CanRC was founded by members of the Reformed Churches in (Liberated)

the Netherlands (Liberated) (GKV) who immigrated to Canada Congregations 70 (2023)[1]
following World War II. These Dutch immigrants first made Members 19,494 (2018)[2]
contact with already-existing Reformed churches in Canada,
especially the Protestant Reformed Churches in America (PRC) Official website (https://
and the Christian Reformed Church in North America (CRCNA),
in the hope that they could join with them. This was deemed
impossible due to theological differences with the PRC, and the CRCNA's sympathy with the Reformed
Churches in the Netherlands, which had expelled the GKV in 1944 over a disagreement regarding
Abraham Kuyper's view of the covenant.[6][7]
The Canadian Reformed Churches maintained ecumenical relations with the GKV until tension between
the two churches led to an official termination of their relationship by the General Synod of the Canadian
Reformed Churches in 2019.[8] Reasons for this decision included disapproval of the GKV's
hermeneutics,[9] as well as the GKV's more accepting views regarding women in office, common law
couples, and homosexual members.[10]

The first Canadian Reformed congregation was instituted in Lethbridge, Alberta, on April 16, 1950. The
same year, churches were instituted in Edmonton and Neerlandia, Alberta; Orangeville, Ontario; and New
Westminster, British Columbia. As of 2023, there are 70 congregations[11],[12] which can be found in
British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba and Ontario, as well as in the American states of Washington,
Michigan and Colorado.[13]

Church government
Under the assertion that the government of the church must be regulated by the Bible, the Canadian
Reformed Churches practice what they call a traditionally Reformed "bottom-up" polity, as opposed to a
"top-down" model of church government. This approach to church polity reflects their European Reformed
roots and it is used to be both anti-hierarchical and anti-independent, promoting both the autonomy of the
local church and the need to cooperate within a federation.

Only male members who have made profession of faith and meet the conditions as set forth in certain
Biblical passages (such as 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1) are eligible for office as pastors, elders, and
deacons.[14] Women are not eligible for office. [15]

The government of the Canadian Reformed Churches is based on the Church Order (
h-order)[16] adopted by the Synod of Dort (1618–1619). The Canadian Reformed Churches have revised
the Church Order to reflect changed circumstances, and to incorporate minor improvements. The revised
Church Order follows the principles and structure of the Church Order of Dort.

The Church Order contains 76 Articles which are divided into four sections dealing with:

the offices and supervision of doctrine (ministers, missionaries, elders, deacons)

the assemblies of the church (consistory, classis, regional synod, general synod)
the liturgy of the church (worship services, sacraments, ceremonies)
the discipline of the church

The federation is divided first by local consistories, then into eight classical regions, next with two annual
regional synods, and finally a general synod. General synod takes place every three years.[17]


Foreign missions

All of the churches are also involved, either directly or indirectly, in the work of foreign mission. The
Cornerstone Church of Hamilton, Ontario has sent a missionary working in northern Brazil (http://www.go The church of Aldergrove, British Columbia, has sent two missionaries working in
northern Brazil ( The Bethel Church of Toronto has sent two missionaries
in Papua New Guinea ( The church of Smithville, Ontario, has
sent a missionary in West Timor, Indonesia (

Canadian Missions

The church at Smithers, BC has started a program of outreach among the First Nations people living in the
Bulkley Valley region of northern British Columbia. Local outreach involved Sunday schools, teen
activities, and Bible camps. Smithers Home Mission also sent a missionary to work in Prince George, B.C
(, the largest urban centre in Northern British Columbia.

Many churches also support a radio program called The Voice of the Church (https://voiceofthechurch.or

Ecumenical relations
The Canadian Reformed Churches also have "ecclesiastical fellowship" with a number of Reformed and
Presbyterian church federations, including the following:

The Americas:

United Reformed Churches in North America

Reformed Church in the United States
Orthodox Presbyterian Church
L'Église réformée du Québec
Igrejas Reformadas do Brasil


Free Reformed Churches of South Africa

Free Reformed Churches of Australia
Reformed Churches of New Zealand
Presbyterian Church in Korea (Koshin)[19]
Free Church of Scotland
Free Church of Scotland (continuing)
Reformed Churches in Indonesia (GGRI)
Calvinist Reformed Churches in Indonesia (GGRC)

The ecclesiastical fellowships involve accepting each other’s members as their iown, inviting delegates to
each other’s assemblies or synods, allowing each other’s ministers to preach in church, keeping each other
informed about major ecclesiastical decisions and relations with other parties, and generally helping each
other remain true to the Reformed faith.

The Federation believes that a thorough theological education must be maintained by the churches and for
the churches. As such, it operates three colleges;

The Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary, located in Hamilton, Ontario.

The Covenant Canadian Reformed Teachers College (,
established in 1981 to train Christian teachers to serve in the field of education. The Canadian Reformed
Teachers College Association is formed with representatives from Ontario, Manitoba, Alberta, and British
Columbia school societies serving as a Board of Governors. By 2022, the CCRTC had graduated 250
students,[20] many of whom are currently employed by Canadian Reformed schools across Canada.

The Reformed Bible College is also run by CanRC. It runs short online courses on specific Bible books
and topics.[21]

Although separate from the denomination, parents within the federation have organized a number of
privately funded schools at the elementary and secondary levels across the country.[22] In 2022, there were
twenty-eight schools affiliated with the CanRC, including sixteen elementary schools, three high schools,
and nine kindergarten-to-grade 12 schools.[23]

CanRC also runs five care homes, one in British Columbia and the rest in Ontario.[24]

1. CanRC Official website, Retrieved 2023-04-20 (
2. J. Visscher (ed.), Yearbook Anno Domini 2018 Canadian and American Reformed Churches
(Winnipeg: Premier Printing, 2018).
3. "Beliefs - Canadian Reformed Churches" ( Retrieved
23 December 2018.
4. "Church Order: V. Christian Discipline" ( Retrieved 23 May 2021.
5. "Church Order: Article 22: The Office of Elder" ( Retrieved 24 May 2021.
6. "History - Canadian Reformed Churches" ( Retrieved
23 December 2018.
7. "Our Church History" (
&view=article&id=57&Itemid=70). Retrieved 23 December 2018.
8. "Press Release of Synod Edmonton 2019" (
Retrieved 23 May 2021.
9. "Press Release of Synod Edmonton 2019" (
Retrieved 23 May 2021.
10. Bolt, D.J. "Kerken in Canada" ( Retrieved 23 May 2021.
11. CanRC Official website, Retrieved 2023-04-20 (
12. "Churches - Canadian Reformed Churches" (
Retrieved 2022-04-08.
13. "Churches - Canadian Reformed Churches" (
Retrieved 23 December 2018.
14. "Church Order - Canadian Reformed Churches" ( Retrieved 23 December 2018.
15. "Acts of General Synod: Burlington 2010" (
16. "Church Order - Canadian Reformed Churches" (
Retrieved 2022-04-08.
17. "Government - Canadian Reformed Churches" (
Retrieved 2022-04-08.
18. "Missions - Canadian Reformed Churches" (
Retrieved 23 December 2018.
19. " " ( Retrieved
23 December 2018.
20. "History" ( Retrieved 2022-04-08.
21. Reformed Bible College, retrieved 2023-04-24 (
22. Teeuwsen, Philip. "Understanding the Intersection of Reformed Faith and Dutch Immigrant
Culture in Ontario Independent Christian Schools: Principals' Experiences and
Perspectives" (
hilip_2016.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y) (PDF). Retrieved
23 December 2018.
23. "CanRC: Organizations" ( Retrieved 24 May
24. Official website (

External links
Official web site for the Canadian and American Reformed Churches (
Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary (

Retrieved from "


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