Intro To Prefs and Privs For PowerChart PG Q3 2023

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Cerner Millennium:

Introduction to
Preference and
Privilege Maintenance
for PowerChart
Participant Guide
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® Cerner Corporation. All rights reserved. This document contains confidential and/or
proprietary information belonging to Cerner Corporation and/or its related affiliates which may
not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the express written
consent of Cerner.

Introduction to Preference and Privilege Maintenance for PowerChart Workshop Participant

Published Q2 June 2023
Owner: Consulting Client Education

Introduction to Preference and Privilege Maintenance for PowerChart Workshop
Version 16, Effective Date 08/28/23, Page ID: 2316746742

Introduction to Preference and Privilege Maintenance for PowerChart Workshop

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1. Welcome
Welcome to the Cerner Millennium: Introduction to Preference and Privilege Maintenance for
PowerChart Workshop. Thank you for taking the time to join us. We hope you find your time in
this course truly beneficial.

Learning Objectives
By the end of this activity, the participant will be able to do the following:

• Cite how to use PrefMaint.exe and PrivMaint.exe tools for PowerChart.

• Cite how to research preferences and privileges.
• Cite some main preferences and privileges for PowerChart.

Course Description
This is an introduction workshop that covers the PrefMaint.exe and PrivMaint.exe tools and their
impact on PowerChart and the end-user. Participants will learn the difference between
preferences and privileges, configuration of preferences and privileges that impact PowerChart,
and how to research preferences and privileges.

Course Prerequisites
If you have not completed the prerequisites below, you may not have an adequate
understanding of the concepts that are built upon in this course.

• Cerner Millennium: Fundamentals (required)

What to Expect
This learning event is based on the principle of learn-by-doing. This performance-based
approach acknowledges that you are responsible for your own learning and that practicing the
tasks you need to learn is more effective than listening to a lecture or watching a demonstration.
For this approach to be successful, however, you must understand and involve yourself in the
learning process. You will be guided to think and reason through situations that might be new to
you. Use the resources that are available to you and ask your instructor for assistance or
clarification when you need it.

Introduction to Preference and Privilege Maintenance for PowerChart Workshop

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In this performance-based learning event your instructor will evaluate your work and provide
feedback as you proceed to ensure that you learn from each activity.
To pass this course, you must:

• Complete all course activities

• Successfully pass the final assessment

If you do not receive a passing score, your instructor will identify the areas that you need to
study or practice. In some cases, you can retake the assessment. In other cases, it may be
more appropriate for you to retake the course.

This agenda is intended to provide only a general view of the planned topics for each day. Each
class will progress at different rates.

Day 1
• Preferences vs. Privileges
• Overview of Preference Maintenance (PrefMaint.exe)
• Preference Configuration
• Overview of Privilege Maintenance (PrivMaint.exe)
• Privilege Configuration
• Configuration Manager
• Researching Preferences and Privileges
• Final Assessment

Course Tools and Resources

• Cerner Millennium Training Domain
• Reference Pages on uCern wiki

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Access to
Locate Your Web Security Officer
Securing client access to requires an access key from your Web Security Officer.
New users to can locate their Web security officer from the My Account section.
The Access Key box will enable users to search for their Web security officer by country, state,
and a portion of their organization's name. Once a user finds his or her organization and clicks
the name, an email will be generated to all Web security officers that correspond to the
organization. This email will request an access key for the user and will allow the user and Web
security officer to communicate with each other regarding access levels and other questions or
Users who already have client accounts can identify their Web security officer by
logging into and going to My Account > My Profile. Each Organizational Affiliation
box will list that organization's Web security officer or officers. Click the name to contact that
Web security officer through email. If no Web security officer is listed for your organization, or if
you have additional questions, contact the Cerner Client Care Center.

Log-In Information
Access to Training Domain Website
Cerner Millennium Application and Tool Log-In Information
Application domain:
Back-End Node and Log-In Information
Node name:
After completing an activity, click Start and select Log Out to log out of the remote desktop.
Do not click Close in the upper-right corner to close the window.

Introduction to Preference and Privilege Maintenance for PowerChart Workshop

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2. Preferences vs. Privileges
Preferences typically determine what the end-user can see within PowerChart. For example,
preferences determine the table of contents within PowerChart which is typically set at the
position level. Preferences would determine that the position has a tab in PowerChart to access
the IView solution for example. Privileges can determine what an end-user can or cannot do
inside an application. For example, if a user accesses IView from PowerChart, is their position
able to document or modify results? This would be granted or restricted with privileges.
This course will focus specifically on PrefMaint.exe and PrivMaint.exe and their impact on
PowerChart. Keep in mind that preferences can be set in many different tools depending on the
solution, examples include CernerPracticeWizard.exe, PreferenceManager.exe, Bedrock, and
other solution specific tools.
Preferences in PrefMaint.exe can be set at the following levels:
• Application
• Position
• User
Privileges in PrivMaint.exe can be set at the following levels (dependent on the privilege):
• Position
• Patient Provider Relationship (PPR)
• Provider (User)
• Location
• Activity (UK Clients Only)

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3. Overview of PrefMaint.exe
The Preference Maintenance tool (PrefMaint.exe) is comprised of two primary components: the
Preference Maintenance Tool window and the Preference Form window, both of which are
displayed when you open the tool. Use the Preference Maintenance Tool window to open
multiple Preference Form windows, allowing you to view more than one level of preference
settings at a time. Use the Preference Form window to define the level at which you want to
view preferences.
You can define preferences in the Preference Maintenance Tool at the application, position, or
user (person) level. If you define preferences at the application level, all users are impacted. If
you apply preferences at the position level, only the users associated with that position are
impacted. User-level preferences are individual.
If the same preference is defined at multiple levels, the following hierarchy is applied (from
highest to lowest):
• User
• Position
• Application

Commands in PrefMaint.exe
Find a preference
Get a quick description of a preference (HELP)
• Right-click the preference and select Help

Menus within PrefMaint.exe

Task Menu

The Task menu in the Preference Maintenance Tool Preference Form window includes the following

Command Description

Generate This command allows you to create a report at the application, position, or
Report user level. You can use this report to review the build defined for a given

Exit Closes the Preference Form window. If you have not saved your changes, you
are prompted to do so before closing.

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Edit Menu

The Edit menu in the Preference Maintenance Tool Preference Form window includes the following

Command Action

Find (CTRL+F) This command allows you to search for a preference by its PVC
name (the back-end preference name, such as NEW_DOC_VIEWER). This
search supports the use of an asterisk (*) as a wildcard. The system
displays the search results in the Preference box. You can double-click a
preference to display its location in the Level tree, and you can double-click
the location in the Tree Location box to open that location in the Level tree.

Copy Position This command allows you to copy the selected position's preferences to
another position. This functionality is designed to copy position-level
preferences and does not apply to the application or user levels.

Delete User This command allows you to delete all preferences defined at the user
Preferences level for a specified user.

View Menu

The View menu in the Preference Maintenance Tool Preference Form window includes the following

Command Description

Large Icon Select this command to display large icons.

Small Icon Select this command to display small icons.

Categorize Select this command to display all defined application-level preferences

Application under the root application, such as PowerChart, rather than displaying them
Prefs under each view. This option is selected by default.

View PVC Select this command to view preferences with the preference name (PVC
Name name) in the Existing Preferences box. This option is selected by default.
Deselect this option to view preferences with their short descriptions in the
Existing Preferences box.

Show Inactive Select this command to display the complete list of active and inactive
Positions positions in the Position list. This option is selected by default. Deselect
this option to display the list of active positions only.

Debug This option should only be enabled when troubleshooting


Introduction to Preference and Privilege Maintenance for PowerChart Workshop

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Activity Background
Follow along with the instructor’s demo of PrefMaint.exe. After the demo, complete the
following activities:
1. Find the preference ADDENDUM_DISPLAY for your assigned position. Record the steps
used to locate. Which of the 2 locations is this preference currently built for your position?

2. Go to where this preference (ADDENDUM_DISPLAY) is located and access the Help

feature to learn more about this preference. What does the Help feature state?

3. Find the preference MUL_ALLERGY_REACTIONCLASS_FILTER for your assigned

position. Record the steps used to locate. Which of the 2 locations is this preference
currently built for your position?

4. Access the Help feature to learn more about this preference. What code set can you look up
to add additional values to the Value Column?

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4. Preference Configuration
In this section you will build several preferences and test to see the impact those preferences
have on PowerChart.

Build Steps
The build steps below contain steps on the main build elements of PrefMaint.exe. Each
preference build is different depending on the function of the preference, so not all preferences
will include a component for instance.

Add a Tab
1. In the Level tree in the Preference Form window, select the application view to which you want
to add a tab (for example, the Chart or Organizer view).
2. Right-click the view and select Add Tab, or select the view and click Add Tab under the Level
tree. The Define View(s) for [View Name] dialog box opens.
3. Select a tab from the Available Tabs box. You can select more than one at a time.
4. Click the down arrow to move the tab from the Available Tabs box to the Existing Tabs box.
5. To reposition the tab on the tab list, select it and use the Up and Down buttons next to the
Existing Tabs box to move it.
6. Click Apply.
7. Click OK to save the new tab, close the Define View(s) for [View Name] dialog box, and return
to the Preference Form window.

Delete a Tab
1. From the Level box in the Preference Form window, select the tab to be deleted.
2. Either right-click the tab you have selected and select Delete Tab from the list, or you can select
it and click the Delete Tab located in the lower portion of the window.
3. Click Apply. The tab is removed from the Level box.
4. Click OK.

Add a Component
1. In the Level tree in the Preference Form window, select the tab to which you want to add a
2. Right-click the tab and select Add Component, or select the tab and then click Add
Component under the Level tree. The Define Component(s) for [Tab Name] dialog box opens.
3. Select a component from the Available Preferences box.
4. Click the down arrow to move the component from the Available Preferences box to the
Existing Preferences box.
5. Click Apply. The system adds the new component to the Level tree.
6. Click OK to save the new component, close the Define Component(s) for [Tab Name] dialog
box, and return to the Preference Form window.
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Delete a Component
1. From the Level box in the Preference Form window, select the component to be deleted.
2. Either right-click the component you have selected and select Delete Component from the list,
or you can select the component and click Delete Component located in the lower portion of
the window.
3. Click Apply. The component is removed from the Level box.
4. Click OK.

Add a Preference
1. In the Level tree in the Preference Form window, select the level (application, view, tab, or
component) at which you want to add a preference.
2. Click Add Preference under the Existing Preferences box. The Define Name Value
Preferences for [Level Name] dialog box opens.
3. Select a preference from the Available Preferences box.
4. Click the down arrow to move the preference from the Available Preferences box to the
Existing Preferences box.
5. Click Apply. The system adds the new preference to the Existing Preferences box in the
Preference Form window.
6. Click OK to save the new preference and close the Define Name Value Preferences for [Level
Name] dialog box.

Delete a Preference
1. From the Existing Preferences box in the Preference Form window, select the preference you
want to delete.
2. Right-click the preference and select Delete Name Value Preference from the list, or select the
preference and click Delete Preference under the Existing Preferences box.
3. Click OK. The system replaces the preference with the phrase REVERTED ON UPDATE.
4. Close the Preference Form window. The system deletes the preference from the Existing
Preferences box.

Copy a Position
1. Select the application and position from which you want to copy preferences.
2. From the Edit menu, select Copy Position.
3. In the Copy Position Preferences dialog box, select the position to which you want to copy the
preferences, and click Apply.
4. Copying can also be completed in Bedrock.exe:
Copy Preferences Demonstrations

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Activity Background
You will set several preferences in this activity that span across multiple solutions within
PowerChart. Although you may not have build experience in all Millennium solutions, you will
see the impact the preference updates have on the end-user workflow.

All activities will be set for the application of PowerChart and your assigned position within
PrefMaint.exe. When testing, you must open a new instance of PowerChart after selecting
Apply in PrefMaint.exe.

Add a Preference
1. Select the PowerChart level.
2. Select Add Preference in the lower portion of the window.
3. Select EXIT_CHOICE and review the Help Text for a description of the preference.
4. Move the preference to Existing Preferences by selecting the down arrow.
5. Select OK. Note: Selecting OK is the same as Apply. The Apply button allows you to
make updates in the window and save along the way if making a lot of updates.
6. Scroll to the very bottom of the Existing Preference on the right. Any newly added
preference will display at the bottom until Applied within this main window.
7. Select the 0-Exit and screen ready option from the Value Column.
8. Select Apply.
9. Test in PowerChart by signing in as your assigned Physician## position and opening
your assigned patient’s chart.
10. Select Task>Exit.
11. PowerChart will exist and you will see the sign-on screen pop-up upon exit.
12. Return to PrefMaint.exe and select 1-Exit and shut down application from the Value
Column. Note the preference is now in alphabetical order so you will need to scroll to
13. Select Apply.
14. Test in PowerChart by signing in as your assigned Physician## position and opening
your assigned patient’s chart.
15. Select Task>Exit.
16. PowerChart will exit. You will not see the sign on screen pop-up.

Updating the Caption of a Tab within the PowerChart Menu

1. Select Documentation within the Chart level on the left.
3. Double-click the Value Column to enter a new caption.
4. Backspace to remove the existing caption and enter a new caption of: IView.
5. Select Apply.
6. Test in PowerChart by signing in as your assigned Physician## position and opening
your assigned patient’s chart.
7. You will now see IView as the new menu caption as opposed to the original caption of
Interactive View and I&O.

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Re-ordering the tabs within the PowerChart Menu
1. Select Chart within the PowerChart level on the left.
2. Select Add Tab at the bottom.
3. Move Document Viewing so that it is above PowerOrders in the lower portion of
the window using the UP button.
4. Select OK. Note: Selecting OK is the same as Apply. The Apply button allows you to
make updates in the window and save along the way if making a lot of updates. Test in
PowerChart by signing in as your assigned Physician## position and opening your
assigned patient’s chart.
5. You will see IView (Documentation) below Orders (PowerOrders) in the PowerChart
Menu. Note that you updated the VIEW_CAPTION earlier to IView and the
VIEW_CAPTION is what displays to the end-user.

Adding the Quick Add (+ Add) to a Tab within the PowerChart Menu
1. Select Allergies within the Chart level.
2. Locate QUICK_ADD.
3. Select 0-OFF from the Value Column.
4. Select Apply.
5. Test in PowerChart by signing in as your assigned Physician## position and opening
your assigned patient’s chart.
6. You will no longer see a +Add button within the Allergies tab on the left.
7. Return to PrefMaint.exe and select 1-ON from the Value Column.
8. Select Apply.
9. Test in PowerChart by signing in as your assigned Physician## position and opening
your assigned patient’s chart.
10. You will see a +Add button within the Allergies tab on the left allowing users to quickly
add allergies.

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Addendum Display
1. Select Document Viewing within the Chart level.
3. Select 1-Display at Top from the Value Column.
4. Select Apply.
5. Test in PowerChart by signing in as your assigned Physician## position and opening
your assigned patient’s chart.
6. Select Documentation (Note that Documentation is the View_Caption for
Document_Viewing) from the menu on the left.
7. Double-select Admission H&P from the right.
8. Document a few items on the Admission H&P note.
9. Select Sign/Submit.
10. Select History and Physical from the Type drop-down.
11. Select Sign.
12. Right-click your signed note on the right (right-click the actual note) and select Modify.
13. Select Addend Note and OK.
14. Enter an Addendum.
15. Select Sign/Submit.
16. The Addenda will display at the top.
17. Return to PrefMaint.exe and select 0-Display at Bottom from the Value Column.
18. Select Apply.
19. Test in PowerChart by signing in as your assigned Physician## position and opening
your assigned patient’s chart.
20. Select Documentation from the menu on the left.
21. Single-select the Admission H&P note from earlier on the left.
22. The Addenda will display at the bottom.

Remove Calculator within the PowerChart Toolbar

1. Select the PowerChart level.
2. Scroll to locate SHOW_CALC.
3. Select 0-OFF from the Value Column.
4. Select Apply.
5. Test in PowerChart by signing in as your assigned Physician## position and opening
your assigned patient’s chart.
6. You will no longer see the calculator within the PowerChart Toolbar at the top.
7. Return to PrefMaint.exe and select 1-ON from the Value Column.
8. Select Apply.
9. Test in PowerChart by signing in as your assigned Physician## position and opening
your assigned patient’s chart.
10. You will see the calculator within the PowerChart Toolbar at the top.

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Linking an mPage to a tab in the PowerChart menu
1. Select the Chart level.
2. Select Add Tab at the bottom.
3. Locate Discern Report from the Available Tabs at the top. Note the prefs are not in
alphabetical order. Discern Report is toward the bottom when scrolling.
4. Select Discern Report and select the Down Arrow to move into Existing tabs.
5. The Discern Report you just added is at the bottom of the list in Existing tabs. You will
see several other Discern Reports in Existing Tabs as those are linked to other MPages.
6. Select OK. Note: Selecting OK is the same as Apply. The Apply button allows you to
make updates in the window and save along the way if making a lot of updates.
7. The newly added Discern Report will be at the bottom of the tabs listed under the Chart
8. Update the VIEW_CAPTION to: Multi-Disciplinary Rounding.
9. Expand Discern Report to the component level on the left by selecting the + sign.
10. Copy and paste the following BOLDED text:
Click Apply.
o Note: The page documentation causes page breaks. If you copy and paste from
the guide into PrefMaint, please review REPORT_NAME for extra spacing. The
REPORT_NAME should be all on one line with no spacing between characters.
11. Test in PowerChart by signing in as your assigned Physician## position and opening
your assigned patient’s chart.
12. You will see the VIEW_CAPTION of Multi-Disciplinary Rounding in the menu on the left.
Select to see the MPage that was linked.

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5. Overview of PrivMaint.exe
Cerner Millennium uses many layers of security to allow for the customization of access to
specific functions in its applications. One of these layers is the privileges functionality. There are
many different privileges available for use in granting or restricting access to specific functions
within various applications. The privileges functionality is most heavily used by PowerChart
information systems, but many of the available privileges also are recognized by other Cerner
Millennium applications.

The privilege functionality can apply specific privilege settings in the following ways:

• Privileges by Position: This privilege setting grants or restricts access to functions at the
specified position level. For example, a site may want to allow physicians or nurses to place
orders but may not want to allow users defined with a volunteer position to place any orders.
This is the most frequently used type of privilege setting.

• Privileges by Person: This privilege setting grants or restricts access to functions at the
individual user level. This privilege setting is rarely used because of the number of users in a
health system and the resulting maintenance requirements. Most of the privileges that are
available at the position level are not available at the person level. A privilege can be defined at
the person level if there is a small number of users who need to have access to or be restricted
from a specific function but share a position with other users who have the opposite setting.
Rather than creating a separate position for these select few users, some privileges can be set
at the person level.

• Privileges by PPR: This privilege setting grants or restricts access to functions based on the
relationship between a patient and the provider. This relationship is referred to as a patient
provider relationship (PPR). Some sites may have users with two or more roles in the health
system. When these users are viewing patient data as a medical records clerk, for example,
they may be allowed to view all results. If the same users open a patient chart and declare a
Nurse Aide relationship, however, there may be data that is restricted from the view. In most
cases, this type of privilege is not used because the flexing is based on the relationship
declared by the end user when opening a chart. If a user inadvertently selects the incorrect
relationship, the privilege values may be incorrect when considering the reason for the user to
be viewing that data. In some cases, however, it may be helpful to set privileges by PPR. For
example, if a site were to set the relationships of admitting physician and consulting physician
via the registration system and not allow users to manually declare these relationships, then this
type of privilege flexing may be useful. In this scenario, the end user would not be able to select
which relationship to use when opening a chart, so the predefined privilege settings would be
applied as expected.

• Privileges by Location/Person: This privilege setting grants or restricts access to functions

based on the specific user and location. The only application currently using this privilege
setting is the SurgiNet application. Specific users administering care to patients in specific
locations can be allowed to use the Perform Surgical Procedure function in
the SurgiNet application.

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• Privileges by Activity (UK Clients Only): This privilege setting grants or restricts access to
functions based on activity, for example, View Clinical Documentation. This privilege setting is
specifically intended to support UK clients and is not available domestically.

Servers to Cycle

The .dll that most privilege checking undergoes uses functionality from the MSVC Authorization
Service that is located on the Privilege Authorization server (SCP 357). As a result, to reset
caching any time a new privilege source file (for example, privs.mdb, .jar) is added, removed, or
modified, it is required to cycle MSVC Authorization Service on SCP 357. If you simply add,
delete, or modify a privilege setting in Privilege Maintenance Tool, it is NOT required to cycle
any particular servers.

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6. Privilege Configuration
In this section you will build several Privileges and test to see the impact those Privileges have
on PowerChart.

Activity Background
You will set several privileges in this activity that span across multiple solutions within
PowerChart. Although you may not have build experience in all Millennium solutions, you will
see the impact the privilege updates have on the end-user workflow.

For these activities, you will need to sign into PrivMaint.exe with your assigned build username
and password. Each privilege build or update will require a new instance of PowerChart in order
to test.

Add a Privilege – Result Inquiry

1. Select Add Privilege at the top (third button, top left).
2. Select the Result Inquiry privilege from the drop-down.
3. Select the Privilege Value of Yes, Except For from the drop-down.
4. Select Position.
5. Select Next.
6. Locate and select your Physician## position.
7. Select Next.
8. Select the Exception Type of Event Sets from the drop-down.
9. Select Event Set Search from Available Exceptions.
10. Drill down through the event set hierarchy: Double-click ALLOCFSETS >
ALLRESLTSECT > ALLSRVSECTS > Laboratory > Immunology/Serology >
Infectious Disease. Select any of the HIV event sets, then select OK.
11. Select Finish.
12. There is no testing for this activity. If the HIV result you chose was documented on your
patient, your position would not be able to see it in PowerChart due to this privilege

Modifying a Privilege – Prevent a Position from Ordering Vital Signs

1. Select the Privilege of Order from the drop down and your Physician# position from the
2. The Order privilege should appear. Click the Delete Privilege icon to remove the
existing privilege. *Keep in mind in order to modify, sometimes we must delete the
existing privilege.
3. Select Add Privilege at the top (third button, top left).
4. Select the Order privilege from the drop-down.
5. Select the Privilege Value of Yes, Except For from the drop-down.
6. Select Position.

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7. Select Next.
8. Locate and select your Physician## position.
9. Select Next.
10. Select the Exception Type of Orderables from the drop-down.
11. Scroll to locate Vital Signs.
12. Select Add. Vital Signs will move to the Selected Exceptions window.
13. Select Finish.
14. Test in PowerChart by signing in as your assigned Physician## position and opening
your assigned patient’s chart.
15. Expand the menu on the left and select the +Add next to Orders.
16. The Order Entry window will display. Enter Vital Signs into the search.
17. You will not see the Vital Signs order as you set the privilege preventing your position
from being able to order Vital Signs.
18. Return to PrivMaint.exe and repeat steps 1 – 4.
19. Select the Privilege value of yes.
20. Select Position.
21. Select Next.
22. Locate and select your Physician## position.
23. Select Finish.
24. Please wait for 357 to cycle for the privilege modification. Since this involves orders, the order
servers 362 and 506 must also cycle prior to testing.
25. Repeat step 12 to test. Remember to open a new instance of PowerChart.
26.You will be able to search for and select the Vital Signs orderable.Delete and Add New
Privilege – Document/modify/unchart.
Currently, physicians cannot document in IView. You would like to update the
Document/Modify/Unchart privilege to allow them to document, modify and unchart results.
However, you do not want them to be able to modify or unchart results charted by another user.
This will require deleting and re-adding a privilege.

Since physicians cannot document in Iview, you must delete the Document/Modify/Unchart
privilege as it is currently set to No.

Delete Privilege

1. Search for your positions privileges by selecting your position from the position window,
then select Show Privileges (first button, top left). This will return all privileges set for
this position in the Results window.
2. Locate and select the Document/modify/unchart privilege and select Delete Privilege
(fifth button, top left).
3. Select Yes to delete the privilege.

Add Privilege

1. Select Add Privilege (third button, top left).

2. Select the Document/modify/unchart privilege from the drop-down.
3. Select the Privilege Value of No, Except For from the drop-down.
4. Select Position.
5. Select Next.
6. Locate and select your Physician## position.
7. Select Next.
8. Select Results charted by the user from the Available Exceptions window.
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9. Select Add to move Results charted by the user to the Selected Exceptions window.
10. Select Finish.
11. Please wait for 357 to cycle.
12. Test in PowerChart by signing in as your assigned Physician## position and opening
your assigned patient’s chart.
13. Expand the menu on the left and select IView (renamed from an earlier PrefMaint
activity). Double-click a cell to document, your position can now document in IView.

Add New Provider Relationships

1. Select Position Relationships (Eighth button, top left).
2. Select your Physician## position from the Positions drop-down.
3. Locate and select Consulting Physician and Ordering Physician from the Available
Relationships on the left.
4. Select the arrow to move both relationships selected to the right.
5. Select OK.
6. Test in PowerChart by signing in as your assigned Physician## position. Relationships
have already been chosen for your DL patients, so search and open Myrna Mincoff’s
7. You will see the Relationship window display with the newly assigned relationships.

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7. Configuration Manager
Configuration Manager (ConfigurationManager.exe) provides access to a variety of utilities. This
course will focus on the Position Comparison tool within the Configuration Manager which
allows you to easily manage and compare preferences, privileges, and application groups
across positions.

The platinum position is the primary position used to compare against other positions.
Comparison positions are matched to the platinum position. By default, Position Comparison
displays discrepancies between the platinum position and the other positions selected; however,
there is a Show All option to display all settings instead of only ones with different values.
The Position Comparison utility allows you to compare positions to a platinum position (a
position that is working well for users). For example, if the Physician A position works well, use
the Position Comparison utility to compare Physician B and Physician C positions to Physician
A to see where settings differ.
Position Comparison 1.2 allows you to:
• Compare and align application groups.
• Align privileges.
• View help text describing a privilege and its default value and exception types when you
position your pointer over the privilege name.
• See global preference values when inherited. They are denoted by a globe icon. NOT
SET is displayed when no value is set at the global or position level.
• Easily download an exported comma-separated value (.CSV) file of the Position
Comparison report.

Activity Background
1. Open and log into the ConfigurationManager.exe.
2. From within this tool, open the Position Comparison tool.
3. Select Physician – Hospitalist as the Platinum Position.
4. You would like to compare the following positions: Physician Emergency Medicine,
Physician General Surgery, as well as your assigned position, Physician##. Filter
and select these positions from the list below the Platinum selection.
5. Select Preferences from the Comparison drop-down.
6. Application should be PowerChart.
7. Select Next.
8. Select a preference level on the left to compare preferences across positions. Do not
change your position’s preferences.
9. Repeat steps, but this time compare privileges. Do not change your position’s

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8. Researching Preferences and Privileges
The wiki is a great resource for researching preferences and privileges. Most preferences must
be searched individually on the wiki as they are contained within solution specific reference
pages depending on the preference. Privileges are also contained within solution specific
reference pages depending on the privilege, however there is also a master privilege reference page.
Refer to the two resources below for the next activity:

Master Privilege Reference Page

Preference Maintenance Tool
Model Experience excel spreadsheet

Activity Background
Review the resources above with the instructor, then complete the following activities. You may
need to utilize PrefMaint.exe or PrivMaint.exe in conjunction with the resources listed above.

1. A member of the PowerForm team asks you if there is a preference to restrict Adhoc
task access by position. What steps would you take to find out?

2. A member of the PowerOrders team asks if there is a privilege that will allow the
nurses to place a specific group of orders without requiring an ordering physician.
What steps would you take to find out?

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9. Overview of the Troubleshooting Process
Below is an overview of the troubleshooting process you should use when investigating and
resolving issues with your system.

Step 1: Identify the Issue

When troubleshooting an issue, you should look for a pattern. Once you know where the
problem is, you can concentrate your troubleshooting efforts to fix it. Until then, your efforts will
be scattered.
When you encounter a problem or receive an error message, you should ask the following
• Is this the intended use of the application or tool?
o Many times, the issue is a training, workflow, or process issue, not a defect.
• What are the symptoms?
o It is difficult to troubleshoot an issue without a detailed description of the error
condition and without knowing what triggered the problem. Types of errors
include script errors, illegal operation errors, and information errors. If you
receive a script error, note the script name. If the error contains multiple tabs,
copy the data on each tab, print a report from the error if the print option is
available, or capture screen shots of the error. This information will be useful if
you need to log a service record.
• Can you reproduce the symptoms? How do you reproduce the symptoms?
o Knowing what happened so you can duplicate the issue is critical to identifying
the issue. To reproduce the issue, you must use the exact keystrokes that were
used when the issue was initially reported. If you alter the steps slightly, do you
still experience the issue? Once you know the steps to reproduce the issue, you
can at least rule out operator error as the cause.
• How often does it happen?
o If an issue cannot be reproduced 100 percent of the time, you should search for
specifics. Issues that occur occasionally or to specific users might be explained
by subtle work step differences between users, positions, preferences, and
privileges. It is rare for an issue to occur at random when the same user takes
the same work steps. When this does occur, it typically reflects defective
software in relation to memory leaks or data corruption.
• Can you shadow the user’s session and watch what he or she is doing?
o Many third-party tools are available for shadowing a user’s session, including
VNC, pcAnywhere, and SMS Remote. CernerWorks remote-hosted clients (as
well as CernerWorks and SolutionWorks personnel) can use MF Shadow, a
Cerner tool, to shadow a Citrix session. IT staff at client-hosted sites can use the
shadowing capability that is built into Citrix. Whichever method you select,
shadowing can save the end user from having to read a complicated error
message or describe a lengthy work flow over the phone, as well as help rule out
operator error.
• Do the symptoms happen for more than one user, position, or relationship?
o The issue might be related to a user’s, group’s, or relationship’s security
(application or task access, preferences, or privileges) and not an application
code problem. If you have different users in different positions and relationships
attempt to duplicate the issue, it can show that pattern.

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• Do the symptoms happen for more than one application?
o If many applications are affected, the issue could be a general middleware issue.
If only one application is affected, then you have narrowed your search to that
one application and can eliminate general middleware issues.
o You can also look at other applications on the network (such as email and the
corporate Web site) to determine whether the issue is a broader network issue.
• Do the symptoms happen for more than one patient, order, procedure, or so on?
o If multiple patients, orders, procedures, or so on are affected, then it could be a
general middleware issue.
o If just one patient, order, procedure, or so on is affected, then likely something is
wrong with how that one item was built.
• Do the symptoms happen on multiple PCs or Citrix servers?
o If the symptoms are happening on only one PC or Citrix server, you are probably
dealing with something wrong with that PC or Citrix server. If all PCs or
Citrix servers are affected, then it is probably a middleware or database issue. If
a front-end code update occurred recently, you should check with change control
o If the issue happens just on Citrix, there may be a conflict between the
application and Citrix. If the issue happens on fat clients too, then it is likely a
Cerner Millennium issue.
• Has the item ever worked before?
o If the item has never worked, there is likely something wrong with the build. If it
used to work and now does not, then something has changed, which would direct
you to change control.

Step 2: Perform Research

Search the Knowledge Base on eService for a resolution.
The online service portal, eService, contains links to information that will allow you to easily find
information you need and solve problems. It is a self-service portal for locating resolutions to
common issues. Using eService provides the ability to perform the following actions:
• Search for resolutions and troubleshoot issues using the Knowledge Base search.
• Submit a new service record (SR) when you cannot identify a solution.
• Review, update, or request to close an SR.
• Review a change record (Solution Changes & System Changes).
• Search for a change record (CR) by release or package.
• View obligations specific to the client organization.

Permissions to access eService and the Knowledge Base must be granted by your local Web
Security Officer.
To access eService, open and click the Support link at the top of the page. On the
Support page, click the Visit eService link on the right side.
Consult the uCern Wiki Reference Pages.
Review the Additional Resources chapter for a list of solution-specific Reference Pages.
Start a discussion in a group on uCern Connect.
Review the Additional Resources chapter for a list of solution-specific and other groups on
uCern Connect.

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Step 3: Perform Troubleshooting Using Tools
Check the build using the tools covered in this course.
• See the Troubleshooting Tools section for a reminder.
Have the application servers been cycled? Are there dead application servers?
• Check the status of the application servers with Olympus.
• See the Application Servers section for more information on the servers used for this
Application Servers
Application servers serve different purposes in the build and maintenance of documentation.
Based on build and troubleshooting, various application servers may need to be cycled.
Review the data model for specific information on the tables used by the solution.
• Data model diagrams are available in the Cerner Millennium Data Model Reports group
in uCern Connect.
• Useful fields for troubleshooting include:
o UPDT_DT_TM. When the row was last modified.
o UPDT_ID. The Person_ID on the PRSNL table of who modified the row last.
o UPDT_TASK. How the row was last modified.

Step 4: Resolve the Issue or Log a Service Record

Use eService on to log a service record if unable to resolve an issue.
Be sure to provide sufficient information, details, and contact information.
Prior to logging a service request, consider the following items:
• Include a complete description of the error and what was being done when the error
occurred (for example, screen shots of the error messages are helpful).
• Have you asked the questions to identify the pattern to the issue?
o Create a list of recently changed environmental components.
o Include details on what research and troubleshooting steps have been taken
o Check all log files for error messages.
o Include log files from Crash Collector, Issue Collector, Millennium
Troubleshooting Assistant (MTA), or Silent MTA.
o Use the Log File Quick Reference Reference Page for additional

Solution-Specific Troubleshooting Tools

Troubleshooting Tools
Below is a list of configuration tools covered in this course.
Application Name Application Location Description

Preference Maintenance PrefMaint.exe Configure Preferences

Privilege Maintenance PrivMaint.exe Configure Privileges

Configuration Manager ConfigurationManager.exe Compare Preferences and

Privileges across positions

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10. Additional Resources
Below is a list of general resources that are available through the uCern Wiki
and uCern Connect.

Course Materials
Course Materials contain learning materials for client training courses:

• Course Materials Home

Reference Pages
Reference Pages contain documentation primarily around the design, configuration, and
implementation of a solution. Each application mentioned in the Reference Pages that you will
use to build or maintain a solution has corresponding Help Pages that you also can refer to for
• Reference Pages

Below are types of Reference Pages commonly created for Cerner solutions, tools, and
services. For a definition of each reference page type, see Reference Pages Types.

• Overview
• Design
• Configure
• Install
• Maintain
• Troubleshoot
• C++ Server
• EJS Service
• All About
• Specifications

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Help Pages
Help Pages are focused on helping you use the solutions or applications within the solution
daily. Help Pages are available through an application's Help menu or directly through
the uCern Wiki.

• Help Pages Home

Model Experience
The Model Experience is the comprehensive approach to implementing Cerner solutions,
workflows, and Cerner standards at your organization. Starting from the ground up with a
comprehensive and concise domain, the Model Experience presents all our standards and
content within a controlled environment. From this environment, development of workflows and
the latest capabilities are implemented to define standards.

These Cerner standards, content, and configurations drive the creation of service lines that
span the continuum of care, tailoring our solutions to meet the unique needs of specialties.

• Model Experience

uCern Places
Joining uCern places on uCern Connect gives you the ability to connect with communities of users
with similar interests. You can join any number of places that provide ongoing client-to-client
knowledge sharing. You can opt to receive posts through email or RSS feeds. Below are a few
great places to join that span across solutions.

• Bedrock System
• SolutionWorks Support Group
• Product Categories
• Release Information

Illumination Sessions
Illumination sessions are unique Web-based presentations that focus on the vision, direction,
functionality highlights, optimization, and release of Cerner solutions. Illumination sessions are
led by Cerner solution and subject-matter experts, although some sessions are guest-hosted
by Cerner clients (peer sessions) and Cerner business partners. Peer sessions provide a
valuable opportunity for you to hear the experiences other clients have with Cerner solutions.

Illumination sessions are available for a limited audience to participate live. Every Illumination
session is recorded and available within a week after the session was presented. Two versions

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of the recordings will be uploaded for client use: window media files (containing the entire
session-audio and video) and PowerPoint files (just the visual component) Illumination sessions
are available for a limited audience to participate live. Every Illumination session is recorded and
available within a week after the session was presented. Visit the Illuminations for
Clients place on uCern.

Solution-Specific Resources
Below is a list of solution-specific resources that are available to you for additional information
and understanding of Cerner solutions.

Course Materials

• Cerner Millennium: Introduction to Preference and Privilege Maintenance for PowerChart


Reference Pages
• PowerChart Reference Pages
• Preference Maintenance Tool
• Privileges
• Privilege Maintenance Tool
• Bedrock Copy Preference Wizard

Help Pages
• Preference Maintenance Tool Help Pages

• Privilege Maintenance Tool Help

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uCern Connect Groups
• Privileges and Preferences
• Core/CDR Community

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11. Course Wrap Up
Course Summary
During this course you have learned about the PrefMaint.exe and PrivMaint.exe tools and their
impact on PowerChart.

Learning Objectives Review

• Cite how to use PrefMaint.exe and PrivMaint.exe tools for PowerChart
• Cite how to research preferences and privileges
• Cite some main preferences and privileges for PowerChart

Thank You
This concludes the Cerner Millennium: Introduction to Preference and Privilege Maintenance for
PowerChart workshop. Please take a few minutes and complete the course evaluation. Your
feedback is valuable and helps us continuously refine this course. Thank you for attending.

For Further Reference

Please use this guide in conjunction with the Cerner Millennium Solution.

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