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Manufacturing Letters 32 (2022) 83–86

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Manufacturing Letters
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Determination of the Ultimate Tensile Strength (UTS) of friction stir

welded similar AA6061 joints by using supervised machine learning
based algorithms
Akshansh Mishra a,⇑, Rakesh Morisetty b
Department of Chemistry, Materials, and Chemical Engineering ‘‘Giulio Natta”, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy
DevOps Consultant, Azatec, Milan, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The Ultimate Tensile Strength (MPa) of identical FSWed AA 6061 joints is determined using five
Received 27 January 2022 Supervised Machine Learning regression-based and classification based techniques in this study. Tool
Received in revised form 27 March 2022 Traverse Speed (mm/min), Tool Rotational Speed (RPM), and Axial Force are the three input parameters
Accepted 25 April 2022
in the dataset (KN). The findings revealed that the Axial Force (KN) has a greater impact on the output,
Available online 7 May 2022
namely the Ultimate Tensile Strength (MPa). The algorithms’ performance was compared using measures
such as the Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Mean Square Error (MSE), Coefficient of Determination (R2) value
and F1- Score for ML based algorithms.
Machine learning
Friction stir welding
Ó 2022 Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME). Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Supervised learning
Ultimate tensile strength
Python computing

1. Introduction joints of AA6061 and exposed them to five supervised machine

learning regression and classification based methods [8–26].
Machine Learning is a subset of Artificial Intelligence that solves
a problem by automatically improving the provided answer based 2. Experimental procedure
on previous experience [1–3]. Supervised Learning, Unsupervised
Learning, and Reinforcement Learning are the three types of The dataset consists of input parameters i.e. Axial Force (KN), Tool
machine learning. Supervised Learning is a task-driven algorithm Traverse Speed (mm/min), and Tool Rotational Speed (RPM) with
that learns how to predict the output label using the labeled data- output parameters i.e. Ultimate Tensile Strength which is prepared
set as an example, then improves its accuracy by learning from a in the excel sheet format and further is converted to Comma Sepa-
larger dataset [4–5]. rated Values (CSV) file. The CSV file is imported to the Google Colab-
The Friction Stir Welding technique, for example, uses Machine oratory platform for subjecting it to Python programming developed
Learning-based algorithms to improve mechanical parameters such supervised machine learning regression and classification-based
as Ultimate Tensile Strength, Elongation, Hardness, and Fracture algorithms. The important Python libraries such as scikit-learn,
Strength. For the prediction of tensile characteristics of friction stir numpy, pandas, seaborn, and matplotlib.pyplot were imported.
welded AA 7039 joints, Verma et al. [6] employed machine learning sys- Fig. 1a) shows the necessary flowchart of the procedure. As indicated
tems such as Gaussian Process Regression (GPR), Linear Regression (LR), in Table 1, statistical analysis is used to calculate the standard devia-
and Artificial Neural Network (ANN). In compared to other algorithms, tion value, minimum value, mean value, maximum value, and so on.
the results showed that the ANN model produced more accurate results. Feature importance was calculated to determine which input
Sandeep et al. [7] developed machine learning algorithms for forecast- parameters affect the output parameter i.e. UTS (MPa) most. For
ing the maximum temperature value of AA 7075 and PPS polymer prediction purpose, feature importance allocates values to input
hybrid joints that were friction stir lap welded. The Support Vector variables to a forecasting model that reflects the relative value of
Machine (SVM) algorithm was shown to produce more accurate results. each feature. In our present study, the Decision Tree which is based
The current study combined 85 data from research works based on the CART technique is used to calculate the feature importance
on the assessment of tensile properties of Friction Stir welding of each input feature. From Fig. 1 b) it is observed that the Axial
Force (KN) has higher feature importance value in comparison to
⇑ Corresponding author. other input parameters. The dataset is split into an 80–20 ratio

2213-8463/Ó 2022 Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME). Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Mishra and R. Morisetty Manufacturing Letters 32 (2022) 83–86

Fig. 1. a) Flowchart of the implementation of Supervised Machine Learning algorithms b) Calculation of Feature importance of the input parameters.

Table 1
Statistical analysis of Friction Stir Welded AA 6061 dataset.

index Tool Rotational Speed (RPM) Tool Travel Speed (mm/min) Axial Force (KN) Ultimate Tensile Strength (Mpa)
count 85.0 85.0 85.0 85.0
mean 1143.5129411764706 64.25870588235296 7.086 155.2383529411765
std 254.37163091871412 26.49786369593178 1.4541125586877148 28.749996929484674
min 700.0 12.43 2.5 77.83
25% 1000.0 42.5 6.0 137.0
50% 1100.0 60.0 7.0 155.0
75% 1250.0 85.1 8.0 172.0
max 2000.0 125.0 10.37 208.0

after the feature importance is calculated. The training is carried put variable and the input variables. It is observed that the more
out on 80% of the available data, while the testing is carried out the light pink then more is the positive correlation and purple col-
on the remaining 20%. Feature Scaling is done to standardize the our indicates negative correlation.
features by removing the mean and further scaling it to unit vari- The performance of the algorithms was evaluated using metrics
ance. After these procedures, the dataset is finally subjected to the such as MSE, MAE, and R2. As mentioned in equation (1), MAE is
machine learning regression-based algorithms i.e. XG Boost, derived by averaging the difference between the actual and pro-
Random Forest, Catboost, Decision Trees and AdaBoost algorithms. jected values of Ultimate Tensile Strength (MPa). As indicated in
In the case of the classification-based approach, the output param- equation (2), MSE is calculated by taking the average of the square
eter is categorized into two categories i.e. 0 (UTS < 70 % of the base of the difference between the actual and anticipated values. As indi-
metal) and 1 (UTS > 70 % of the base metal). cated in equation (3), the R2 value is derived by dividing the sum of
squared error regression by the sum of squared total variation.
3. Results and discussion
1X N 
yj  b

MeanAbsoluteError ¼ yj ð1Þ
The main characteristics of the dataset are analyzed and sum- N j¼1
marized by using exploratory data analysis as shown in Fig. 2 a)
and further visualized in a two-dimensional format in the form
1 XN
of a heatmap as shown in Fig. 2 b). Fig. 2 a) represents the statisti- MeanSquareError ¼ y b
yj ð2Þ
N j1 j
cal analysis of the data. Fig. 2 b) represents the seaborn heatmap
which is used to find the correlation information between the out-
A. Mishra and R. Morisetty Manufacturing Letters 32 (2022) 83–86

Fig. 2. a) Exploratory data analysis plot b) Exploratory data analysis heatmap visualization c) Confusion Matrix results for Supervised Machine Learning Classification based
Algorithms d) ROC Curve Characteristics.
A. Mishra and R. Morisetty Manufacturing Letters 32 (2022) 83–86

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Decision 16.45 506.08 0.49 93.83 53.44 to influence the work reported in this paper.
Random 14.90 479.54 0.52 87.54 52.49 References
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