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Kiddys Corner Hr. Sec.

Chemistry Inves gatory
Topic- TO Study the presence of
oxalate ions in guava fruit at different
stages of Ripening
Submi ed by- Submi ed To-
Sr. no. Content Page no.
1. Cer ficate 3
2. Acknowledgement 4
3. Aim 5
4. Theory 5
5. Requirement 5
6. Procedure 6
7. Observa ons 6
8. Calcula ons 7
9. Result 7
10. Precau ons 7
This is to cer fy that PRIYANSH GOYAL of class XII
of kiddys Corner Hr. Sec. School has successfully
completed the Chemistry Inves gatory Project on
the topic “To Study the Presence Of oxalate ions in
guava fruit at different stages of ripening.” As
Prescribed by the CBSE board for the Academic
Year 2023-2024.
lt is further cer fied that the project is Individual
Work of the Candidate.

External’s Signature-
Internal’s Signature-
Principal’s Signature-

I would like to express my special thanks of

gra tude to my teacher
who gave me this golden opportunity to do
this wonderful project on the topic " To Study
the Presence Of oxalate ions in guava fruit at
different stages of ripening." which also
helped me doing a lot of research and I came
to know about so many new things, I am
really thankful to him. Secondly, I would also
like to thank my parents and friends who
helped me lot in finalizing this project within
the limited me frame.

AIM- To study the presence of oxalate ions in guava fruit at different stages of

Guava is a rich source of oxalates. The oxalate ions varies during different
stages of ripening. Oxalate ions are extracted from the fruit by boiling pulp with
dil.H2SO4. Then the concentra on of oxalate ions is es mated volumetrically
by tra ng the extractedbsolu on with standard KMNO4 solu on.


APPARATUS: 100 ml measuring flask, 250 ml beaker, pestle and mortar,

bure e pipe e,funnel and weight box.

CHEMICALS: Dilute H2SO4,N/20KMNO4 SOLUTION and guava fruits at

different stages of ripening.
1.Weigh 50 g of fresh guava Crush it to a fine pulp with the help of pestle and
2. Tranfer it to a beaker and add about 50 ml H2SO4 to it. The contents are
boiled for about 10 minutes.

3. Cool and filter the contents in a 100 ml measuring flask. Make the volume
upto graduated mark by we dis lled water. Put an air- ght stopper on the
mouth of the flask and shake well.
4. Take 20 ml of the solu on from the measuring flask into a tra on flask with
the help of a 20 ml pipe e.add half test tube dilute H2SO4 to it.
5. Heat it to about 60 degree Celsius ll thwe flask becomes unbreakable to
6. Titrate it against N/20 KMnO4, solu on taken in bure e. The end point is the
appearance of pinkish nge.
7. Repeat the above experiment with 50 g of 1,2 and 3 days old guava fruits.

Weight of guava fruit taken each me =50g
Volume of guava extract taken for each tra on = 20ml

Observa on Table
Guava Extract Bure e Readings Concordant volume of
Ini al[V1] final[v2] N/20 KMNO4Solu on
used=V2-V1=V ml
Fresh Guava _______ _______ X_____ml
1 Day old guava _______ _______ X1________ml
2 Days Old Guava _______ _______ X2________ml
3 Days old guava _______ _______ X3________ml
Calcula ons-
For fresh guava
[Guava extract] [KMNO4 Solu on]
Normaity of oxalate extract,N1 = 1*x/20*20=x/400
Equvalent mass of oxalate ion = Molar mass of C2O42-/Charge on
Strength Of Oxalate in fresh guava extract = normality*eq. mass of oxalate ion
=x/400*44 g/litre
Similarly, calculate the strength of oxalate ions in 1,2 and 3 days old guava
extract and conclude the result.

Presence of oxalate ion varies during different stages of ripening.

1. take care that the three fruits or their solu
ons do not mix up.
2. Wash the pestle and mortar thoroughly with water a er use each me.

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