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Atal Innovation Mission, NITI AAYOG, Government of India

Faculty Coordinators:
1. Dr. Syed Iftequar Ahemad, Assistant Professor, YBCCPA
2. Mr. Furquan Khan, Assistant Professor, YBCCPA
3. Mr. Moizul Hasan, Assistant Professor, YBCCPA

A “One Day Field Visit to BAJAJ Atal Incubation Centre –BAMU Foundation” was organized by
Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) of Y.B.Chavan College of Pharmacy, Aurangabad.
Dr. Syed Iftequar Ahemad Sir, Mr. Furquan Khan Sir, Mr. Moizul Hasan Sir and students of
B.Pharmacy Final Year ,Y.B.C.C.P.A visited BAJAJ Atal incubation centre established at Dr.
BAMU Foundation, an initiative by Atal Innovation Mission, NITI AAYOG, Government of
India, on 8th September, 2023.

Objective: The basic objective behind this visit was to make the students to:
 Understand the concept of Incubation centres,
 See the facilities provided by such centres,
 Understand the various prototypes of business
models and their operations.
 Change perceptions from seeking job to creating
the job.

The Field Visit started from AIC-BAMU Foundation at 2:30 PM. In the Centre, Mr. Amit
Ranjan, CEO AIC-BAMU handled the session for our students by delivering basic ideas about
Innovation and Start-up concepts. He explained about various funding and schemes available
for student innovators and Entrepreneurs and discussed the role of BAJAJ Atal Incubation
Centre in providing the orientation, training and development, mentoring, getting patent
rights, and commercialization of the product etc.
The centre is established in acres of land has dedicated area with access to shared office
infrastructure, Wi-Fi, etc. Library and knowledge centre and digital labs Meeting and
conference rooms for closed discussions Teleconferencing facilities and Well-furnished
business meeting lounge.

3D Makers Lab:

Students visited the 3 D Printer which was located in Incubation Centre and explained
about various Start-Up projects like Drone Technology, E-Vehicle, Waste management
and Scrap removal and recycle technology.

POC Lab:
Mr. Amit Ranjan motivated the
students to participate in
hackathons or direct application to
get into Incubation Centre.
Students also asked questions
related to Start-Ups, Internships,
and the way of submitting their ideas to the centre.

Students also Visited :

Students Photos from the Visit:
The aim of the centre is to identify, nurture and translate technology ideas and innovation
in the broad area with a focus to serve the society and it will also be a stepping stone for
the growth of entrepreneurship activities in the region. Many students of schools and
colleges in and around Aurangabad are working at the centre on their innovations shared
their ideas and inspired Students. The Students also had an opportunity for one to one
discussion with many budding entrepreneurs.
The centre provides a platform to enthusiastic, zealous, and aspiring entrepreneurs
to bring a positive change in the industry with launch of new and promising
businesses. They encourage talent and innovative thinking and provide opportunities
to the potential change makers of the academia and industry, thereby contributing
towards bringing a positive change.

It is observed that education qualification is not the main criteria for admission of the
entrepreneurs in the centre. They look at the dedication, the concept and the ability of the
entrepreneur to execute the idea for selection. They conduct many programs such as pre
incubation and Business incubation programmes etc. at the centre.
Students and faculty members immensely benefitted with the visit to BAJAJ Atal incubation
centre, BAMU Foundation, Aurangabad.

Visit Report Submitted by-

Aditya Shivaji Kate
B.Pharm Final Year
Roll No.31
Y.B. Chavan College of Pharmacy, A.bad

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