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Work Negligence 工作过失

1. Minor offence.
Settlement 结算
- Other than minor offences as stated in employee handbook, offences in work
negligence such as errors committed at work task such as delayed and others errors
caused by human errors by settlement employees. Applicable for settlement
- Within the same month period, first 2 offences will be up for verbal warning 3rd
consecutive minor offences will receive 1st warning letter, which includes a fine with
6 months observation period. Applicable for Settlement. See Appendix A
员工如犯下 2 次轻微过失,将会被口头警告,第三次则会被伺第一份警告信进行处
罚,其中包括罚款及 6 个月观察期。请参阅附录 A。
- Note: every warning letter comes with a fine in work negligence comes with a fine.
See appendix A for work negligence fine amount.
注意:工作疏忽方面给予的每份警告信都附带罚款。请查看附录 A 以了解工作疏忽罚

Prematch and live 早盘及滚球

- Any work negligence as such wrong market creation, wrongful team name input, wrongful
bets input or other work negligence committed by human error which the management
deems as minor offence are consider as minor offence.
- Minor offence will be served accordingly, with 1st mistakes KPI amount deduction in half, 2nd
offend in the same month whole KPI deduction, 3rd time in any coming months for 6 months
will be served for verbal warning letter which comes with fine of 2000 pesos and observation
period of 6months.
轻微过失将会得到相应的处罚。第一次错误,KPI 金额扣除一半,同个月份第二次故
犯,KPI 金额全扣。接下来 6 个月同样故犯将会发出口头警告及 2000 比索的罚款和 6
2. Serious offence
Pre-match 早盘
- Other than serious offences as stated in employee handbook, in pre-match, not closing
match or incomplete matches opening is deem as serious offence. Shall there be first
offense, warning letter and a fine of 2000 pesos will be served but no KPI deduction.
将被视为严重过失。如果首次违规,将发出警告信并罚款 2000 比索,但不会扣除 KPI
- Shall there be second offences, it will be served for second and final warning
letter and a fine of 5000 pesos with 6 months observation period.
- 员工如犯下第二次严重过失,将被伺第二及最后警告信及 5000 披索进行处罚,其中
包括罚款及 6 个月观察期。

Live 滚球
- Whereas in live, forgetting to close match and causing to have bets after is
also deem as serious offence. Shall there be any offences, first time it will be
serve for first warning letter with a fine of 2000 pesos.
- 滚球若忘记关闭比赛并导致在比赛后的赌注被视为严重过失。如果发生任何违规行
为,第一次将会收到首次警告信,并处以 2000 菲律宾比索的罚款。
- Shall there be second offences, it will be served for second and final warning
letter and a fine of 5000 pesos with 6 months observation period.
- 员工如犯下第二次严重过失,将被伺第二及最后警告信及 5000 披索进行处罚,其中
包括罚款及 6 个月观察期。
3. Grave offence
Settlement 结算
- Other than grave offences as stated in employee handbook, in settlement, reverse
settlement is considered as grave offence due to the great impact on the business image and
losses it caused
- Every Grave offence should serve a 1st and final warning letter and fines of 5000 pesos with a
observation period of 6 months.
每项重大过失将被发第一次和最后一次警告信及 5000 比索的罚款,附加 6 个月的观
- Shall there be second offence, then there shall be dismissed.

Prematch and live 早盘及滚球

- Any human errors which caused losses will be deemed as grave offences.
- Any of the above stated offence will be punishable by 1st warning letter with a fine of 5000
任何以上描述的过失将被伺一封最后警告信,及 5000 比索的罚款
- Second offence employee will be dismissed.
Appendix A

Minor offence 轻微过失

a. 1st offence, verbal warning


b. 2nd offence , 1st Warning letter 2000 pesos.

第三次故犯,第一次警告信 2000 披索

c. 4th mistakes, Final Warning letter 5000 pesos.

第四次故犯,最后一次警告及 5000 披索罚款。

d. 5th mistakes, 3rd Warning letter and dismissal


Serious Offence 严重过失

a. 1st offence, 1st warning letter and 2000pesos fine

第一次故犯,警告信及 2000 披索罚款
b. 2nd offence, final warning letter and 5000pesos fine
第二次故犯,最后警告及 5000 披索罚款
c. 3rd offence, dismissal

Grave offence

a. 1st Final warning letter 5000 pesos

第一次故犯,最后警告及 5000 披索罚款
b. 2nd Warning letter and dismissal

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