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Summary of Contents - Version 1.0

The Shinobi
Class Features
Earth Style
Fire Style
Lightning Style
Water Style
Wind Style
Blaze Release
Explosive Release
Ice Release
Lava Release
Magnet Release
Scorch Release
Storm Release
Swift Release
Vapor Release
Wood Release
Yin-Yang Release
Ninja Paths
Path of Hatred
Path of Sight
Path of the Exalted
Path of the Celestial
Path of the Beast
Path of Youth
Path of the Shadow
Path of the Healer
Path of Permanence
Path of the Warrior
Path of the Assassin
Path of Suffering
Path of the Mind
Path of the Body
Path of Companionship
Path of the Puppet Master

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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
The Shinobi
Proficiency Taijutsu Jutsu
Level Bonus Die Chakra Rank Features
1st +2 1d4 - - Taijutsu, Unarmored Defense, Scrolls
2nd +2 1d4 4 + Con D Nindo, Chakra, Jutsu, Transformation
3rd +2 1d4 6 + Con D Ninja Path, Chakra Control
4th +2 1d4 8 + Con D Ability Score Improvement
5th +3 2d4 10 + Con C Substitution
6th +3 2d4 12 + Con C Shadow Clones, Ninja Speed
7th +3 2d4 14 + Con C Ninja Path II, Evasion
8th +3 2d4 16 + Con B Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 2d4 18 + Con B Chakra-Infused Strike
10th +4 2d4 20 + Con B Ninja Path III
11th +4 3d4 22 + Con A -
12th +4 3d4 24 + Con A Ability Score Improvement
13th +5 3d4 26 + Con A Summoning
14th +5 3d4 28 + Con A Ability Score Improvement
15th +5 3d4 30 + Con A Ninja Path IV
16th +5 3d4 32 + Con A Ability Score Improvement
17th +6 4d4 34 + Con S -
18th +6 4d4 36 + Con S Ninja Path V
19th +6 4d4 38 + Con S Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 4d4 40 + Con S Sage Mode

Life of a Shinobi The

Shinobi, also known as ninja, are found throughout the large Chak
region of Nippou. In the not-so-distant past, the land was in the "C
the midst of the Warring States Period, a time when smaller cardi
states were constantly battling each other for land and power. to rel
To fight these battles, countries hired one or more clans of Ha
mercenary shinobi to represent their interests, with the as the
shinobi's loyalties ultimately going to the highest bidder. The Chak
constant warfare led to constant death, shortening a shinobi's abilit
average lifespan to only thirty years.
That all changed, however, when two powerful shinobi Cre
clans made peace with one another. Together they made a Think
pact with a nearby country and established a shinobi village shino
within its borders. Other shinobi clans quickly banded clan d
together and created their own villages in response. This Nippo
created a system of several large, powerful nations that each use y
housed their own powerful shinobi villages. However, peace
was only temporary, as these villages and nations quickly
went to war with one another, on a scale that had never
before been seen.

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Class Features Beginning at 1st level, you have learned how to store objects
As a shinobi, you gains the following features. of medium size or lower into scrolls. For an item to be stored
in a blank scroll, it must have a seal drawn on it with ink. You
Hit Points can draw an amount of seals equal to your proficiency bonus
Hit Dice: 1d8 per shinobi level during a long rest. Scrolls can be purchased anywhere a
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier merchant would sell paper, ink and books. The scrolls or
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution seals are not consumed on use, instead lasting until
modifier per shinobi level after 1st destroyed. If a scroll or seal is destroyed, its contents are lost
until the exact same seal is drawn on another scroll.
Armor: None Small Scroll: Holds up to 3 small items. Costs 20 gp and
Weapons: Simple weapons, shortsword weighs 2 lbs.
Tools: Thieves' tools Medium Scroll: Holds up to 7 Small items. Costs 45 gp
Saving Throws: Choose any two and weighs 8 lbs.
Skills: Choose any three Large Scroll: Holds up to 12 small items or 1 medium
item. Costs 80 gp and weighs 15 lbs.
Equipment Weapon Scroll: Holds up to 15 shuriken or 15 kunai
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the these can be summoned to hand as a bonus action. Costs
equipment granted by your background: 60 gp and weighs 10 lbs.
(a) a shortsword or (b) two simple weapons Scrolls, Handy haversacks and bags of holding cannot be
(a) a burglar's pack and thieves' tools or (b) a scholar's stored within scrolls, if attempted, the attempt fails and the
pack and one large scroll scroll, and any of its contents, is destroyed.
Taijutsu Nindo
Beginning at 1st level, your practice of taijutsu ("body skill" or At 2nd level, you choose your Nindo, in other words, your
"body technique") gives you mastery of unarmed strikes and “ninja way”.
shinobi weapons. You gain the following benefits while
unarmed or wielding only shinobi weapons: Chakra
You can use Dexterity instead of Strength for the attack Starting at 2nd level, your training allows you to harness the
and damage rolls of your unarmed strikes and shinobi mystic energy of chakra. You have as much chakra as shown
weapons. in the chakra column of The Shinobi table plus your
You can roll your taijutsu die in place of the normal Constitution modifier.
damage of your unarmed strike or shinobi weapon.
When you use the Attack action with an unarmed strike or Chakra Regeneration
a shinobi weapon on your turn, you can make one Every time you finish a short rest, you regenerate an amount
unarmed strike as a bonus action. of chakra equal to Your Level + Intelligence Modifier. Your
chakra regenerate completely after you finish a long rest.
Unarmored Defense
Chakra Exhaustion
Beginning at 1st level, while you are wearing no armor and While you a negative amount of chakra, except while at 1st
not wielding a shield, your AC equals 10 + your Dexterity level, you gain one point of exhaustion for every fifth of your
modifier + your Wisdom modifier. chakra maximum you spend below zero points.

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Jutsu Ninja Path Cha
At 2nd, 5th, 8th, 11th, and 17th level, you may learn any 2 At 3rd level, you begin to realize your Ninja Path. You learn Begin
jutsu, and may also replace 1 old jutsu with a new jutsu. various features from your path at 7th, 10th, 15th, and 18th into y
These jutsu must come from one of your Chakra Types or level. the p
Chakra Releases and be of your current Jutsu Rank or lower,
with your rank being shown in the Jutsu Rank column of The Ability Score Improvement
Shinobi table. They are split into 5 ranks: D, C, B, A, and S. When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 14th, 16th,
At 2nd, 8th and 17th level, you may begin to harness a new and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your
Chakra Type. You can use any Basic Abilities associated with choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your
any of your Chakra Types. You can forego harnessing a new choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score
Chakra Type to gain affinity in a Chakra Type you've already above 20 using this feature.
harnessed, allowing you to add your taijutsu die to any
damage rolls for that Chakra Type. You gain affinity for your Substitution
Chakra Type harnessed at 2nd level.
Beginning at 5th level, immediately before you are hit by an
Spellcasting Ability attack and take damage, you can spend 6 chakra to teleport
Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your jutsu, since up to 15 ft in any direction to an unoccupied space. A log or
their power derives from your precise chakra control. You use generic object is left in your place. You take no damage from
your Intelligence whenever a jutsu refers to your spellcasting that attack. A creature can only be fooled by this once, after
ability. which it is immune to it from you for 24 hours.
Some of your chakra features require your target to make a
saving throw to resist the feature's effects. The saving throw Shadow Clones
DC is calculated as follows: Beginning at 6th level, you can spend 4 chakra per clone to
Jutsu attack bonus = Intelligence modifier + Proficiency create up to five clones as an action on your turn. The clones
bonus. have 5 hit points each and they have an amount of chakra
Jutsu save DC = 8 + Intelligence modifier + Proficiency equal to 4 + how much of your chakra you decide to give
bonus. them. The clones can take actions as normal; however they
only have one attack each. You control them and they act on
Spellcasting Focus the same initiative as you. They last until they are reduced to
You need no focus to cast jutsu, but both of your hands must 0 hit points, they expend all of their chakra, you dismiss them
be free in order to weave hand seals for jutsu. as a free action, or 24 hours pass. If the clone still has chakra
when it dissipates, you regain half the chakra from the clone.
Outside of Battle Shadow clones have no range limit as to how far away
Jutsu cast outside of combat only cost half as much chakra so they can be.
long as the jutsu will not damage a creature directly. A shadow clone has the same AC as you, however if the
Transformation AC of the main body was effected by a spell to increase
said AC, these effects do not carry over
Beginning at 2nd level, you can spend 1 chakra per hour as A shadow clone carries a copy of the main body’s weapon;
an action to transform into a person, creature or object you however it does not carry the magical effects over from it
have seen before or have a basic idea of, and become beside a base damage bonus. (e.g., a cloned vorpal sword
identical visibly to that image unless you choose not to be. is just a +3 sword in the hand of a clone.)
Creatures must make an Investigation check against your When a shadow clone dissipates, the main body will
save DC to notice you aren't what you appear to be. If it saw receive any knowledge it has gained and remember them
you performing the jutsu, it automatically succeeds. Your as if they were their own experience, as well as exhaustion
stats remain the same. You cannot become a light source, levels, but not negative effects like a curse, poison or
armor, tool, or vehicle and you cannot recreate a magical anything of the like. This is useful for gaining knowledge.
effect. If you transform into a creature with a swim or fly
speed, you gain such speed equal to your movement speed. Ninja Speed
Beginning at 6th level, you can spend 2 chakra to take the
Chakra Control Dash, Disengage, or Hide action as a bonus action on your
Beginning at 3rd level, you can spend 1 chakra as a free turn, and your jump distance is doubled for the turn.
action to move across any liquid surface— such as water, acid,
mud, snow, or lava— as if it were harmless solid ground for Evasion
one hour. Beginning at 7th level, When being attacked by an area effect
that lets you make a Dexterity Saving Throw to only take 1/2
damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the
saving throw and only 1/2 damage if you fail.

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Plant: You are able to communicate with plants.
Summoning Undead: You gain resistance to necrotic damage.
Beginning at 13th level, you may make a contract with a
creature of your choice. For the purpose of this contract you
have the ability to speak with the animal you wish to try and
form the contract with. To form the contract, the creature
must be of a Challenge Rating of your level or lower and be
willing. Summoning a creatureF requires an amount of
chakra equal to twice the CR of the creature to be
As an action, you form the correct seals, take some of your
own blood, and place your hand on the ground. When done
your summon appears in the space you were or a space
within 5 ft of you. If the creature is of the size class of large or
higher it appears in the spot where you were standing and
you are teleported on top of it. For instance, if you form a
contract with a young red dragon or storm giant, you would
be placed on the dragons back, the storm giants shoulder, or
beside your summon. Summoned creatures are able to speak
common. Creating a contract with a second creature destroys
your contract with the previous creature. The creature you
summon cannot be a humanoid or construct.
Sage Mode
At 20th level, you have learned to harness natural energy and
mix it with your own chakra, making senjutsu chakra. With
enough senjutsu chakra, you enter Sage Mode. Sage Mode
allows users to tap into the natural force of the world,
opening up new techniques to them and allowing them to
power up existing ones with the new senjutsu chakra. In
Sage Mode, you gain markings around your eyes of your
design. As an action, you enter Sage Mode. While in this
You gain access to Yin-Yang Release.
Your attack rolls are made with advantage.
You deal an additional 1d10 to damage rolls.
You gain a blindsight of 20 ft.
This form lasts for a number of minutes equal to half your
Intelligence modifier (minimum 1). You can't use this feature
again until you finish a long rest. If in this form while out of
combat, there is no time limit, however the time limit will
start on your first turn in combat.
Training for Sage Mode is often done or led to by one’s
summon, and as such resembles the creature to a certain
degree. You gain one of the following based on your
summons’ type while in Sage Mode:
Aberration: You gain 60 ft of darkvision.
Beast: You are able to communicate with animals.
Celestial: You gain resistance to radiant damage.
Dragon: You gain flying speed equal to your movement.
Elemental: You gain resistance to acid, cold, fire, force,
lightning, psychic, or thunder damage.
Fey: You gain advantage against being charmed.
Fiend: You gain proficiency in Intimidation.
Giant: You are immune to extreme heat, cold, and altitude.
Monstrosity: You gain immunity to bludgeoning, piercing,
and slashing damage from non-magical weapons.
Ooze: You count as 1 size smaller while squeezing.

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These nindo, or ninja way are guidelines you follow; your own
personal mantra. This feature will add a small buff to your
I never go back on my word
You follow through, no matter what, and people have seen
this. You get advantage or +2 on Persuasion checks and
Intimidation checks.
I refuse to watch my ally die
No matter how dire the situation, you put your teammates
lives above your own. As a reaction, if an ally gets hit by an
attack, you move up to half your movement speed to throw
yourself in the way of an attack. You reduce the damage by
1d6 + your Constitution modifier and take the rest of the
Crushing my enemies is all that matters
Killing your enemy takes precedence over all else. If you
reduce a creature to 0 hit points, you can an additional attack
as part of the same action, on a different target. You have
three uses of this; you regain all use after you finish a long
A long life is paved with wisdom
You're more analytical than most. You gain a +2 bonus to
Passive Insight, Investigation, and Perception.
Life over Glory
When you use the Disengage action, you gain temporary hit
points equal to 1d4 + your Constitution modifier. You regain
the ability to do so when you roll initiative.
Hot Blooded Spirit
At the start of your turn, you can chose to make a charge, for
the rest of the turn; you gain a +10 ft bonus to movement, +4
to attack rolls, and -2 to AC. If you hit, the damage is
increased by 1d4. If you miss, your guard drops and you run
through the closest enemy reach, provoking an attack of
opportunity. You have three uses of this, all of which are
regained after you finish a long rest.
Even the strongest have a weakness
As a bonus action, you can make a Perception check against
the target's Passive Perception. If you succeed, you are able to
discern all of the target's Damage Vulnerabilities, if it has any.
You regain the ability to do so the next time you roll for
I stay ready
When you are surprised, you may still take reactions and an
action (on your turn), but you still can't move. You also gain
Proficiency in playing card sets, as you “stay” ready.
I'll be your shield
When rolling for initiative, roll an additional 1d4 and increase
your AC by the result. Decrease your attack rolls by the same

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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Tempered Chakra Cur
Feats Increase your Intelligence or Wisdom score by 1, to a
These feats can be taken instead of an ability score bonus, Prere
maximum of 20. When determining how much chakra you
instead of a normal feat, or as the variant human free feat. have, you may replace your Constitution modifier with your You b
Intelligence modifier. You may add your proficiency bonus an a bon
Body Flicker Master additional time to Concentration saving throws for jutsu. of cha
Prerequisites: You must be at least 3rd level in the shinobi
class and Dexterity of 18 or higher Sec
When you use Body Flicker, you can take the Attack action as Preq
a bonus action. Your
Fast as Lightning longe
skin t
Prerequisites: You must be at least 16th level in the shinobi or Int
class and Dexterity of 18 or higher minu
gain a
Gain an additional reaction each round. You can use the Dash
action as a free action. You can't use this feature again until Sha
you finish a short or long rest. Prere
Genjutsu Master class
Prerequisites: The ability to use at least one kind of genjutsu The a
("illusionary technique") longe
Increase your Intelligence or Wisdom score by 1, to a point
maximum of 20. As a bonus action, while you have a creature you w
in a genjutsu, you can deal a number of psychic damage to it
equal to your level + your Intelligence modifier. Ov
Hidden Talent Prere
Prerequisites: Dexterity or Intelligence of 13 or higher Throu
you h
Increase your Dexterity or Intelligence score by 1, to a of cha
maximum of 20. You are able to weave hand signs with one weav
hand. You gain proficiency in any two skills. addit
Perfected Seals When
Prerequisites: Hidden Talent feat, Intelligence of 18 add y
You have sharpened your jutsu to a razor-sharp edge, use y
allowing your chakra to flow through you without limitations. Cons
You gain he following benefits: Qu
Increase your Intelligence score by 1, to a maximum of 20. Prere
You are no longer required to weave hand seals to perform Hand
jutsu. You do not gain this benefit while restrained.
While grappling a creature, you can use their hands to You'v
complete a hand seal necessary to cast a jutsu. The that y
chakra cost for casting the jutsu is split equally between point
you and the creature at the time of casting it. Once you
use this feature, you can't use it again until the end of a Yo
short or long rest. An

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Earth Style Jutsu B Rank Jutsu
Basic Earth Style Ability Stone Pillar Spears
Range: 30 ft Cost: 8 chakra
Duration: Instantaneous or 1 hour Range: 20 foot radius
As an action, you choose a portion of dirt or stone that you As an action, you create five stone pillars in the area that
can see within range and that fits within a 5-foot cube. You protrude from the ground to skewer the targets. The pillars
manipulate it in one of the following ways: are 5 ft cylinders that protrude 30 ft out of the ground and
pass through obstacles to reach the target. The target of each
If you target an area of loose earth, you can pillar must make a Dexterity saving throw or take 2d6 + your
instantaneously excavate it, move it along the ground, and Intelligence modifier piercing damage for each pillar that hits
deposit it up to 5 ft away. This movement doesn't involve it.
enough force to cause damage.
You cause shapes, colors, or both to appear on the dirt or A Rank Jutsu
stone, spelling out words, creating images, or shaping Rock Shelter
patterns. The changes last for 1 hour. Cost: 15 chakra
If the dirt or stone you target is on the ground, you cause it Range: 15 foot radius
to become difficult terrain. Alternatively, you can cause the As an action, you create a hemisphere of earth using your
ground to become normal terrain if it is already difficult surroundings. The wall provides total cover and has 100 hit
terrain. This change lasts for 1 hour points each. If the wall is destroyed, it shatters, dealing 2d6
Alternatively when you cast this jutsu, you can target 1 foot bludgeoning to the creatures inside. In addition, you can cast
of metal, or 1 inch of adamantine. This can not affect magical the wall of stone spell.
If you cast this jutsu multiple times, you can have no more S Rank Jutsu
than two of its non-instantaneous effects active at a time, and Bedrock Coffin
you can dismiss such an effect as an action. Cost: 25
D Rank Jutsu Range: 90 ft
As an action, you force sections of rock to crush a target in
Lightweight Boulder range. The target must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a
Cost: 2+ chakra failure, the target takes 20d8 + your Intelligence modifier
Range: Touch bludgeoning damage and is restrained. Half as much on a
Duration: 1 minute success. While restrained in this way it has total cover. The
As a bonus action, you can reduce the weight of an object so coffin can be destroyed. It has 100 hit points. The creature
that it can be carried or moved. For instance, if there is a can also escape by making a DC 30 Athletics check.
boulder in your path, you can reduce its weight to be able to
push it. You reduce the weight by an amount equal to its
original weight divided by the amount of chakra used
C Rank Jutsu
Cost: 3 chakra
Range: 30 foot line, 10 foot wide
As an action, you create a large fissure up to 50 ft deep. Each
creature in the area must make a Dexterity saving throw. On
a failure, it falls into the fissure. A creature in the fissure can
try to climb out by making an Athletics or Acrobatics check
against your save DC. The fissure has an initiative of 20. At
the start of its fourth turn it closes. A creature still in the
fissure takes 3d6 + your Intelligence modifier force damage
and is pushed to the top.

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Fire Style Jutsu B Rank Jutsu
Basic Fire Style Ability Great Fireball
Range: 60 ft Cost: 8+ chakra
Duration: Instantaneous or 1 hour **Range:**150 ft
As an action, you choose nonmagical flame that you can see As an action, you expel fire from your mouth either as a
within range and that fits within a 5-foot cube. You affect it in massive orb of roaring flame or as a continuous flame-
one of the following ways: thrower. The size of the attack is changed by the amount of
chakra used. The flames engulf the target and leave a crater
You instantaneously expand the flame 5 ft in one direction, in the ground. Make a ranged spell attack. On a hit, it takes
provided that wood or other fuel is present in the new 8d6 + your Intelligence modifier fire damage, +1d6 for every
location. additional chakra expended. Each creature in a 10 foot radius
You instantaneously extinguish the flames within the cube. of the target must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking half
You double or halve the area of bright light and dim light as much damage on a success. If you use 4 additional chakra,
cast by the flame, change its color, or both. The change it becomes a 20 foot radius or a 60 foot cone. If you use 8
lasts for 1 hour. additional chakra, it becomes a 30 foot radius or a 90 foot
You cause simple shapes—such as the vague form of a cone.
creature, an inanimate object, or a location—to appear
within the flames and animate as you like. The shapes last A Rank Jutsu
for 1 hour. Great Fire Annihilation
If you cast this jutsu multiple times, you can have up to Cost: 14 chakra
three non-instantaneous effects created by it active at a time, Range: 30 foot wide, 60 foot line
and you can dismiss such an effect as an action. Duration: Concentration, 1 minute
Alternatively, when you cast this jutsu you can create fire, As an action, you expel fire from your mouth in the shape of a
such as lighting a torch, lamp, or campfire. Flames can be massive fireball. Due to its size, this technique is extremely
produced and used in any way you see fit that does not cause difficult to either avoid or contain. Each creature in the area
direct harm to an object or creature. This includes the ability must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 12d6 + your
to keep warm in a cold environment. Intelligence modifier fire damage on a failure. Half as much
damage on a success. The targets cannot benefit from
D Rank Jutsu Evasion. For 1 minute, as a bonus action, you can deal an
additional 2d6 fire damage in the area.
Flame Whirlwind
Cost: 1 chakra S Rank Jutsu
Range: 30 ft
As an action, fire erupts around your body in a spiraling Fire Dragon Flame Bullet
manner as you launch it towards the target. Make a ranged Cost: 22 chakra
spell attack. On a hit, the target takes 1d8 + your Intelligence Range: 150 ft line, 10 ft wide
modifier fire damage. Duration: 1 minute
As an action, each creatures in the area must make a
C Rank Jutsu Dexterity saving throw, taking 15d6 + Intelligence modifier
fire damage and catching on fire on a failure. Half as much on
Exploding Flame Shot a success. At the start of its turn, it takes 2d10 fire damage.
Cost: 4 chakra At the end of each of its turns, a creature must make a
Range: 60 ft Constitution saving throw. On a successful save, it's no longer
As an action, you can create three balls of fire from your on fire. If the target or a creature within 5 ft of it uses an
hands. Make a ranged spell attack for each. You can target a action to put out the flames, or if some other effect douses
person with all three or one person with each. On a hit, the the flames (such as the target being submerged in water), it is
target takes 2d6 + your Intelligence modifier fire damage and no longer on fire.
is set on fire. At the start of its turn, it takes 1d6 fire damage.
At the end of each of its turns, the target must make a
Constitution saving throw. On a successful save, it's no longer
on fire. If the target or a creature within 5 ft of it uses an
action to put out the flames, or if some other effect douses
the flames (such as the target being submerged in water), it is
no longer on fire.

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Lightning Style Jutsu A Rank Jutsu
Basic Lightning Style Ability Lightning Cloak
As a bonus action, you can increase your movement speed by Cost: 8 chakra
5 ft and you can produce small amounts of lightning. This Duration: Concentration, 1 minute
lightning can be focused into a weapon or unarmed strike to As a bonus action, you wrap your body in a layer of lightning
give off 10 ft of bright light and deal an extra 1d4 lightning which, instead of being used offensively, is used to electrically
damage. stimulate their nervous system. You gain a +3 bonus to AC.
When a creature makes a melee attack against you, it takes
D Rank Jutsu 1d6 + your Intelligence modifier lightning damage.
Thunder S Rank Jutsu
Cost: 1 chakra Black Panther
Range: 25 foot cone Cost: 25 chakra
As an action, you fire countless sparks of lightning. Each Range: 50 ft
creature in the cone must make a Dexterity saving throw. On As an action, you generate black lightning which takes the
a failure, the creature takes 2d6 + your Intelligence modifier form of a panther. The panther can run up to 60 ft, any
lightning damage. Half as much on a success. creatures in its path must make a Dexterity saving throw. On
C Rank Jutsu a failure, the first target takes 25d6 + your Intelligence
modifier lightning damage and the following targets take 3d6
Lightning Rod + your Intelligence modifier lightning damage. Half as much
Cost: 4 chakra on a success.
Immediately after making an attack with a metal weapon or
an unarmed strike, you raise your arm into the air, generating Kirin
a powerful bolt of electricity which travels through your body Cost: 25 chakra
transferring the electricity to the body of the target. The Range: 120 ft
target must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, it Duration: 1 minute
takes 3d6 + your Intelligence modifier lightning damage and As an action, you summon thunder clouds. As an action, up to
be stunned until the end of its next turn. Half as much 1 minute afterwards, you can summon a lightning bolt from
damage on a success. the clouds. Each creature in a 15 foot radius of a point in
range must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, it
B Rank Jutsu takes 25d6 + your Intelligence modifier lightning damage.
Half as much on a success. If you are outdoors in stormy
Chidori conditions when you use this jutsu, it gives you control over
Cost: 8 minimum, 16 maximum the existing storm instead of creating a new one. Under such
Range: 15 ft conditions, the damage increases by 3d6.
As an action, you gather lightning into your hand; the high
concentration of electricity produces a sound reminiscent of
many birds chirping. You rush to the target, attempting to
shove your hand into the target’s chest. Make a melee spell
attack. On a hit, it takes 1d6 piercing and 4d8 + your
Intelligence modifier lightning damage. You can expend
additional chakra to deal an extra 1d8 lightning damage for
every 2 additional chakra.

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Water Style Jutsu B Rank Jutsu
Basic Water Style Ability Water Shark Bomb
Range: 30 ft Cost: 10 chakra
Duration: Instantaneous or 1 hour Range: 50 foot line
As an action, you choose an area of water that you can see As an action, you shape water into the form of a large shark
within range and that fits within a 5-foot cube. You and sends it hurtling towards the target. Make a ranged spell
manipulate it in one of the following ways: attack. On a hit, the target takes 3d8 + your Intelligence
modifier bludgeoning plus 2d6 cold damage and must make a
You instantaneously move or otherwise change the flow of Strength saving throw or be pushed back 10 ft and fall prone.
the water as you direct, up to 5 ft in any direction. This
movement doesn't have enough force to cause damage. A Rank Jutsu
cause the water to form into simple shapes and animate at Water Gun: Two Gun Style
your direction. This change lasts for 1 hour. Cost: 12 chakra
You change the water's color or opacity. The water must Range: 30 ft
be changed in the same way throughout. This change lasts As an action, you fire two powerful shots of water
for 1 hour. simultaneously. Make a ranged spell attack for both. On a hit,
If you cast this jutsu multiple times, you can have no more the target takes 2d6 + your Intelligence modifier piercing plus
than two of its non-instantaneous effects active at a time, and 1d12 cold damage for each.
you can dismiss such an effect as an action.
S Rank Jutsu
D Rank Jutsu Super Shark Bomb
Water Gun Cost: 28 chakra
Cost: 1 chakra Range: 10 ft wide 150 ft line
Range: 20 ft As an action, you create a gigantic shark out of water and
As an action, you mimic a gun shape with your hand while thrust both hands forward, sending it in a 10 ft wide 150 ft
compressing water onto the tip of your index finger, firing a line. Each creature in the area must make a Strength saving
water bullet at one target. Make a ranged spell attack. On a throw. On a failure, the targets take 6d8 + your Intelligence
hit, the target takes 1d8 + your Intelligence modifier piercing modifier cold plus 20d6 bludgeoning damage and falls prone
damage. moving to the end of the line. Half as much on a success.
C Rank Jutsu
Water Prison
Cost: 4 chakra
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Range: 30 ft
As an action, you create a watery sphere and send it at a
target. Make a ranged spell attack. On a hit, the target takes
1d10 + your Intelligence modifier bludgeoning damage and is
restrained. At the end of each of its turns, the target can make
another Strength saving throw. On a success, the target is no
longer restrained.

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Wind Style Jutsu A Rank Jutsu
Basic Wind Style Ability Rasengan
Range: 30 Cost: 10 chakra
Duration: Instantaneous or 10 minutes Range: 5 ft
You seize the air and compel it to create one of the following The Rasengan is a spinning ball of chakra formed and held in
effects at a point you can see within range: your palm. As an action, you thrusts your hand into the target.
Make a melee spell attack. The target takes 2d10 + your
One Medium or smaller creature that you choose must Intelligence modifier bludgeoning plus 2d10 force damage.
succeed on a Strength saving throw or be pushed up to 5 The target must make a Strength saving throw or be pushed
ft away from you. 20 ft away. The target has a mark on its body in the shape of
You create a small blast of air capable of moving one multiple swirls scratching its skin.
object that is neither held nor carried and that weighs no
more than 5 pounds. The object is pushed up to 10 ft away Great Task of the Dragon
from you. It isn't pushed with enough force to cause Cost: 13 chakra
damage. Range: 60 ft
You create a harmless sensory effect using air, such as Duration: Concentration, 1 minute
causing leaves to rustle, wind to slam shutters closed, or As an action, you alter the weather temporarily making a
your clothing to ripple in a breeze. tornado that dissipate immediately after the jutsu ends. At the
start of your next turn, the tornado drops on a point in range.
Additionally, you can keep a ball of air around your head to All creatures in a 10 foot radius must make a Strength saving
prevent suffocation for up to 10 minutes. throw, taking 5d6 + your Intelligence modifier thunder
damage and being swept 30 ft into the air on a failure. Half as
D Rank Jutsu much on a success. As an action, you can move the tornado
Violent Whirlwind
up to 20 ft. All creatures swept up can repeat the saving
Cost: 1 chakra throw, taking 5d6 + your Intelligence modifier thunder
Range: 5 foot wide, 30 foot line damage, lifting 30 ft into the air, and following the tornado on
As an action, you produce a powerful stream of wind from a failure. On a success, it falls and is no longer caught up in
the tornado.
your mouth. Each creature in the area must make a Strength
saving throw, taking 1d8 + your Intelligence modifier S Rank Jutsu
bludgeoning damage and pushed 15 ft away on a failure.
C Rank Jutsu Cost: 20 chakra
Wind Wall
Range: Touch
As an action, you strike with a large shuriken-shaped ball of
Cost: 3+ chakra wind. On a hit, the target takes 15d4 + your Intelligence
Range: 10 ft radius modifier thunder plus 15d4 piercing damage from the wind
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute splintering into sharp needles that pierce your bodies. You
As an action, you summon a swirling stream of wind, and the target must make a Constitution saving throw, taking
encasing yourself. You and your allies gain a +2 bonus to AC 2d8 piercing damage and losing the ability to cast spells or
and creatures attempting to attack through the wall have jutsu. This effect can be cured by greater restoration.
disadvantage. You can expend additional chakra to expand If used while in Sage Mode, this jutsu gains a range of 60
the radius by 5 ft. ft, and you (the user) don’t have to make a Constitution saving
B Rank Jutsu throw, thus avoiding damage or loss of justu use.
Air Bullet
Cost: 8 chakra
Range: 5 foot wide, 15 foot line
As an action, you take in a deep breath and forcefully exhale.
Each creature in the area must make a Constitution saving
throw. On a failure, the creatures take 3d8 + your Intelligence
modifier thunder damage and are pushed 40 ft away. If it
collides with a creature or object, both take an additional 1d8
bludgeoning. Half as much on a success.

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Blaze Release Jutsu A Rank Jutsu
The blaze release is a mix of fire and lightning styles to create Honoikazuchi
blazing flames. Both fire and lightning are composed of Cost: 12 chakra
plasma, which is a much energized state of matter. To use Range: 15 foot radius
Blaze Release, you must have the Path of Hatred feature, and As a reaction, you surround yourselves with black flames
your Sharigan must be active. shaping it into spikes, impaling anything within the area.
Each creature must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking
Basic Blaze Release Ability 4d10 + your Intelligence modifier fire damage on a failure.
Range: Self Half as much on a success.
Duration: 1 hour
As a bonus action, whenever you deal fire damage for the Flame Control
duration, you can treat any 1 on a damage die as a 2 and you Cost: 14 chakra
ignore resistance to fire damage. Range: 15 foot cone
As a bonus action, after you make a melee weapon attack, you
B Rank Jutsu sweep black flame out in the area. Each creature in the area
must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 6d10 + your
Kagutsuchi Intelligence modifier fire damage on a failure. Half as much
Cost: 8 chakra on a success.
Duration: Concentration, 1 minute
As a bonus action, you wrap your body in a layer of black S Rank Jutsu
flames which. You gain a +3 bonus to AC and when a creature
makes a melee attack against you, it takes 1d10 + your Great Dragon Fire Technique
Intelligence modifier fire damage. Cost: 26 chakra
Range: 60 ft
Amaterasu Duration: Concentration, 1 minute
Cost: 8 chakra As an action, you make a dragon-shaped fireball of
Range: 60 ft Amaterasu. The dragon is a 10 foot tall, 10 foot wide, 20 foot
Duration: 1 minute line. Each creature in the area must make a Dexterity saving
As an action, you focus your chakra on a single point, creating throw, taking 8d10 + your Intelligence modifier fire damage
black flames. Anything flammable near it will be engulfed in on a failure. Half as much on a success. As a bonus action, for
black flame. The flame cannot be put out unless you choose the duration, you can more the dragon up to 30 ft with in the
to, magical means, or it ends. If you use this on a creature, it range. Each creature that is in the area after its moved, ends
must make a Dexterity saving throw. If it fails, it takes 2d10 + its turn in the area, or enters it for the first time on its turn
your Intelligence modifier fire damage and at the start of its must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 8d10 + your
turn, it takes 1d10 + your Intelligence modifier fire damage. Intelligence modifier fire damage on a failure. Half as much
Amaterasu can only affect one creature at a time. on a success. This ignores evasion.

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Explosive Release Jutsu B Rank Jutsu
The explosive release combines earth and lightning style to Explosive Clay
create powerful explosions. They often use these abilities to Cost: 5 chakra and 1 handful of malleable material
enhance their blows. As an action, you pump explosive chakra into a molded piece
of malleable material. Each piece deals 1d10 + your
Basic Explosive Style Ability Intelligence modifier fire damage, have the thrown (30/60)
Range: Self property, dealing 1d10 fire damage each.
Duration: 1 hour
As a bonus action, whenever you make an unarmed strike for A Rank Jutsu
the duration, you can choose to deal fire or thunder damage Unbalancing Explosion
instead of bludgeoning. You can choose to use your Cost: 14 chakra
Intelligence modifier for unarmed strikes damage rolls Range: 30 foot radius
instead of your Strength or Dexterity modifier. Your unarmed As an action, you release an explosion directly into the
strikes deal double damage against objects not made of stone ground. Each creatures in the area must make a Dexterity
or metal. saving throw or be knocked prone and take an amount of
D Rank Jutsu damage equal to your taijutsu die + your Intelligence modifier.
Explosive Punch S Rank Jutsu
Cost: 2 chakra Internal Explosion
As a bonus action, after making an unarmed strike, you Cost: 20 chakra
bolster it with an explosion at point blank range. The attack As a bonus action, after an unarmed strike, you attempt to
deals an additional 1d12 fire damage. create an explosion inside your target. The target must make
C Rank Jutsu a Constitution saving throw or take 5d10 fire plus 5d10 +
your Intelligence modifier thunder damage and become
Feign Explosion incapacitated. At the end of each of its turns, the target can
Cost: 5 chakra make another Constitution saving throw. On a success, it is
Range: 15 foot radius no longer incapacitated.
Duration: 1 minute
As a bonus action, after making an unarmed strike, you
create a small explosion that releases smoke in a 15 foot
radius for 1 minute. This area is heavily obscured.

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Ice Release Jutsu B Rank Jutsu
The ice release combines water and wind chakra. It allows Ten Thousand Ice Petals
the user to manipulate water particles to form ice in different Cost: 12 chakra
shapes and forms. Range: 30 ft cone
As an action, a frigid cold pours from your mouth. Every
Basic Ice Style Ability creature in the area is engulfed in frigid mist, and must make
Range: Self a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the target takes 4d6
Duration: 1 hour + your Intelligence modifier cold damage and its movement
As a bonus action, you gain resistance to cold damage, and speed is halved. Half as much damage on a success.
cold weather has no effect on you.
Also as a bonus action for the duration, you can cool an A Rank Jutsu
area 30 ft around you by up to 30 degrees Fahrenheit. You Crystal Ice Mirrors
can shape up to 10 ft of ice and can freeze water. It melts over Cost: 24 chakra
time, and cannot be used to harm any creature or object. Duration: 1 minute
D Rank Jutsu As an action, you create a 30 ft dome of mirrors made of ice.
At the start of its turn, a creature inside takes 1d8 + your
A Thousand Needles of Death Intelligence modifier cold damage. As an action, you of the
Cost: 6 chakra jutsu can step into a mirror and throw yourself between them
Range: 30 ft at high velocity. You can make one attack each round. This
As an action, a large number of needle-like shards of ice attack is made with a +5 bonus to the attack and damage
surround the target fly at them. The target must make a rolls. While within the mirror, you have total cover. A creature
Dexterity saving throw, taking 3d4 piercing plus 1d6 + your can enter the dome freely; however when trying to leave, it
Intelligence modifier cold damage and have its movement must make either break one of them with a Strength or
speed reduced by 10 ft until the start of your next turn on a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, you can make an attack
failure. Half as much damage on a success. of opportunity. This doesn’t use your reaction. While this
lasts, you cannot use other jutsu.
C Rank Jutsu
S Rank Jutsu
Winterized Weaponry
Cost: 3 chakra Wolf Fang Avalanche
As an action, you create any weapon from solid ice. Each Cost: 32 chakra
weapon can lasts 10 minutes in temperatures higher than Range: 40 ft cube
freezing and half as much in temperatures over 80 degrees As an action, an avalanche of snow pours out from your ft
Fahrenheit. Each weapon deals an extra 1d6 cold damage. that reaches high into the air before falling onto all creatures
in the area. The snow forms into wolf-like apparitions. The
target’s must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure,
it takes 20d8 + your Intelligence modifier cold damage and
are restrained until it uses an action and all of its movement
to dig itself out. Half as much damage on a success.

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Lava Release Jutsu B Rank Jutsu
The lava release is a combination of earth and fire chakra Rubber Defense
used to superheat the ground beneath the user to form Cost: 8 chakra
volcanic materials such as rubber or lava. Range: Touch
Duration: 1 minute
Basic Lava Style Ability As an action, you create a short tube of vulcanized rubber on
Range: Self yourself or an ally. The target gains a +5 bonus to AC and
Duration: 1 hour immunity to lightning damage. It cannot make an attack from
As a bonus action, you gain the ability to walk on lava as if inside it and your movement speed is decreased by 5 ft.
you were walking on water and take no damage. You also
reduce any fire damage taken you take by 1d12 + your A Rank Jutsu
Constitution modifier Scorching Rocks
D Rank Jutsu Cost: 18 chakra
Range: 50 ft
Melting Apparition As an action, you expel a large amount of lava from your
Cost: 1 chakra mouth which quickly solidifies into multiple boulders of
Range: 10 ft molten rock that are fired towards the target with
As an action, you manipulate a strong acidic mud flow tremendous force. You fire four boulders. Make a ranged spell
capable of corroding flesh. Make a ranged spell attack. On a attack for each. On a hit, the target takes 4d6 + your
hit, the target takes 2d6 + your Intelligence modifier acid Intelligence modifier fire plus 2d4 bludgeoning damage.
damage. You can use this to melt locks or doors that are no
more than 3 inches thick or made of adamantine. S Rank Jutsu
C Rank Jutsu Crimson Flame
Cost: 30 chakra
Quicklime Congealing Range: 60 ft
Cost: 4 chakra As an action, you gather lava chakra in your hand and fire a
Range: 25 ft series of projectiles. The projectiles explode in red fiery
As an action, you expel a large quantity of quicklime from blasts in 10 foot radius. Each creature in the area must make
your mouth. Make a ranged spell attack. On a hit, the target a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, it takes 8d10 + your
takes 2d4 + your Intelligence modifier bludgeoning damage Intelligence modifier fire damage plus 7d8 force damage and
and be restrained. The target can use an action to make a is pushed 30 ft away. Half as much damage on a success.
Strength saving throw. On a success, it’s no longer restrained.

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Magnet Release Jutsu A Rank Jutsu
The magnet release is the fusion of wind and earth chakra. It Magnet Rise
allows the user to manipulate magnetic metals like gold and Cost: 15 chakra
iron. Gold dust and iron sand are formed automatically for Duration: Concentration, 1 minute
attacks, but disperse after the attack. Range: Touch
As a bonus action, you’re able to magnetize anything you
Basic Magnet Style Ability touch. As a bonus action, while concentrating on this, you can
Range: 30 ft magnetize an additional object or creature. If a creature is
As an action, you can pull any magnetic object within range magnetized, you can make attack rolls against the creature
10 ft towards you. You can also manifest dust and create with metal weapons and have advantage or disadvantage
small jewelry that disintegrates when you are no longer (your choice). Magnetized objects can be moved 10 ft per
within 5 ft of it. You gain advantage on Persuasion checks round.
with nobles and traders while wearing such jewelry.
D Rank Jutsu Cost: 4 chakra
Gold Spear Range: Touch
Cost: 2 chakra As an action, you can form weapons out of iron and gold dust.
Range: 10 ft The weapons are not structurally sound and will shatter back
As an action, you create a spear of gold and send it at a target. into dust after two strikes. You can make six kunai, senbon,
Make a ranged spell attack. On a hit, the target takes 1d8 or shuriken, two shortswords, one longsword, or one
piercing plus 1d8 + your Intelligence modifier force damage. greatsword. You are proficient with weapons you make

C Rank Jutsu S Rank Jutsu

Iron Needle Bomb Gold Dust Imperial Funeral
Cost: 4 chakra Cost: 32 chakra
Range: 30 foot radius Range: 100 foot radius
As an action, you create an orb of iron sand and then As an action, the ground around you overflows with gold dust
forcefully disperses it into needles in a circle around you. All covering every creature of your choice, and you are lifted into
other creatures in the area must make a Dexterity saving the air by a cloud of gold dust. Each creature must make a
throw. On a failure, the creatures take 2d10 + your Constitution saving throw. On a failure, it takes 20d10 + your
Intelligence modifier piercing damage. Intelligence modifier bludgeoning damage, is paralyzed until
the end of your next turn. Half as much damage on a success.
B Rank Jutsu
Iron Sand Drizzle
Cost: 8 chakra
Range: 40 ft line
As an action, you release gunshot-like particles of Iron Sand.
Each creature in the line must make a Dexterity saving throw.
On a failure, it takes 5d8 piercing plus 2d4 + your Intelligence
modifier force.

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Scorch Release Jutsu B Rank Jutsu
The scorch release is the fusion of wind and fire chakra. Incinerating Flare
While it can be seen as normal fire jutsu, it's on a completely Cost: 12 chakra
different level. The flame from this Chakra Release is enough Range: 40 ft
to evaporate the moisture inside of someone's body from the As an action, you form a large ball of heat as bright as the
outside. These attacks deal damage through objects, so cover sun. You throw it at a point in range, violently exploding on
doesn't make affect Scorch Style jutsu. It can also melt most impact. Each creature in a 10 ft radius of the point must
wooden objects on impact. make a Constitution saving throw, taking 5d8 + your
Intelligence modifier fire damage and a level of exhaustion on
Basic Scorch Style Ability a failure. Half as much damage on a success.
Range: Self or 120 ft (for the fog cloud)
Duration: 1 hour A Rank Jutsu
As an bonus action, you enter a state of super heating and Great Blaze Ball
increase the temperature surrounding your body drastically. Cost: 20 chakra
As a reaction when hit with a nonmagical melee weapon, you Range: 100 ft
can expend 5 chakra, to super heat it. The target must make As an action, you exhale a meteor-sized sphere of fire that
a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, it takes 1d10 + your carries the enemy away and causes a massive explosion on
Intelligence modifier fire damage and drops the weapon. impact. Make a ranged spell attack. On a hit, the target takes
Alternatively, as an action for the duration, you can target 15d10 + your Intelligence modifier fire damage and must
up to 5 cubic ft of water within range and evaporate it in the make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, its movement
blind of an eye. You create a 20-foot-radius sphere of fog speed is reduced to 0 until the end of its next turn due to
centred at the source of water. The sphere spreads around most of the moisture in its body evaporating.
corners, and its area is heavily obscured. It lasts for the
duration or until a wind of moderate or greater speed (at least S Rank Jutsu
10 miles per hour) disperses it.
Extremely Steaming Murder
D Rank Jutsu Cost: 32 chakra
Demon Lantern Duration: Concentration, 1 minute
Cost: 1 chakra Range: 100 ft
Range: 30 ft As an action, you create three flaming orbs that resemble
As an action, you summon an orb of fire that takes the shape small suns. These orbs rotate around you. As an action, you
of a skull. Make a ranged spell attack. On a hit, the target can send one of these at a creature within range. Make a
takes 1d10 + your Intelligence modifier fire damage. ranged spell attack. On a hit, the target takes 10d10 + your
Intelligence modifier radiant damage and two exhaustion
C Rank Jutsu levels. A creature reduced to 0 hit points by this dies as all the
water inside its body evaporates, leaving it a mummified
Bomb Blast Dance corpse and disintegrating all of its equipment is unless it is
Cost: 5 chakra magical. Each orb dissipates after hitting two targets or when
Range: 30 foot cone you lose concentration.
As an action, you expel fire from your mouth in a large
stream. Each creature in the area must make a Constitution
saving throw. On a failure, a creature takes 2d6 + your
Intelligence modifier fire damage. Half as much damage on a

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Storm Release Jutsu B Rank Jutsu
The storm release is a natural combination of water and Thunder Cloud Inner Wave
lightning. These two combine to make a lightning that flows Cost: 10 chakra
with fluidity like water. Range: 15 foot radius
Duration: Concentration, 1 minute
Basic Storm Style Ability As an action, you generate a thunder cloud in the radius
Time: 24 hours around you that follows you. Each creature that ends its turn
Range: Self (5-mile radius) within the cloud or enters the cloud for the first time on a
Duration: Concentration, up to 8 hours turn takes 2d6 + your Intelligence modifier lightning damage.
You take control of the weather within 5 miles of you for the This cloud heavily obscures the area for any creature other
duration. You must be outdoors to cast this jutsu. Moving to a than you.
place where you don't have a clear path to the sky ends the
jutsu early. A Rank Jutsu
When you use the jutsu, you change the current weather Demon Lightning Storm
conditions, which are determined by the DM based on the Cost: 16 chakra
climate and season. You can change precipitation, Duration: Concentration, 1 minutes
temperature, and wind. It takes 1d4 × 10 minutes for the new Range: 40 foot radius
conditions to take effect. Once they do so, you can change the As an action, you create a large thunder cloud 40 ft in the air
conditions again. When the jutsu ends, the weather gradually covering a 40 ft radius. Any lightning damage dealt to a
returns to normal. creature other than you under the cloud deals an additional
Additionally, if cast during a lightning storm, you can 2d6 lightning damage. As an action, you can also summon a
concentrate on redirecting lighting up to 200 ft away from bolt of lightning. Each creature in a 10 ft radius of a point
you. under the cloud must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking
10d6 + your Intelligence modifier lightning damage (already
D Rank Jutsu includes additional 2d6) on a failure. Half as much damage
Light Fang on a success.
Cost: 1 chakra
Range: 10 foot line S Rank Jutsu
As an action, you generate a sharp thin stream of light from Laser Circus
your mouth. Each creature in the area must make a Cost: 26 chakra
Constitution saving throw, taking 1d10 + your Intelligence Range: 90 ft
modifier piercing or radiant damage on a failure. As an action, you create eight beams of concentrated
lightning and shoot them at a creature. Each beam can hit up
C Rank Jutsu to two creatures. Each creature must make a Dexterity saving
Light Pillar throw, taking 10d8 + your Intelligence modifier lightning or
Cost: 4 chakra radiant damage on a failure. Half as much damage on a
Range: 15 foot radius success. If you target a creature with more than one beam, it
Duration1 minute has disadvantage on the saving throws.
As an action, you make an extremely bright light that appears
to emanate from your body. Each creature in the area must
make a Constitution saving throw or be blinded for 1 minute.
At the end of each of its turns, a creature can repeat the
Constitution saving throw. On a success, it is no longer

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Swift Release Jutsu B Rank Jutsu
The swift release is a combination of wind and lightning Unseen Passage
styles to enhance the user's physical abilities and speed. Cost: 2 chakra
Users of this style are rare, but often legendary for their This technique requires Surge to be active. You analyze the
amazing speeds. path of perception of the people around you and move in their
Basic Swift Style Technique As a bonus action used to cast this jutsu, you take the Hide
Range: Self action with advantage. For the remainder of Surge's duration
Duration: 1 minute you remain Hidden even after attacking. On your turn, you
As a bonus action, you can increase your movement speed by can replace your current stealth roll with another as an action
30 ft. You can also permanently use your Unarmored still at advantage.
Movement feature while wearing armor.
A Rank Jutsu
D Rank Jutsu Crowd Control
Surge Cost: 6 chakra
Cost: 6 chakra This technique requires Surge to be active. This version of
Duration: 1 minute, concentration Shadowless Flight is modified to target multiple targets.
Your perception of the world slows down as lightning surges As an action, you can target any creature in a cone or circle
through your body, enhancing your processing speed. Your the size of half of your current speed. Each creature of your
speed doubles for the duration and you gain an additional choice in range must roll a dexterity saving throw and suffer
action and bonus action, gain a +1 bonus to AC as well as the effects of Shadowless Flight. On a success, they take half
having advantage on dexterity saving throws. A wave of damage.
lethargy sweeps over you as soon as the jutsu ends: you are
unable to move or take any actions until the end of your next S Rank Jutsu
turn. Superstorm
C Rank Jutsu Cost: 22 chakra
Range: 40 foot radius
Shadowless Flight Duration: 1 minute, concentration
Cost: 3 chakra As an action, you summon a super storm concentrated in a
This technique requires Surge to be active. You move at 40 foot radius that follows you for 1 minute.
instantaneous speeds, rapidly striking your target at various Creatures of your choice inside the super storm have their
angles while avoiding any opposition regardless of the movement speed halved and must roll a constitution saving
target's speed or strength. throw at the start of each turn they spend inside the super
As an action, choose a target within melee range and roll storm. On a failure, they suffer a level of exhaustion.
4d6. The target takes the result in damage of the same While this jutsu is active, you can concentrate on both
damage type as your chosen weapon. This counts as an Surge and Swift Release: Superstorm and must roll the
attack with your chosen weapon for the purposes of concentration saving throws independently of each other.
resistance and immunities.

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Vapor Release Jutsu B Rank Jutsu
The vapor style release combines fire and water chakra to Corrosive Jet
weaponize steam. Cost: 8 chakra
Range: 60 foot line
Basic Vapor Style Ability: As an action, you release a more powerful and corrosive jet of
Cost: 1 chakra steam. Each creature in the area must make a Constitution
Duration: 1 minute saving throw, taking 10d8 + your Intelligence modifier acid
As a bonus action, you can spend 1 chakra. For the next damage on a failure. Half as much damage on a success.
minute your long jump and high jump distances are doubled.
A Rank
D Rank Jutsu Petrifying Steam
Steam Jet Cost: 14 chakra
Cost: 1 chakra **Range: **60 ft
Range: 10 foot cone As an action, you make a blast of steam. A creature in range
As an action, you release a stream of steam from your mouth. must make a Constitution saving throw, becoming petrified
Each creature in the area takes 1d12 + your Intelligence for 1 minute on a failure.
modifier fire damage.
S Rank Jutsu
C Rank Jutsu Corrosive Explosion
Radiant Steam Cost: 20 chakra
Cost: 5 chakra Range: 90 ft
Range: 30 foot radius As an action, you make an explosion of corrosive steam. Each
As an action, you radiate steam from your entire body. Each creature in a 60 foot radius of a point in range must make a
creature in the area must make a Constitution saving throw, Constitution saving throw, taking 8d8 + your Intelligence
taking 2d10 + your Intelligence modifier fire damage on a modifier acid damage, pushing the creature to the edge of the
failure. Half as much damage on a success. radius, and falling prone on a failure. Half as much damage
on a success.

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40 ft by 40 ft by 80 ft. 3 floors. Furnished. Can hold 12
Wood Release Jutsu medium creatures comfortably. Creatures who spend an
The wood release is made up of techniques that mix earth entire long rest in this house gain 2d4 + your Intelligence
and water chakra to create wood. flowering trees. modifier temporary hit points and increases its movement
speed by 10 ft until it finishes a long rest. 20 chakra.
Passive Wood Style Ability If the house is destroyed, all creatures inside takes 2d10
Cost: 0-10 chakra bludgeoning damage.
Range: 30 ft Stocks
As an action, you can summon small trees and poles of wood Cost: 1 chakra
from the earth as well as your body to create one of the Range: 30 ft
following effects within a 5 foot cube: As an action, you make a set of stocks that form around the
You cause the newly grown wood to form into simple target. The target must make a Strength saving throw. On a
shapes and animate at your direction. failure, it is restrained. To break out, the restrained target can
You envelop the targeted area with irregularly grown roots use its action to repeat the Strength saving throw. On a
and branches and cause the area to become difficult success, the target escapes and is no longer restrained.
terrain. Alternatively, you can cause the branches to clear C Rank Jutsu
a path and turn it into normal terrain if it is already
difficult terrain. Wood Dome
You create a barrage of branches and trees that shoot up Cost: 5 chakra
and fill the targeted area. A creature standing behind this Duration: 5 minutes
wall of wood can use it as cover. As an action, you manipulate the roots in the ground to create
You can return any wood you create back into the earth as a 10 ft radius wooden dome. This dome provides total cover
a bonus action. Wood created this way cannot be used to deal from the front. It has 100 hit points and an AC of 16. It is
damage directly, however it can be used to block paths and vulnerable to fire and magical slashing damage. At the start
bar off areas. Your wooden creations have an AC of 11 and a of your turn, it regains 1d6 hit points, unless it has taken fire
number of hit points equal to your level plus your Intelligence damage this round.
modifier. You can spend additional chakra at the time of using B Rank Jutsu
this jutsu to increase the targeted area by 5 ft per 2 chakra
spent. Wood Dragon
Cost: 10 chakra Duration: Concentration, 1 minute Range: 60
D Rank Jutsu ft As an action, you create a huge wooden dragon. The dragon
Four-Pillar House has 60 hit points. If destroyed, as an action, you can reform
Cost: 5-20 chakra the hand signs to reform it with 60 hit points. As a reaction,
As an action, you use your wood style to create a square when a creature targets you with an area of effect or attack,
house. The house has an AC of 14 and a number of hit points you can move the dragon in the way, it’s targeted instead. You
equal to 40 + your Intelligence modifier. The house can be can make the dragon action as a free action. It has the
empty or furnished (strictly wood and earth) and provide following statistics and the same ability scores and save DC
cover from the elements. Each floor is one room, and a as you:
balcony surrounds the second floor. Speed 60 ft fly
20 ft by 20 ft by 30 ft. Single floor. Empty. Can hold 4 Multiattack. It can make one bite attack and two claw
medium creatures comfortably. 5 chakra. attacks.
20 ft by 20 ft by 30 ft. Single floor. Furnished. Can hold 4 Bite deals 1d8 piercing damage
medium creatures comfortably. 10 chakra. Claw deals 1d6 slashing damage
30 ft by 30 ft by 60 ft. 2 floors. Empty. Can hold 8 medium Grapple. The dragon uses the grapple attack.
creatures comfortably. 10 chakra. Breath Weapon (5-6 recharge). Each creature is a 20 ft
30 ft by 30 ft by 60 ft. 2 floors. Furnished. Can hold 8 cone must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, it
medium creatures comfortably. Creatures who spend an takes 2d8 bludgeoning damage.
entire long rest in this house gain 1d6 + your Intelligence Self-Destruct. The wood dragon can be sacrificed,
modifier temporary hit points. 15 chakra. ramming itself into a target at high speeds. Make a ranged
40 ft by 40 ft by 80 ft. 3 floors. Empty. Can hold 12 spell attack. The target is pushed 40 ft away and takes 4d8
medium creatures comfortably. 15 chakra. bludgeoning damage.

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A Rank Jutsu Yin-Yang Release Jutsu
Deep Forest Emergence This release can only be used while in Sage Mode. It is the
Cost: 20 manipulation of Yin chakra, the energy of the spiritual world,
Range: 40 ft radius, 20 ft high and Yang chakra, the energy of the physical world.
As an action, you force a small plant to grow into a forest in
an instant. The trees to grow in a dense 40 ft radius, 20 ft Basic Yin-Yang Release Technique
high forest around you. You and creatures you choose are Cost: 0 or 7 chakra
lifted by a root into the air. All other creatures in the area Range: Touch
must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 5d12 + your Duration: 1 minute (on self) or 1 round (on other creatures)
Intelligence modifier bludgeoning damage. Half as much As a bonus action, you gain advantage on rolls to avoid the
damage on a success. The forest is difficult terrain to all frightened condition. Alternatively, you can spend 7 chakra to
creatures but you. As a bonus action, you can spend 4 chakra grant this benefit to another creature withing range until the
to make a large branch from the forest attack one creature. start of your next turn.
Make a melee spell attack. On a hit, it takes 3d12 piercing or
bludgeoning damage. Yin Enhancement
Cost: Half the cost of the Jutsu
S Rank Jutsu As a bonus action, when you use a jutsu, you make attack
Great Spear Tree
rolls with advantage, you can re-roll damage rolls, or you
double the range for that jutsu.
Cost: 32 chakra
Range: 50 ft radius, 60 ft high Genjutsu Communication
Duration: 1 minute Cost: 10 chakra
As an action, you summon a tangle of roots that surround Range: Unlimited
you. Each creature other than you the area must make a Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute As an action, if you
Dexterity saving. On a failure, it takes 20d8 + your know the location of your target down to a 30 foot range. You
Intelligence modifier piercing damage and is restrained by project an image of yourself in front of the target, enabling
the dome. Half as much damage on a success. If a creature is you to converse with it. You can see and hear through this
reduced to 0 hit points by this damage it dies. The body is mirage, but you can not interact with the world around it.
crushed and the blood seeps into the roots giving them a red
tinge. To break out, the restrained target can use its action to Sound Release
make a Strength saving throw. On a success, the target Cost: 6 chakra
escapes and is no longer restrained. As an action, you can Range: 30 foot cone
make a spell attack against a creature in the area. The target As an action, each creature in the area must make a
takes one of the following of your choice. Constitution saving throw. On a failure, a creature has
Vine: On a hit, the target is knocked prone and takes 2d8 disadvantage on attack rolls until the end of its next turn.
+ your Intelligence modifier bludgeoning damage. Bringer of Darkness
Branch: On a hit, the target takes 4d8 + your Intelligence Cost: 10 chakra
modifier piercing damage. Range: 50 ft
Log: The target must make a Dexterity saving throw, Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute As an action, a
taking 8d8 + your Intelligence modifier bludgeoning target within range must make a Constitution saving throw.
damage. Half as much damage on a success. This can only On a failure, its blinded until the jutsu ends. As an action, the
be used once every other round. target can repeat the saving throw.
Temple of Nirvana
Cost: 32 chakra
Range: 150 ft
As an action, every creature within range, other than you,
sees white feathers falling from the sky and must make an
Intelligence saving throw. On a failure, it falls unconscious. If
the creature is CR or level 5 or lower it automatically fails.
Creatures of CR or level 15 or higher have advantage. As a
bonus action, you can end the effect on individual creatures.
Dispel Magic or a similar effect can dispel it on individual

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If the action is a class feature, you can replicate it at a chakra
Path of Hatred cost equal to the level the feature is unlocked at. This
The Sharingan is an eye technique possessed by those of the includes Extra Attack, Flurry of Blows and Maneuvers. Class
Uchiha clan that is acquired through emotions, not power. features beyond those three are up to the DM's discretion.
Whether needing the power to protect others, or having so Class Features copied in this way are memorized and can be
much hate that you will kill all in your way for what you want. used until the end of your next long rest.
If the action is a jutsu or taijutsu, you can replicate it at a
Foresight chakra cost equal to or more (if the Jutsu allows it) than the
chakra used by the creature copied. Jutsu and taijutsu copied
At 2nd level, you acquire the power of the Sharingan and can in this way are permanently learned.
activate it as a bonus action. You start with 1 tomoe, and you You cannot copy or learn a Chakra Release Jutsu if you do
gain the following features while it's active: not have the required Chakra Types for it (e.g., Ice Release
Jutsu can only be copied if you know both the Water and
You gain a +1 bonus to AC. Wind Chakra Types). You cannot copy or learn monster
You have advantage on Wisdom and Dexterity saving abilities (such as a basilisk's Petrifying Gaze).
throws. You have a number of uses for this equal to 1 + your
You have advantage on Perception checks. Intelligence modifier. You regain all uses once your
The Sharingan lasts for 1 minute. At the end of which you Sharingan ends.
must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. If you fail, you Mangekyō
gain 1 level of exhaustion. On a success your Sharingan stays
active for another minute, after which you must repeat the At 13th level, you have mastered your traditional Sharingan.
saving throw. The DC increases by 1 for every success. You You have unlimited uses of your Sharingan. You also gain the
can end this early at will, negating the need to make the power of the Mangekyō Sharingan if you witness someone
saving throw. You regain use of this feature at the end of a close to you die by unnatural means. When you activate your
short or long rest. Sharingan, or as a bonus action while it’s active, you activate
your Mangekyō Sharingan. Instead of having a red
Illusion background with a black circle, your eyes change into a form
At 5th level, your Sharingan gains a second tomoe. While unique to each person, normally in the shape of a pinwheel in
your Sharingan is active, you gain the following features: some way.
The Mangekyō allows its owner to use one of the special
The bonus to your AC increases to +2. jutsu listed below:
As a reaction, you can impose disadvantage on one attack
against you. You have a number of uses for this equal to 1 Kamui
+ your Intelligence modifier. You regain all uses once your This Space-Time jutsu enables a user to open an entrance to
Sharingan ends. a pocket dimension anywhere within 100 ft of themselves.
You automatically detect visual illusions and genjutsu and This dimension is filled with 20 ft gray cubes and is
succeed on saving throws against them. This effect can illuminated by dim light. You specifically gain two techniques
penetrate most barriers, but is blocked by 1 foot of stone, of Kamui, Long-range Kamui and Short-range Kamui, each
1 inch of Common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 ft of belonging to one eye.
wood or dirt.
Long-range Kamui
Replication As an action, you can target a sphere with a radius of up to 15
ft within your 100 ft range to attempt to warp any object or
At 9th level, you have gained the third and final tomoe. You creature into the pocket dimension, the sphere cannot be
can now activate the Sharingan as a free action instead of a targeted anywhere within 10 ft of you. Any creatures within
bonus action. In addition, you can use your Sharingan a the sphere must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or be
number of times equal to your Intelligence or Constitution pulled into the pocket dimension. A willing creature can
modifier (minimum of 1). While your Sharingan is active, you choose to fail the saving throw and instantly be bought into
gain the following benfits: the pocket dimension. If used on an object or creature that is
The bonus to your AC increase to +3. larger than the targeted area, such as the ground, only the
part of the object within your range is brought into the
While your Sharingan is active, as a reaction, you can copy dimension, and creatures must succeed on a Dexterity saving
someone else's action provided you can see them. If the throw or take 6d6 force damage, or half damage on a success
action is a spell with somatic components and doesn't as their matter stretches supernaturally attempting to enter
consume a material component or require one with a price, your pocket dimension.
then you can replicate it at a cost of 2 chakra per spell level
using your own chakra.

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Short-range Kamui Your unarmed strikes deal 2d10 magical bludgeoning Sha
As an action, or as part on your attack action, you can slowly damage with a reach of 10 ft.
transfer yourself or another creature into the pocket The S
dimension. When you target a creature with an unarmed If you hit with a melee weapon attack, you can use a bonus perso
strike you can forgo the damage in order to apply the effects action to attempt grapple the target with advantage. While up to
of your Kamui to your strike. The creature hit by this attack is grappling a creature in this way, you can attempt to crush it. It
transported safely into your pocket dimension at the end of must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, it takes
your turn. A willing creature does not need to be hit with an 4d8 magical bludgeoning damage and it’s restrained until the
unarmed strike and is instead simply transported to your end of your next turn. This form lasts for 1 minute. You can't
pocket dimension. When you target yourself with your Short- use this feature again until you finish a long rest.
range Kamui, you are only transported at Initiative count 20,
otherwise, if you aren't in combat, you are transported 6 Perfect Susanoo
seconds later. Additionally, when you use your Short-range After using your Susanoo a number of times equal to your
Kamui on yourself and you haven't used it or your Long-range Intelligence modifier, you acquire the final form of your
Kamui before during this turn, you can spend 5 chakra to Susanoo. The form looks like an armored human body with a
transport yourself instantly. mask of your choosing. In this form, your size becomes Huge,
you gain a +5 bonus to AC, you gain a 60 ft fly speed, and your
Additionally, as a bonus action, you can summon anything reach with any weapon is increase by 10 ft (15 ft for weapons
from the dimension to an empty space up to 15 ft from you. without the reach property). You are placed at the center of
You can travel long distances by emerging miles away from the Susanoo's head and cannot be pulled from it. You can
where you originally entered your pocket dimension, as an allow an ally into it causing any attack that would target them
action you can spend 5 chakra per 10 miles you want to to target you, however the ally cannot effect anything outside
travel, you emerge from your pocket dimension at at a point of of it from within. This form lasts for a number of minutes
choosing within the distance equivalent to the chakra spent. equal to half (rounded up) your Intelligence or Constitution
When you emerge, you are placed in a empty space as close modifier (minimum of 1). When it ends you gain two levels of
to the point of your choosing as possible. Also, you are able to exhaustion. You can't use this feature again until you finish a
increase the targeted area of your Kamui by 5 ft per 5 chakra long rest.
spent for the purpose of bringing in larger structures or In addition, you gain one of the following weapons while in
creatures. Susanoo:
While inside the dimension, creatures do not need to eat or If you have a good alignment, you gain a green lance that
drink and do not age. If something is removed from the has a reach of 30 ft. The lance deals 4d10 magical
dimension, creatures inside it can make a Dexterity saving piercing damage. As an action, you can shoot a bundle of
throw against your Spell save DC to try to escape to a space 50 needles in a 15 ft wide and 60 ft line. Each creature in
within 15 ft of you. the area must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 3d6
magical piercing damage. Taking half as much on a
This genjutsu is activated by looking a creature in the eyes. success. You can't use this feature again until you finish a
long rest.
As an action, choose a creature that you can see within range.
The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be If you have an evil alignment, you gain a bright orange
paralyzed in an infinite dream until you lose concentration or long sword. It has a reach 15 ft and deals 3d12 magical
your Sharingan ends. You can cast this jutsu an amount of slashing damage plus 1d8 fire damage.
times equal to the amount of eyes you have. You regain all
uses after you finish a long rest. If you have a neutral alignment, you gain a large purple
bow which sits across the Susanoo's arm. This bow has
Izanagi disadvantage at a range of 20 ft or closer. It has normal
You apply a Kinjutsu, or forbidden jutsu, to yourself known as range of 80 ft and a long range of 300 ft. The bow deals
the Izanagi. As a reaction when you would die, you instead 3d8 piercing and 2d6 cold, fire, or lightning damage.
form the hand seals and fade away from existence for a If you have a chaotic alignment, you gain two dark blue
moment only to reappear at any point within 15 ft of your shortswords. They have a reach of 10 ft and deal 2d6
original position at full hit points with any previously missing slashing damage. When you take the Attack action, you
limbs or organs. This causes the used Sharingan to go blind. can make two additional attacks.
Susanoo If you have a lawful alignment, you gain 30 light blue
At 17th level, you have attained the pinnacle of power from Mangekyō shaped shuriken. They have a thrown range of
your Sharingan, the Susanoo. This form allows you to cover 60/120, and do not have disadvantage when used at 5 ft.
yourself in a protective aura. As an action, you activate the They deal 2d8 magical slashing damage. Each creatures
form of a skeletal structure and gain the following features: hit by these shuriken must make a Dexterity saving throw
or be moved to an open space within 60 ft of you of your
Your size becomes large choice.
You gain a +3 bonus to AC

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Path of Sight 9th
The Byakugan is a Dōjutsu possessed by those of the Hyuga At 9th
clan who are born with their pupils and irises replaced with a is act
white circle contained in a very thin black line. Through this Hea
path, you gain access to the Gentle Fist style of combat. Cost:
Byakugan Rang
As a b
At 2nd level, you gain a +5 bonus to Perception, this is also attem
added to your Passive Perception, and you cannot be savin
surprised while conscious. As a bonus action, you can
activate your Byakugan. You gain 30 ft of blind sight. You can Eigh
also see in 360 degree vision in a 15 foot radius. You must Cost:
have your Byakugan activated to perform certain jutsu Rang
detailed later in this class. After 1 hour of having your As an
Byakugan activated, you must succeed a DC 15 Constitution single
saving throw, otherwise the Byakugan deactivates and you does
take 1d6 psychic damage. Your Byakugan can be activated or Cons
deactivated at will. end o
Chakra Disruption Gen
At 5th level, while Byakugan is active, when you hit a creature Rang
with your unarmed strike. You can expend 2 chakra to force As an
the target to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, along
the target cannot cast spells of 1st level or higher or use any dama
jutsu feature that uses chakra until the end of your next turn. failur
However, it may continue to concentrate on spells or jutsu chakr
that it cast before being affected by Chakra Disruption. an ex
You gain access to the following while Byakugan is active: or ab
the cr
Focused Byakugan
Cost: 2 chakra Per
Duration: 1 hour
As an action, you have darkvision out to a range of 120 ft, you At 13
can see invisible creatures, and your sight is not hindered by see th
highly obscured areas(including spells such as darkness). 2 ft o
no co
Rotation Every
Cost: 3 chakra per turn or 9 if used as a reaction
Duration: Until the beginning of your next turn Eig
As an action or a reaction (if you are targeted by a range At 17
attack), you rapidly spin while pulsating your chakra. Rotation Byak
affects a 10 ft sphere around you. If a creature is in that area,
they must make a Strength saving throw or be pushed back Eigh
10 ft and knocked prone. If a creature touches the rotation, Cost:
they must succeed a Dexterity saving throw or take 1d8 + As an
your Intelligence modifier force damage. Ranged attacks that preci
must pass within the sphere have disadvantage, and you gain force
resistance to nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing savin
damage. minu
Air Palm Bya
Cost: 4-7 chakra
Duration: Instantaneous The B
As an action, you send a blast of wind through your palm with perso
a range of 60 ft. Make a ranged spell attack. The target takes up to
2d12 thunder damage on a hit. Whether or not it hits, the
targeted creature must make a Strength saving throw. On a
failure, it is pushed back 10 ft. As a bonus action, you can use
3 more chakra to do make an unarmed strike with advantage.

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Path of the Exalted Rinnegan Ability
Those following this path make use of the Rinnegan. This eye Every Rinnegan user has a different, unique ability. At 13th
consists of a purple base with ripples emanating out from it. level, you gain one of the following:
It is the last of the 3 great Dōjutsu, and is often revered as a Limbo
myth. One who wields it takes up the mantle as either a “God When you create shadow clones, you can make them
of Creation,” bringing peace to warring nations, or as a “God invisible.
of Destruction,” destroying all in their wake, reducing the
realm to ashes. The only way to obtain this eye is to receive Space Shift
the chakra of its original user, Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki, Cost: 5 chakra
recreating it through the chakra of his sons, or to steal the Range: 500 ft
eye entirely. As an action, you teleport yourself to a space in range. You
have to be able to see, visualize, or know the distance and
Chakra Detection direction, of the space. You can bring objects along if the
At 2nd level, you can sense the flow of chakra in all living weight doesn't exceed your carrying capacity.
things. You gain expertise in Arcana. As a bonus action, you You can also bring one willing creature within 5 ft of you, of
can attempt an Arcana check (DC 10 + the target's bonus to your size or smaller. If the space is occupied, its occupants
Deception) to learn how many spell slots, ki, chakra, and are teleported to your previous location.
other such things that a creature has. The DC to discover hit You have a number of uses equal to your Wisdom modifier
points in this manner is 10 + the target's Constitution (minimum of 1), regaining all uses after you finish a long rest.
In addition, you can sense the presence of magic and Escalation
chakra within 100 ft of you. If you sense magic or chakra in Cost: 10 chakra
this way, you can use your action to see a faint aura around As a reaction, when you are targeted by a spell or jutsu that
any visible creature or object in the area that bears either or deals damage, you absorb it with one eye and as a bonus
both, and you learn its school of magic or the chakra action, on a subsequent turn, you send it back with your other
technique used, if any. eye. If the spell would have hit creatures other than you, they
This effect can penetrate most barriers, but is blocked by 1 are also not effected. The spell or jutsu uses the spell attack
foot of stone, 1 inch of Common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or modifier and save DC of the original caster. When you roll for
3 ft of wood or dirt. damage, you add your unarmed strike damage.
Furthermore, you have 120 ft of truesight. Shinra Tensei
Chakra Chain Cost: 10+ chakra
Range: 5 foot radius As an action, each creature within range
At 5th level, you can form physical chains out of chakra. As an must succeed a Dexterity saving throw or take 1d4 force
action, you expend 5 or more chakra. The chains last for 10 damage and be pushed 5 ft away. You can add an additional
minutes. Each chain created has a number of hit points equal 1d4 damage and 5 ft to the radius for every additional chakra
to your Constitution modifier plus your level. As an action, expended. After 20 chakra, the ground and buildings within
you can use them to capture creatures within 60 ft. The range take double damage.
target must succeed a Dexterity saving throw or be
restrained. In order to escape, the chains binding it must be Reviving the Dead
destroyed. Each creature can have any number of chains At 17th level, you completely master the Outer Path. You can
binding it. You create a number of chains equal to two plus spend 5 chakra, to cast the true resurrection spell. When cast
one for every 2 additional chakra you expend. in this way it does not have the 200 year time limit. You can
Alternatively, you can attach chains to your arms, extending expend 5 additional chakra, up to 45 total, to cast it on an
your unarmed strike reach by 10 ft. You can use a bonus additional creature for each 5 chakra, as part of the same
action or reaction to divert any damage taken to your chains action. The creatures are under your control as per the
until your next turn. dominate person spell. Even so these creatures retain their
Black Receivers knowledge and personality, and the body you create retains
their physical abilities. It appears as any age you desire. If you
At 9th level, you can create up to five conduits for your wish you can sacrifice a humanoid creature before you cast it.
chakra. When implanted into a living creature, they can use If you don't, you must succeed a DC 25 Constitution saving
your jutsu. Both you and the implanted creatures can draw throw or be killed instantly.
from each other’s chakra and known jutsu. If a creature does
not have chakra or know jutsu, you gain 4+their Constitution Rinnegan Implantation
modifier chakra per creature. When implanted in a dead The Rinnegan’s god-like status leads to it being a prime target
body, it becomes a CR 2 or less NPC, as outlined on MM 342, to be stolen. When artificially implanted, the character gains
under your control. Rinnegan abilities up to 15th level.

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These orbs are sleek and matte black and while active, they
Path of the Celestial idly float behind your back, in a circular formation. These
Those who walk this path make use of the Tenseigan, which orbs are composed of all five basic Chakra Types and are
take the form of a pale blue eye with a white floral pattern shaped and moved accordingly to your will.
surrounding the pupil. This Dōjutsu evolved into the You have a maximum of 3 orbs. While in Sage Mode, you
Byakugan within one generation, and was exclusively have a maximum of 6. While in Tailed Beast Avatar or
wielded, save for a few rare cases, by one of the two Tenseigan Chakra Mode, you have a maximum of 9.
progenitors of chakra, Hamura Ōtsutsuki. Hamura’s Whenever you're hit with a ranged or melee attack, you
bloodline split into two clans, the Hyūga clan, that made use may weave your orbs in the trajectory of the attack, effectively
of the Byakugan, and the Ōtsutsuki, who lacked Dōjutsu. If blocking it. As a reaction, you can use your orbs to absorb the
the two are united, through Byakugan implantation or damage that the triggering attack would have otherwise dealt
otherwise, they manifest a Tenseigan. to you.
You also learn how to weave your orbs into weapons
Partial Tenseigan momentarily, arming yourself with useful tools where you
would otherwise be unarmed. Whenever you make an attack
At 2nd level, you gain partial control over your Tenseigan. You with your unarmed strikes, you can use your orbs to increase
gain a +5 bonus to Perception, this is also added to your the range of your attack by 10 ft. Every time you land one of
Passive Perception, and you cannot be surprised while these attacks, your orbs receive 1/4 of the damage dealt.
conscious. You gain a blindsight of 5 ft. Each orb has 50 hit points. If an orb is bought down to 0
hit points, it is destroyed and disappears. All of your orbs
Dream-Speak regenerate at the end of a long rest.
At 5th level, you can telepathically enter people's dreams. Tenseigan Chakra Mode
This also grants you the ability to telepathically communicate
with creatures within 250 ft. At 17th level, you can infuse your body with your Tenseigan's
unique chakra. When you enter Sage Mode, your gain a flying
Banshō Ten'in speed equal to your movement speed. In addition, while in
Sage Mode, you gain the following jutsu:
At 9th level, as an action, you can expend 10 chakra to make
two creatures, huge or smaller in size, within 80 ft of you Silver Tensei Baku
move against their will. You can use one of the following Cost: 40 chakra and 1 Truth-Seeking Orb
options: Range: 5 ft
The creatures must make a Strength saving throw. If a As an action, you make a ranged spell attack against up to
creature fails it is moved to an unoccupied space within 5 three targets in range, with a Truth-Seeking Orb surrounded
ft of you and knocked prone. by Tenseigan chakra. On a hit, you deal 20d10 force damage.
The creature must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a The damage is divided by the number of targets hit and
failure, a creature is moved to a space within 5 ft of each distributed equally among them. The targets must make a
other. If they both fail, they are moved to a space half way Strength saving throw. On a failure, it's pushed back 60 ft.
between each other. If one or both is moved to the other, Golden Tensei Baku
they both take 12d6 bludgeoning damage Cost: 40 chakra and 1 Truth Seeking
Mastered Tenseigan Range: 150 ft
As a bonus action, you cloak an orb in golden chakra. Then,
At 13th level, you gain total control of your Tenseigan. You as an action, you extend it into a blade and make a range spell
can see up to 4 miles away clearly. Rain, fog, and dim light do attack on a single creature. On a hit, it must make a Dexterity
not affect your sight. In addition, when you use a jutsu, you saving throw. On a failure, it takes 16d10 radiant damage or
can expend a number of chakra up to your Passive lose one limb of your choice. It takes half as much damage on
Perception score. For every 5 chakra expended the range of a success.
the jutsu is doubled. For example, a justu with a range of 10 ft
becomes 20 ft at 5, 40 ft at 10, 80 ft at 15, and 160 ft at 20. Tenseigan Manifestation
Truth-Seeking Orbs The only way to acquire the Tenseigan is for a member of the
Ōtsutsuki clan to implant a Byakugan into their own eyes.
At 17th level, you gain the ability to summon various black, Manifesting a Tenseigan is extremely painful, paralyzing
hand sized balls called Truth-Seeking Orbs as a bonus action. someone for 1d12 days. If a Tenseigan is removed from its
You can also dismiss them using a bonus action, turning owner’s eye or the owner dies, it fades into a Byakugan.
them invisible and intangible.

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Path of the Beast Tailed Release
To walk this path, you must choose Jinchuriki for your At 9th level, while in Initial Release, as an action, you access a
Background. These shinobi draw their power from the greater portion of the power to activate the Bijuu Cloak's
incredibly powerful creatures contained inside them. Tailed Release. This resets the time limit. While in this state,
A Jinchuriki’s Tailed Beast can be removed from their body. your appearance shifts from feral to almost beast-like, and
If this happens, you must make a DC 20 Constitution saving you are covered in translucent red energy that takes the
throw or be killed instantly. If you succeed, you are reduced to shape of the tailed beast, becoming more defined and solid as
0 hit points, but stable, and you are paralyzed for 1d12 days. the form stays active. They gain the following benefits in
After which you can no longer have access to your subclass addition to the benefits of your Initial Release:
features. Your unarmed strikes deal an additional 1d4 damage. This
damage’s type is determined by their Bijuu (at the DM’s
Hidden Chakra discretion).
At 2nd level, when you have less than half your chakra, you Your movement speed increases by an additional 5 x your
can use an action to regain a number of special chakra equal Dexterity modifier ft.
to your level times the number of tailed beast sealed inside At the start of your turn, the amount of hit points you
you. These special chakra are counted separately from your regain is equal to twice your Constitution modifier.
normal chakra. You can use all these chakra on one jutsu, or You can remain in this form for 1 minute, after which you
you can spread them across multiple. You can’t also spend must make the Wisdom saving throw as per Initial Release.
your normal chakra on these the jutsu; you can spend only You regain the ability to use this feature after a long rest.
the special points gained from this feature. When you finish a
long rest, you lose any of these special points that you haven’t Full Release
spent. You can't use this feature again until you finish a long
rest. At 13th level, as an action, you access to the Tailed Beast’s full
power. If you use this form without first defeating your beast
Claws in combat or earning its allegiance, can only use this form for
As an action, you can manifest the ethereal claws of the tailed a number of rounds equal to your Constitution modifier, after
beast inside of you. Your unarmed strike now have a reach of which your hit points are reduced to 0 and the beast is
10 ft and deal your choice of bludgeoning or slashing released onto the plane of existence you died on. Otherwise,
damage. In addition, your climbing speed increases by 30 ft. you can enter and leave any form of the Kyuubi Cloak at will,
This acts as spider climb when used on soft surfaces such as as a bonus action, and you no longer have to make the
wood, ice, or earth, but not hard ones such as stone or metal. Wisdom saving throw. While in this form, you gain the
benefits of Initial Release and Tail Release, in addition to the
Initial Release following:
At 5th level, as bonus action, you access a fraction of the Your size becomes large.
power within to activate the Bijuu Cloak's Initial Release. At the start of your turn, you regain a number of chakra
Entering into this state reveals you as a Jinchuuriki to anyone equal to your Constitution modifier.
that can see you and anyone who can detect magic or see
chakra may make an Insight check. The DC equals the Tailed Beast Avatar
Jinchuuriki's Wisdom score to detect what creature they At 17th level, when enter Full Release or Sage mode, you can
contain. While in this state, your appearance becomes feral, activate both simultaneously. This form lasts as long as Sage
almost demonic and you gain the following benefits: Mode, and counts as its use. You gain the features of both
All jutsu you know are reduced in chakra costs by 1, forms and your size becomes Huge. While in this form, you
except for jutsu that only cost 1 chakra. also gain the following jutsu:
Your movement speed is increased by 10 ft.
At the start of your turn, you regain a number of hit points Tailed Beast Ball
equal to your Constitution modifier. Cost: 20
You have advantage on Strength and Dexterity check and As an action, you gather a huge amount of chakra into your
saving throws. mouth and fire it in either a 10 ft wide 60 ft line or a 20 foot
radius sphere. Each creature in the area must make a
This state ends at will or if you are knocked unconscious. If Dexterity saving throw, taking 10d10 force damage, being
you use the feature for more than 1 minute in a row or more pushed to the edge of the area, and knocked prone on a
times than your Constitution modifier without resting, you failure. Half as much damage on a success. This jutsu ignores
must make a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, you evasion.
lose control and you're forced into a Tailed Release (detailed
below). The tailed beast inside you is now in control of your
actions. This ends when you are knocked unconscious or if
the tailed beast ends it willingly.

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You regain an amount of hit points equal to your shinobi
Path of Youth level + your Constitution modifier + your Proficiency
You have learned to harness and open chakra control points bonus.
inside the body. These points in the body are called Gates. You gain a +2 bonus to AC.
There are eight total gates inside the body, each one being You gain a +20 bonus to your movement speed.
more powerful, but also more detrimental as you open them. You gain a +5 bonus to attack rolls and a +4 bonus to
While attacking in any of the eight gates forms, you can only damage rolls.
use unarmed attacks. The gates require a bonus action to Reverse Lotus
unlock. The buffs are the number stated on the gate, not As an action, you can execute a powerful kick against a
cumulative. If you enter a gate higher than first, this still creature. The target must make a Dexterity saving throw. If it
counts as entering the gates prior to it, meaning if you enter fails, its pushed 20 ft into the air and its stunned until the end
the 5th gate that expends a use of the 1st and 3rd gate, of your next turn. On your next turn, you can jump into the air
however only the negative effects of the 5th gate set in. and take the Attack action against it. As a bonus action, after
Your DC for any Path of Youth technique = 8 + your the attack, you make a final diving attack into them, knocking
Dexterity modifier + your Proficiency bonus you both to the ground dealing a 2d8 bludgeoning plus 2d8
force damage. After you use this technique the form ends
Power of Youth immediately, you are knocked prone, and stunned until the
start of your next turn. When you use this technique on a
At 2nd level, you gain the Dynamic Entry jutsu. creature it is immune to it 24 hours.
Dynamic Entry 5th Gate
Cost: 4 chakra At 9th level, as an action, you open the 5th gate, the gate of
Range: 40 ft limit. This form lasts for 1 minute. When the form ends you
As an action, you do either a standing or running jump gain a level of exhaustion and take 2d10 necrotic damage.
towards an enemy using one leg to kick them with intense You can't use this feature again until you finish a long rest.
speed and force. Make an unarmed strike attack. If the attack You gain the following benefits:
hits, the target takes 1d8 + your Dexterity modifier
bludgeoning plus 2d4 force damage and must make a You gain a +3 bonus to AC.
Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, it is pushed 20 ft away. If You gain a +40 bonus to your movement speed.
Dynamic entry is used when the target is unaware of you, you You gain a +7 bonus to attack rolls and a +5 bonus to
have advantage on the attack roll and the damage increases damage rolls.
to 2d6 force.
Great Dynamic Entry
1st Gate Cost: 10 chakra
Range: 50 ft
At 2nd level, as an action, you can open the first gate, the gate Duration: Instantaneous
of opening. This form lasts for 1 minute. When it ends, you As an action, you do either a standing or running jump
are stunned until the start of your next turn. You have three towards a creature using both legs to kick them with intense
uses, all of which are regained after you finish a long rest. speed and force. Make a melee attack roll. If the attack hits, it
While the first gate is open, you gain the following bonuses: takes 2d10 bludgeoning plus 3d6 force damage and must
You gain a +1 bonus to AC. make a Dexterity saving throw. If it fails the save, it is pushed
You gain a +10 bonus to your movement speed. 50 ft away.
You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls. Morning Peacock
Front Lotus Cost: 20
As an action, you hit one creature, forcing it to make a As an action, you charge forward up to your movement speed
Dexterity saving throw. If it fails, it is pushed 20 ft into the air and make five unarmed strikes against a single creature.
and it's stunned until the end of your next turn. On your next Each attack that hits deals 2d8 bludgeoning damage plus 2d4
turn, you can use your action to moving behind them, fire damage. The fire damage does not benefit from any gate
grappling them, then pile driving them into the ground. It form’s damage bonus. As the air is super-heated and flames
takes 2d10 force damage. If this attack misses, you can make fly out the back of the target, any creature behind it in a 20 ft
an unarmed strike as a bonus action. A creature hit by this is cone must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 3d6 fire
immune to it for 24 hours. damage on a failure. Half as much damage on a success.
3rd Gate
Starting at 5th level, as an action, you can open up to the 3rd
gate, the gate of life. Upon opening this gate, your skin turns
red from the blood rushing through your body. This form lasts
1 minute. You can use this twice. You regain all uses after you
finish a long rest. You gain the following benefits:

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7th Gate As an action, you open the 8th gate. You can't use this feature
again until you finish a long rest. While in this form, you gain
At 13th level, you are a taijutsu expert able to unlock up to the two levels of exhaustion at the end of each of your turns. You
7th gate, the gate of Wonder. Unlocking this gate unlocks can end this form as a free action. The downside to this path
your bodies near full potential. Your blood flow increases is the extreme strain it puts on the body. When this form
giving you red skin, your veins begin to bulge, and you begin ends, you take 8d12 necrotic damage. If this reduces you to 0
to sweat profusely, but with your body heat it evaporates the hit points, you are stable. If still conscious you are paralyzed
moment it leaves your body giving off the look of being for 1 minute. If you die from the 8 gates, you can only be
covered in an aura of green energy. As an action, you open the brought back with the wish spell. You gain the following
gate. This form lasts 30 seconds. After the transformation benefits while the 8th gate is released:
ends, your muscle fibers are torn to shreds making moving
and being touched painful. When this form ends, you gain You gain a +9 bonus to AC.
three levels of exhaustion, fall prone, and if anyone tries to You gain a +90 bonus to your movement speed.
move you, and you take a 1d6 necrotic damage from the pain. You gain a +15 bonus to attack rolls and a +8 bonus to
You can open the 7th gate once; you can't use this feature damage rolls
again until you finish a long rest. Burning Youth, No holds barred, Full
You gain a +5 bonus to AC. Power Dynamic Entry
You gain a +60 bonus to your movement speed. Cost: 20 chakra
You gain a +9 bonus to attack rolls and a +7 bonus to Range: 90 ft
damage rolls. As an action, you do either a standing or running jump
towards a creature, using both legs to kick them with intense
Hirudora speed and force. Make an unarmed strike. If the attack hits,
Cost: 30 chakra the target takes 4d10 + Dexterity modifier bludgeoning plus
As an action, you place one hand forward with the palm out 5d6 force damage and must make a Dexterity saving throw.
you take your opposite hand, tapping the center of your palm, On a failure, it's pushed 80 ft away.
creating a massive amount of air pressure. Then punching
forward, you form the symbol of a tiger’s head, sending the Evening elephant/ Sekizo Assault
pocket of air outward and condensing onto a single point. Cost: 30 chakra
Each creature in a 30 foot radius must make a Dexterity As an action, you land a series of four punches that increase
saving throw, taking 6d12 force damage. Half as much in speed one after another using air pressure to injure the
damage on a success. enemy, each punch deals 2d6 force damage and increases by
1d6 after each hit (max 5d6). The punch is strong enough to
Leaf Guillotine create a tunnel in the ground 1 mile deep, however this
Cost: 20 chakra technique is only able to be used once. You can't use this
As an action, you move at high speed and appear above the feature again until you finish a long rest.
target, slamming your heel into the back on its neck. Make an
unarmed strike. The target takes 3d12 force damage and Night Guy
must make a Constitution saving throw. If it fails, it’s Cost: 45 Chakra or 6 levels of Exhaustion
paralyzed and prone until the end of your next turn. Range: 70 ft
The Night Guy is considered to be the most powerful move a
8th Gate taijutsu master can obtain from eight gates released
At 17th level, you are a taijutsu master, and have gained transformation. As an action, you enter a sprinters stance. In
access to the eighth gate, the gate of Death. Upon opening the stance, your aura gathers around you forming a dragons
this gate your body's blood flow is pushed to the max, heating head in a 10 ft area around you. You launch yourself at a
you to the point that the sweat that is pouring out of your target within range. The kick is hard enough that if there is a
body evaporates fast enough that it becomes a red colored wall behind the target, they crash through it. You and the
aura. If you end this form with 6 or more levels of exhaustion, target move in a 100 ft line from your starting location. The
your body begins to burn from the inside out, shortly after target takes 60d6 force damage. For this damage, immunity
this process begins, you die. is reduced to resistance. After this attack, you leave the form.

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As an action, you expand your shadow in a wide radius
Path of the Shadow around you, ensnaring all creatures surrounding you by
Users of this technique learn how to manipulate their possessing their shadows. All creatures that start their turn
shadows into deadly tools for their use. A user may use their on or enter the affected range are placed under the effect of
shadow to paralyze a creature in place and force them to Shadow Possession jutsu for the duration or until they leave
copy the user's movements. the affected range.
Possession At 17th level, you can use Shadow Gathering.
At 2nd level, you can use Shadow Possession.
Shadow Gathering
Shadow Possession Cost: 2 minimum, 20 maximum
Cost: 5 chakra Duration: Up to 10 minutes
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes Range: 30 ft in bright light, 60 ft in dim light
Range: 30 ft in bright light, 60 ft in dim light You weave your shadow into a materialized black tendril that
As an action, your shadow attaches to another creature, emerge from the ground, this tendril follows your command.
freezing it in place and causing them to mimic your actions. For every 2 chakra spent beyond the initial cost, a new tendril
The target is restrained. To break out, the restrained target materializes, to a max of 10 tendrils. All the tendrils act in
can make a Strength saving throw at the end of its turn. On a unison during your initiative count.
success, the target escapes and is no longer restrained. The tendrils can stretch out to a range of 10 ft from their
source and move anywhere within your shadows on your
Strangle turn, including the shadows of creatures under your Shadow
At 5th level, you can use Shadow Strangle. Possession jutsu. Small objects may be carried and
manipulated as though the tendrils had half your Strength
Shadow Strangle score, with fine manipulations, such as lock-picking or
Cost: 4 chakra untying knots, possible at disadvantage to the roll in question.
As an action, while a creature is under the effects of Shadow When you take the attack action, you can choose to have one
Possession jutsu, you can create an additional shadow that of the tendrils deliver the attack in your stead, make a spell
forms into a hand and creeps up to the target’s neck, melee attack with reach of 10 ft, on a hit the target takes
beginning to strangle it. At the start of its turn, it takes 1d10 + 1d10 + your Intelligence modifier piercing damage. A target
your Intelligence modifier force damage. The technique ends hit this way must also succeed in a Dexterity saving throw or
if shadow possession ends. be placed under the effect of your Shadow Possession jutsu.
As an action, for 5 chakra, you can control all of your
Piercing tendrils in unison to place a coordinated attack onto a
creature within range, the creature must succeed on a
At 9th level, you can use Shadow Piercing. Dexterity saving throw or take 1d10 + your Intelligence
Shadow Piercing
modifier piercing damage per tendril on a failed save and half
Cost: 2 chakra as much on a success. Alternatively, you can arm your tendril
with several items, such as kunai or paper bombs in order to
Range: 30 ft in bright light, 60 ft in dim light deal a more lethal or strategic attack. In the instance of a
As a bonus action, while Shadow Possession jutsu is active. weapon being used, the damage die for the coordinated
Any creature who enters the range of this technique must attack is the same as the weapon's. In the instance of a
make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, black spikes specific item being used, each tendril holding said item
emerge from your shadow dealing 1d10 + your Intelligence activates the effect individually, if several of the same types of
modifier necrotic damage. saving throws are required, the target makes only one per
type of saving throw.
Imitation Field
At 13th level, you can use Shadow Imitation Field.
Shadow Imitation Field
Cost: 15 chakra
Duration: Concentration, up to 5 minutes
Range: 30 ft radius in bright light, 60 ft radius in dim light

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Red Pill: The creature regains an amount of chakra equal
Path of the Healer to 1d6 + your Intelligence modifier.
You have learned to maximize your control over chakra to Green Pill: The creature regains an amount of chakra
heal yourself and others. The mastery of this path will have equal to half the creatures maximum chakra.
many chasing after you, either to learn or steal your secrets. Blue Pill: The creature regains all of its chakra. In
Beware, for even healers can be treacherous. addition, it gains a level of exhaustion.
Yellow Pill: The creature gains the effects of Greater
Healing Novice Restoration. Creating 1 of these pills counts as 2 regular
At 2nd level, you gain the ability to heal using your chakra, Enhanced Strength
however it is somewhat inefficient. As an action, you can
spend an amount of chakra up to or equal to twice your At 13th level, you are a master of refined chakra control. By
shinobi level. A creature you touch regains an amount of hit focusing your chakra around your hands or ft your strength is
points equal to the amount of chakra you spent. quadrupled. Your Strength increases by 4 and your maximum
Strength increase to 24.
Chakra Control
Surgical Precision
At 2nd level, you can control your chakra to use it more Cost: 8 chakra
efficiently. As a bonus action, you can reduce the chakra cost Duration: Concentration, 1 minute
of the next jutsu you use before the end of the turn by an As a bonus action, you make a scalpel out of pure chakra, the
amount equal to 1/4 your shinobi level (rounded down scalpel looks like a light blue aura covering your hand. This
(minimum 1)). The minimum chakra you can expend on a scalpel has the ability to bypass armor and skin to hit muscle
justu using this is 1. This can be used for the Healing Novice and organs. It was originally meant to be used in surgery,
feature. since it could cut without leaving a scar. While this is active
Healing when you make unarmed strikes, it deals an extra 1d6 force
damage. The target must make a Constitution saving throw.
At 5th level, you have learned to focus your chakra to the On a failure, its muscle are cut. It has disadvantage on attack
point of being able to more effectively heal yourself and rolls and your choice of saving throws or checks that involve
others. You have a pool of d6s that you spend to fuel this Dexterity or Strength. This lasts until it finishes a long rest or
healing. The number of dice in the pool equals 1 + your the greater restoration spell is cast on it, or something of a
shinobi level. similar effect.
As a bonus action, you can heal one creature you can see
within 60 ft of you, spending dice from the pool. The Mitotic Regeneration
maximum number of dice you can spend at once equals your At 17 level, your melee attacks deals double damage to
Intelligence modifier (minimum of one die). Roll the dice you objects and structures. In addition, you have mastered the art
spend, add them together, and restore a number of hit points of fine chakra control and have achieved the ultimate goal of
equal to the total. a medical ninja, the Mitotic Regeneration jutsu. As an action,
Your pool regains all expended dice when you finish a long you activate it. This jutsu lasts for 10 minutes. Once you use
rest. this feature, you must finish a long rest before you can use it
again. You gain the following benefits:
Chakra Pills
At 9th level, you learn how to make three types of pills that You gain resistance to all damage.
restore chakra. All pill deal an amount of necrotic damage You gain immunity to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
equal to the amount of chakra regained. A creature can take damage from non-magical weapons.
pill as a bonus action. If you have access to Alchemist's At the start of your turn, you regain 10 hit points.
supplies, a Herbalism kit, or a Healer's kit, you can make a At the start of your turn, you can expend a number of hit
number of pills during a long rest equal to your Intelligence die equal to your Constitution modifier. Add your
modifier. Constitution modifier to each die. You regain an amount of
hit points equal to the result.

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Path of Permanence Path of the Warrior
In very rare cases, a lost loved one can live on. In these rare Certain shinobi forego their traditional training to master
cases, it possesses an amount of their innately controllable swordplay. These Ronin are formidable opponents, mastering
material. The following features take the form of whatever techniques possibly out dating even the oldest jutsu.
nature you have affinity in first (a jug of sand for earth and
magnet, lightning in your veins for lightning and storm, etc.). Warrior of Steel
In a situation that your material is destroyed, a sufficient At 2nd level, your training begins. You gain proficiency in
amount can be made over 1 week. medium and heavy armor, shields, and martial weapons. All
Bound Element your melee weapons benefit from your Taijutsu feature.
At 2nd level, when you use a jutsu of the same nature as your Combat Expertise
material, you deal additional damage equal to your unarmed At 2nd level, you gain proficiency in the Athletics skill. If you
strike damage. Additionally, you can halve such a jutsu’s cost are already proficient in it, you gain proficiency in one of the
(minimum 1 chakra) or double its cost and range by infusing following skills of your choice: Acrobatics, Intimidation,
some of your element into it, but you must reclaim it as an Medicine, or Stealth. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for
action to do so again. any ability check you make that uses Athletics. You receive
Elemental Armor this benefit regardless of the skill proficiency you gain from
this feature.
At 5th level, you form a layer of defense. As a reaction or a
bonus action, you can expend 2 or more chakra; you gain 10 laidō
temporary hit points for every 2 chakra. At 5th level, you begin your studies in Iaidō, a weapon style
Elemental Shield focusing on drawing a weapon and swiftly striking. On your
first turn, or if you did not deal damage on your previous turn,
At 9th level, your element automatically protects you. You your first attack roll is made with advantage. Drawing and
gain +5 AC. On a 16 or lower, you regain your reaction. This stowing weapons no longer take your interaction and can be
can be used once per round. done as a free action.
Elemental Coffin Refined Warfare
At 13th level, you can use the Elemental Coffin Jutsu. At 9th level, you continue your studies in Iaidō. Once per turn,
you can increase your weapon’s damage die by 1 size (d4s
Elemental Coffin become d6s, d6s become d8s, d8s become d10s, d10s
Cost: 8 chakra become d12s, d12s become 2d6, 2d6 become 2d8, etc.) for
Range: 90 ft one attack.
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Choose a creature that you can see within range. The target Chakra-Infused Weapons
must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be encasing the At 9th level, you channel a small amount of chakra into your
target in your element, paralyzing the target for the duration. strikes. Your weapons count as magical for the purpose of
While affected, the target has total cover and as a bonus overcoming resistances.
action, you can cause the target to take 3d10 force damage.
This spell has no effect on undead. At the end of each of its Halting Strike
turns, the target can make another Wisdom saving throw. On
a success, the spell ends on the target. At 13th level, you attack faster than your opponent can act. As
a bonus action, you can make one melee weapon attack. In
Spiritual Fusion addition, as a reaction, when you see a creature attempting to
At 17th level, the spirit inside your element binds itself to your cast a spell or use a jutsu, you can move up to half your
Sage Mode. When you enter Sage Mode, you gain a fly speed movement speed and make a melee weapon attack. If you hit,
equal to half your movement speed and one shadow clone the target's hand signs are interrupted, it fails to use the jutsu
made of your element with half your maximum hit points and or cast the spell and it immediately ends its turn.
chakra. Reclaiming no longer requires an action. Execution
At 17th level, you master Iaidō. Your attack rolls score a
critical hit on a roll of 18-20. If your attacks already score a
critical hit on a roll of 18-20, it increases to 16-20, etc. In
addition, if your attack roll is a critical hit, your target is
stunned until the end of its turn and gains a lingering injury.

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Path of the Assassin This
A shinobi capable of silent and efficient kills whilst being able way a
to go undetected. base
As a b
Proficient Assassin powe
At 2nd level, you gain proficiency with Poisoner’s tools and dama
the Deception skill, or expertise if you are already proficient. canno
rest. Y
You are at your deadliest when you get the drop on your addit
enemies. You have advantage on attack rolls against any deals
creature that has not taken a turn in the combat yet. In deals
addition, any hit you score against a creature that is surprised
is a critical hit. Kub
In addition, once per turn, you can deal an extra 1d6 A larg
damage to one creature you hit with an attack if you have has a
advantage on the attack roll. The attack must use a finesse or interi
a ranged weapon. You don't need advantage on the attack roll how i
if another enemy of the target is within 5 ft of it, that enemy great
isn't incapacitated, and you don't have disadvantage on the the w
attack roll. This damage increases to 2d6 at level 9, 3d6 at react
level 13, and 4d6 at level 17. placin
so, if
Death Strike the d
At 5th level, you are a master of instant death. When you conte
attack and hit a creature that is surprised, it must succeed on broke
a Constitution saving throw (DC 8 + your Dexterity modifier + magi
Proficiency bonus). If it fails, double the damage of the attack The s
against that creature. itself
Deadly Blade the b
At 9th level, you come into possession of a scroll containing a Nui
legendary weapon from the ninja world, one of the 7 deadly This
swordsmen blades. Each possesses its own unique abilities. inside
Your DM chooses which. can c
This greatsword is large and flat, and resembles a flounder in Th
its shape, it possesses two handles and has earned the name Yo
"twin sword". While being wielded you can spend 10 chakra hi
to infuse the blade with one of the following for 5 minutes. sp
You can only use one at a time. th
Increase its size, giving it the reach property. sa
Increase its hitting power, increasing the damage to 2d8. As
When you make an attack with it, you can target two fo
enemies within 5 ft. Making an attack rolls against both; m
however the second attack made with disadvantage. da
This is a two handed weapon consisting of an axe and la
hammer, they are connected by a metal rope at the base of ta
each handle, known as the Helmsplitter, this weapon is Sam
particular effective at shredding armor off an enemy. This This
weapon deals 1d8 slashing or 1d8 bludgeoning damage. targe
When used together the weapon does 2d6 slashing and chips as it s
away at the targets armor. The target must make a Strength temp
saving throw. On a failure, its AC is reduced by -2, Cons
permanently damaging the armor. This ability can only be on of thi
a creature once, after which the creature is immune to it for
24 hours.
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More like a club than a blade, this weapon is covered in Path of Suffering
explosive tags. This greatclub deals 2d6 bludgeoning Those who walk this path make use of Shikotsumyaku to
damage. The weapon has an amount of explosive tags inside enhance their taijutsu. This is used to manipulate bone
it equal to half your level (rounded down), you can expend the growth and density to attack their enemies with “dances”.
tags using the options below: They feel physical pain while using these techniques,
When you hit with an attack, you can expend up to two however they show no signs of this to enemies.
tags to deal an extra 1d6 thunder or fire damage for each Shoulder Blade
When you hit with an attack, you can expend a tag to cast At 2nd level, your bones become as hard as adamantine. Your
the color spray spell. You can expend additional tags to bones cannot be broken and your unarmed attacks count as
cast it one level higher for each additional tag adamantine. As a bonus action, you can produce an
adamantine shortsword made of your bone and you take 1d8
Vanish psychic damage. While wielding it, you add your taijutsu die
At 13th level, you can't be tracked by non-magical means, to the damage.
unless you choose to leave a trail. In addition, while lightly Dance of the Camellia
obscured, you can expend 3 chakra to become invisible. You
remain invisible until you are no longer lightly obscured. At 5th level, you learn your first dance. You strike multiple
times at different angles, changing your bone’s shape to
Great Clone Explosion increase their unpredictability. When you make the Attack
At 17th level, when you use shadow clone jutsu, your clones action, you make an additional attack. In addition, at the start
have 30 hit points and an amount of chakra equal to 10 + of your turn, you can expend half your movement to make
your Constitution modifier. When a shadow clone is your first attack with advantage.
destroyed, it explodes. Each creature in a 10 ft radius must Ten-Fingers Drilling Bullets
make a Constitution saving throw, taking 5d6 cold damage on
a failure. Half as much on a success. Your shadow clones last At 9th level, you gain one of the few ranged attacks
for 6 hours. You can't use this feature again until you finish a Shikotsumyaku has to offer. When you take the Attack action,
long rest. you can replace one of the attacks with this ranged attack.
You take 2d6 psychic damage and launch the first digit of
your finger bones at a target up to 75 ft away. Make a ranged
spell attack. On a hit, it takes 3d8 piercing damage.
Dance of the Clematis
At 15th level, as an action, you can increase the length of your
spine and remove the tail-like excess bone. You take 3d8
psychic damage and can now use your spine as a weapon.
Your spine counts as a magical melee weapon with a reach
of 15 ft. Whenever you hit a creature with your spine you deal
3d10 magical piercing damage and the creature is grappled.
You cannot use your spine until you release the grapple
creature, which you can do at will, or until it escapes.
You must return your spine to your back within 1 hour of
removing it or become Paralysed until it is placed back.
While you have a creature grappled in your spine, you can
commence a devastating attack with your off-hand. As an
action, you can spend 5 chakra to envelop your free hand in a
spear-like formation that covers your forearm and make a
melee attack roll against the grappled creature. On a hit, the
target takes 8d10 magical piercing damage. Hit or miss, the
bone growth on your arm dissipates after the attack.
Dance of the Seedling Fern
At 17th level, you can weaponize every bone in your body. As
an action, you drop to 0 hit points. Bone spikes erupt from
the ground in a 120 foot radius zone dealing 15d12 magical
slashing damage to all creatures in the area. Each spike is 50
ft tall. You can't use this feature again until you finish a long

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The target is blinded. Costs 7 chakra.
Path of the Mind The target is deafened. Costs 5 chakra.
Those who walk this path make use of mind-altering jutsu The target is frightened. Costs 6 chakra.
and genjutsu. Despite, or possibly due to, their lack of The target is affected by the confusion spell. Costs 8
Dōjutsu to aid them, their jutsu are incredibly unique and chakra.
bizarre. The target is restrained. Costs 8 chakra.
The target is paralyzed. Costs 12 chakra.
Chakra Sense The genjutsu lasts up to 1 minute. You must concentrate on
At 2nd level, you learn how to detect chakra in a rudimentary it as if concentrating on a spell.
fashion. You gain proficiency, or expertise if you already have Dominate Monster
proficiency, in Arcana. You can attempt a DC 15 Arcana At 13th level, you can use Mind Body Switch.
check to locate living creatures that are not constructs within
60 ft. You can locate creatures through walls that do not Mind Body Switch
contain lead. Cost: 20 chakra
Crown of Madness Range: 60 ft
Duration: Up to 1 hour
At 5th level, you can use Mind Body Disturbance jutsu. You attempt to beguile a creature that you can see within
range. It must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be
Mind Body Disturbance charmed by you for the duration. If you or creatures that are
Cost: 4 chakra friendly to you are fighting it, it has advantage on the saving
Range: 120 ft throw.
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute While the creature is charmed, you have a telepathic link
As an action, one humanoid of your choice that you can see with it as long as the two of you are on the same plane of
within range must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or existence. You can use this telepathic link to issue commands
become charmed by you for the duration. While the target is to the creature while you are conscious (no action required),
charmed in this way, a twisted crown of jagged iron appears which it does its best to obey. You can specify a simple and
on its head, and a madness glows in its eyes. general course of action, such as “Attack that creature,” “Run
The charmed target must use its action before moving on over there,” or “Fetch that object.” If the creature completes
each of its turns to make a melee attack against a creature the order and doesn’t receive further direction from you, it
other than itself that you mentally choose. The target can act defends and preserves itself to the best of its ability.
normally on its turn if you choose no creature or if none are You can use your action to take total and precise control of
within its reach. the target. Until the end of your next turn, the creature takes
On your subsequent turns, you must use your action to only the actions you choose, and doesn’t do anything that you
maintain control over the target, or the spell ends. Also, the don’t allow it to do. During this time, you can also cause the
target can make a Wisdom saving throw at the end of each of creature to use a reaction, but this requires you to use your
its turns. On a success, the spell ends. own reaction as well.
Each time the target takes damage, it makes a new
Genjutsu Wisdom saving throw against the spell. If the saving throw
At 9th level, you gain the ability to use genjutsu. As an action, succeeds, the spell ends.
you can create an illusion that only one creature within a 20
ft can perceive. This range increases to 70 ft and cost by 3 Mind Clone Switch
chakra if the genjutsu is auditory. The target must make a At 17th level, you master Mind Body Switch jutsu. When you
Wisdom saving against your jutsu save DC. On a failure, it use Mind Body Disturbance or Mind Body Switch, you can
can only hear and see what you want it to and it is affected by use it on an additional creature. In addition, when you use
one of the following of your choice, the cost of the jutsu one of these jutsu, you can spend 5 additional chakra to
depending on the condition: increase your DC by 3.

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Path of the Body Multi-Size
Those who follow this path focus on reinforcing their body. At 13th level, you can expand individual parts of your body. As
While it is often seen as laughable, underestimating disciples a bonus action, you can spend 5 chakra to expand one part of
of this path spells absolute death. your body. You can only expand on part at a time and it lasts
for 1 minute.
Storage Expanding your arms gives your unarmed strikes a reach
At 2nd level, you can store food inside your body. You can of 10 ft.
store one day’s worth of food which can be consumed at will. Expanding your legs gives you a +10 ft bonus to your
As an action, you can use this stored food to regain an movement speed.
amount of chakra equal to your level. You cannot do so again Expanding your torso gives you advantage on Constitution
until after a long rest. saving throws.
Meat Shield Calorie Control
Cost: 1 level of exhaustion or 1 days’ worth of food that has
At 2nd level, as a bonus action, you gain a number of been consumed within the last 24 hours.
temporary hit points equal to twice your level + your Duration: 1 minute
Constitution modifier. You cannot do so again until you finish As an action, you activate this jutsu. At the start of your turn,
a long rest. you regain an amount of chakra equal to your Constitution
Human Bullet Tank
At 5th level, you can expand your body. As a bonus action, you Total Expansion
can spend 5 chakra to enter the Human Bullet Tank form for At 17th level, you master the Multi-Size jutsu. As an action,
1 minute. You cannot cast jutsu and you gain the following you can expand your body. You gain the following benefits for
benefits: 1 minute, in addition to the benefits of Human Bullet Tank:
Your taijutsu die increases from d4s to d6s. Your size becomes Huge.
Your movement speed increases by 10 ft. Your unarmed strikes deal an additional 2d6 damage.
When you hit a creatures with a melee attack, it must You gain a +3 bonus to your AC
make a Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. Your movement speed increases by 10 ft.
Your unarmed strikes have a reach of 10 ft.
Sharp Hair You have advantage on Constitution saving throws.
At 9th level, you can weaponize your hair. While in Human When this form ends you are paralyzed until the end of
Bullet Tank, you gain the following benefits: your next turn. You can't use this feature again until you finish
Your unarmed strike deals an extra 1d6 slashing damage. a long rest.
You gain a +2 bonus to AC.
When a creature hits you with a melee attack, it takes 2d6
slashing damage.

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Path of Companionship Mimicry
Those rare few shinobi who form an unbreakable bond with a At 9th level, you gain a powerful jutsu for your companion. As
creature walk this path. an action, your companion becomes identical to you. This
form lasts for 2d6 hours. You cannot use this feature again
Companionships until you finish your long rest. While in this form, you and
your companion gain the following benefits:
At 2nd level, choose one willing creature or swarm of
creatures as your eternal companion. This creature must be a You gain a +2 bonus to AC.
medium or smaller beast with a CR no higher than ½. It can You gain a +1 to attack and damage rolls.
occupy the same space as you. If your companion dies, you You can use the Comined Attack jutsu
must wait 2d4 days before you can choose another. Your Combined Attack
companion gains all the benefits of your Companion's Bond Cost: 7 chakra
ability. You can have only one animal companion at a time. Range: 120 foot line
Companion's Bond As an action, you and your companion combine powers.
Your companion gains the following benefits: Every creature in the line must make a Dexterity saving
throw, taking 5d12 bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage
The companion loses its Multi-attack action, if it has one. on a failure. Half as much on a success. You and your
The companion obeys your commands as best it can. It companion end at the opposite end of this line.
rolls for initiative like any other creature, but you
determine its actions, decisions, attitudes, and so on. If Enhanced Mimicry
you are incapacitated or absent, your companion acts on At 13th level, your mimicry becomes more powerful. While in
its own. Mimicry, you and your companion have advantage on checks
Your companion uses your proficiency bonus rather than and saving throws with one ability score of your choice and
its own for attacks and skills which it is proficient in. your movement speeds increase by 10 ft.
An animal companion also adds your proficiency bonus to
its AC and to its damage rolls. Keen Senses
Your animal companion gains proficiency in two skills of
your choice. At 13th level, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception)
It also becomes proficient with all saving throws. checks.
For each level you gain after 3rd, your companion gains an
additional hit die and increases its hit points accordingly. Fused Form
Whenever you gain the Ability Score Improvement At 17th level, you and your companion can combine your
feature, your companion's abilities also improve. powers. On your turns, you must both of use your action. On
Coordinated Attack your next turn, you both become a single large CR 20 or less
creature of your choice. This lasts 1 minute. You can't use
At 5th level, when you use the Attack action on your turn, if this feature again until you finish a long rest.
your companion can see you, it can use its reaction to make a
melee attack against any creature within range. As a bonus
action, after the Attack action, it can use the Shove attack.

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Path of the Puppet Master Imp
Puppet Masters are shinobi that use the puppet master jutsu, At 9th
which involves using chakra threads to control a metal or you g
wooden construct of their own design. size,
an At
Craftsmen longe
At 2nd level, you gain proficiency in tinker's tools and either
smith's tools or carpenter's tools. In addition, you make a Ma
puppet. The puppet has the statistics of a creature of CR 1/2 At 13
or below. It has the following modifications: has th
It is a construct. contr
It cannot be charmed, frightened, or poisoned. follow
It has immunity to poison and psychic damage. It
It has the same proficiency bonus as you. It
It adds its proficiency bonus to its AC, damage rolls, and It
Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution saving throws. It
As a reaction, when you are hit by an attack, it can move It
up to 30 ft throwing itself in front of the attack. It is the St
target of the attack instead. As
It can only regain hit points if you spend a least 1 hour up
repairing it during a short or long rest. ta
When you gain a level, it gains an additional hit die and hit It
points as appropriate. re
It is incapacitated and prone while not controlling it. W
Chakra Threads po
At 2nd level, you can create threads of chakra. These threads
of chakra have a range of 30 ft. When you take the Attack Sel
action, you can replace an attack with a grapple check against At 13
a creature large or smaller in size. of you
As a bonus action, you control your puppet with the make
threads. You can use your reaction to make it use a reaction. creat
While chakra threads are active, you have to concentrate on throw
them. Chakra threads have a number of hit points equal to half a
your Intelligence modifier and immunity to all damage except hours
magical slashing. rest d
Expert Puppeteer Aut
At 5th level, you gain double proficiency in the tools you are At 17
proficient in. In addition, you create an additional puppet. into a
This puppet has the statistics of a creature of CR 1 or below.
You can control all of your puppets as one bonus action. It Yo
has the following modifications: Yo
It is a construct. Yo
It cannot be charmed, frightened, or poisoned. Yo
It has immunity to poison and psychic damage. an
It has the same proficiency bonus as you. Yo
It adds its proficiency bonus to its AC, damage rolls, and re
Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution saving throws. Ma
As a reaction, when you are hit by an attack, it can move
up to 30 ft throwing itself in front of the attack. It is the At 17
target of the attack instead. pupp
It can only regain hit points if you spend at least 1 hour allies
repairing it during a short or long rest. you o
When you gain a level, it gains an additional hit die and hit the cr
points as appropriate. your
It is incapacitated and prone while not controlling it.

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d6 B
Ninja Academy 1 M
Background 2 I
You were born into a society of great ninjas, raised there to 3 T
become a shinobi. As a child, you were trained and shaped by 4 L
the influence of others around you in the hopes that you
would become a great ninja. Whether you choose to follow 5 I
that lifestyle is your own choice. You have memories of both 6 I’
the good and bad times with your teammates. Memories like
these are something you may cherish or despise. Regardless, d6 Fl
you are and will always be a shinobi at heart.
Skill Proficiencies: Stealth and Acrobatics 2 Iw
Equipment: two kunai, eight shuriken, bingo book
3 Iw
Bingo book 4 I’
A bingo book is a book most high ranking ninja have. It reads 5 D
a list of bounties of criminals and rogue ninja, having it is
extremely helpful when hunting down targets. Through the 6 I
graces of your connections, you can usually have it updated at
information hubs in most towns with little hassle. Jin
Optional: Rogue-Nin In ad
Having abandoned your people, you have become a rogue may c
ninja. Words of malice carry your name along the wind. Phy
Wherever you go, the feeling of someone hunting you is
present in the back of your mind, and as a result, you've come Jinch
to trust very little. Due to this, you may find "book-keepers" powe
(bounty placers), other rogue-nin, and less than pleasant healt
people in your circle. In small towns and slums, you may but is
locate an area you can bed for the night, update bounties, and In fac
prepare for the next journey while avoiding the prying eyes of other
other. distin
Suggested Characteristics atypic
seal t
d6 Personality Trait color
1 I judge people by their actions, not their words can b
2 I never go back on a promise
3 I’m not a hero, but I might lend a hand
4 It’s best to avoid a conflict I’m not prepared for
5 I just need a name, a face and my pay evil s
6 The rewards just a bonus for a good time
It wa
d6 Ideal
host c
1 Kindness. I’ll help out if I can. (Good) betwe
Justice. I’m the executioner, it’s the role I’ve been
given. (Law) of his
3 Lax. I’ll get to it when I get to it. (Chaotic) them
4 Twisted. I take great pleasure in each outing. (Evil) prope
5 Honest. I’m what I am for better or worse. (Neutral)
6 Dutiful. Get the job done. (Any)

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They are usually made into vessels from birth and are Jinchuriki Traits
designated so for their synergy with the beast or their Jinchuriki are creatures of uncanny strength and constitution
inherent abilities to control and pacify them. Countries keep who function as a living prison or vessel for a powerful entity.
them like military secrets and they are not well treated in Ability Score Increase. Your Strength or Constitution
many societies, who call them cursed beings. The creature score increases by 2, and your Wisdom score increases by 1.
sealed in them is often one of great destruction and jinchuriki Age. Jinchuriki come of age according to their base race
carry that stigma around with them. Most jinchuriki thus but age noticeably slower. The stronger the entity they
never know what true love or compassion is and further contain and the less hostile it is to its host, the longer they
isolate themselves. will live.
Jinchuriki in Society Alignment. Jinchuriki have no set alignment. However, fear
or reverence of the entity they contain can greatly influence
Most jinchuriki grow up in normal society and are usually this and should be accounted for during character creation.
kept close to people in power or those loyal to them in order Size. A normal Jinchuriki is between 5'2" and 6'0". Weight
to keep an eye on them; it is not uncommon for a jinchuriki to may vary with race. Your size is Medium.
be raised as part of a military. Whatever the case, a wise Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 ft.
leader will go to great lengths to ensure a jinchuriki is raised Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 ft of you as
in a way to foster the jinchuriki's loyalty. However, due to the if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light.
great power and potential danger to society that a typical You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
jinchuriki containing a malevolent spirit can pose should the Aura. No mortal magic is strong enough to fully contain
seal fail or the host loses control, they are generally feared the terrible power held within, lending a jinchuriki an aura of
and tend to become isolated from their people. Even the power that can make those around them uncomfortable. You
wisest and most dedicated leaders struggle to endear their are proficient in the Intimidation skill and when a creature
people to a jinchuriki and less diligent leaders often find targets you they must make a Wisdom save or be frightened
themselves with a dysfunctional jinchuriki of questionable until the start of their next turn. The DC for this saving throw
loyalty (if they haven't wandered off entirely). Sadly, it is not is equal to 8 + your Charisma modifier + your proficiency
uncommon for a jinchuriki to suffer severe abuse or other bonus. On success, they cannot be frightened this way for the
discrimination in their youth and become volatile, next 24 hours.
unpredictable, and extremely dangerous as a result. Subrace. Jinchuriki come in various forms dependent on
Building and Playing a Jinchuriki the tailed beast within. Pick one from Shuukaku, Matabi,
Isobu, Son Gokū, Kokuō, Saiken, Chōmei, Gyūki, or Kurama.
Luckily for adventuring parties (and dungeon masters), this The Tailed Beasts
means that jinchuriki rarely have deep ties or loyalties to
places and don't need overly much convincing to wander off if These are taken straight from the Naruto series to be options
they aren't doing so already. In most cases, the average for your Creature Within trait. However, you are not limited to
jinchuriki makes an excellent frontline fighter as their them and can make your own, as detailed toward the bottom
abilities lend themselves to dealing and receiving damage of the race description. Be creative and bold!
while making an excellent distraction; to speak nothing of the
destructive power they can bring to bear should they earn the Shuukaku
favor of their inner beast. However, under the right A one-tailed sand spirit Shuukaku takes the form of a
circumstances, a jinchuriki can be just about anything. A high gargantuan tanuki with arcane blue markings spider webbing
constitution and a disciplined upbringing would allow a the entirety of its body.
jinchuriki to be one hell of a spell caster; some of the beings Innate Spellcasting. You are the embodiment for a hardy
within the jinchuriki might even be convinced to regenerate ki creature of the sand. You know the resistance cantrip. When
or provide enough power to give their host additional spell you reach 3rd level, you gain more weathered powers in
slots. Still, other beasts are decidedly vain and may strive to creation to your affinity for winds and can cast the fog cloud
make their host a vision of perfection, which can be quite the spell once at will. You need to finish a long rest before you can
boon for a charisma focused character. cast it again. When you reach 5th level, you can cast the gust
of wind spell at will once, regaining use after you finish a long
Base Race rest. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
Jinchuriki are not a species unto themselves but members or Sand Spirit. You are attuned to the winds and sands,
an existing race who were forever changed when they were meaning your eyes do not suffer as others do from the
used in a ritual to imprison a creature of great power. This buffers. You have advantage on saving throws against being
leaves some room for interpretation as to how the traits or blinded.
the base race and those of the jinchuriki should interact.

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Matatabi Innate Spellcasting. You know the acid splash cantrip.
The two-tailed nekomata Matatabi is an enormous spirit When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the grease spell at
creature composed of blue and black flames that are said to will, regaining use after you finish a long rest. When you
originate from the Infernal Plane. reach 5th level, you can also cast the melf's acid arrow spell
Innate Spellcasting. The jinchuriki who hosts this once and need to finish a long rest before you can cast it
creature gains an affinity for fire. You know the control flames again. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the hellish Fluid Defense. Saiken secretes acid normally from his
rebuke spell at will once, regaining use after you finish a long skin, but he himself is unaffected. You are resistant to acid
rest. When you reach 5th level, you can also cast the flame damage.
blade spell at will once, regaining use after you finish a long Chōmei
rest. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells. The seven-tailed kabutomushi, Chōmei resembles an
Flame Wrought. You are used to the burning and searing armored rhinoceros beetle and 6 wings in place of his
qualities of heat. You are resistant to fire damage. siblings' tails.
Innate Spellcasting. Hosts to Chōmei have an affinity for
Isobu insects as a result of housing the beast. You know the
The three-tailed kyodaigame, Isobu, is a Giant shark-like infestation cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast
turtle demon covered in deadly thorn-like spikes. the snare spell at will, regaining use after you finish a long
Innate Spellcasting. Jinchuriki hosting Isobu gain an rest. When you reach 5th level, you can also cast the levitate
affinity for water. You know the ray of frost cantrip. When you spell at will, regaining use after you finish a long rest.
reach 3rd level, you can cast the shield spell at will once, Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
regaining use after you finish a long rest. When you reach 5th Sap Sipper. Chōmei has an excellent scent for plants and
level, you can also cast the barkskin spell at will once, their edibility. Whenever you make Intelligence (Nature)
regaining use after you finish a long rest. Wisdom is your check related to plants and their properties, you are
spellcasting ability for these spells. considered proficient in the Nature skill and add double your
Natural Armor. While unarmored your Armor Class is proficiency bonus to the check, instead of your normal
equal to 12 + your Constitution modifier. You may use a proficiency bonus.
shield and still gain this benefit.
Son Gokū The Eight-Tailed Oni-Ushi. The strangest shaped of the
The four-tailed saru, Son Gokū, takes the shape of a giant red creatures is Gyūki, It possesses 8 octopus-like tentacles,
furred green skinned primate physically resembling a gorilla. humanoid-shaped torso and arms as well as an ox's head.
Innate Spellcasting. Those who host him gain a fire Innate Spellcasting. Those whom host Gyūki don't gain
affinity, though less so than Matabi. You know the produce an affinity as a result of housing the beast. You know the
flame cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the poison spray cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast
burning hands spell at will once, regaining use after you the color spray spell at will, regaining use after you finish a
finish a long rest. When you reach 5th level, you can also cast long rest. When you reach 5th level, you can also cast the
the branding smite spell at will once, regaining use after you spider climb spell at will, regaining use after you finish a long
finish a long rest. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for rest. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
these spells. Amphibious. You can breathe both water and air.
Ape Arms. Gokū is an ape with powerful physical prowess
which imprints on his host. You gain a climbing speed of 30 Kurama
ft. The Nine-Tailed Kitsune. Kurama is a red fox larger than
most castles with razor sharp teeth and claws whose tails are
Kokuō said to be strong enough to sunder mountains and cause
The five-tailed irukauma, Kokuō, is a demonic horse-dolphin tsunami's.
hybrid that favors water-based abilities. Innate Spellcasting. Those whom host Kurama gain no
Innate Spellcasting. As a result of housing the aquatic affinity as a result of housing the beast. You know the primal
beast, you know the shape water cantrip. When you reach savagery cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the
3rd level, you can cast the ice knife spell at will once, hunter's mark spell once and need to finish a long rest before
regaining use after you finish a long rest. When you reach 5th you can cast it again. When you reach 5th level, you can also
level, you can also cast the misty step spell at will, regaining cast the scorching ray spell once and need to finish a long
use after you finish a long rest. Wisdom is your spellcasting rest before you can cast it again. Wisdom is your spellcasting
ability for these spells. ability for these spells.
Swimmer. You gain a swim speed equal to your base Empathy. Kurama allows their host to tune into the much
walking speed. energy around them to sense the living. You are proficient in
the Perception skill.
The six-tailed namekuji, Saiken is a gargantuan blue slug that
leaves a trail of acid in its wake.

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Based on the orginal series by Masashi
Kishimoto. I do not claim ownership of anything
related to Naruto. Please support the original
source material. No profits are made from the
release of this supplement. All images,
inspiration and ideas are credited below.

I take credit only for the hours of time and

thought I put into arranging and tweaking the
various works of others into what I hope is a
cohesive, balanced Naruto experience for the
world's greatest roleplaying game!

Artwork - Twitter: @HidekiR_L, Reddit: u/ll--L--ll

Nearly all Jutsu, Paths, Nindo, Shinobi Feats, and

Backgrounds: Naruto: Shinobi (5e Class) - D&D
Wiki. This document would not have been
possible without this resource.

Life of a Shinobi, The Power of Chakra, and

Creating a Shinobi Descriptive Text: Shinobi |
GM Binder. It's their words, not mine.

Class Design Philosophy: Class Design 101: A

fundamental guide to 5th edition classes.


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