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ear avery e 9. 10. i. 12, 13, 14, 15, 16. 17. o'7zB FON DAVLAT JAXON TILLARI UNIVERSITET! 5111400 ~ XORIIY TIL VA ADABIYOTI (INGLIZ TILT) TALIM YO'NALISHI 2023-2024 O'QUV YILIDA BITIRUVCHILAR UCHUN UMUMKASBIY VA IXTISOSLIK FANLARDAN YAKUNIY DAVLAT ATTESTATSIY ASI SAVOLLARI STATE EXAMINATION QUESTIONS for 2023-2024 academic year (evening department) I. The history of the language study The theoretical background of Roman-German languages The problem of periodization in the History of English ‘Adjective, pronoun and numeral in Old German and Roman languages Verb in Old Roman and German languages Syntaxes in Old Roman and German languages Lexicography in Old Roman and German languages Middle English period of History of English Syntaxes in Roman and German languages The Modern English period Old English verb Old English Syntax Old English vocabulary Changes in the sphere of Middle English Grammar Development of the verbal grammatical categories in Mi ‘The Great Vowel Shift and other Early New English phone ddle English period etic changes Development of analytical forms in English Development of auxiliary verbs and decay of synthetic forms in English Ckanposatio ¢ CamScanner 11. Theoretical of Grammar of the English language 18, The grammatical structure of the English language 19. Ways of expressing the grammatical relations in English 20, The grammatical categories of Number of the English nouns The grammatical categories of Case of the English nouns Structural and semantic features of verb as a part of speech Structural and semantic features of pronoun as a part of speech The functional - semantic features of non-finite forms of the verb 25. Principals of functional- semantic classification of words 26. The syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations and their features 27. The phrase theory. Types of syntactic relations within a phrase 28. The main types of sentences in Modern English 29. The methods of investigation applied in Theoretical Grammar III. Theoretical Phoneties of the English language 30. Phonetics as a branch of linguistics (its objects, methods, types, significance) 31. Intonation, its components and functions 32. Accentual structure of the English words 33. The vowel system of English 34. The consonant system of English 35. The major phonological schools in linguistics 36. The Phoneme theory in Present day linguistics F 37. National and Territorial varieties of English pronunciation 38. Syllabic structure of English 39. Connection of phonetics with linguistic and non-linguistic sciences 40. Phonostylistics is a part of phonetics 41. The structure of syllables in English 42. The types of phonetics 43. The aspects of phonetics 44, Types of English pronunciation 45. Types of American pronunciation Ckanposatio ¢ CamScanner IV, Lexicology of the English lanph'e” isin 46. The subject matter of Lexicology and its branches. Methods of analysis 1 Lexicology ; 47, Word structure in Modern English. Types of morphemes. The stem and its types 48. The role of word-formation in enriching the English vocabulary (productive and non-productive types) 49. The types and ways of word-formation in Modern English 50, Affixation as a productive type of word-formation $1. Compounding as a productive type of word-formation $2. Conversion as a productive type of word-formation 53. Shortening as a productive type of word-formation $4. Productivity of minor types of word formation $5. Semasiology as a branch of lexicology. Semantic structure of the word. Types of meanings 56. The nature and the results of semantic change 37. Synonyms, their sources and classification in English 58. Antonyms and their classification in English 59. Homonymy in Modem English and its types 60. 61. 62. units Etymological features of the English vocabulary. Native and borrowed words The ways of borrowing and the degrees of assimilation of borrowed words, Phrascology as a branch of Lexicology. Different classifications of phrascological 63. Structural semantic features of phraseological units 64, Linguo-cultural features of English proverbs and sayings 65. Lexicography as a science. Types of dictionaries and principles of their compiling V. English Stylistics 66. The subject-matter of stylistics. Tasks and types of stylisties 67. New trends in stylistics. Types of speech 68. Stylistic classification of the vocabulary. The literary and colloquial layers of the vocabulary 69, Main features of Functional styles in Modern English (belles ~ letters style) 70. Main features of Functional styles in Modern English (newspaper style) 71. Main features of Functional styles in Modern English (scientific style) Ckanposatio c CamScanner 72. Main features of Functional styles jn Modern English (publicistic style) 73. Main features of Funetional styles in Modern English (official -document style) 74. The nature, types and functions of stytistic devices (metaphor, simile) 75, The nature, types and functions Of stylistic devices (metonymy, periphrasis) 76, The nature, types and functions Of stylistic devices (epithet, antonomasia) 77. The nature, types and functions Of stylistic devices (hyperbole, litotes) 78. The nature, types and functions of stylistic devices (oxymoron, antithesis) 79. The nature, types and functions of stylistic devices( zeugma, pun) 80. The nature, types and functions of stylistic devices (rhetorical question, repetition) 81. The nature, types and functions of stylistic devices (ellipsis, detachment, stylistic inversion) 82. The nature and functions of Phonetic stylistic devices (alliteration, onomatopoeia) 83. The subject matter of text interpretation. Main components of literary text composition 84. The tasks Stylistic analysis of literary text Head of the English language teaching methodology department No2 Madraximoy T.A, Responsible Gilyazetdinoy E.Z. Ckanposatio ¢ CamScanner

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