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Biodiversity Indicators
● Species richness: The number of different species present in the park.
● Presence of indicator species: Species that are sensitive to environmental changes.
● Endemic species: Unique species found only in the specific region.

2. Habitable Quality Indicators

● Habitat diversity: The variety of habitats available within the park.
● Habitat connectivity: The degree to which habitats are connected for wildlife
● Presence of natural features: Wetlands, forests, meadows, and other natural features.

3. Visitor Management Indicators

● Visitor numbers: The volume of visitors to the park.
● Visitor satisfaction: Feedback from visitors on their experience.
● Sustainable transportation: Promotion of eco-friendly transportation options.

4. Infrastructure & Facilities

● Sustainable infrastructure: Use of eco-friendly construction materials and energy-
efficient facilities.
● Waste management: Implementation of recycling programs and waste reduction
● Interpretive signage: Educational materials about the park's ecosystems and
conservation efforts.

5. Educational and Outreach Programs

● Environmental education programs: Workshops, guided tours, and educational events
for visitors.
● Partnerships with schools and community groups: Collaborations to promote
environmental awareness.

6. Safety and Security

● Emergency response plans: Preparedness for natural disasters or emergencies.
● Security measures: Ensuring the safety of visitors and protection of wildlife.

7. Community Engagement
● Local community involvement: Engaging local communities in park management
● Social and cultural events: Promoting cultural activities that connect people to nature.

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