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Best News

Train & Multiply®

Project WorldReach (T&M® ministry operation)
Dr. George Patterson (Originating Author)
SEAN International

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Pastoral Leader Training Booklet


Train & Multiply ®


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“The Best News” course is made up of eight short Bible studies, for PROGRESS REGISTER - “BEST NEWS”
presenting to heads of families, in their homes. Its purpose is to lead 002-084
the heads of households and their families to a commitment to Christ, Draw a circle round the number of the study that each student has
and baptism together. received; cross the number out when he completes the study; (the first
002-001 line is an example).
Cornelius, in Acts 10, already knew the facts about the life of Jesus.
This was why he did not need long explanations, before opening his
Names of the Students
heart to God. Nevertheless, those who do not know the Gospel
generally need to hear it explained up to seven or eight times, in order
for their commitment to the Lord to have a firm foundation. This is John Smith
_____________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
why there are eight studies. It is not necessary to use them all if
people respond before finishing them all.
_____________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

HOW TO USE THE _____________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

002-003 _____________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Pray fervently that the Lord will lead you to heads of families who are
open to the gospel. Pray especially for your relatives and friends.
_____________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Will you pray regularly for God’s guidance and power in testifying to
_____________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
W_002_01a_ZZW01_01 W_P01_03m_INW^^_03

2 Best News © Project WorldReach © SEAN 15

PRACTICAL WORK Why make such a fuss about
evangelizing? If people want to be saved,
002-077 they’ll come to church on their own.
• Pray for the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit, to 002-005
evangelize. Pray, too, that your relatives, friends and other
heads of families may know the Lord.

• Visit and evangelize heads of families (starting with your own

relatives and friends), using the “Best News” course.
002-079 No. The Lord commands us to go out and
search for the lost. An obedient church never
stops evangelizing in homes and public places.

• Pray for the sick when you visit homes. 002-006

002-080 At first, offer the course mainly to heads of households. You can help
the family head teach the course to his wife and children. This prac-
tice helps to build up leaders right from the beginning.
• Take other members of the congregation with you, to show
them how to evangelize. 002-007 W_002_09b_ZZW01_01

002-081 W_P01_09m_INW^^_03
Forget those
fellows. It’s
• If you have no results using the “Best News,” try other methods easier to talk
about religion
of evangelism.
to women and
002-082 children.

• Write down the progress of those doing the course, using the
following Register: Be quiet! If the woman is won first, it’s more difficult
002-083 to win the man. The home is divided and the church stays
weak. Whole families build a strong church.
14 Best News © Project WorldReach © SEAN 3
Use each study’s drawing to gain people’s attention, asking, “What 4. Strong churches are made up of whole families. These
do you think this is?” churches give themselves to take the message of salvation to
002-010 W_P01_13r_INW^^_02 W_002_03b_INW01_01 everyone. Of the following statements, mark those that form
part of the message we must proclaim: 002-066
Can you guess
what this picture is? F The Lord Jesus died for the forgiveness of our sins.
Let’s see. It looks like F He rose on the third day to give us pure and eternal life
rain. Is it Noah’s ark?
in Him. 002-068
F We must repent and believe in the Lord to receive this
forgiveness and eternal life.

5. When people have understood the value of the death and

resurrection of the Lord and are ready, they must: 002-070
F repent and be baptized in the faith of the Lord Jesus.
F study a six-month course on doctrine, before doing what
Jesus commanded.
Description of the drawings in the studies:
1. People outside the ark. (Genesis 6-8)
6. The apostles went out to evangelize: 002-073
F alone. 002-074
2. Blood drips from the Lord Jesus on the cross. (Luke 23)
F two by two.
3. The father hugs his repentant prodigal son, who has returned.
(Luke 15)
When we evangelize, we take others with us. This way we train them
to witness better.
4. The Ethiopian points to the water. (Acts 8)
4 Best News © Project WorldReach © SEAN 13
• Follow the apostle Peter’s example when you evangelize. 5. The jailer kneels in front of Paul and Silas. (Acts 16)
Read and meditate on Acts 10:1-48. 002-018
002-054 6. Gathering manna in the desert. (John 6)
F Mark this box when you have done this. 002-019
002-055 7. The pigs, driven by the evil spirits, fall into the sea.
(Matthew 8:28-34)

002-056 8. Saul, blinded, is led into Damascus. (Acts 9)

1. To receive guidance and power to evangelize, we must: 002-057 002-021

F pray with earnest faith. 002-058
F rely on our own knowledge. • Go through the study with the head of the household. He reads

002-059 the Bible passage and you ask him the questions. This is the
best way to teach the Gospel because it gives you more

2. When we have received God’s guidance and power in prayer, opportunity to talk to the people.

it is best to begin evangelizing: 002-060 002-022

F women and children, because they are more interested. (If the student cannot read, read the text aloud yourself, and

F whole families through the fathers. write down the student’s answers to the questions.)

002-062 002-023
• Another alternative is that you explain the study briefly and

3. We begin with heads of households. Later, they can teach their leave it with the head of the household, so that he can do it

families. This way they can be all converted together. With alone, and then with his family.

whole families, churches are established which are: 002-063 002-024

F strong. 002-064 On your next visit, go over what he has done. When he

F weak. finishes one study, ask him to begin the next one. Review each

002-065 one with him after he has finished it, and help him to answer the
12 Best News © Project WorldReach © SEAN 5
• Encourage your student to explain the Bible stories to his If you serve with a denomination or association of churches,
family. Each lesson gives this as homework. (Explain that this please respect its practice for receiving new members.
will be a blessing to them all.) 002-050
002-026 • If someone shows no interest, or only wants to argue, stop
If the father teaches his family, it is easier for them all to be teaching them. It is better to use our time looking for other
converted together. Ask him leading questions to help him to people who are open to the Gospel.
tell the Bible story to his family. 002-051 W_002_09b_ZZW01_01 W_P01_17m_INW^^_03
But a real Christian
would never abandon On the contrary, the Lord
An example of such questions: Jesus orders us to move on,
a friend. He’d go on
002-028-1a W_P01_18r_INW^^_02 W_002_04b^_INW01_02 visiting no matter when people don’t respond.
how long it took for (Matthew 10:14)
Can you explain why God him to be converted... 002-053
was angry with these people? They were very violent
and wicked in Noah’s day.

• Emphasize that God loves everyone; encourage the student to

invite other relatives and friends to the next study. If he does
not bring them, ask for their names and addresses, and contact
them yourself. (Ask permission first.)
W_002_05b_ZZW01_01 W_P01_24m_INW^^_03
6 Best News © Project WorldReach © SEAN 11
• As you ask the questions in the lesson, respect your student’s But there are
opinion. Listen to him. Although he may be wrong, do not say other evangelistic It’s all right to use other courses, so
courses. Why not long as they are as easy for a new
“No!” Just say, “Or perhaps we could say…” use those instead person to use “Best News.” With this
of the “Best course, the new Christians can
News?” immediately begin winning their
• Encourage him to talk about his family’s hopes, illnesses, fears 002-031 friends, telling the same Bible stories.
and problems. Pray for them. 002-032
• Take another Christian with you, to train him how to evangelize.
When he sees how you teach, he can imitate you. Encourage
him to lead parts of the study. Then send him to evangelize
elsewhere, taking other Christians with him. The apostles went
out two by two. Let us follow their example.
• It is better not to take many mature Christians to the study
(apart from the one you are training). The unconverted student
can feel inhibited. He will seldom answer confidently in front of
other mature Christians.
• Help the family head to affirm the Christian faith, step by step.
On your first visit, this might only be the agreement to do the
study with you. Later, encourage him to teach parts of the
Do not treat the people as though they were in a church. They
study to his family. Ask him, “Can you explain this to your
are not believers yet and will feel uneasy.
children (or wife, friends, brother, etc.)?” At each session, help
him to affirm the value of the death of Christ for him and his
• If the student understands the gospel well and is converted
family (eternal forgiveness), and also the value of Christ’s
before finishing all the studies, he and those of his family who
resurrection. Just as Jesus’ death applies to us for our
believe should be baptized. Do not delay baptism just to finish
forgiveness, it also applies to us in His resurrection life. God
the studies.
gives us new life in Christ that is holy and eternal.
10 Best News © Project WorldReach © SEAN 7
In Luke 24:45-48, the Lord spells out the important parts of And the benefits of His resurrection?
the gospel: 002-040
002-034 W_P01_10r_INW^^_02
- The value of His death for our families and us: the forgive- He
ness of sins. gives us
pure and
002-035 eternal
- The value of His resurrection from the dead: new, pure life.
and eternal life in Him.
- Our response in order to be saved: repent and believe.
W_P01_16r_INW^^_02 W_002_06b_INW01_01
• When he and his family are ready to commit themselves to
Christ, ask them to repeat a simple prayer after you (phrase by
What are the benefits phrase). Pray slowly, giving them time to repeat after you. Use
of Christ’s death for God forgives
you and your family? our sins. simple phrases, for example: “Forgive my sin,” “Thank you for
002-038 002-039 dying for me,” “Come into my life,” etc.
002-042 W_P01_12r_INW^^_02 W_002_08b_INW01_00
Father, forgive Heavenly Father,
us our sins... forgive us our sins...
002-043 002-043

8 Best News © Project WorldReach © SEAN 9

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