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© 2001 Project WorldReach © 2001 SEAN

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Loving New
Train & Multiply®
Project WorldReach (T&M® ministry operation) 019-00A W_P01_24r_INW^^_02 W_019_01b_INW01_03
Dr. George Patterson (Originating Author)
SEAN International

Contact: Project WorldReach PWR®

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Pastoral Leader Training Booklet


Train & Multiply ®


T&M ®

The church
is growing too
much. I’ll try
to make the
older members I never believed that the
forget the church members would
infinite grace receive me after being a
of God. drunk for so long. Perhaps
019-001 God loves me, after all.
W_019_01^_CHW03_11 019-002

Of course, Francis, God loves you, and we love you too.

We’ll help you find true meaning for your life. You’ve
repented of your sins, and you believe in Christ, but you
haven’t been baptized yet. I’ll baptize you on Sunday.
We want you to be a member of the church.
W_P01_24r_INW^^_02 W_019_01b_INW01_03
W_019_02c_INW01_02 W_019_18^_CHW03_10

Notice how
that new one
stinks! And
look at his
dirty clothes.
It’s a

2 Loving New Christians © Project WorldReach © SEAN 15

N OTES What are you saying,
Pastor! Francis is to be Francis is in
baptized on Sunday! earnest. The apostles
It’s far too soon. baptized those who
019-005 repented, at once.
W_019_03a_INW01_01 019-006

(Acts 2:37-42, Acts 8:35-39, Acts 16:14-15, Acts 16:30-34)

019-007 W_019_04a_INW01_01 W_P01_22m_INW^^_03
Baptism isn’t a diploma for the saint who’s
completed a course on doctrine. It’s for the
sinner who repents and believes in Christ. It’s his
first step. You should read Matthew 28:18-20.

14 Loving New Christians © Project WorldReach © SEAN 3

But what will people N OTES
think? Our church
just can’t let people
like that come inside!

Look, Elizabeth. Mark 2:16,17 teaches us what Jesus did:

“When the teachers of the law who were Pharisees saw
him eating with the ‘sinners’ and tax collectors, they asked
his disciples: “Why does he eat with tax collectors and
‘sinners?’ On hearing this, Jesus said to them, ‘It is not the
healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to
call the righteous, but sinners.’”
019-010 019-011

The parable of the weeds

teaches us to leave it to God to
But a lot of
separate the weeds; we can’t do
weeds are going
it. (Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43)
to start growing
in the church.
019-012 W_019_06a_INW01_01
Let’s not oblige
people to be perfect
before they become
members of the
church. They are
just children in the
faith. They need to
grow through good
pastoral care.

4 Loving New Christians © Project WorldReach © SEAN 13

member of this
019-053 church for the
last twenty years.
• Learn Philippians 1:6 by heart.
Do you mean to
019-054 tell me that this
new Francis, who
not long ago was a
• Delegate to a church member the task of receiving new drunk, has the
same rights in the
members and visitors in the meetings. He should introduce the congregation as
new people to other believers. I do?
019-055 W_019_07^_INW01_01

• Visit the new believers.

019-056 W_049_09^_INW01_00...filler

That’s right, Elizabeth, I’m going to tell you the

parable of the workers in the vineyard. In it, the Lord
explains to us how to treat our brothers in Christ.
A landowner went out early in the morning to hire
men to harvest his grapes...
019-016 019-017
W_019_08a_INW01_01 W_P01_05m_INW^^_03

• If the congregation is large, and you don’t have time to visit,

name a “big brother or sister” for each new believer. They are
responsible for helping new believers grow. They arrange for
baptism and teach them to pray and to obey all the other
commands of the Lord Jesus Christ.

12 Loving New Christians © Project WorldReach © SEAN 5

I’ll pay you a SUMMARY TEST
denarius* for the day. Agreed. Let’s
019-018 go to work. 019-045
W_019_09^_CHW03_10 019-019 1. The Apostles always received as members of the church
believers who repented.
If we doubt the salvation of new believers, we: 019-047
F encourage them. 019-048
F discourage them.

2. Let us trust that God will complete the work He has begun in
(Matthew 20:1-2) 019-020 their hearts. If we doubt, we discourage the new believers.
*A denarius was a day’s wages for a laborer in Roman times. 019-050
W_019_10^_CHW03_10 You go and work in
my vineyard, too. I’ll With what attitude should we receive new members?
Later, about nine o’clock, he pay you a fair wage.
saw others waiting to be hired 019-024

in the market place... 019-051

He went out again at noon, 3. Francis sought to win his family for the Lord. A church made
and at three in the afternoon, up of whole families is stronger. Will you help the new
doing the same and again at believers to win their families?
five o’clock...
019-023 ___________
(Matthew 20:3-7) 019-052

6 Loving New Christians © Project WorldReach © SEAN 11

Later... When evening came, he paid one denarius to those hired last...
019-039 019-026
Thank you, pastor, for helping me to trust You’re very generous! Thank you.
the Holy Spirit’s work in Francis. It’s 019-027
amazing! He’s won all his family for the Lord. W_019_11^_CHW03_10
019-040 W_019_17a_INW01_01

Oho! Then we who have

worked all day can
(Matthew 20:8-10) expect to receive more!
019-029 019-028

But he paid the same wage to those hired first....

And five of my cousins and their families
have become Christians. And now I’m Those others arrived last. They worked very little.
responsible and live my life as an example! And you have paid the same to them as to us, who have
019-041 W_019_17b_INW01_01 borne the heat of the day and the heaviest work.
W_019_01^_CHW03_11 019-031

Friend, I am not
being unfair to you.
Didn’t you agree to
work for a denarius?
I’m defeated Don’t I have the right
again. I’m off! to do what I want with
019-042 my own money? Are
you envious because I
am generous?
(James 4:7) 019-032
(Matthew 20:10-15)

10 Loving New Christians © Project WorldReach © SEAN 7

Those who work all day symbolize the older church In the Kingdom of God, the new believers have
members. They may have made many sacrifices for the the same rights as those who started first, because
Lord. But they forget that they began by being saved by we are all saved by God’s grace and mercy alone.
grace alone. That did not cost them anything. 019-036 W_019_08a_INW01_01
019-034 W_P01_09m_INW^^_02
W_019_03a_INW01_01 W_P01_02m_INW^^_03

But we have studied the Bible a lot and have suffered

much for Christ. We’ve built such a beautiful chapel.
And you want to receive these new ones just like that,
without them having to do anything! They will have the
Those who began to
same rights in the congregation as any other member.
work towards the end
of the day mean the
W_019_16a_INW01_02 W_P01_10m_INW^^_03
new Christians. Christ,
as landowner, wants to
give them more than
they deserve. They That’s right. We
also are saved by older members
grace alone. But should rather be glad
sometimes the older to see new members
members of the church join us. Jesus Christ
become jealous if God says: “Many who are
gives more grace to first will be last, and
new members. the last first.”
019-035 (Matthew 20:16)
W_P01_24m_INW^^_03 019-038

8 Loving New Christians © Project WorldReach © SEAN 9

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