029 - Seek 1ST The Kog

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© 2001 Project WorldReach © 2001 SEAN

Seek First the
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Train & Multiply®

Kingdom of God
Project WorldReach (T&M® ministry operation) 029-000A
Dr. George Patterson (Originating Author) W_029_22a_INW01_00
SEAN International

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Pastoral Leader Training Booklet

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2. When we have a need, to whom should we go first? 029-065
Good morning,
John! How is it F To the missionary. 029-066
going? F To our richest neighbor. 029-067
W_029_01a_INW01_00 F To the government. 029-068
W_P01_26m_INW^^_00 F To God.

3. Do you go to God first to ask for what you need? 029-070

F Yes. 029-071
F No, but I am going to start.

I’m a little worried, 029-073
Pastor. I didn’t sleep Why not? You have Christ in
last night. your heart now. Why go • Teach your congregation or group to seek first the kingdom of
029-002 around looking so worried? God and His righteousness. (Matthew 6:33)
W_029_02a_INW01_00 029-003
• Pray and meditate on God’s Word daily to know the will of
Christ their King.
• Obey His will, applying the Bible to their material life and
keeping His commands.
• Trust in God to provide their needs, without worrying so much
about material things.

2 Seek First the Kingdom of God © Project WorldReach © SEAN 15

Many Christians are poor materially, but they are rich in Christ. I know, Pastor. But I can’t feed my family.
(1 Peter 1:3-7) I’ve no work. And my kids need new clothes to
go to school. I don’t know what to do.
029-055 029-004 W_029_03a_INW01_00

Let us not become discouraged by our poverty. (Philippians 4:11-14)


Nobody should use their poverty as an excuse not to support the

work of Christ. (Luke 21:1-4)

If they are hoarding, they will always remain poor. If we are

generous, God will be generous with us. (Luke 6:38)
But, brother, for days now you’ve gone around talking
029-058 about the same problems. You’ve lost your smile. Romans 5:3
says that we should glory even in our tribulations.
029-005 W_P01_10m_INW^^_03

SUMMARY TEST But, Pastor, how can I smile when I

029-059 can’t feed my children properly?
1. Before we ask God for material things, what should we do? 029-006 W_P01_04m_INW^^_00
Do you
F Seek God’s kingdom and do His will. 029-061
know what
F Ask our rich friends for something. 029-062 the Bible
says about
F Go around worried and sad. your material
029-063 needs?

It is not forbidden to ask God for material things, but we are to

ask Him for that which is spiritual first. Then we can ask Him
for our daily needs.

14 Seek First the Kingdom of God © Project WorldReach © SEAN 3

Doesn’t the Bible just talk God keeps His promises. Seek first His
about our spiritual need? kingdom and He’ll provide these other things.
029-008 029-052 W_P01_27m_INW^^_03
On the W_029_28a_INW01_00 W_029_28b_INW01_01
contrary. God’s
interested in all
our needs, like
Jesus says in
Luke 12:22-34.

Well, maybe the rich missionary

could help me, then...

Don’t bother the

missionary! Let him That’s right. I have
help train the pastors in proved it in my family.
the new churches! Now we trust in the
People that are lost and Lord for our needs.
going to hell need the He blesses those who
missionary more than keep His commands.
you, John. Hey, let’s I’m going to tithe too.
read Luke 12:22-34. 029-053
029-011 W_029_22a_INW01_00

Ask the Holy Spirit to illuminate your mind and heart with this study
and prepare your people to seek His kingdom before all else. Then,
read in Luke 12:22-34 to find what God says to those who worry AND YOU?
too much.
4 Seek First the Kingdom of God © Project WorldReach © SEAN 13
Well, every morning I ask the Lord to show me His Do the birds worry about what they will eat?
will for the day. And before I leave for work I read
the Bible. Then I think about it along the way.
029-047 ________________
W_029_23^_INW01_00 W_P01_29m_INW^^_01 029-013
The Holy Spirit is
really working in your Why not? (Luke 12:24) Write your answer.
heart, John. Now you
don’t worry about
your poverty like you
used to do. 029-014

Who are concerned only about material things? (Luke 12:30)

You’re growing in
Christ; you’re
becoming a mature What is most important for us believers? (Luke 12:31)
believer. It’s a joy to
begin each day with
the Lord, isn’t it? Do
you still worry about 029-016
your needs?
For what do you have the greatest desire? 029-017
F Material goods. 029-018
F Entering God’s kingdom and doing His will.
Well, I don’t go around thinking about it so much now. God 029-019
has given me peace. The other day we didn’t have anything to
eat. But we prayed. I left it in the Lord’s hands. Later that
day our neighbor Peter came over. He gave us a whole chicken! If we are envious of rich people, what will happen? 029-020
Peter said that the Lord just put it in his heart to give us that F We become spiritually ill. 029-021
chicken. He wanted to share with us. A year ago Peter began
to tithe. Now everything he does seems to prosper! F We will get what we want.
029-050 029-051 W_029_21a_INW01_00 029-022

12 Seek First the Kingdom of God © Project WorldReach © SEAN 5

And in verses 22 and 23 God says not to John continues to pray every day and meditate in the Word of God
worry about our food and clothing, because each day. Then...
our life is worth far more than what we eat.
029-023 029-042 W_P01_29m_INW^^_01 W_029_21a_INW01_00
W_P01_20m_INW^^_03 Pastor, I’m glad you visited us again!
We have something to tell you.

John, your
smile’s come
back! What

Of course, Pastor. Life is worth more than

food. But we have to eat and enjoy the things The Lord is blessing us. I explained the passage in
of life. Hey, look at that man over there! Look Luke 12:22-34 to my wife, and we prayed. Now we
how he lives with all that money. are seeking the kingdom of God and His righteousness
029-024 W_029_09a_INW01_00 first. We’re disciplining ourselves like you said.
029-045 W_029_22a_INW01_00 W_P01_29m_INW^^_01

No, brother! Thinking

about people that have more
than you just fills you with
envy. Envy eats away at your
soul. Look at God first. He
knows that we have to eat.
He says in Luke 12:29 “And
do not set your heart on what
you will eat or drink; do not
worry about it.”
W_P01_13m_INW^^_03 And what is the discipline that you use?

6 Seek First the Kingdom of God © Project WorldReach © SEAN 11

The next day... But if I don’t worry about
029-038 W_029_19a_INW01_01 these things, who will?
Them rich people don’t pay
Ssss! Look! There goes that rich no attention to us!
man. Go and tell him how poor you 029-026 W_029_12a_INW01_00
are. Get something from him! But we trust in
029-039 God. In the next
verse the Lord
Jesus says, “For
the pagan world
runs after all such
things, and your
Father knows that
you need them.”

The pastor continues to apply the Bible to John’s problem. He helps

him to memorize:
Get away from me, Satan! This morning I
promised God to trust Him for my needs!
029-041 “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all
these things shall be added to you.”
(Matthew 6:33)
029-029 029-030

Then it’s a sin for me to

worry so much about material
things. But how do I seek
first the kingdom of God?

10 Seek First the Kingdom of God © Project WorldReach © SEAN 7

You are saved, but Father, I don’t
you lack peace. You understand all this. But
need to discipline your the Bible says it. It is
mind. Study the Bible the truth. I am going to
and pray each day. seek first your kingdom
Seek the will of the instead of worrying
Lord for you and obey about material things.
Him in everything. 029-035
Then you’ll have peace. W_029_17a_INW01_00

OK. I really want to seek the kingdom of

God and His righteousness above all. I’ll
pray for this daily and read my Bible. God will bless you in
029-033 this step of faith!
W_029_15a_INW01_01 029-036

Wonderful. Start today thinking about the things of

God. You’ll feel real love for God and other people.
Forget your worries. And through your love and faith
God will provide all that you really need. He’ll help you to
discipline yourself. Remember to pray and meditate in
His Word every day. The devil will try to make you Thank you. Now I’m going to talk
forget. Let’s pray right now for help. to my wife and pray with her.
029-034 029-037 W_029_18a_INW01_00
8 Seek First the Kingdom of God © Project WorldReach © SEAN 9

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