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Copyright © information: How to Reach Agreement

© 2001 Project WorldReach © 2001 SEAN

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in Administrative Meetings
Train & Multiply® 045-00A
Project WorldReach (T&M® ministry operation)
Dr. George Patterson (Originating Author)
SEAN International

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Pastoral Leader Training Booklet


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Ask God to help you in this study, so that the members and pastors of • Ask God to guide you through His Word.
your church may reach agreement. 045-120
• Be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s leading in the meeting. Be
Various cultural groups deal with issues differently. In parts of Africa, willing to yield your personal opinion.
for example, administrative matters normally require long discussions 045-121
before any official administrative meeting takes place. The younger
men defer to the older, the women to the men, and former slaves or
servants to former masters. Your particular field may have a unique Notes:
cultural practice for arriving at agreement in administrative meetings
that this study does not deal with. If so, please note it here:


Jesus Christ says:“All men will know that you are my disciples if
you love one another.”
(John 13:35)

2 How to Reach Agreement in Administration Meetings © Project WorldReach © SEAN 19

PRACTICAL WORK The church of Christ should be known by the sweet harmony among
045-115 its members. There are always different opinions, but we reach
cordial agreement in properly led meetings.
Teach the leaders and your congregation how to
045-004 W_045_01^_INW01_01
agree on hard decisions:
• Seek a unanimous decision.

• Treat differing opinions openly.


• Discuss problems with all the people directly concerned. When opinions differ, we cannot force uniformity. Unity in Christ is
Do not talk about people behind their backs. not uniformity. Paul’s epistles teach us that we already have the only
045-117 unity of value before God (spiritual unity in Christ). The essence of
this unity is not that each Christian or church should conform to the
• Allow everyone the right to speak (but not to criticize same practices, but rather that there are different gifts and ministries,
individuals, without having previously spoken to them with freedom within the same body. (Romans 12:3-16,
in private). 1 Corinthians 12-13, Ephesians 4:1-16)
045-118 045-005

• Keep quiet while others speak. (Take turns.) Although opinions differ, we maintain mutual respect and good
045-119 relations. Acts 15 teaches us the good example of the church in
Jerusalem. We find there are seven norms for reaching agreement.
Let’s examine the Jerusalem meeting, to learn these seven rules.

18 How to Reach Agreement in Administration Meetings © Project WorldReach © SEAN 3

RULE 1 8. During the meeting, what prevailed? 045-102
F Criticism. 045-103
F Free discussion. 045-104
Read Acts 15:1-5.
9. After much free discussion, James proposed a solution
Observations: based on: 045-106
045-009 F the Scriptures. 045-107
• The problem was serious; it concerned the deepest convictions. F his own opinions.
045-010 045-108

• In the early, apostolic churches, there were differing opinions. 10. James’ opinion was based on the Word of God. They
There will always be differing opinions in any church. accepted it because of the: 045-109
045-011 F Holy Spirit. 045-110
F firm decree.
• We can resolve differences in the same way. 045-111
11. The Spirit of God brought to agreement: 045-112
First, they spoke openly and respectfully of their different opinions. F everyone. 045-113
They did not remain silent or hide their disagreement from each other. F some.
045-013 045-114

The disagreement between the Christians was: 045-014

F small. 045-015
F great. 045-016
(Check your answer with verse 2.) 045-017
4 How to Reach Agreement in Administration Meetings © Project WorldReach © SEAN 17
4. Which chapter in the Bible reflects good guidelines for leading RULE 2
an administrative meeting? 045-089
F John 15. 045-090
F Acts 15.
045-091 045-018-1b
Read Acts 15:6.

5. We find a good example about how to reach agreement, in 045-019

Acts 15, at the church in: 045-092 All the interested parties met to solve the problem. (verse 22)

F Jerusalem. 045-093 045-020 W_045_02^_INW01_01

F Mexico City. 045-094

F Rome.

6. The disagreement in Jerusalem was: 045-096

F great. 045-097
F minor.

7. This dispute was settled through: 045-099 Observations:

F a worship service. 045-100 045-021
F an administrative meeting. • A problem between two members should be resolved between
045-101 the two of them. There is no need to involve the whole church.

• Problems at leadership level should be dealt with by the leaders

(pastors and elders).
16 How to Reach Agreement in Administration Meetings © Project WorldReach © SEAN 5
• A problem involving the whole church might require interaction SUMMARY TEST
with all members. The leaders should discuss it first, to suggest 045-085
a course of action. 1. A problem between two Christians should be dealt with
045-024 between the two of them. Why?

• We deal with this matter at the meeting while avoiding politics,

personal attacks, or lobbying for support. We allow everything
to be presented openly in an atmosphere of mutual respect.
045-025 045-086

RULE 3 2. In meetings, one should not speak several times, when others

EVERYONE HAD A RIGHT TO SPEAK are still waiting to speak for the first time. Why not?

Read Acts 15:7-11.
The Apostle Peter: 045-028
F monopolized the discussion. 045-029
F waited his turn to speak.
3. Why do we not interrupt one another?

• No one person dominated the discussion. 045-088

6 How to Reach Agreement in Administration Meetings © Project WorldReach © SEAN 15

RULE 7 • Peter did not criticize the Pharisees, but explained the situation
in love. He reasoned calmly.
• During a meeting we do not criticize people. In the case of
Read Acts 15:28-29. personal conflict, we speak to the person involved in private.
045-077 045-034
045-078 • All members have the right to speak. If some persons might
• It was a miracle that the believing Pharisees agreed. Although it cause a serious problem, the leaders might listen to them first in
was hard for them, they submitted to God’s will. a special meeting in which no vote is taken, to let them know
045-079 they are being listened to.
• In our meetings, we accept the Holy Spirit’s guidance in the W_045_03a_INW01_00 W_052_02^_INW01_00
same way, expressed through our fellow Christians and leaders.

The Holy Spirit guided them by: 045-081

F tradition. 045-082
F the Scriptures.
W_045_11^_INW01_00 I have been
045-083 stubborn. I’ll
stop insisting on
my own way, and
accept what
they want. Now
I see that it is
God’s will.

14 How to Reach Agreement in Administration Meetings © Project WorldReach © SEAN 7

Important: Reaching agreement is
like letting air out of a
045-036 balloon. There are three
If someone has offended you, you should speak to them before ways of doing this.
involving others. (Matthew 18:15-17) This avoids quarrels. We do W_045_07^_INW01_00
not criticize someone in public, but rather, solve the problem in
private. This avoids gossip.
045-037 W_045_04^_INW01_01 W_004_19^_INW01_00
I would First, we can explode the balloon with a pin,
rather not
listen. Let’s
but then it is destroyed. The same happens
avoid gossip. with a church; communion is destroyed when
anger is allowed to burst in a meeting.
Second, we can let go of the balloon, and
let it fly through the air, out of control. This
Although a believer may not have any other faults, if he habitually
happens in a church whose leaders avoid
criticises his fellow Christians, he commits a serious sin. Some sin
facing up to disagreements frankly.
harms one’s own body, but criticism damages others. It destroys the
fellowship of the church.
Third, we can let the air escape gently,
controlling it with our fingers. This is how we
Which is more apt to make a problem worse? 045-040
control disagreements, dealing with them
F Disagreeing with a person politely but firmly (or if he is
patiently, as mature spiritual leaders under the
a superior to whom you owe respect, through a proper
control of the Holy Spirit.
mediator). 045-041
F Criticizing the person behind his back.
8 How to Reach Agreement in Administration Meetings © Project WorldReach © SEAN 13
• The leader encourages finding a satisfying solution. He realizes Check your answer with the following:
when there has been sufficient discussion. Then he explains the 045-043
solution, so all understand. “Do not spread slander among your people. Do not do anything
045-070 that endangers your neighbor’s life. I am the Lord. Do not hate
your brother in your heart. Rebuke your neighbor frankly so you
• A unanimous agreement is best. Some will always have will not share in his guilt.”
to submit to others, to reach agreement in the love of 045-044 (Leviticus 19:16-17)
Christ. 045-045
W_045_01^_INW01_01 The Bible forbids criticizing your brother behind his back. You should
not talk about someone, without having spoken to him alone, first.
(Matthew 18:15-18) Many quarrels at meetings come through
breaking these rules.

Read Acts 15:12.
• They did not interrupt while someone spoke.

12 How to Reach Agreement in Administration Meetings © Project WorldReach © SEAN 9

• They did not try to shout down a speaker. While others speak, • His proposal took into account everyone’s beliefs. They did
we should wait calmly. not oblige the Gentiles to keep the Old Testament Law for their
045-051 salvation. We are saved by grace. Nevertheless they were
asked to avoid what most offended the Jews.
• We respect our fellow Christian, although his opinions may 045-060
differ from ours.
045-052 How do we solve problems? 045-061
F Using the Bible. 045-062
When someone is speaking, and we wish to say something: 045-053 F Holding to our own opinions.
F we wait till he finishes. 045-054 045-063
F we interrupt.
045-055 RULE 6
RULE 5 045-064-1b
THEY SOUGHT GOD’S GUIDANCE Read Acts 15:22-27. All accepted James’ proposition.
THROUGH THE SCRIPTURES 045-065 to 045-066
045-056-1b W_P01_05r_INW^^_02 W_045_05b_INW01_00 Observations:
Read Acts 15:13-21. 045-067
045-057 • They reached agreement willingly. People did not have to go
Observations: against their conscience.

045-058 045-068

• James proposed a
wise solution, based • Several had to stop insisting on their own ideas, to reach

on the Scriptures. agreement.

045-059 045-069

10 How to Reach Agreement in Administration Meetings © Project WorldReach © SEAN 11

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