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Pastoral Leader Training Booklet


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SEVEN BIBLICAL PRINCIPLES FOR • If necessary, limit the number of weekly meetings so that new
members have time to witness in homes.
Witness for Christ:
• Write the names of at least three persons who receive Christ
through your testimony or the testimony of those who
• Together with other believers.
accompany you:

• To your family and friends first.


• With faith.
032-005 032-128

• With the power of the Holy Spirit.

• Write your plans to mobilize your people, for witnessing:

• With the focus on Jesus Christ.


• With love.

• To make obedient disciples of Christ. 032-129


2 Witnessing to Others © Project WorldReach © SEAN 19

In obedience to Christ, a new believer begins WITNESS TOGETHER WITH
immediately to witness to his family and friends. OTHER BELIEVERS
032-120 032-010
Witnessing means speaking to others about the life, death and
PRACTICAL WORK resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. One of the commands of
032-121 Christ is to witness for Him. This is why we teach all believers to visit
and present Christ. (Matthew 28:19, Acts 1:8)
• Read and meditate on Acts 16:11-34.
032-122 032-011

Simply to give classes on personal evangelism does not get it done.

• Pray that every believer in your church will be an effective
witness for the Lord Jesus Christ. Evangelism is learned by practice. Take those you teach with you to
032-123 win their own friends and relatives to Christ. (Matthew 4:19)

• Teach all new converts to pray fervently for the conversion of

others, and to cultivate love for their family and friends. Churches become stagnant when they stop evangelizing. Often this
032-124 happens when a new church begins public services. Do not let your
church neglect personal evangelism.
032-013 W_P01_10r_INW^^_02 W_032_01b_INW01_01
• Show them how to witness, taking them with you. (Use the
course “2 Best News,” and “15 Jesus Calls You,” or some Come with me,
Robert. You’ll learn
other simple method.) by watching me.
Then you can
imitate me
(1 Corinthians 11:1).
Let’s go and talk
• Inform your church or group of the good efforts of those who with your father.
visit and witness; this will encourage others to join them. 032-014
But Pastor, I don’t
032-126 know how to witness!

18 Witnessing to Others © Project WorldReach © SEAN 3

To witness is the daily work of: 032-016 9. Practical love and sincere words penetrate the hardest heart.
F the pastor only. 032-017 But we should focus on: 032-108
F every believer. F our religion and how it changed us. 032-109
032-018 F Jesus Christ and how He saved us.
The Lord Jesus sent His disciples out in pairs. (Mark 6:7) The
Apostles never traveled alone, except as prisoners. 10. The most important thing to explain about Jesus is the wonder
032-019 of His: 032-111
F physical appearance. 032-112
When we go by twos or in small groups, a more experienced witness F death, resurrection and forgiveness of our sins.
can show the less experienced believers how to do it. It also makes a 032-113
greater impact on people.
032-020 11. After explaining the Lord’s saving death, resurrection and
forgiveness, the apostles confirmed the faith of new believers:
If you have no one to accompany you, do not enter a house where F by baptism. 032-115
there is a person of the opposite sex alone. F by inviting them to go forward in a worship service.
032-021 032-116

It is best to witness: 032-022 12. Starting with baptism, the new believer learns to obey all that is
F alone. 032-023 commanded by Christ. In order to learn to be an effective
F with someone else. witness, he should: 032-117
032-024 F immediately go with others to evangelize his friends. -118
F stay at home until he is more prepared.

4 Witnessing to Others © Project WorldReach © SEAN 17

5. When we tell a repentant sinner that Christ forgives him, we WITNESS TO YOUR FAMILY
are using: 032-096
F the keys to the Kingdom. 032-097
032-025 W_P01_08r_INW^^_00 W_032_04b_INW01_00
F our intelligence in presenting the truth.
Wouldn’t it
be easier if we
talk first to
6. The keys of the gospel open the door of salvation to the sinner, people who
through the power of: 032-099 don’t know us?
F the Holy Spirit. 032-100
F a totally consecrated believer.

7. The Spirit of God convinces us. (John 16:8) He makes us feel

the presence of Christ. His power is expressed in: 032-102 We’d lose a lot of time in establishing confidence. Our family
and friends will listen to us because they already know us. God
F a humble testimony. 032-103 says: “Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved -
F strong, forceful words. you and your household.” (Acts 16:31)
032-027 032-028
Often in the book of Acts God saved the entire families of new Chris-
8. A sinner is convinced by the humblest testimony, provided it tians who witnessed to them (or enabled another Christian to
presents Christ in: 032-105 do so). (Acts 10:24-44, Acts 16:14-15, Acts 16: 30-34, Acts 18:8)
F a beautiful church. 032-106 032-029
F an attitude of love.
032-107 We will bear more fruit if we witness first to: 032-030
F strangers. 032-031
F relatives.

16 Witnessing to Others © Project WorldReach © SEAN 5

032-033 032-083
The saving work of the Lord Jesus Christ is so great that He can 1. The most effective key to the growth of a church is to: -084
forgive and receive the worst sinner. (1 Timothy 1:12-15) We are F visit with other believers to witness. 032-085
saved by means of our faith in the Lord. We also seek the salvation F have special meetings.
of others with this same faith. (Matthew 8:13) 032-086
032-034 W_032_03b_INW01_00 W_P01_06r_INW^^_02
2. The best way to teach new believers to witness is by our:
F study of many books on evangelism. 032-088
But my
Dad’s got a F practical example.
hard heart.

3. New believers imitate their instructors. We should witness

first to: 032-090
F strangers. 032-091
F relatives.
No my brother. He
simply doesn’t yet
believe. But you will 4. It is easier to win our friends than strangers. But we must trust
bring him to Christ
through your faith. in the convincing power of our: 032-093
He’s like the paralytic
who could not walk to
F strong personality. 032-094
Jesus. But his friends F witness for Christ.
brought him along.
(Mark 2:3) 032-095

6 Witnessing to Others © Project WorldReach © SEAN 15

My brother, the Our faith brings salvation nearer to our families. (Acts 16:31) God
angels in heaven are helps each believer to develop his own faith; but in the beginning the
singing with joy
because you have unconverted person is convinced by our faith.
repented. (Luke 15:10)
I’m going to baptize
you. Your son,
Robert, will teach you
the Lord’s other Remember, an unbeliever is spiritually dead in sin; he cannot
commands. raise himself!
Robert learns to witness by his pastor’s example. Then he takes his
father to witness to their friends. Generally, to awaken an unbeliever, God uses the faith of: 032-039
032-079 F strangers. 032-040
F close friends and relatives.
When someone receives Christ, we teach him to witness to others 032-041
and also to obey Jesus’ other commands, which are liberating and
build healthy relationships. WITNESS WITH THE POWER
032-080 W_032_14^_INW01_00
I’ve come to talk to you
about the gospel. 032-042
Jesus Christ promises in Acts 1:8...

Great! I “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and
wanted to know
what made you you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and
change. You’ve Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
stopped getting
drunk and falling 032-043
out with the

14 Witnessing to Others © Project WorldReach © SEAN 7

This power is to witness. We pray fervently that God will anoint us They pray; Robert’s father repeats each phrase...
with His Holy Spirit to be effective witnesses. The Holy Spirit causes 032-070 W_032_12^_INW01_00
our stumbling words to penetrate right into people’s hearts. Lord Jesus, save me
032-044 W_P01_29r_INW^^_01 W_032_05b_INW01_00 and forgive my sins... Lord Jesus, save me… and,
032-071 oh yes, ... forgive my sins...
You speak to your 032-072
father first, Robert.
032-045 But I’m no good with words. He
won’t pay any attention to me.

Our testimony for Christ is effective when it is made with: 032-073

F a strong voice. 032-074
F practical love.
Let’s pray that God will anoint us with His Holy 032-075
Spirit... Thank you Lord, for promising to
accompany us. Anoint us now with your Spirit...
W_032_06b_INW01_01 W_P01_12r_INW^^_03
We assure the new believers of their eternal salvation (1 John 5:13)
and teach them to obey all the things that Christ commands.
(Matthew 28:18-20)
032-077 W_032_13b_INW01_00 W_P01_10r_INW^^_02

8 Witnessing to Others © Project WorldReach © SEAN 13

The central theme of our testimony is: 032-062 Our witness for Christ
F the change in our lives. 032-063 carries the authority of I know. My cousin Charles
Almighty God. If you won all his family and me to
F the work of Christ for us. glorify Jesus, your Christ. He doesn’t talk very
stumbling words can eloquently! He lacks a few
032-064 break the hardest heart. front teeth! But he convinced
(Jeremiah 23:29) me that I was a sinner and that
032-048 I needed Jesus’ forgiveness.
We testify about how the death and resurrection of Jesus brought W_P01_30r_INW^^_01 032-049
about our salvation; the change in our life is a result of that and is W_032_07b_INW01_00

important but secondary to Christ himself.



To witness without love is worth nothing. (1 Corinthians 13:1) Love
convinces people. (That is, practical love shown with actions!)

1 John 3:18 says: “Let us not love with words or tongue but with
actions and in truth.” Exactly. The humblest,
stammering testimony is very
032-068 W_032_11^_INW01_00 powerful when it has the
anointing of the Spirit. Only
You Christians are different. God can bring life to the
When I got sick the deacons heart of one who is dead in
from your church helped me. transgressions and sins.
And your members pay me what (Ephesians 2:1)
they owe without having to keep 032-050
reminding them. I’d like to W_P01_19r_INW^^_00
become a Christian too.

12 Witnessing to Others © Project WorldReach © SEAN 9

Only God forgives sins; but we declare forgiveness to the sinner when That’s right. We are
he repents. This is what it means to use the keys of the kingdom. witnesses of Jesus. We don’t
just talk about how bad we
(Matthew 16:19, Matthew 18:18) used to be and how good we
are now. This alone will never
awaken faith in Christ. We tell
him about Christ the Son of
God, His miracles, His love,
These keys were promised first to Peter. They were given also to His death for our sins, His
other disciples. resurrection, His forgiveness
and His presence in us.
032-052 032-058

• Compare Matthew 16:15-19 with Matthew 18:18 and The new believer talks with his father...
John 20:22-23. 032-059 W_032_10^_INW01_00
Jesus is God. He healed the blind. He forgave
everyone who had done wrong. He died on the cross
• God gives this same power to all who witness for Christ. to forgive our sins. He rose from the dead and went
up to heaven. He sent the Holy Spirit who makes us
(Romans 1:16, 2 Timothy 2:2, 2 Timothy 4:5) feel His presence. He’s here now, in this room.


(Luke 24:46-48)
032-056 W_032_09^_INW01_00
The Holy Spirit helps us
to witness. I believe my
Dad will repent. I will talk
to him about Jesus.
032-057 Here? Christ? Now?

10 Witnessing to Others © Project WorldReach © SEAN 11

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