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How to Maintain Work-Life Balance?

As you guys know, work takes over everything else in our lives. Our desire to succeed
professionally can push us to set aside our own well-being. Creating a harmonious work-life
balance is critical, to improve not only our physical, emotional and mental well-being, but
it’s also important for our career. So, what is work-life balance? Work-life balance is the
state of stability where a person equally prioritizes the demands of one’s career and the
demands of one’s personal life. Balancing your professional and personal life can be
challenging, but it's essential for ourselves especially for our health. So, here are some ways
we can try to maintain work life balance when you guys start working in the future.
Main points:
1. Practise time management
- Time management is important when you are working - more productive and more
- Create a realistic schedule - don’t put too much pressure on yourself to perfectly
stick to your schedule
- measure your work-life balance over the long haul - Rather than allocating a
specific time to work on your goals, you want to outline your goals in your weekly
schedule and work on them whenever you have the time and energy
- Calendars, apps and to-do lists - useful strategies for keeping track of how you
spend your time
- As long as you don’t give in to procrastination, this makes it much easier to
maintain your personal and professional goals, as you don’t have to follow each step
in your daily schedule.
2. Communicate with your employer
- If you feel overwhelmed or have difficulty balancing work and personal life,
communicate your concerns with your employer
- A good employer will not tolerate stressful environment in workplace.
- Together, you can work on finding a solution that works for everyone
- Reduce workloads, promote work-life flexibility options for all staff, increase
break time for employees, install some entertainment in the workplace, etc.
- Employees who can put equal importance on their well-being are undoubtedly
happier and more satisfied. And this does reflect in their performance and
behaviour at work.
- With this, it will create a good environment in the workplace and thus it will
make a good work-life balance where the workers can rest for a while instead of
burning out working for hours without break.

3. Practice self-care and make time for activities that you enjoy
- Set limits on your work time and set aside time for other activities
- Switch off the phone, limit your access to work emails or go internet-free for a
few hours
- Practice self-care = getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, eating healthy, and
taking breaks throughout the day
- Prioritizing your well-being will help you feel more energized and productive,
both at work and in your personal life
4. Don’t be afraid to unplug.
- Cutting ties with the outside world from time to time allows us to recover from
weekly stress and gives us space for other thoughts and ideas to emerge.
- Unplugging can mean something simple like switch off our phones and just laying
around your house, instead of checking work emails.
- giving ourselves a break and decompressing with our favourite hobbies –
reading, gaming, watching some dramas, knitting etc.
- With that, it will make us less stressful and leading a calm and fulfilling life.
In conclusion, most people think of having a good career as having a good life. But it may
not always be the same way. One may face different situations that could disrupt the usual
schedule so the chance to spend some quality time after long hours at work might not
happen. Thus, resulting in a poor work-life balance. By maintaining this balance, we can
create a healthy work-life balance that allows you to pursue your personal goals and
maintain a fulfilling career at the same time. Remember, achieving balance is a continuous
process that requires effort and commitment, but the rewards are well worth it. By
prioritizing your time, setting boundaries, and practicing self-care, you can lead a more
balanced, healthy and fulfilling life.

Question 1
What happen if you have poor work-life balance?
- Employees who lack work/life balance experience an unhealthy level of stress,
which can contribute to more family conflicts & relationship issues, also physical
and mental health problems. Not surprisingly, their work performance also
suffers (want to chase the deadline).
- Because some work can be physically and mentally draining – lead to stress &
burning out
- Conflicts with family & partner – they don’t have time for them & focus too much
on work – children and our partner will feel left out & lonely
Question 2
What can an organizations do to maintain work-life balance in their company?
- Allowing flexible work schedules - The best examples of flexible work schedule
could be telecommuting or 4-day work in a week. - organizational productivity is
not hampered and the employee happiness can be achieved
- Promote vacation time - encourages staff to take time off - to boost productivity
rather than just an employee bonus - Even the most dedicated employee
requires time away from their job to rest and unwind from the stresses of the job
– after taking some time off people will return to become more inspired, more
productive, and with a new level of dedication.

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