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4 Pie charts


The steps below show you how to create a graph using Microsoft Excel, a spreadsheet program. If you
have different spreadsheet software, the process should be similar.

STEP 1 Enter the data

The table shows the number of pets sold in a shop on Monday.

Open a new spreadsheet and enter the headings and data as shown

STEP 2 Insert a graph

Open the Insert tab and select the Pie graph. Select the ordinary 2-D graph.

STEP 3 Select the data range

Click on the blank graph window then click from

the Design option bar.

Click and drag to select cells A2 to B4. The Data

Source window will automatically fill with the
necessary information.

Click OK and your graph will be created.

© 2023 Cambridge University Press 1/2 Chapter 16: Interpreting and discussing results
16.4 Pie charts

STEP 4 Enter graph title

Click in the small text box 'Chart Title' and enter 'Pets sold on
Monday' as the title for the graph.

STEP 5 Change the display

You can change the way in which the graph is displayed by clicking on each of the different options in
the Chart Layouts or Chart styles in the Design tools. Each has additional options found using the
arrows at the end of the bar section.

STEP 6 Save and change graph

Save your file then change the data in the cells to determine how this affects your graph.

STEP 7 Change the type of graph

Click in the graph to bring up the Design options.

Click and select other graph types that are

suitable for discrete categorical data eg column graphs.
Could you use a line graph for this data?

Create several displays. Paste each of your graphs into a text document (eg Word). On this document,
comment on how well each graph displays the data. If you needed to publish this information, which
of your graphs would you use and why?

© 2023 Cambridge University Press 2/2 Chapter 16: Interpreting and discussing results

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