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P-ISSN: 2710-4966 E-ISSN: 2710-4958

Vol. 3. No. 03 (July-Sep) 2023 Page 198-211

The Great Power Chessboard: Navigating the US-China Rivalry and

Pakistan's Dilemma

M.Phil Scholar International Relations at Punjab University,

Mudasir Hassan
M.Phil Scholar International Relations at Quaid e Azam University,
Linta Khattak

Abstract: In the contemporary geopolitical landscape, the rivalry between the United States and China has
emerged as a defining feature. This multifaceted competition encompasses historical, economic, military, and
strategic dimensions, manifesting itself in diverse arenas worldwide. As a crucial player in South Asia, Pakistan
finds itself at a critical juncture, faced with the implications of this geopolitical tug-of-war. Historically, Pakistan
has maintained strong ties with the United States, primarily as an ally in the war on terror. However, China's
ascendancy as a global economic powerhouse has drawn Pakistan closer to Beijing through the China-Pakistan
Economic Corridor (CPEC) and other strategic partnerships. Amidst this power play, Pakistan faces the
challenge of balancing its relations with both superpowers. Striking the right equilibrium between the US and
China is essential to safeguard its national interests, promote economic growth, and ensure regional stability.
Navigating this delicate balancing act requires astute diplomatic acumen and a judicious assessment of the
evolving dynamics in the US-China strategic rivalry. As Pakistan seeks to protect its sovereignty and advance its
national agenda, a well-calibrated approach to this complex geopolitical scenario becomes paramount.

Keywords: Chessboard, China, CPEC, NATO, BRI, Pakistan

Introduction In official US government policy documents,

China has been referred to as a "long-term
The strategic rivalry between the United States
strategic competitor" since 2017. NATO
and China has emerged as one of the defining
addressed China's influence and foreign policy
geopolitical dynamics of the 21st century. As the
for the first time in its London Declaration in
world's two largest economies and military
December 2019 in terms of the difficulties they
powers, their competition spans across multiple
provide. China's political elite is firmly
regions and influences global affairs. One region
convinced—and rightfully so—that the United
where this rivalry has significant implications is
States wants to at least stop any further rise of
South Asia, particularly in relation to their
Chinese power. As two economic and military
approaches toward Pakistan. Pakistan, situated
powerhouses, their interactions and competition
at the crossroads of South Asia, Central Asia,
shape the geopolitical landscape and have far-
and the Middle East, holds immense
reaching implications for countries across the
geostrategic importance. It has historically
globe (Lippert, 2020).
maintained close ties with both the United States
and China, making it a key arena for the It is essential to recognize that the United States
manifestation of its strategic competition. and China have differing geopolitical interests
and strategic objectives in South Asia. The optimistic views on China's peaceful ascent,
United States has historically viewed Pakistan as emphasizing the difficulty in discerning its true
a vital ally in the region, particularly during the intentions. Mearsheimer argues that China's
Cold War era when Pakistan served as a commitment to a non-confrontational approach,
frontline state against Soviet expansionism in focusing on defensive military capabilities, may
Afghanistan. Given its near geographic prevent conflicts but underscores the challenge
proximity to the Soviet Union, Washington of distinguishing offensive from defensive
viewed Pakistan as a potentially formidable capabilities. He dismisses using China's past
barrier against Soviet expansion into South Asia behavior as a predictor of future actions due to
(Smith, 2011). In addition to this, The United leadership changes and external factors. He
States has been concerned about Pakistan's predicts that China, like the U.S. in the Western
stability, its role in counterterrorism efforts, and Hemisphere, will seek dominance in the Asian-
the security of its nuclear arsenal. Moreover, Pacific region, defining acceptable behavior for
Pakistan's strategic location, including its access neighboring countries. Anticipating U.S. efforts
to the Arabian Sea, adds to its significance in the to contain China, he sees an inevitable conflict
U.S. regional calculus. between the two powers, drawing parallels to the
Cold War with the USSR. The study relies on
China, on the other hand, has increasingly
Mearsheimer's forecasts about China's rise and
deepened its engagement with Pakistan over the
the potential U.S. response, but it doesn't delve
past two decades as part of its broader foreign
only into the U.S.-China conflict Its goal is also
policy objectives. China sees Pakistan as a key
to address the implications for Pakistan and
partner in its ambitious Belt and Road Initiative
suggest ways it can navigate relationships with
(BRI), which aims to enhance connectivity and
both major powers to advance its national
trade between Asia, Europe, and Africa.
Pakistan's strategic location provides China with
access to the Arabian Sea and facilitates its In his article "The Thucydides Trap: Are the
maritime trade routes, reducing dependence on U.S. and China Headed for War?" renowned
the longer and riskier Malacca Strait. In a speech American political scientist Graham Allison
delivered in Islamabad on May 8, 2011, Prime explores the potential for conflict between China
Minister Gilani described China as Pakistan’s and the U.S. by drawing on historical patterns of
“best and most trusted friend.” (Smith, 2011). power transitions. He introduces the concept of
Additionally, China has invested heavily in the "Thucydides Trap," suggesting that the
Pakistan's infrastructure projects, including the likelihood of conflict increases when a rising
development of the Gwadar Port, which further power threatens an established one. Allison
strengthens their economic and strategic examines sixteen historical power transitions,
cooperation. with twelve leading to war, emphasizing the
inherent tensions and structural factors that
Understanding the intricate web of relations and
contribute to such conflicts. The analysis delves
dynamics between the United States, China, and
into the complex relationship between China
Pakistan is crucial for comprehending the
and the U.S., identifying economic, military, and
broader implications of their strategic rivalry. It
ideological factors shaping their rivalry. While
is important to shed light on the multifaceted
not deeming war inevitable, Allison provides
dimensions of this competition, examining how
policy recommendations, emphasizing strategic
economic, military, and geopolitical factors
empathy and dialogue to avoid misperceptions.
shape the approaches of the United States and
This study, in contrast, expands on Allison's
China toward Pakistan.
work by focusing on the U.S.-China rivalry's
Literature Review consequences for South Asia, particularly
John Mearsheimer, an International Relations Pakistan, exploring how the region might
scholar, explores China's rise in his 2010 article respond to the dynamics between these major
"The Gathering Storm." He challenges powers.

Vol. 3. No. 03. (July-Sep) 2023 Page | 199

Zafar Khan's research article, "The effects of dynamics of the U.S.-China rivalry and its
US–China competing strategies in Asia-Pacific specific impact on Pakistan, exploring the
on India and Pakistan rivalry in the South Asian country's response to the hostility and strategies
region," delves into how the intensifying to maximize its interests in this strategic
struggle between the U.S. and China in the Asia- competition.
Pacific region impacts the rivalry between India
Significance of the study
and Pakistan. Khan highlights the contrasting
strategies employed by the U.S. and China in The study on the conflict between the United
their alliances with India and Pakistan, creating States and China holds profound significance for
a complex quadrilateral scenario. While the U.S. several key reasons. Geopolitically, both nations
and India aim to dissuade China, China and wield substantial influence globally, and their
Pakistan seek to counterweight and prevent strategic rivalry has far-reaching implications
regional conflicts. The article suggests that the for countries like Pakistan. Economic
intensity of the U.S.-China conflict directly considerations are vital as well, given the major
influences South Asian dynamics, with reduced economic powers that the U.S. and China are;
tension between the giants potentially easing for a developing nation like Pakistan,
India-Pakistan relations, though this outcome understanding how this rivalry may affect
appears unlikely. While Khan's research economic growth and partnerships is crucial.
provides valuable insights into the broader From a security standpoint, the competition
South Asian context, this study focuses between the U.S. and China impacts military
specifically on the strategic rivalry between capabilities, particularly in regions like the
China and the U.S. and its implications for South China Sea and the Indian Ocean, requiring
Pakistan. Pakistan to make informed decisions for its
national interests. Diplomatically, the study
In his research article, "The U.S.-China Strategic
addresses the challenges Pakistan faces in
Rivalry and its Implications for Pakistan," Syed
balancing historical ties with the U.S. and
Mohammad Ali addresses how Pakistan can
expanding relations with China, navigating
navigate its relationships with the conflicting
potential fallout. The broader regional
powers, the U.S. and China. The study delves
implications of the U.S.-China conflict,
into the complex dynamics of the strategic
including effects on existing conflicts, add
competition between China and the U.S.,
another layer of significance. Ultimately, the
emphasizing Pakistan's precarious position
study provides valuable insights for
caught between the two powers. The author
policymakers and analysts to formulate nuanced
stresses the need for Pakistan to avoid
strategies for Pakistan to maintain sovereignty
overreliance on China and resist exclusive
and stability amidst the complexities of this
alignment with either side. Challenges posed by
the intensifying U.S.-China rivalry to Pakistan's
national interests are explored, including Research Questions
potential strains on diplomatic ties, regional 1. What are the primary facets of the U.S.-
stability risks, and implications for China powerplay dynamics, and how do
Afghanistan's stabilization goals. The research they manifest in their approaches to
article provides valuable recommendations for Pakistan?
Pakistan, urging a pragmatic approach to
proactive risk management, including 2. What opportunities and challenges does
modifying projects under the China-Pakistan Pakistan face in navigating its
Economic Corridor and attracting investment relationships with China and the U.S.
from the U.S. and other international actors. This amid their strategic rivalry?
study, while drawing from Ali's insights, aims to 3. What is Pakistan's way forward for
offer a more comprehensive analysis of the managing its ties with China and the
economic, political, military, and security U.S. amid their strategic rivalry, and

Page | 200 International Journal of Human and Society (IJHS)

how can Pakistan leverage this engaging with China economically, and this
antagonism to enhance its national period witnessed a significant increase in
interests? bilateral trade and investments.
Historical Dimension of US-China Rivalry In 2019, relations between the United States and
China, which had been marked by a pattern of
To comprehend the contemporary strategic
ups and downs over the previous quarter
rivalry between the United States and China, it
century, took a distinct and possibly irreversible
is crucial to examine its historical roots. The
turn for the worse. During the 1990s and the first
origins of this rivalry can be traced back to the
decade of the twenty-first century, the
Cold War era, when the United States emerged
relationship between the United States and
as the dominant global power, while China,
China was characterized by a mix of cooperation
under the leadership of Chairman Mao Zedong,
and limited competition. However, rising
sought to establish its influence in Asia and
tensions during the Obama administration paved
challenge American hegemony. While the
the way for a seemingly decisive change during
Soviet Union was America's major power
Donald Trump's presidency. Remarkably
competitor during this period, the US frequently
rapidly, an emerging debate in the United States
committed more money and energy to
about what was loosely termed engagement
undermine Chinese efforts to gain recognition
morphed into a debate over whether or not China
and influence in Cambodia, Laos, and other
and the United States had already become rivals,
countries in the region. However, these
or even adversaries, in a new cold war
programs had few achievements and frequently
(Goldstein, 2020).
alienated the very individuals whose allegiances
the US nominally sought. (Brazinsky, 2023) Today, Asia has reemerged as a significant arena
However, it was not until the late 20th century for Sino-American competition. It is a natural
that China's rapid economic growth and military target for Chinese leader Xi Jinping's efforts to
modernization made it a formidable competitor expand Chinese influence and authority due to
to the United States. The rivalry between the its close proximity to the Chinese mainland. The
United States and China has evolved United States does not want China to dominate
significantly since the end of the Cold War. the region, and Washington continues to be a
While the US and the Soviet Union were valued partner to a number of its governments.
engaged in a global power struggle during the Since 2017, both the Trump and Biden
Cold War, the rise of China as a major global administrations have sought to use Washington's
player has transformed the geopolitical influence in the region to persuade regional
landscape. governments to reduce their ties with the PRC
and demonstrate solidarity against China.
Following the collapse of the Soviet Union,
However, pressuring Asian nations to choose
China embarked on economic reforms under
between the United States and China can have
Deng Xiaoping, leading to its rapid economic
calamitous consequences for the United States
growth. Deng Xiaoping, China's post-Mao
today, just as it did sixty years ago. Even more
supreme leader visited the United States on
bluntly, regional leaders have stated that they do
January 31, 1979. A few weeks prior, diplomatic
not wish to be compelled to choose between
relations were established between the People's
Beijing and Washington (Brazinsky, 2023).
Republic of China (PRC) and the United States
of America (USA). This was a monumental Focusing on the repercussions of this escalating
accomplishment for Deng, as it enabled him to U.S.-China rivalry is crucial in the already tense
complete a crucial step in his plan to launch South Asian security environment, where the
China's grand "reform and opening-up" U.S. has invested in India as a counterweight to
initiative. Deng believed that the United States China and Pakistan has developed close ties to
should play a prominent role in China's drive China. The rapid acceleration of the U.S.-China
toward modernization and beyond (Jian, 2019). rivalry and the bipartisan nature of U.S.
The US recognized the potential benefits of opposition to China has placed Pakistan in a

Vol. 3. No. 03. (July-Sep) 2023 Page | 201

particularly precarious position. It is in States' top import market. China relies on the
Pakistan's national interest to avoid positioning United States for around $580 billion in annual
all of its eggs in China's strategic rivalry with the exports, $124 billion in total foreign direct
United States and to resist any pressure to take investment, joint ventures in high-growth
China's side (Ali, 2020). industries, and more. The United States relies on
China for economic growth in major industries
Key Dimensions of the US-China Strategic
through investments, people flows, idea flows,
and commerce. According to estimates,
The strategic rivalry between the United States decoupling will cost the American aviation
and China is complex and multifaceted, industry up to $875 billion by 2038; the
involving various dimensions that span semiconductor industry up to $159 billion and
economic, geostrategic, military, and security 100,000 jobs; the medical services industry
realms. Here are key dimensions of the U.S.- more than $479 billion over the next decade; and
China strategic rivalry other industries more than $479 billion (Gatten,
US-China Economic Competition 2023). It has emerged as a key driver of their
strained relationship and has wide-ranging
One of the central dimensions of the US-China implications for the global economy.
strategic rivalry lies in their economic
competition. Both countries have enormous The Trump administration started by placing 25
economic clout and seek to secure access to percent tariffs on goods in July 2018 that
markets, resources, and strategic infrastructure covered around $34 billion of US imports from
around the world. The United States has China and $16 billion of imports in August after
traditionally been a dominant economic player, investigating under Section 301 of the Trade Act
but China's rapid rise as an economic of 1974. As a result of China's retaliation, the
powerhouse has challenged American trade conflict persisted. In September 2018,
supremacy. This economic rivalry has led to Trump imposed 10 percent tariffs on an
trade disputes, allegations of unfair trade additional $200 billion in imports, then in June
practices, and the imposition of tariffs, resulting 2019, he raised those rates to 25 percent. Trump
in tensions between the two powers. imposed 15 percent tariffs on a further $102
billion in imports in September 2019, which
China's growing economic and political strength were later lowered to 7.5 percent upon the
is undeniable. According to the IMF, its GDP implementation of the US-China Phase One
per head in 2017 was 14% of that of the United agreement in February 2020. The majority of the
States at market prices and 28% at purchasing remaining $160 billion in US imports from
power parity, up from 3% and 8%, respectively, China were targeted by the Trump
in 2000. China's population is more than four administration, and for these products, tariffs
times that of the United States, and its GDP in were planned to take effect on December 15,
2017 was 62 percent of that of the United States 2019. On December 13, 2019, when the Phase
at market prices and 119 percent at PPP. China One agreement was first announced, it never
obtains a relative GDP per capita of 34% at imposed those obligations and revoked them
market prices and 50% at PPP by 2040. This (Bown, 2022).
would suggest a severe slowing of the rate when
it catches up (a drop of roughly 70% from the While President Joe Biden and Donald Trump
rate since 2000 beginning in 2023). At PPP, have quite different views on many policy
China's economy would be nearly twice as large matters their positions on trade policy are
as that of the United States, and nearly 30 strikingly similar. Trump's tariffs have failed
percent larger at market prices (Wolf, 2018). miserably, and the costs to the U.S. economy
continue to mount. The Biden administration
The United States and China are economically should resume talks with China to address the
intertwined. The United States is China's root of trade tensions rather than supporting
greatest export market, and China is the United Trump's failed China strategy. It should also file

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formal trade complaints with the World Trade its positions from the board's decision
Organization to exert pressure and produce (Toussaint, 2020).
international judicial decisions that China will
The United States has always been the sole
take more seriously than unilateral U.S. tariffs.
nation with a de facto veto power at the World
US-China Powerplay and Multilateral Bank. The US possessed 35.07% of the voting
Institutions rights when the Bank was established; following
the last change to voting rights, which was
The US-China economic competition extends to
enacted in 2013, they now have 15.85% Since
multilateral institutions such as the World Trade
its inception in 1947, when the Bank began
Organization (WTO) and the International
operations, a majority of 80% (owned by at least
Monetary Fund (IMF). Both countries have been
60% of the member countries) was needed to
critical of each other's trade practices and have
amend the statutes, which in effect gave the US
engaged in disputes within these institutions.
a veto power (Toussaint, 2020).
The United States wields enormous power over
China has long voiced its displeasure with
these institutions as a result of both formal
several parts of the international development
mechanisms (e.g., US financial contributions)
finance system, including its lack of voting
and informal norms and traditions that have
rights and the traditional multilateral
evolved over time. The informal methods of
development banks' lack of attention to
influence are frequently more powerful than the
infrastructure expenditure. China has used a
official ones. In terms of US influence, it would
variety of strategies to resolve these
be incorrect to regard the World Bank and the
dissatisfactions, from applying pressure inside
IMF as mere instruments of US power and
already-existing institutions to generating
policy and to believe that their continued
pressure from the outside by employing
credibility and legitimacy are dependent in part
alternative institutions or developing new ones.
on their ability to maintain some political
China has complained about its limited
distance from their most powerful state patron.
governance authority in Multilateral Institutions.
Domestic political factors in the United States
It had already demonstrated tremendous
are also critical. The division of authority
potential to become a future economic
between the Executive and Congress within the
superpower but had limited decision-making
country sometimes strengthens and sometimes
authority in significant international economic
limits US influence in Multilateral Institutions
organizations such as the World Bank and IMF
(Woods, 2003).
(Wang, 2022).
Kapur in his book “The World Bank, Its First
The 2008 global financial crisis altered the
Half Century” asserts that the United States has
Bank's internal power balance between rich and
consistently been the largest shareholder and the
poor countries. After the 2008 financial crisis,
most powerful member nation of the World
Bretton Woods Institutions (IMF and World
Bank). The Bank's expansion and the
Bank) needed more funds to increase lending.
development of its policies, programs, and
China and other BRICS countries had to provide
practices have all been significantly influenced
financial support. The leaders of poor countries
by U.S. funding, pressure, and criticism.
wanted more governance in response to the two
Compared to other member nations, the United
institutions' financial support requests. In 2010,
States receives far greater attention from
the World Bank raised developing and transition
meetings, consultations, and responses from the
countries' voting shares from 42.6 to 47.19%.
Bank's top management. The manner the United
China gained the most voting share, 1.64%,
States mobilizes other member nations to back
among developing countries. China continues to
its viewpoints has changed significantly over the
criticize the World Bank's governance reform
years, despite the fact that this strong contact
inactivity in subsequent years. The 2010
hasn't altered much over the years. At first, it
governance change was enacted in 2016. After
dominated to the point that it was difficult to tell
the 2016 World Bank governance change, China

Vol. 3. No. 03. (July-Sep) 2023 Page | 203

became the third largest single-state member by of more diplomatic ties to the region than the
voting share (5.33%), behind the US (15.79%) U.S., which gives it a big advantage in
and Japan (7.44%). Compared to its economy diplomatic influence, Washington's cultural
and constituency in the four World Bank groups, impact is still higher than Beijing's. This is
its voting power is still limited and minimal. So, because Washington has a bigger media
China since 2016 has been dissatisfied with presence and more connections between people
World Bank governance reforms (Wang, 2022). (Patton, 2023).
The US-China economic competition has far- US-China military and security competition.
reaching implications for the global economy, as
The military competition between the United
it affects trade flows, supply chains, investment
States and China has emerged as one of the most
patterns, and technological advancements. It
significant strategic dynamics shaping the global
creates uncertainty for businesses, disrupts
security landscape in recent years. As two of the
global trade, and poses challenges for countries
world's largest military powers, the United
that have economic ties with both the United
States and China are engaged in an evolving
States and China. Managing this competition
rivalry that spans various domains, including
and finding avenues for cooperation remain key
naval capabilities, space, cyberspace, and
challenges for both countries and the
emerging technologies. This analysis aims to
international community.
provide a comprehensive overview of the
Geopolitical Influence and Strategic military competition between the two nations,
Competition examining key factors, strategic motivations,
and potential implications.
Another critical dimension of the US-China
rivalry is their competition for geopolitical The United States and China's military
influence. Both countries aim to extend their competition for dominance in the Asia-Pacific
spheres of influence and secure strategic area is mostly driven by issues in the South
partnerships with other nations. This rivalry is China Sea and the Taiwan Strait, both of which
particularly relevant in regions like South Asia, remain volatile sources of confrontation
where Pakistan plays a significant role. The between the two countries. According to Edward
United States has long maintained close ties with Wong, the United States' powerful military
Pakistan, driven by security concerns, presence in the region relies on the United
counterterrorism cooperation, and geopolitical States' ability to have unfettered naval access to
considerations. In recent years, China has also the South China Sea and the support of the self-
increased its engagement with Pakistan through governing island of Taiwan to bolster its
the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) standing. Tensions between the United States
and other infrastructure development projects, and China have risen further as a result of
enhancing its strategic footprint in the region. military demonstrations by the region's
dominant powers (Cardenas, 2020).
According to the data collected by the Lowy
Institute for the Asia Power Index between 2018 A 2019 report from the U.S. Department of
and 2022 applying a new method for the Defense reveals that China's military
influence each country has in Southeast Asia. In modernization now focuses on infrastructure
Southeast Asia, China's influence has grown and investments supporting various operations
compared to that of the United States over the beyond its borders, risking challenges to U.S.
past five years. In 2018, China had more power interests in the region. Despite a 2015 pledge
in the region than the United States, 52 to 48. against militarizing the Spratly Islands, China
This lead got bigger in 2022, when it was 54–46. has become more assertive, deploying missiles.
China has more economic power than the United This raises concerns among ASEAN
States when it comes to measures of power. But communities, while the U.S. opposes China's
Washington's defense networks are still much military buildup in the South China Sea to
better than China's. Even though China has a lot maintain regional safety and security,

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supporting Taiwan's independence and the Difficult Choices," it was claimed that Pakistan
Philippines' claims. (Cardenas, 2020). can no longer attempt to maintain a "middle
ground" between China and the United States.
Washington views China as its "greatest
Pakistan leads the list of nations "most exposed"
strategic competitor" and wants to contain
to Chinese influence because China's influence
Beijing's growing influence. Washington and
there has continuously grown over the past ten
Beijing must be careful throughout this struggle
years. U.S. criticism of the China-Pakistan
to avoid escalating regional tensions. One of the
Economic Corridor (CPEC) and Pakistan's
most serious regional issues is the nuclear
relations with China has been brushed off by
conflict between India and Pakistan. Recent
Islamabad on numerous occasions (Khan, 2023).
geopolitical trends run the risk of coalescing into
opposing blocs, with the strategic alliance Mushahid Hussain Syed, a senator from
between the United States and India on the one Pakistan, appeared to speak for many people in
hand and cooperation between China and his country when he expressed concern about the
Pakistan on the other. As the forces that temper US role in Pakistan while supporting closer ties
rivalry have weakened, superpower alliances with China. He proposed that Washington
with its South Asian allies have grown stronger. should distribute some balance between India
These intertwined conflicts and perceived and Pakistan rather than expecting Pakistan to
threats have potentially disastrous effects on mediate relations between China and the United
India and Pakistan's nuclear competition. If the States. Pakistan's political leadership,
United States and China view the region through intellectual community, and the general public
the prism of great power competition, then, even are becoming more and more persuaded of the
unintentionally, measures to gain an advantage necessity of giving relations with China top
over the other could exacerbate the strategic priority in light of the U.S.'s lack of interest and
rivalry between India and Pakistan. China and its expanding cooperation with India. Despite
the United States should balance their shared this, there is a reluctance to sever all ties between
interest in maintaining regional security with the Pakistan and the United States. Khar recently
significant power benefits that arming Pakistan discussed Pakistan's worries about the potential
and India would bring (Naseem, 2023). for a total breakup between China and the United
States in an interview, saying that this could
Managing Relationships with both major
compel Pakistan to make an unfavorable binary
powers and a way forward for Pakistan
strategic decision (Khan, 2023).
Pakistan, situated at the crossroads of South
Challenges for Pakistan amidst US-China
Asia, faces a unique set of challenges and
Power play
opportunities in managing its relationships with
the United States and China amid its strategic Pakistan, a significant regional player in South
rivalry. Both the US and China have substantial Asia, faces complex challenges in managing its
influence over Pakistan's economy, security, and relationships with the United States and China.
regional stability in the China-US struggle for
Focusing on the consequences of this escalating
dominance in Asia, Pakistan is one of the
U.S.-China competition is crucial given the
frontline nations. As Washington strengthens its
already unstable security situation in South Asia,
strategic alliance with New Delhi, Islamabad is
where the U.S. has invested in India to balance
moving more and more in Beijing's direction.
China while Pakistan has forged strong
Hina Rabbani Khar, Pakistan's state minister for connections with China. Pakistan is in a
foreign affairs, reportedly encouraged Prime particularly hazardous position as a result of the
Minister Shehbaz Sharif to avoid "appeasing the escalating U.S.-China competition and the
West" at the expense of a "real strategic bipartisan nature of American resistance to
partnership" with China, according to leaked China. It is in Pakistan's best interests to resist
U.S. papers that were made public in April. In pressure to support China in its geopolitical
the memo, which was headlined "Pakistan's conflict with the United States and to avoid

Vol. 3. No. 03. (July-Sep) 2023 Page | 205

putting all of its eggs in one basket (Ali, 2020). the conflicting demands of the US and China.
The United States emphasizes market access,
Washington views China as its "greatest
intellectual property rights, and transparency in
strategic competitor" and wants to contain
trade relations. Conversely, China's economic
Beijing's growing influence. Washington and
engagement with Pakistan focuses on
Beijing must be careful throughout this struggle
infrastructure development, energy projects, and
to avoid escalating regional tensions. Because
investments in strategic sectors. Pakistan must
one of the most serious regional issues is the
carefully balance these competing economic
nuclear conflict between India and Pakistan.
interests to avoid overreliance on any one
Recent geopolitical trends run the risk of
country and ensure sustainable economic
coalescing into opposing blocs, with the
strategic alliance between the United States and
India on the one hand and cooperation between Pakistan faces the challenge of maintaining its
China and Pakistan on the other. As the forces sovereignty and independence while managing
that temper rivalry has weakened, superpower its relationships with the US and China.
alliances with its South Asian allies have grown Overreliance on either country could undermine
stronger. These intertwined conflicts and Pakistan's strategic autonomy and limit its
perceived threats have potentially disastrous policy options. Pakistan must strike a delicate
effects on India and Pakistan's nuclear balance, leveraging its relationships with both
competition. If the United States and China view countries to pursue its national interests without
the region through the prism of great power compromising its sovereignty or becoming
competition, then, even unintentionally, overly dependent on one power. Managing
measures to gain an advantage over the other relationships with the US and China amid their
could exacerbate the strategic rivalry between strategic rivalry presents numerous challenges
India and Pakistan. China and the United States for Pakistan. Navigating geopolitical rivalry,
should balance their shared interest in diverging economic interests, counterterrorism
maintaining regional security with the cooperation, regional security dynamics, and
significant power benefits that arming Pakistan balancing sovereignty and dependence require
and India would bring (Naseem, 2023). astute diplomatic maneuvering. Pakistan must
develop a nuanced and balanced approach to
Pakistan's strategic engagement with China is
ensure its national interests are safeguarded
vital but not enough to solve its financial and
while preserving stability and harmony with its
security problems. The US, a vital bilateral
two influential allies. By effectively addressing
economic partner and security provider, is also
these challenges, Pakistan can secure its
needed by Islamabad. Given Pakistan's limited
strategic position and contribute to regional
options, Washington remains relevant.
stability in South Asia.
Regardless, an allied America can harm Pakistan
directly or through India. Pakistan is a regional Opportunities for Pakistan amidst US-China
security partner and geopolitical spoiler for Power play
Washington. Pakistan will not be forced to
Pakistan's geographic location makes it a vital
choose between the US and China if it satisfies
player in regional politics. It shares borders with
Washington's goals without sacrificing its own.
China, India, Afghanistan, and Iran, making it a
However, if China's economic advantage grows
crucial hub for trade and connectivity. Given
too great and the US-China conflict becomes a
China's ambitious Belt and Road Initiative
reality the situation may alter. Pakistan may be
(BRI), Pakistan has an opportunity to enhance its
asked to be picked by the US or China if it is no
infrastructure and boost its economy by
longer needed by Washington and is viewed as
partnering with China. Simultaneously,
aiding China to undermine critical US economic
maintaining a balanced approach and not
or geopolitical interests, such as in Beijing's
aligning too strongly with either power allows
military usage of Gwadar (Hussain T. , 2023).
Pakistan to exert influence and leverage its
Pakistan's economic interests often clash with strategic position.

Page | 206 International Journal of Human and Society (IJHS)

Due to its extensive coastline along the Arabian in a couple of years. Gwadar will complete three
Sea, Pakistan has access to many important ports projects worth $200 million, two projects worth
and shipping lanes. It is a significant participant $230 million, and two projects worth $150
in regional trade and commerce thanks to its million. Five Special Economic Zones (SEZs)
advantageous position, particularly in the oil and will advance in 2023 with an investment of $1
gas industry. Due to its proximity to the Middle billion The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor
East, Pakistan plays a significant role in regional (CPEC) has completed 27 projects totaling $19
politics and diplomacy. The nation has actively billion, and 63 more projects totaling $35.2
participated in a number of regional initiatives billion are scheduled to be completed over the
aimed at fostering peace and stability while next few years. CSAIL's "Overview of
maintaining close ties with the Arab states. Pakistan's Power Sector and Its Future Outlook"
Pakistan serves as a natural crossing point states that by 2025, 27 projects representing an
between Central and South Asia due to its investment of $7.7 billion will be completed. In
location at the two continents' intersections. Due 2023, CPEC would increase Pakistani
to its geographic position, Pakistan now plays a employment. According to Nong Rong, CPEC
large role in regional economic integration and could generate 700,000 employments by 2030.
is a crucial partner in projects like the China- The CPEC Centre of Excellence of Pakistan's
Pakistan Economic Corridor. Furthermore, Ministry of Planning, Development, and Reform
Pakistan now feels strategic parity with India estimated that its approved initiatives could
thanks to its nuclear arsenal, which also enables indirectly generate 1,2 million jobs (Khan,
it to conduct a more assertive foreign policy in 2023).
the region. Regional security and stability are
Due to its enduring relationships with both
still threatened by the ongoing tensions between
countries, China launched a 46-billion-dollar
Pakistan and India. Over the years, the two
financial project (CPEC) in 2013, which has
nations have fought in a number of military
since grown to approximately 70 billion dollars.
clashes, and the Kashmir problem continues to
In contrast, the United States imports
be a major source of friction. The situation is still
extensively from Pakistan. In 2019-20 (July-
tense despite efforts to end the conflict, and both
March), Pakistan's exports to the United States
sides continue to maintain a sizable military
were 471 billion rupees, while exports to China
presence along the border (Siddiqui, 2023).
were 219 billion rupees. Pakistan's imports from
Both the US and China have immense economic the United States were 692.6 billion rupees,
power and can contribute significantly to while imports from China were 1,344.3 billion
Pakistan's economic development. Pakistan rupees. According to Paul D. Miller, trade ties
enjoys preferential trade agreements with the US between the United States and Pakistan have
under the Generalized System of Preferences increased over the past decade, and Pakistan
(GSP) program, providing access to the requires the United States as a trading partner
American market. Strengthening economic ties more than the United States does. Pakistan, both
with the US can lead to increased foreign direct nations inked a bilateral Trade and Investment
investment, technological collaboration, and job Agreement in 2003, resulting in an increase in
creation. Moreover, China's BRI offers bilateral trade from $2.8 billion in 2001 to $5.8
substantial investment opportunities in billion in 2011. In 2010, the United States was
infrastructure projects, energy, and trade Pakistan's largest export market. In addition, he
corridors, which can stimulate Pakistan's states that Pakistani laborers in the United States
economic growth. contribute a sizeable portion of the $8.7 billion
in remittances to Pakistan from the United
China through CPEC has completed seven
States, and in exchange, American businesses
infrastructure projects totaling $6.8 billion.
account for $517 million in foreign direct
Twelve initiatives totaling $10,4 billion should
investment (FDI) in Pakistan or nearly one-
be completed between 2023 and 2030. Six
quarter of the total. If Pakistan fails to maintain
projects totaling $0.9 billion will be completed

Vol. 3. No. 03. (July-Sep) 2023 Page | 207

such enduring ties with the United States, regarded as being on par with the contemporary
bilateral trade connections between the two US F-16.17, as well as the new production of the
nations could be sluggish (Keeryo, 2020). fourth-generation JF-17 block III, China has
been the primary supplier of fighter aircraft for
Pakistan's role in the US-led war on terror,
Pakistan since 1980. General Qamar Javed
particularly its assistance in combating extremist
Bajwa, then-chief of Pakistan's armed forces, in
elements in Afghanistan, has resulted in security
August 2022 described China and Pakistan's
cooperation with the US. Pakistan can continue
militaries as "brothers in arms" who cooperate to
to engage with the US on counterterrorism
protect shared interests. (Lalwani, 2023).
efforts, intelligence sharing, and military
collaboration to address regional security Similarly, China's growing concerns over
challenges. Continuing bilateral cooperation terrorism and extremism in its Xinjiang region
with a central emphasis on counterterrorism and can provide an avenue for closer security
regional stability, the Commander of U.S. cooperation between Pakistan and China. This
Central Command made two trips to Pakistan in cooperation can help Pakistan enhance its own
2022. The U.S. Secretary of Defense hosted security capabilities and strengthen its position
Pakistan's Chief of Army Staff at the Pentagon as a regional security partner.
in October 12, 2022 and the U.S.-Pakistan
In conclusion, Pakistan's unique geopolitical
Counterterrorism Dialogue met in March
position provides it with numerous challenges
13,2023. In September 2022, the Biden
and opportunities to manage its relationships
Administration announced it would provide a
with the US and China amid their strategic
sustainment package for Pakistan's F-16 combat
rivalry. By striking a balance between these
aircraft fleet at a prospective cost of $450
powers, Pakistan can harness economic benefits,
million to Pakistan. India's government
enhance security cooperation, and leverage its
vehemently protested the announcement,
diplomatic ties. By navigating this complex
prompting the U.S. Secretary of State to state
landscape skillfully, Pakistan can position itself
publicly, "These are not new planes, new
as an influential player in regional and global
systems, or new weapons," and to argue that the
affairs, contributing to its own development and
United States has an obligation to maintain the
stability while ensuring its national interests are
military equipment it exports and that this effort
would enhance Pakistan's "capability to deal
with terrorist threats emanating from Pakistan or Way forward for Pakistan
the region" (Kronstadt, 2023). Pakistan finds itself in a crucial position, caught
In the last 15 years, Pakistan has received between two major global powers—the United
armaments worth an estimated $8,469 million States and China. As a country with significant
from China. China has been a staunch supporter geopolitical and economic interests, Pakistan
of Pakistan's conventional arsenal since the must carefully navigate its relationships with
1960s and the nation's most significant defense both nations to safeguard its national interests.
ally since the conclusion of the Cold War. Since Managing relationships with both the US and
2015, China has contributed approximately 75% China requires diplomatic finesse and a delicate
of all imported armaments to Pakistan. Pakistan balancing act. Pakistan can capitalize on its
has been China's largest and most significant historical ties with the US and its growing
arms customer during the past ten years, economic and strategic partnership with China
receiving about 40% of Beijing's military to enhance its leverage in the international arena.
exports, while China has emerged as Pakistan's By acting as a bridge between the two powers,
leading and most significant arms supplier. Pakistan can facilitate dialogue and promote
China has been the PAF's primary supplier of cooperation on critical global issues such as
aircraft equipment since the early 1970s in terms climate change, nuclear non-proliferation, and
of volume. With the recent sale and transfer of regional stability. This approach would allow
the 4.5-generation fighter J-10CP, which is Pakistan to gain international recognition and

Page | 208 International Journal of Human and Society (IJHS)

potentially mediate conflicts that arise between US-China strategic rivalry.
the US and China.
As Pakistan endeavors to protect its sovereignty
Managing relationships with the US and China and advance its national agenda, adopting a
amidst their strategic rivalry presents both well-calibrated approach to this complex
challenges and opportunities for Pakistan. By geopolitical scenario becomes imperative. The
maintaining a delicate balance, diversifying its stakes are high, and Pakistan's ability to navigate
economic base, and leveraging its geographical this delicate balancing act will significantly
location and diplomatic engagement, Pakistan shape its trajectory in an era defined by the
can enhance its national interests. By strategic competition between two global
capitalizing on the antagonism between the US superpowers. In the pursuit of its goals, Pakistan
and China, Pakistan can secure economic must remain adaptive, responsive, and forward-
investments, technology transfers, and thinking, recognizing the dynamic nature of
diplomatic support, while also contributing to international relations and the ever-changing
regional stability and playing a constructive role currents in the geopolitical landscape.
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