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Painting, Drawing and Design

What you will learn:

Vocabulary about Painting

Guess the whistle
Part 2 + 3 Questions
Model Answers

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The Dream Copyright@KeithSpeakingAcademy
Warm up!
Fill in the gap with one or two words

1. This is a beautiful ______ of art

2. When it comes to different kinds of paintings, I like _________ most

of all.

Answers at bottom of PDF

IELTS Speaking Vocabulary: Painting and Drawing

A piece of art

A work of art

Artwork (n. U)
= pieces of art used in a publication

There are many different kinds of artwork in this book

A painting - uses paints or ink (maybe other materials - sand,

cardboard, string)
A picture - a painting or a photo
A sketch - a draft, an outline with pencil
A drawing - not with paints (pen, pencil or charcoal)

Graffiti - paintings in public places with spray paints

Murals - paintings on walls (usually outside) Copyright@KeithSpeakingAcademy
ÔMakeÕ or ÔdoÕ a painting?

Both are possible but here is a a rule of thumb (a guideline)

ÔMakeÕ emphasises creating a Þnished product

ÔDoÕ emphasises the action of painting it


Artistic (adj.)

I have an artistic bent (idiom)

= I have a natural talent or IÕm very interested in art

To get something down to a Þne art (idiom)

= to master or to perfect something

I have got this game down to a Þne art

I have got cooking eggs down to a Þne art

In the background
In the foreground

What kind of paintings are these?

Answers at bottom of PDF Copyright@KeithSpeakingAcademy
Media (plural)
Medium (singular)
Mediums (plural)

Water colours


Pencil stroke
Brush strokes
Shading Copyright@KeithSpeakingAcademy
The Dream
Chapter 1: The Passionate Artist
Alan had a deep passion for art. Ever since his school days, he was
drawn to (attracted to) the world of creativity. He remembered those
Þeld trips to the museums with his classmates, where he explored
works of art from different periods of history. Those visits ignited (to
start or awaken) his love for art even more.

Alan had a particular fondness for painting landscapes. He adored

painting with oil on canvas using fat brushstrokes to bring the
countryside to life.

However, what truly made him tick (excited him) was drawing with
charcoal on paper. These materials gave him the freedom to use lines
and shading to convey his emotions. Copyright@KeithSpeakingAcademy
His sketches were his secret world, Þlled with intricate details and
creative ideas.

As he grew older, Alan's talent ßourished (grew a lot), and he decided

to pursue his passion further. He enrolled in university to study fashion
design, where with every stroke of his pencil, he could see his dreams
coming alive on paper.

But Alan didn't keep his art to himself; he wanted to share it with the
world. Social media became his greatest ally (friend). With the help of a
close friend, he set up an online portfolio where he could showcase
(show off, exhibit) his expertise and creativity to a global audience. Little
did he know that this was just the beginning of his artistic adventure. Copyright@KeithSpeakingAcademy
Part 2 Questions

Describe a drawing or painting that you like

• Famous painting
• A painting in your home on the wall
• Personal one you did or a friend made

Whistling Listening: Painting and Drawing

1) Listen to AlanÕs 3 sentences and try to guess the word he whistles

1. This painting _______ a view of the sky

2. The colours are bright and ______

3. It ______ a sense of wonder

Answers at bottom of PDF

2) Watch Alan describe a painting he likes and note any useful


Answers on next page Copyright@KeithSpeakingAcademy
Useful Collocations
One of my favourite paintings is, well I am not 100% sure, but I think itÕs
called "The Starry Night" by Vincent an Gogh.

I Þrst saw it in a book when I was a child, and I was immediately drawn
to the style, the swirling (circling) colours, the thick brushstrokes.

So, the painting depicts (shows) a view from his window at night, with
stars lighting up the sky and a dark, sombre tree in the foreground.
The contrast of light and shade is quite striking (noticeable)

One of the things I love most about this painting is the way that van
Gogh captures the beauty of the night sky. The stars are swirling and
dancing, and the moon is a beautiful, golden crescent.

I think the painting also has a sense of movement and energy. As I

mentioned the brushstrokes are bold, and the colours are really vibrant
and alive.

It kind of evokes a sense of wonder and awe (amazement) in me.

It reminds me of the beauty of the natural world, and of the power of art
to transport us to another place and time.

Find our how to describe a painting here:

Get ideas of painting to talk about here: Copyright@KeithSpeakingAcademy
Dad Jokes !
Why couldnÕt Keith afford expensive art?

Where does a cow hang his paintings?

Answers at bottom of PDF

Chapter 2: A Change of Heart

As Alan delved (to dive, to go) deeper into his fashion design studies at
university, he soon realised that the fashion world wasn't really for him.
The constant competition and backbiting (backstabbing - criticising
behind someoneÕs back) among his peers left him disappointed. He
wanted to change direction, but he didnÕt know what to do.

One day, while he was in the university library, he couldn't help but
notice (noticed) the design of the study space he was in. It was
cramped (too small, not enough room), with little natural light, and
everyone seemed isolated, lost in their own world of textbooks and

As he pondered (to think about) the space's design, a spark of

inspiration ignited within him. Alan believed that a better-designed
environment could transform this place into a social learning space,
where students could collaborate, share ideas, and support one
another. It was at that moment that he became intrigued (fascinated,
very interested) by the world of building design.

Alan decided to change his focus and switched his major to

architecture. Then he graduated with an honours and started working. Copyright@KeithSpeakingAcademy
With dedication and passion, he immersed himself in the world of
architectural design. He learned how buildings could shape the way
people interact and feel within their spaces.

He was even nominated for a global design prize, but then something

Related Part 3 Questions

• What are the differences between a painting and a drawing?
• Why do some people keep a painting for a long time?
• How do young people share art with others?
• How does the design of a building affect peopleÕs lives?
• Do you think everyday objects should be beautifully designed?

IELTS Speaking Part 3 Questions: Ideas

What are the differences between a painting and a


Here are some of your answers [with corrections]

Although a painting is done with a paint brush, a drawing is done with a

pencil. Furthermore, a drawing consists of some shapes of objects.

Painting uses wet mediums like paint, applied with brushes or other
tools, while drawing involves dry mediums like pencils or charcoal,
emphasising lines and shading.

Perhaps, the distinction between these two abilities lies in the tools
that the drawing and painting involve. Copyright@KeithSpeakingAcademy
Drawing often involves dry media such as pencil or charcoal on paper,
while painting utilises wet media such as acrylic or oil paint on various
surfaces like canvas.

I'm not an expert at all, but I reckon the main difference lies in what
we use to create a painting or a drawing. Simply said: for painting we
need to have canvas and paints, for drawing some paper and pencils,
pens or charcoal.

When drawing, we use lines and dots to create an image, mainly with
pens of all kinds. When painting, we create an image through surfaces
and shapes, mainly with brushes, palette knives, Þngers,

Why do some people keep a painting for a long time?

It has sentimental value
It has an emotional connection
You have fond memories of it

ItÕs an heirloom
= something passed down from parents and grandparents

ItÕs valuable
You might consider it an investment

Maybe you fell in love with it

It is simply a source of beauty
It is just aesthetically pleasing Copyright@KeithSpeakingAcademy
IELTS Speaking Part 3 Model Answers

1) Listen to Alan answer these questions and tell me the examples he

gives for each one.

How does the design of a building affect peopleÕs lives?

Do you think everyday objects should be beautifully designed?

2) Listen to Alan answer these questions and note any useful language
you hear.

Full script next page Copyright@KeithSpeakingAcademy
Full Script

How does the design of a building affect peopleÕs lives?

The design of a building can have a signiÞcant impact on people's


Take open plan workspaces, if done right, with adequate lighting and
vibrant colours they can create a positive mood and boost
productivity, and they can also create a sense of community and
belonging for the workers.

On the other hand, buildings that are poorly designed can be

uncomfortable, inefficient, and even dangerous. Some old government
offices are like this and can be very demotivating places to work in.

Do you think everyday objects should be beautifully

Let me think. Actually, I think IÕm in 2 minds about this one.

Maybe there needs to be a balance between being practical and being

pleasing to the eye. Take a door for example, it has to be useful and
easy to use, but I know in some cultures it needs to be attractive, make
people feel welcome and also to allow a smooth ßow of energy.

I would also say in some cases the beautiful design thing has swung
too far (it is too extreme), and we get beauty at the expense of
functionality. Like a Dyson vacuum cleaner, they are amazing to look at,
but so expensive, and at the end of the day, all you really need is
something that works! Copyright@KeithSpeakingAcademy
The Dream

Alan was nominated for a global design prize, but then something
happenedÉwhat do you think happened?

A) He won and became rich and famous

B) He won, became rich but lost all his money
C) He lost and everyone forgot about him

Now read on and Þnd out!

Chapter 3: A Lost Dream

Alan was nominated for the global design prize but despite his
unwavering dedication, he didnÕt win. The disappointment hit him hard,
and he found himself at a crossroads. Doubts crept in, and he began to
question if he had made the right choice by leaving behind his passion
for fashion design.

Struggling to Þnd his place in the world of architecture, Alan faced

numerous setbacks. He worked on projects that didn't resonate with
him, and the passion he once had for art and design seemed to wane.
The dream of creating better-designed spaces remained unfulÞlled, and
he felt lost.

Years passed, and Alan's potential remained untapped. The

architectural world continued without him, and he faded into obscurity,
never reaching the fame and recognition he had once hoped for.

THE END Copyright@KeithSpeakingAcademy

Warm up!
Fill in the gap with one or two words

1. This is a beautiful piece/work or art

2. When it comes to different kinds of paintings, I like landscapes/

portraits/self-portraits/still life most of all.

Kinds of paintings
portraits, landscapes, seascapesÉ
oil paintings, water colours, inkÉ

Styles of paintings
Impressionism, classical, romanticism, cubismÉ

What kind of paintings are these?

1. Portrait
2. Self-portrait
3. Landscape
4. Still life Copyright@KeithSpeakingAcademy
Whistling Listening: Painting and Drawing

1) Listen to AlanÕs 3 sentences and try to guess the word he whistles

1. This painting depicts/shows/portrays/offers a view of the sky

2. The colours are bright and vibrant/vivid/warm/cold

3. It creates/evokes/brings a sense of wonder

Dad Jokes !
Why couldnÕt Keith afford expensive art?

He had no Monet.

Where does a cow hang his paintings?

In a moooseum.

IELTS Speaking Model Answer 1

1) Listen to Alan answer these questions and tell me the examples

he gives for each one.

How does the design of a building affect peopleÕs lives?

Open plan workspaces

Government buildings

Do you think everyday objects should be beautifully designed?

Dyson vacuum cleaner Copyright@KeithSpeakingAcademy

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