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Luisa Rojo

BS Biology 3B

Culture is learned Culture is Shared Culture is Multifaceted Culture is Dynamic Culture is Overlapping

- Cultural Sharing of Kikay's behavior and Kikay's character Kikay's wardrobe
Franchesca superiority experiences, and the mannerisms reflect a represents the idea combines American
- Dining etiquette introduction of new blend of Filipino and that culture is subject fashion trends with
- Preference for ideas because Kikay American cultural to evolution and Filipino clothing. She
western fashion introduces new ideas elements. She change. Her return wears American-style
- change in and concepts to her seamlessly transitions from the United clothing while
mannerisms and friends, some of between these cultural States signifies her incorporating
language which challenge facets, showcasing her cultural evolution and traditional Filipino
traditional Filipino ability to adapt and transformation, which garments, showcasing
customs and beliefs. integrate diverse is an ongoing and the overlapping of
This exchange of cultural aspects into dynamic process. fashion and style from
ideas illustrates how her identity. both cultures
culture is a dynamic
process that evolves
and adapts as
people share and
integrate new
Aling Atang
Aling Atang's Aling Atang's Aling Atang's As the play Aling Atang's
character interactions with character highlights progresses, Aling resistance to change
represents the Kikay, who has the generational Atang's character and Kikay's desire to
preservation of returned from New differences within undergoes a modernize clash, but
Filipino culture York, result in a Filipino culture. Her transformation. She they ultimately find
within the family cultural exchange. resistance to change eventually embraces ways to reconcile their
and community. Kikay brings and traditional values certain aspects of the differences. This
She plays a vital elements of clash with Kikay's American culture process underscores
role in ensuring American culture to modern and introduced by Kikay. the overlapping and
that cultural Tondo, and Aling American-influenced Her openness to evolving nature of
traditions are Atang, in turn, perspectives. This change and culture.
upheld and introduces Kikay to generational gap willingness to adapt
passed on to the Filipino customs and showcases the highlight the dynamic
younger traditions multifaceted nature of nature of culture, as it
generation. cultural norms and can evolve through
values within a single exposure and
culture. experiences.

Tony's language Tony's character Tony embodies both He shares traditional Tony's character is
and communication engages in traditional traditional Filipino Filipino customs and rooted in traditional
reflect the cultural Filipino customs, values, such as values with Kikay, Filipino culture, but he
norms and values such as addressing respect for elders and while also learning also adapts to changes
he has learned. He elders with respect humility, and the and adapting to some introduced by Kikay.
uses Tagalog and and humility. These modern values of the new cultural
local expressions, customs are shared influenced by Kikay's elements introduced
demonstrating his within the community behavior. by her.
familiarity with and are learned
Filipino language through socialization
and communication and cultural
styles. upbringing

Nena's respect for Nena is exposed to Nena's interactions Nena embodies both Nena's character
Aling Atang and Kikay's with Kikay and the traditional Filipino represents a fusion of
other elders in the American-influence other characters values and the traditional Filipino
play underscores d behavior, and in result in a cultural modern values culture and the
the cultural value of return, she shares exchange. She influenced by Kikay. influence of Kikay's
showing deference traditional Filipino shares traditional Her character American-influenced
to older members of customs and Filipino customs and demonstrates the behavior
the community. This values. values with Kikay, fusion of these values,
respect for elders is while also learning indicating the dynamic
a learned cultural and adapting to some evolution of cultural
norm that is passed of the new cultural norms
down through elements introduced
generations. by her.

He speaks English Totoy's clothing and His Americanized Totoy's changed Totoy's interactions with
with an American style, which reflect behavior and behavior and values his old friends from Tondo
accent and uses his time in New language sometimes reflect how culture can are marked by
American slang, York, can serve as clash with the be dynamic. His misunderstandings, as his
which contrasts with an inspiration for traditional values and experiences in New York Americanized behavior
the more traditional those around him. norms of his friends have influenced his and mannerisms
and colloquial His friends and and family in Tondo. attitudes and values. sometimes lead to
Filipino language family may become conflicts and comedic
spoken by his interested in or situations.
friends and family. influenced by the
fashion trends and
styles he presents.
Part B

Looking at the character of Kikay, briefly discuss and explain the most appropriate adaptation to cultures that happened to
Kikay. Answer this in 5 sentences ONLY.

- The most suitable adaptation for Kikay in "New Yorker in Tondo" is the culture dynamic, which is a complete immersion
in American culture and a departure from her Filipino roots. This adaptation highlights the way some individuals, when
exposed to a new and different culture, may undergo significant changes in their behavior and identity. The play also
emphasizes the value of maintaining connections to one's heritage and preserving one's cultural identity. Even though
Kikay's character has adopted an American appearance, when she goes back to Tondo, she still struggles with the
differences in culture between her Americanized self and her Filipino friends. This adaptation can also serve as a
helpful reminder of how important it is to maintain a balance between preserving one's culture and beliefs while
embracing a new culture.

Part C

Stage Play 2: May Katwiran ang may Katwiran

Analyze the cultural differences between the two main characters of “May Katwiran ang may Katwiran” (Haciendero and
Farmer) in terms of leadership, work productivity, group allegiance, and task commitment. Fill out the table below with brief
Characters Leadership Work productivity Group Allegiance Task commitment

The Haciendero Profit and productivity are Hacienderos frequently Hacienderos may assign
frequently adopts a Hacienderos' top priorities, have stronger physical work to others and
dictatorial style of and they frequently strive for connections to the upper concentrate more on the
command. They have maximum output and class and may side with commercial side of property
authority and demand that efficiency. Sometimes, this influential people for their ownership. It's possible they
employees bow to them. leads to work practices that own benefit. won't perform the manual
They often expect are exploitative. labor themselves.
unquestioning obedience
and may not always
involve the workers in

Farmers typically choose Farmers frequently Farmers frequently In addition to their dedication
a leadership style that is concentrate on preserving develop close to maintaining the cultural
more group-oriented. the land for future relationships with their traditions connected to their
Within the agricultural generations and may place fellow farmers and help means of livelihood, farmers
community, decisions are a higher priority on one another out of a are frequently personally
frequently made through sustainability and the strong feeling of involved in the physical labor
consensus-building and welfare of the community solidarity. of farming.
participation. than on profit.

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