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Jing Lu, DDS, MDS,* He Liu,

Regenerative Endodontic DDS, MDS,† Zhaojie Lu, DDS,
MDS,* Bill Kahler, DClinDent,
Procedures for Traumatized PhD,‡ and Louis M. Lin, BDS,
Immature Permanent Teeth
with Severe External Root
Resorption and Root

External root resorption (ERR) is often a complication of traumatic injury to the teeth.
Traditionally, external inflammatory root resorption is treated with calcium hydroxide. The This case report shows REPS
outcome of ERR, especially replacement resorption, is unpredictable. The purpose of the may be used to manage
present case report was to describe regenerative endodontic procedures (REPs) for 1 traumatized immature
replanted avulsed tooth with severe external root resorption and root perforation (tooth #9) permanent teeth with necrotic
and 1 extruded tooth (tooth #8). A 9-year-old girl was referred for the treatment of teeth #8 and pulp and apical periodontitis
#9 4 months after the initial trauma. Clinical examination showed that tooth #9 had a sinus associated with severe
tract present near the periapical area, was tender to percussion and palpation, and did not external root resorption with
respond to pulp sensibility tests. Tooth #8 responded to pulp sensibility tests. Periapical root perforation. The resorptive
radiographic and cone-beam computed tomographic examination showed that tooth #9 had area was arrested and
a periapical radiolucent lesion and severe ERRs with a root perforation. Tooth #9 was subsequently repaired with
diagnosed with a necrotic pulp and symptomatic apical periodontitis. Regenerative hard tissue.
endodontic procedures (REPs) were initiated. Tooth #8 became nonresponsive to pulp
sensibility tests and developed a periapical lesion 12 months after REPs of tooth #9 and was
also treated with REPs. The clinical symptoms and apical lesions resolved for both teeth after
REPs. The severe ERRs were arrested, and root perforation was repaired for tooth #9. Teeth
#8 and #9 underwent canal obliteration by hard tissue formation after REPs and were in
function at 18 months and 30 months, respectively. REPs may be used to manage
traumatized immature permanent teeth with a necrotic pulp and apical periodontitis
associated with severe ERR and root perforation. (J Endod 2020;-:1–6.)
From the *Key Laboratory of Oral Disease,
KEY WORDS School and Hospital of Stomatology,
Fujian Medical University, Fuzhou, China;
Avulsion; calcium hydroxide; external root resorption; regenerative endodontic procedures †
Department of Stomatology, Affiliated
Hospital of Jining Medical University,
Jining, China; ‡School of Dentistry,
University of Queensland, Brisbane,
Trauma, such as intrusion and avulsion, has been recognized as an important etiology of pulp necrosis Australia; and xDepartment of
of immature and mature teeth. In 1 study, approximately one half of luxated teeth resulted in pulpal Endodontics, College of Dentistry, New
necrosis1. Pulp necrosis can be a sequela of trauma and is related to the severity of the luxation York University, New York, New York
suffered, with a landmark study finding the incidence for concussion (3%), subluxation (6%), extrusion Address requests for reprints to Dr Louis
(26%), lateral luxation (58%), and extrusion (85%)2. External root resorption (ERR) is a pathologic M. Lin, Department of Endodontics,
process and frequently a complication of traumatic injury to the teeth3. ERR can be classified as College of Dentistry, New York University,
345 East 24th Street, New York, NY
inflammatory root resorption and replacement root resorption (RRR) based on the etiology4. It has
been reported that the rate of infiammatory resorption differed between the various types of luxation E-mail address:
injuries (extrusive luxation 5 5.6%, lateral luxation 5 11.6%, and intrusive luxation 5 33.3%). Following 0099-2399/$ - see front matter
avulsion and replantation, the incidence of active infiammatory resorptions (26.5%) and ankylosis/ Copyright © 2020 American Association
replacement resorptions (42.9%) were diagnosed5. A recent meta-analysis of avulsed teeth found an of Endodontists.
incidence of EIRR of 26.2% and RRR of 51%6.

JOE  Volume -, Number -, - 2020 RET with Severe ERR and Root Perforation 1
EIRR is caused by surface root #8, #9, and #10 were splinted. Tooth #9 was the apical third of the canal. The tooth was
resorption of cementum caused by traumatic discolored, had a sinus tract present near the temporized with glass ionomer cement.
injury resulting in the exposure of root dentinal periapical area on the buccal aspect, and was
tubules with a concurrent infected necrotic tender to percussion and palpation.
Second Treatment Visit
pulp in the canal of the traumatized tooth7. The Periodontal probing depths were less than 4
The patient was scheduled 2 weeks later for a
bacterial toxins from the canal penetrate mm circumferentially. Tooth #9 did not
second treatment visit. Tooth #9 was
through canal dentinal tubules to the root respond to pulp sensibility tests with the
asymptomatic, and the sinus tract resolved.
surface denuded of cementum to initiate an electric pulp tester, cold, and heat, but teeth
After local anesthesia with 3% Carbocaine
inflammatory response. The control of root #7, #8, and #10 responded to pulp sensibility
(Septodont, Taicang, Jiangsu, China) without
canal infection, such as root canal therapy, can tests with short sharp responses with no
vasoconstrictor and rubber dam isolation, the
arrest EIRR4. However, if the EIRR perforates lingering pain when the stimulus was removed.
temporary restoration was removed. Calcium
into the canal, the perforation may not be able The teeth were asymptomatic. Teeth #8 and
hydroxide was removed with copious amounts
to be repaired. The mechanism of RRR is not #9 presented with grade II mobility. Tooth #9
of sodium hypochlorite irrigation followed by
clear. It appears to be caused by severe had a periapical radiolucent lesion and severe
saline solution irrigation. The canal was dried
damage to the root periodontal ligament (more external root resorptions on the mesial and
and rinsed with 17% EDTA and dried again.
than 20%) of a traumatized tooth4. RRR is distal root surfaces (Fig. 1A). In addition, there
Under a surgical microscope, bleeding was
characterized by replacing the root structure was a mesial root perforation (Fig. 1A, arrow).
induced into the canal up to the
by bone without the presence of a periodontal The root of tooth #9 appeared to be
cementoenamel junction by passing a
ligament space. Root canal therapy cannot surrounded by an irregular periodontal
prebended #25 sterile K-file 2 mm beyond the
arrest RRR because it is not of infective origin4. ligament space. Tooth #8 did not have
apex, which physically irritated the periapical
Even if apexification and root canal filling were evidence of ERR. Both teeth #9 and #8 had a
tissues. After a blood clot was formed,
performed for traumatized teeth with RRR, slightly open apex and a large pulp cavity
CollaCote (Integra Life Sciences, Shanghai,
progressive root resorption can still occur. (Fig. 1A). Cone-beam computed tomographic
China) was placed over the blood clot in the
Biologically, RRR is also initiated by an imaging revealed a large periapical osteolytic
canal. A 3-mm thickness of mineral trioxide
inflammatory process, such as root resorption lesion, severe ERRs, and thin buccal and
aggregate paste was then placed against the
caused by orthodontic tooth movement8. palatal root canal walls of tooth #9 (Fig. 2A–C).
CollaCote. The tooth was restored with glass
The mechanism of root resorption is Mesial root perforation of tooth #9 was
ionomer cement and composite resin. A final
considered to be similar to bone resorption8. confirmed by cone-beam computed
radiograph was taken (Fig. 1B). The patient
However, the tooth root is more resistant than tomographic imaging (arrow). Tooth #9 was
was examined after 1, 6, 12, 24, and 30
bone to osteoclast/odontoclast bone diagnosed as having a necrotic pulp with
months, respectively.
resorption, probably because of the low symptomatic apical periodontitis and severe
metabolic activity because bone is constantly ERR. Tooth #8 was diagnosed with a normal
undergoing modeling and remodeling. The pulp and periapical tissues. Treatment options Follow-up Examinations
cellular and molecular mechanism of bone presented to the patient for tooth #9 included At the 6-month follow-up (Fig. 1C), tooth #9
resorption is well-known and requires apexification, REPs, and no treatment. The was asymptomatic, and radiographic
interaction between osteocytes, osteoblasts, patient decided to have treatment by REPs. examinations showed resolution of the
and osteoclast and bioactive signaling Consent was obtained from the patient’s periapical lesion and the arrest of ERRs with
molecules9. However, the mechanism of ERR mother. REPs were adapted from the the presence of a periodontal ligament space.
is not well-known8. The purpose of this case American Association of Endodontists’ The size of the canal space was slightly
report was to describe the clinical and recommendations for clinical consideration for decreased because of deposition of hard
biological outcomes of traumatized immature a regenerative procedure10. tissue on the canal walls. Tooth #8 continued
permanent teeth with severe ERR after REPs. to respond to pulp sensibility tests. At the 12-
month follow-up (Fig. 1D), tooth #9 was
First Treatment Visit asymptomatic. Radiographic findings were
CASE REPORT A 2% topical lidocaine jelly (Akorn, Amityville, similar to that of the 6-month follow-up.
A 9-year-old girl accompanied by her mother NY) was applied around the gingiva of tooth #9 However, the mesial external root perforation
was referred for consultation and treatment of before rubber dam application. The access of tooth #9 appeared to be repaired with hard
traumatized maxillary central incisors (teeth #8 opening was initiated from the lingual aspect of tissue (Fig. 1D). Tooth #8 demonstrated the
and #9) at the Department of Special Service, the tooth crown. The canal was identified. No presence of a periapical radiolucent lesion with
School and Hospital of Stomatology, Fujian vital tissue was noted. The pulp chamber and no response to pulp sensibility tests and was
Medical University, Fuzhou, China. The patient canal were irrigated with copious amounts of diagnosed with pulp necrosis and apical
had a traumatic injury to her maxillary anterior 1.5% sodium hypochlorite. The working length periodontitis. The splint was removed. The
teeth 4 months ago according to the patient’s was determined by an electronic apex locator patient’s mother was informed. After consent
mother. Tooth #9 was avulsed for 5 hours (dry and a K-file 1 mm short of the apex and was obtained from the patient, REPs were
storage) before replantation, and tooth #8 was confirmed by periapical radiography. performed (Fig. 1D). Both teeth were
extruded and immediately repositioned in the Mechanical debridement of the canal was not asymptomatic at the 24-month follow-up of
emergency dental department at a local performed. Ultrasonic activation of sodium tooth #9 and the 12-month follow-up of tooth
hospital. The patient’s medical history was hypochlorite was performed for 60 seconds #8 (Fig. 1E and Fig. 3A–C). The canal spaces of
noncontributory. The patient’s dental history with an ultrasonic activator (Vista, Racine, WI). both teeth #9 and #8 were filled with hard
was not significant, except for the dental The canal was then irrigated with saline tissue. In tooth #8, the periapical lesion had
trauma, which had occurred 4 months solution, dried with paper points, and resolved. The canals of both teeth #9 and #8
previously. On clinical examination, teeth #7, medicated with a paste of calcium hydroxide to were completely filled with hard tissue at the

2 Lu et al. JOE  Volume -, Number -, - 2020

FIGURE 1 – Periapical radiographs. (A ) The preoperative radiograph. Teeth #6, #7, #8, and #9 were splinted. Tooth #9 had a periapical lesion and severe ERRs with distal root
perforation (arrow ). Tooth #8 did not have evidence of ERR. Both teeth #8 and #9 had a slightly open apex and a large pulp cavity. (B ) The postoperative radiograph after REPs. (C ) Six
months after REPs, tooth #9 showed resolution of the periapical lesion and arrest of ERR. (D ) Twelve months after REPs, the radiographic findings of tooth #9 were similar to that of the
6-month follow-up. The mesial root perforation of tooth #9 appeared to be repaired with hard tissue. Tooth #8 showed the presence of a periapical lesion. REPs were performed on
tooth #8. (E ) The 24-month follow-up of tooth #9 and the 12-month follow-up of tooth #8. The canal spaces of both teeth #9 and #8 were filled with hard tissue. The periapical lesion of
tooth #8 had resolved. (F ) The 30-month follow-up of tooth #9 and the 18-month follow-up of tooth #8; the canals of both #8 and #9 were completely filled with hard tissue. The root of
tooth #9 was surrounded by a thin periodontal ligament space.

30-month follow-up of tooth #9 and 18-month were treated with apexification to create an ERR and root perforation of traumatized teeth
follow-up of tooth #8 (Fig. 1F). The root of tooth apical hard tissue barrier formation by calcium are usually treated with long-term intracanal
#9 was surrounded by a thin periodontal hydroxide or MTA apical plug. However, calcium hydroxide. Calcium hydroxide could
ligament space (arrows). Both teeth were apexification does not have the potential to change the acidic environment of the resorbed
asymptomatic and in function. encourage thickening of the canal walls and/or root surface to prevent osteoclast/odontoclast
continued root development. Therefore, REPs activity4,11. Calcium hydroxide might be able to
have become an alternate treatment for induce hard tissue formation to repair root
DISCUSSION traditional apexification because there is the perforation, similar to calcium hydroxide
Traditionally, traumatized immature permanent potential to promote thickening of the root apexification to form a hard tissue barrier to
teeth with a necrotic pulp/apical periodontitis canal wall and continued root development. close an open apex. Recently, REPs have

FIGURE 2 – Preoperative cone-beam computed tomographic imaging. (A ) The coronal view. The radiolucent area at the apex of tooth #9 and perforation in the distal area (arrow ). A
large periapical radiolucency is evident with erosion of the buccal cortical plate. (B ) The sagittal view. Tooth #9 had thin buccal and palatal bone plates. (C ) The axial view. Perforation of
the mesial root of tooth #9 (arrow ).

JOE  Volume -, Number -, - 2020 RET with Severe ERR and Root Perforation 3
FIGURE 3 – Cone-beam computed tomographic imaging. Twenty-four-month follow-up of tooth #9 and 12-month follow-up of tooth #8. (A ) The coronal view. Resolution of the
periapical lesion of tooth #8. Thickening of the canal walls of teeth #9 and #8. Mesial root perforation of tooth #9 filled with hard tissue. (B ) Thickening of the buccal and palatal bone
plates. (C ) Mesial root perforation of tooth #9 was filled with hard tissue.

been used to manage ERR of traumatized involving the cementum and dentin can only be be prevented if the traumatized teeth contain
teeth12–16. Furthermore, inflammatory root repaired by cementum19,20. This is because the vital tissue in the canal, such as after REPs,
perforation treated with REPs was also stem cells in the periodontal ligament can because vital tissue is endowed with an
reported12. In the present case report, tooth differentiate into cementoblasts21 if given the immune defense mechanism. However, this
#9 showed a decrease in the size of the canal right signaling molecules, such as bioactive speculation warrants further investigation.
space because of deposition of hard tissue on growth factors embedded in the extracellular To our knowledge, the present case
the canal walls and canal space, healing of root matrix of cementum22 but not odontoblasts. report of tooth #9 is only the second one to
perforation, and the arrest of EIRR to During root development, the cementum is show that inflammatory root perforation of a
strengthen the tooth after REPs. formed on the root dentin23. In immature traumatized tooth could be treated with
EIRR of traumatized teeth is caused by permanent teeth with necrotic pulp after REPs, REPs12. Intracanal calcification is 1 of the
infection4,7. During infection/inflammation, cementum is also formed on the root canal outcomes of immature permanent teeth with
proinflammatory cytokines released by dentin in many cases24. Therefore, besides necrotic pulp after REPs27. The prevalence of
immunoinflammatory cells can activate bioactive molecules released from the intracanal calcification accounts for 62.1% of
osteoclasts/odontoclasts to induce ERR8. If cementum matrix22, the dentin matrix might all immature permanent teeth with necrotic
root canal infection is treated by apexification or also be capable of releasing bioactive pulp after revascularization28. After REPs of
REPs, the proinflammatory cytokines released molecules to signal stem cells in the periodontal tooth #9, increased thickness of the canal
by immunoinflammatory cells will be reduced, ligament to differentiate into cementoblasts walls and hard tissue formation in the canal
and the ERR will be arrested because of the under specific environmental conditions25. space were observed, which sealed the root
inactivation of osteoclasts. Monocyte/ Although RRR did not occur in the perforation. This is caused by stem cells from
macrophage-colony stimulating factor and the present case report, it is frequently a the periodontal ligament and bone marrow
RANKL/RANK/OPG system are necessary for complication of avulsed teeth after delayed introduced into the canal by the induction of
osteoclast/odontoclast differentiation from replantation. RRR of traumatized teeth is periapical bleeding during REPs29,30. Case
hematopoietic stem cells in bone marrow17,18. caused by severe damage to the periodontal reports and case series cannot be used as a
In bone resorption, the osteoclasts cannot ligament and not infection4. Compared with definitive treatment for a disease. However, if
attach to the unmineralized bone (woven bone). inflammatory root resorption, the mechanism more case reports and case series have a
The woven bone has to be primed probably by of RRR is not clear. The tooth root must be similar observation, a hypothesis can be
osteoblasts, which secrete collagenase to damaged to activate osteoclasts/odontoclasts formulated to conduct a controlled clinical trial
remove the unmineralized bone so that the to remove the damaged root. It is probably to test the validity of the treatment.
surface integrin of osteoclasts can bind to the because the periodontal ligament is severely
bone matrix, such as the osteopontin- damaged in traumatized teeth; therefore,
expressing RGD sequence9. Similarly, in dentin before the stem cells in the viable periodontal
and cementum, the predentin and ligament differentiate into cementoblasts and This report adds to the literature that REPs can
precementum have to be removed, most likely migrate to the resorbed root surface, the be a viable option to manage traumatized teeth
by phagocytes in order for dentin and mesenchymal stem cells in the bone marrow of with severe ERR and root perforation because
cementum to be resorbed by odontoclasts. nearby alveolar bone have differentiated into the signs and symptoms of ERR were
After osteoclast/odontoclast resorption of the osteoblasts and migrated to the resorbed root successfully arrested at a 30-month follow-up.
root, similar to bone wound healing, surface and produce bone. Because the
osteoclasts/odontoclasts will signal mechanism of RRR is not clear, RRR cannot
cementoblasts and not osteoblasts to produce be successfully treated. The pulp of most
cementum to repair the resorbed root. Wound avulsed teeth replanted after 30 minutes The authors deny any conflicts of interest
healing of external inflammatory root resorption usually do not survive26. Progressive RRR may related to this study.

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