World War 1 Assignment Presentation

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World War I Map

Commitment to Digital Citizenship

Every student has been provided with a Chromebook to be used during the lesson and
therefore has equal access to the necessary website.

Students will use reliable online sources and be able to determine the validity of the
information they provide to ensure the accuracy of their assignment.

Students will create personalized assignments, demonstrating their creativity in the

use of technology and ensure that their work is completed individually.

This lesson will familiarize students with the different alliances at play during World
War I using digital media
Go to

Once there, you will create a map of Europe, color coding the alliances of World War I.

Your map legend should include: the Triple Entente, The Triple Alliance, other Central
Powers, Belgium, Serbia, and Neutral countries.

Countries on one side should be colored with similar hues. (ex. If the Triple Entente are
blue, Belgium should be light blue)

Be sure to label the alliances in your legend.

Once finished either download or screenshot your map and email it to

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