Pega PrelimExam Env201Part2EssayAS

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First Semester, A.Y.2023-2024

Name: JOHN DAVE C. PEGA Score: _____________

Year & Section:2-CS2 Hannah Grace M. Apondar

1. Each question is worth 10 points.
2. Upload this file in pdf format.

ESSAY: Summarize your answers in 3-7 sentences only. (10 points)

1. Explain why there is a large percentage of Energy lost in each of the trophic level in an ecosystem.

The energy gets lost or a large percentage of energy get lost in each trophic level because , The simple answer is that,
because organisms eat each other, And not all the energy from one trophic level gets passed on to the next. It's like a
chain of energy passing, but with some wastage at each link. This happens in the food chain.

The percentage is large because at each trophic level, organisms don't absorb or use all the energy they get from the
level below. What I mean is, they didn’t finish what they started. Some is lost during metabolism, and some is simply not
consumed and left as waste. So, with each step up on the food chain, there's a gonna be a large amount of energy that
doesn't make it to the next level, making the overall percentage loss large.

2. Construct a food chain, put proper labels, and briefly explain each trophic level.

Primary Consumers

Plants Secondary Consumers

Tertiary Consumers

First in my constructed food chain is Plants, Plants are the energy starters. They use sunlight to produce their own food
through photosynthesis. They are the main food for herbivores.

Next in my constructed food chain is Primary Consumers. These are the herbivores that munching on the plants. They
get their energy by eating producers (plants). Example of it is Rabbit.

Next in my constructed food chain is Secondary Consumers. These are the carnivores, They get their energy from the
herbivores. Example of this is fox.

The last is Tertiary Consumers, This is the top predators in the food chain, Example of this is lion, They the one at the
top of the food chain.

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