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ASSIGNMENT 2 Ganti akun

* Menunjukkan pertanyaan yang wajib diisi

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Name *

Ashiila Al Eifa Arisanto

Class *
Reading passage above is about ... *

Cause and Effect





From the passage we know that something happen , and the cause is ... *

irresponsible student

gum on the bottom

Gums is a distraction

people’s property

messes of gum

.... they wanted to learn about how life was long ago, archaeologists study *





In case
The glaciers began to melt and .... the land bridge between Asia and North *
America became flooded






What is the definition of a cause? *

the cause is the reason why something happens

the cause never has an effect

the cause is what happens

the cause always follows the effect

the cause has the argument

What is the definition of an effect? *

the effect is the reason Why something happens

the effect is waht haappens

the effect always come before the cause

the effect is never caused by something

the effect is the result

Read the cause in this situation and choose the effect. *

child stretched a balloon, put it to his lips, and pursed his lips around the balloon's

the child blew up the ballon

the ballon pappop

the ballon had birthday written on it

the ballon deflatted

Read the cause and choose the effect. I ran as fast as I could, passing all the *
other runners in the race

i stopped at the store for a snack ,since i was ahead of everyone else

i decided to run the last lap of the race again

i came in last place in the race

i won the race

A : Do you listen something when you walked to the kitchen ? *

B : Yes. I did

A : .....

If you had known you would have called me

If you knew you would call me

You called me if you knew

You would know if you called me

Jawaban Anda

According to the writer, why the animals get bored in the cages? *

They do not get much food

They have nothing to do

They get risk of dying

They become extinct

They are probably ill

What is the main purpose of the text? *

To describe the wild animals and their characteristics.

To tell about the animals life in the zoo

To explain the breeding of the animals in the zoo

To persuade the readers to set the animals free

To convince the readers that young births do not always survive

“This causes an even greater risk of some animals becoming extinct.” *
The antonym of the word ‘extinct’is ….






What is the main idea of paragraph two? *

Animals live in little place

Animals are disturbed in the cages

Animals will be extinct in the cages

Tigers live in enclosure place

Comfortable place is necessary for animals

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