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Kurdistan Region – Iraq

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research

Lebanese French University
Department of Information Technology

Face Detection Attendance System

A Graduation Project Submitted to the

Department of Information Technology (IT) /
Lebanese French University (LFU) as a Partial
Fulfilment of the Requirement of the BSc. Degree
in Information Technology

Dyar Jader Baqi
Safin Sirwan Ahmed
Rokar Azad Qarani
Supervised By
Asst.Lect. Ara Zozan Miran
May 2022
Supervisor’s Certification
I certify that the preparation of this graduation research project titled
“Face Detection Attendance System “ was made under my supervision at
the department of Information Technology – Lebanese French University in
partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of BSc. in Information


Name: Assistant. Lecturer. Ara Zozan Miran

Affiliation: Department of Computer Networking, Lebanese French
University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
Date: 15 / 05 / 2022
Examining Committee Report II
We certify that we have read this graduation research project titled
“Face Detection Attendance System “ and as an examining committee,
examined the students:
Dyar Jader Baqi, Rokar Azad Qarani and Safin Serwan Ahmed
In its content and in what is related to it, and that in our opinion it meets
the standard of a graduation research project for the degree of BSc in
Information Technology.

Examining Committee


- Chairman -
Date: / 05 / 2022


- Member -
Date: / 05 / 2022


- Member -
Date: / 05 / 2022

Head of Department


Name: Asst. Lect. Bnar Fareed

Date: / 05 / 2022
Dedication III

This graduation research project is dedicated to:

We worked together as a team until the end of the project. Thank you
very much to the people who helped us. We would like to thank the project
supervisor, our respected teacher, for helping us until the end of the project.
We thank our parents very much and thank all the people who helped us.

1. Safin sirwan ahmed

2. Dyar jadr baqe
3. Rokar azad qarani

The current COVID-19 pandemic has brought the world to a standstill and drawn
everyone's attention; as a worldwide pandemic, everyone was aware of it. Virus
outbreaks, on the other hand, are a yearly occurrence in several developing countries. To
safeguard ourselves from these dangers. In computer-based communication,
authentication is a problem. Face recognition is widely utilized in a variety of
applications, including security and access control. The project explains how to use face
recognition to take student attendance. The Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
algorithm is used to implement facial recognition. The system will recognize the student's
face and automatically save the response in the database. The system also has the ability
to retrieve a list of pupils who are missing on a given day.
Table of Contents V
Supervisor’s Certification I
Examining Committee Report II
Dedication III
Abstract IV
List of Figures VI
List of Abbreviations VII
Chapter One: An Overview
1.1. Introduction 1
1.2. The Aim 1
1.3. Related Work 2-3
1.4. Problem Statement 4
1.5. Proposed Solution 4
Chapter Two: The System Design
2.1. Introduction 5
2.2. The System Architecture 5
2.3. The Data Flow Diagram 6-7
Chapter Three: The Implemented System, Tests and Experimental Outcomes
3.1. Introduction 8
3.2. Implementation Tools 9
3.3. Experimental Outcomes with Screen-shots 10
Chapter Four: Conclusions, Limitations and Future Works
4.1. Conclusions 11
4.2. Limitations 11
4.3. Suggestions for Future Works 11
References 12
Appendix A: Training 13
Appendix B: Testing 14
List of Figures
Figure Page
Figure’s Title
No. No.
2-1 The architecture of face detection 5
2-2 Data Flow Diagram 6
3-1 Recognize face with the mask 9

3-2 Recognize the face and write the name 10

3-3 Not face detection 10

List of Abbreviations
DFD Data Flow Diagram
GUI Graphical User Interface
FDAS Face Detection Attendance System
COVID-19 Corona Virus Disease-2019
Chapter One: An Overview 1

Chapter One
An Overview

1.1 Introduction

T he Covid19 pandemic is sweeping the globe. To combat Coronavirus, a great deal

of important equipment is required. Face mask is one such necessity. Initially,
wearing a face mask was not required for everyone, but as the day progressed,
scientists and doctors advised that everyone do so. Face mask detection technique will
now be used to determine whether or not a person is wearing a face mask. Face mask
detection platform uses an Artificial Network to determine whether or not a person is
wearing a mask. The application can be used with any existing or new IP cameras to
identify people wearing or not wearing masks. We will look at several crucial aspects of
face mask detection in this article, not only for Covid19 cases but also for other common
cases.Detecting whether or not a person is wearing a Face mask is an important technique
to execute in today's culture, and it may be employed in a variety of settings such as
airports, hospitals, companies, and schools. This technique has the potential to be
extremely useful at airports.

1.2 The Aim

The aim of this project is a face detection attendance system:
1. Detect and locate human (students) faces in a colored image.
2. Compare facial features selected in a particular image with faces stored in a database.
3. Check the attendance once the test image matches with an equivalent image.
4. Define the face of the students for wearing masks or not.
Chapter One: An Overview 2

1.3 Related Work

A unique face mask detector with an attendance system is proposed in this research,
which could help with public healthcare. During a pandemic, however, it is
recommended that wearing a mask properly can considerably prevent the spread of such
viruses over the world. And, given the situation, current systems rely on touch, which
must be eliminated. In such pandemic situations, barcodes or RFID tags will be helpful,
as they will be attached to the back of each student/ID employee's card, which will
contain the student/unique employee's ID, and students will be able to mark their
attendance by simply waving their identity card through the barcode/RFID scanner. This
system can be scaled up or down in the future to meet different demands environments.
In this research, the image processing might be expanded to identify many people in a
crowd who aren't wearing a mask on the streets (Kepenekci, 2004) This system can be
scaled up or down in the future to meet different needs and conditions. For instance,
image processing may be scaled to identify many people in a crowd who aren't wearing a
mask on the street. We successfully created a Face mask identification and attendance
system in our application, and we discovered that our system has a very simple and
minimum interface for improved engagement. Our database is ideal and capable of
efficiently storing a big amount of data. Face mask identification works quite effectively,
with a 95% accuracy rate that we've witnessed,During testing and to improve accuracy,
we can improve the camera quality, and when detecting face masks, we should keep a
distance of 0.7 meters. (Anandakumar, H., and Umamaheshwari, K., 2018) With the help
of a video feed or camera from several capturing devices, a computer can precisely
detect, examine, identify, and classify objects to respond to what it sees. Computer vision
is a subset of computer intelligence that instructs the data processing machine to learn
and interpret the visual world. Many real-world problems can be solved with computer
vision. One example of an urgent situation that can be addressed utilizing computer
vision is the continuing COVID19 pandemic. In this study, we propose an automatic
attendance system that can be used in a variety of situations Every organization should
utilize it to track student attendance. The most common use of an automatic attendance
system is in educational institutions, where students' attendance must be tracked on a
daily basis. The created solution ensures that attendance is recorded in a secure and
efficient manner. The IViola-Jonesones algorithm and the local binary pattern algorithm
are the two basic algorithms used in the automatic attendance system. Face detection is
done using the Viola-Jones technique, while face extraction and recognition are done
with a local binary pattern. Computing is used to recognize human faces in photographs
and videos, and then certain facial traits are measured, such as the distance between eyes
and the location of the nose, chin, and lips. This data is combined to generate a report.a
profile or signature of the face Face recognition is a way of confirming an individual's
identification by looking at their face. This system can recognize people wearing masks
in photos, videos, and in real time.This procedure of
Chapter One: An Overview 3

facial "verification" is pretty simple when used for individual recognition, such as to
unlock your phone image will compare to the recorphotoshoto. COVID19 regulations
must be followed by everyone in this case. universities open, the system should check if
pupils are wearing masks or not (Hammoudi, 2020). Furthermore, attendance will be
taken into account. Face recognition with mask detection is a more efficient means of
authenticating a person with less data. Picture processing is utilized in a variety of
applications, including image recognition. Here,The student's mask will be recognized
and he or she will be allowed to attend using facial recognition. The existing system used
to take a photo of each student as they entered the classroom, which improved facial
recognition accuracy. Previous techniques were less accurate because students wore
masks and their facial expressions were caught less accurately. Face mask detection
combined with an attendance system is a contactless technique that complies with many
countries' policies while also creating a safer and more productive working environment.
We're making use of a live webcam mask. Matlab source code This file is for putting a
trained model to the test on a live image. Here, support packages such as a USB webcam
package are necessary for installation; when a USB webcam is attached, the system
automatically installs. Detecting facial masks can be done in a variety of ways. For
example, electromagnetism and Face mask detection using radiometry techniques. In
order to recognize Facial Masks, researchers used deep neural networks (ANN) and
machine learning approaches. On the basis of performance measurements, a comparison
was also done between ELM ANN and BP ANN. The systems base, according to
Hammoudi et al, To detect the face as well as essential elements of the face from the
camera-based acquisition, Methode uses HAAR-like features descriptors. The system
uses machine learning to detect items based on face traits and different methods,
according to (P. Viola and M. Jones, 2001). The image is converted to grayscale by
removing RGB colors, and rectangles are used to differentiate edges and detect face
features. The viola-jones method is the name of this system. We acquired 94.8 percent
accuracy from this approach, as well as 15 percent any other method by a factor of ten.
As a result, detecting face features takes extremely little time.
Chapter One: An Overview 4

1.4 Problem Statement

1.The existing attendance systems requires students to manually sign the sheet every time
they attend a class.

2.This includes the more time consumed by the students to find their name on sheet.

3.Some students may mistakenly signed another student’s name and the sometimes sheet
may got lost.

4.Using online platforms for checking attendances might not work effectively with the
spread of COVID-19 it is mandatory for students to wear Mask.

1.5 Proposed Solution

Face detection attendance system uses facial recognition technology to identify and
verify a person using the person's facial features and automatically mark attendance, The
proposed solution in face detection attendance system is below:
1.This system will help the lectures to reduce time of taking students attendance.
2. This system is used to recognize the face and check the attendance.
3. This system will increase the security of not adding attendance twice or cheating
with the names With using FDAS for recognize the face with/without Mask if you wear a
mask then the system can accept.
Chapter two: The system Design 5

Chapter Two
The System Design
2.1 Introduction
The whole system's logical design is made up of various components. The system
begins by extracting a sample of the student's image from input devices such as a camera.
The image is then enhanced with image enhancement software for better face detection
and recognition. The system may give attendance to the identified kids and store it to the
attendance sheet after correctly identifying the face by comparing it to the face database.

2.2. Architecture
The matching process compares a query face image to a template face image, whereas the
problem compares a query face image to a template face image. The goal of this system
is to create an attendance system that uses face recognition technology. In this case, an
individual's face will be used to determine attendance.

Figure (2-1) The architecture of face detection

The first user need to take them image after that the system detect face and complete the
system for some minutes next that the training is started that’s for update the system
when system add other student the last thing is evaluation that’s recognize face and write
name above figure

Chapter two: The system Design 6

2.3 The data flow diagram

Figure (2-2) Data Flow Diagram

Chapter two: The system Design 7


1.Face reading through webcam and facial recognition.

2.Store the images and its properties in the database.

3.Reading the face and moving to the database to obtain the person's information,
determine if the person is wearing a mask or not, and record the attendance of each
person who is shown.

Data flow

First, start the system, then switch it on, next capture the face. After that, the system will
check in database, then in recognize face we have two options: yes or no. If the answer is
no, we proceed to alert no face detected. If yes, system will check mask wearing, finally
to the mask recognition procedure, and there are two options: yes or no, in the case of not
wearing mask, system says absent, in the case of wearing mask, it will mark as present,
then the system will be stopped.


For any student, we must create a file and save it in the database, and when we run the
system, the program will go to the database and search inside the file to find and compare
the real picture to detect the face. In the program, we have one database, and inside the
database, we have another file, and inside the file, we have 150 pictures for each student.
Chapter Three :The implemented System, tests and Experimental Outcomes 8

Chapter Three
The Implemented System, Tests and
Experimental Outcomes
3.1 Introduction

T his system's method will involve taking images using a camera and then comparing
them to a pre-loaded set to determine compliance. It can also track attendance over
time and provide a report as a result. Admin with permission will be able to make
essential changes. Students can examine the data set to learn about the necessary
modifications. These stages can be depicted using a use case diagram, as seen below.

3.2 Implementation Tools

MATLAB is a programming platform that is used to analyze, design, and test systems
and products in order to get the desired results. Object-oriented programming languages
such as C, C++, and Java are commonly used as programming code.

Hardware tools
All thing user need in terms of hardware for face detection is a computer
with a built-in camera, at least 8GB of ram, Core i7, and Windows 7 or
higher. The camera will work while the system is running, and when a face
appears in front of the camera, it will detect the face; otherwise, it will say
no face detect. The system will run much faster and smoother if the
computer has more powerful ram and a higher Core i7.
Software Tools
This real-time face detection program is developed using MATLAB version
R2020a. A graphic user interface (GUI) allows users to perform tasks interactively
through controls like switches and sliders. You can easily create a GUI and run it in
MATLAB or as a stand-alone application. The initial program output of this project is
shown in 1. Creates a detector object using mathwork, Takes the image from the video,
Detects if mask wear or not, Annotates the detected features.
Chapter Three :The implemented System, tests and Experimental Outcomes 9

3.3 Experimental Outcomes with Screen-shots

Figure (3-1) recognize face with mask

When we show the mask, it is easily read in the project, and it indicates that the person
is present.
Chapter Three :The implemented System, tests and Experimental Outcomes 10

Figure (3-2) recognize face with name

the mask is not used, when we show it clearly and clearly tells us that the person is

Figure (3-3) not face detection

When we show it will not be read, because it is not defined and unknown in the database.

Chapter Four: Conclusions, Limitations and Future Works 11

Chapter Four
Conclusions, Limitations and Future Works
4.1 Conclusions
Through implementation of this system, the time and effort required for the attendance
carried out at schools, colleges and universities can be reduced. Also the manual efforts
required for the same are reduced. The calculation of the attendance can also be carried
out using this system. The human errors can be minimized if the system is properly used.
Human intervention is reduced which leads to less mistakes and less amount of tedious
work. Since face recognition is used for marking attendance, through a stationary camera
which will scan the whole classroom, no extra efforts are required for the same.

4.2 Limitations
The researchers suffers from many limitations during the design and implement system,
as listed in the following:
1. Poor Image Quality Limits Facial Recognition's Effectiveness Image quality affects
how well facial-recognition algorithms work. The image quality of scanning video is
quite low compared with that of a digital camera
2. Problem with mask at the first it will not recognize person while wearing mask because
it work totally on face
3. Different Face Angles Can Throw Off Facial Recognition's Reliability ,The relative
angle of the target’s face influences the recognition score profoundly.

4.3 Suggestions for Future Works

In the future, we need to add a text file for writing the name of the student when we use
the web cam to detect the face in the command window, and then write the text for
instance the student is here, and we also need to add a text file for designing and storing
the attendance system.
References 12


1. Akanksha, J. K. (2018). Face detection and Recognition: A review.

2. H. Anandakumar and K. Umamaheshwari. (2018). A bio-inspired swarm
intelligence technique for social aware cognitive radio handovers, . Computers
& Electrical Engineering, 925-973.
3. Hammoudi, K. C. (2020). Validating the correct wearing of protection mask
by taking a selfie: design of a mobile application “CheckYourMask” to limit
the spread of COVID19.
4. Kepenekci, B. a. (2004). Face classification with support vector machine. .
IEEE, 583-586.
5. Maulana Dimas Iffandi, R. N. (2020). Attendance System with Face
Recognition. Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020, 1-7.
6. P. Viola and M.Jones. (2001). Rapid object detection using a boosted cascade
of simple features. IEEE.
7. Aziza Ahmedi and Dr Suvarna Nandyal, "An Automatic Attendance System,
UsingImage processing", The International Journal of Engineering and
Science, 2015.
8. Yohei Kawaguchi and Tetsuo Shoji, "Face Recognition-based Lecture
Attendance System", “3rd AERU…”, 2005.
9. E. Varadharajan, R. Dharani and S. Jeevitha, Automatic attendance
management system using face detection, 2017.
10. Chintalapati S and Raghunadh M V 2013 Automated Attendance
Management System Based on Face Recognition Algorithms Computational
Intelligence and Computing Research (ICCIC 2013) 1-5.
Appendix 13

Appendix A: Training
close all
,true, 'LabelSource','foldernames');
save myNet;
Appendix 14

Appendix B: Testing
load myNet;
while true
bboxes =step(faceDetector,e);
es=imresize(es,[227 227]);

if (label=='Rokar azad without mask')


if (label=='Safin sirwan without mask')

if (label=='Dyar Jader without mask')

if (label=='Rokar azad wearing a mask')


if (label=='Safin sirwan wearing a mask')


Appendix 15

if (label=='Dyar Jader wearing a mask')

if (label=='Dctor Balaji without mask')


if(label=='Dyar Jader without mask'&&Dyar==15)

disp('Dyar Jader is here')


if(label=='Rokar azad without mask'&&Rokar==15)

disp('Rokar azad is here')

if(label=='Safin sirwan without mask'&&Safin==15)

disp('Safin sirwan is here')

if(label=='Dyar Jader wearing a mask'&&Dyar==15)

disp('Dyar Jader is here')


if(label=='Rokar azad wearing a mask'&&Rokar==15)

disp('Rokar azad is here')

if(label=='Safin sirwan wearing a mask'&&Safin==15)

disp('Safin sirwan is here')

if(label=='Dctor Balaji without mask'&&Balaji==15)

Appendix 16

disp('Dctor Balaji is here')

title('No Face Detected') end end

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