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Spatial analysis of high school dropout: The role of race, poverty, and
outliers in New York City

Jose Eos Trinidad1

Version: March 24, 2022

Departments of Sociology and Comparative Human Development, The University of Chicago
(Chicago, IL); and Institute for the Science and Art of Learning and Teaching, Ateneo de Manila
University (Quezon City, Philippines).

His research intersects organizational sociology, education policy, and quantitative methods. In
particular, he researches how schools organize data and how data organize schools.

For correspondence: 5551 S Kimbark Ave., Chicago IL 60637

+1 312 883 8193,

Funding: No outside funding was used for this research.

Conflict of Interest: The author declares no conflict of interest.

Spatial analysis of high school dropout: The role of race, poverty, and
outliers in New York City

A major problem in urban areas, dropping out of high school is often related to a
host of student-level factors, like poverty, race, gender, and behavior. Studies
also find that social factors like school context and peer beliefs influence this
phenomenon. However, these studies on social factors are limited by the non-
inclusion of spatial data, which are important given how neighborhood dropout
rates may be associated with adjacent neighborhoods. To address this gap, the
present research suggests a method for analyzing spatial patterns of dropping out
and the role of race, poverty, and outliers. Using exploratory spatial data analysis
of New York City census tracts (n = 2216), the study finds significant spatial
clusters for high school dropouts, racial minority population, and low-income
areas. However, co-location patterns of dropping out and race/poverty suggest
smaller core clusters, and outlier-detection for areas with dropout rates different
from adjacent neighborhoods suggest that higher concentrations of minorities and
poverty do not automatically lead to higher levels of dropout. Implications
include resource allocation and contextualized support for high dropout clusters,
and investigation of outlier neighborhoods.

Keywords: high school dropout; spatial data analysis; New York City; urban

Spatial analysis of high school dropout: The role of race, poverty, and
outliers in New York City


In contemporary society driven by the knowledge economy, the importance of

education and educational credentials cannot be overstated. Studies show that those

with more advanced educational credentials have better long-term outcomes, based on

wages, earnings, health, and family outcomes (Barrow & Malamud, 2015; Ashenfelter

& Krueger, 1994). However, a constant challenge that has plagued the education system

is the substantial number of students who drop out of high school (Heckman &

LaFontaine, 2010; Orfield, 2004). For this reason, many countries, states, and districts

have instituted ways of helping reduce dropout rates through interventions that focus on

individuals or small groups (Freeman & Simonsen, 2015). In order to effectively

address this problem, however, part of the task is to be aware of risk factors that

increase the likelihood of students’ dropping out, and these may include factors in

students’ personal and social lives (Tavakolian & Howell, 2012).

Research on predictors of high school dropout often focus on individual-

personal and school-contextual factors that impact it (T. M. Brown et al., 2019; Wood et

al., 2017; Balkis et al., 2016). In terms of personal factors, certain populations have

been documented to be more likely to dropout, like Blacks and Hispanics (Chapman et

al., 2011), male students (Schulz & Rubel, 2011), those from low-income households

(Kearney & Levine, 2014), and those with mental health or behavioral problems

(Maynard et al., 2015). In terms of school-contextual factors, high dropout rates in

schools may be associated with high suspension rates (T. Lee et al., 2011; Trinidad,

2018b), high concentrations of low-income minority students (Rendón, 2014b), and a

school’s lack of resources (Wilson, 2012).


However, a set of factors that are not as readily studied in the dropout literature

is that of neighborhood-spatial factors that may also affect dropout frequency. One

example is the lack or the presence of economic prospects in a district and how this

affects a student’s decision of finishing high school (Bickel & Papagiannis, 1988). In a

second example, neighborhood clusters of dropout prevalence may indicate shared

schemas of finishing or foregoing one’s education (Schafer & Hori, 2006). A third

example is in terms of the detrimental influence of students’ activities outside of school,

such as deviant and criminal behavior often happening in neighborhoods (Rumberger &

Rotermund, 2012). Given the importance of accounting for spatial patterns and reasons

for dropping out, the present research proposes spatial data analytic procedures to

understand these patterns, interpret the dropout results, and suggest practical


I argue that neighborhood spatial data analysis can supplement people’s

understanding of dropout patterns by (1) suggesting spatial clusters for dropping out, (2)

providing co-location patterns with explanatory variables, and (3) detecting outliers that

can provide insights into what neighborhoods can do to lessen dropout occurrence. To

do this, I first review the literature on dropout incidence, particularly factors that

contribute to students’ deciding to drop out, or being pushed to drop out. These are

divided into individual-personal, school-contextual, and neighborhood-spatial factors

that increase likelihood of high school dropout. The second part outlines the methods

for this research, with an emphasis on the analytic techniques used. The third part

provides the results while the fourth part discusses, in particular, the results of dropout

patterns in New York City, and in general, how to use spatial data analysis with

education data.

Literature Review

Individual-personal factors for dropping out

Dropping out of high school in the United States is associated with different individual

factors that span demographic, socioeconomic, and behavioral reasons. Among the most

frequently studied predictors is that of minority race and ethnicity. High school dropout

rates for Blacks and Hispanics are substantially higher when compared to Whites and

Asians (Belfield & Levin, 2007; Heckman & LaFontaine, 2010; Katsinas, 1989). For

Blacks, one aspect that is often attributed is their higher likelihood of experiencing

exclusionary discipline practices like suspension and expulsion, which consequently

have implications on their academic performance (Suh et al., 2014; Kinsler, 2013;

Caton, 2012; Rumberger, 2011). For Hispanics, reasons for dropping out include

difficulties in school, personal problems at home, and the need to economically support

their families (Behnke et al., 2010; Halx & Ortiz, 2011). In particular, immigrant

Hispanic groups can be disproportionately represented in dropping out due to poverty

and language difficulties (Lutz, 2007). For both Blacks and Hispanics, the person’s

individual racial identification captures some of the group’s shared experiences,

particularly in inner-city areas (Li, 2010).

In addition to race, gender is also associated with high school dropout. The

graduation rate for females is significantly higher than males in all major racial/ethnic

groups, but particularly for Blacks whose differential is 12.2 percentage points among

20-24 year-olds in 2010 (Murnane, 2013). Although this may seem like an odd new

pattern, Goldin and Katz (2007) show that throughout most of the 20th century more

females than males actually graduated from high school.

Research also finds that the family’s socioeconomic position can influence high

school persistence or dropout. A report from the National Center for Education

Statistics accounts that students living in low-income families were approximately ten

times more likely to drop out of high school as compared to those living in high-income

families (Cataldi et al., 2007). Other studies confirm how family background and lower

socioeconomic status can increase one’s chance of dropping out (Archambault et al.,

2017; Parr & Bonitz, 2015). Often, lack of resources, low parental achievement, and

reduced or levelled expectations also plague these students from lower-income families

(Hao & Yeung, 2015; Trinidad, 2019; Davis-Kean, 2005; MacLeod, 1987; Vowell &

May, 2000).

Aside from these sociodemographic and economic measures, certain behavioral

factors are also associated with increased likelihood of dropping out. A student’s feeling

of disengagement in school is associated with higher likelihood of dropping out, in

addition to serious problematic behaviors later in life (Henry et al., 2012). Students’

personal motivation and capacity for self-regulation have important consequences for

predicting academic failure in high school (Casillas et al., 2012). In addition to feelings

and non-cognitive skills necessary for academic success, students’ self-perceptions are

also important, particularly in terms of how much they perceive their efforts will have

an impact on their outcomes (Fall & Roberts, 2012). These research examples highlight

that personal behavioral factors can contribute to increased likelihood of academic

failure, seen significantly in high school dropping out.

Although seemingly an individual independent act, the person’s dropping out

may not always be a completely autonomous act. Contrary to popular thinking that

students decide or are forced to drop out of school because of academic or discipline

failure, there are actually a myriad of reasons for dropping out. Some students are

pushed out of schools because of poor academic performance and behavioral problems

while others are pulled out from school because of pregnancy, the need for a job, or the

need to care for someone in the family (Doll et al., 2013; Bradley & Renzulli, 2011).

Thus, factors for dropping out are nuanced by the variety in the meaning of dropout.

School-contextual factors for dropping out

Aside from the individual realities and circumstances students may find themselves in,

certain school factors have also been shown to exacerbate the impact of the individual

risk factors for dropping out. Lee and Burkam (2003) find that certain school

organizational factors are associated with reduced dropout rates. These include schools

offering mainly academic rather than nonacademic courses, enrolling fewer than 1,500

students, and having students and teachers with positive relationships (V. E. Lee &

Burkam, 2003). In a meta-analysis of the dropout literature, De Witte and colleagues

(2013) show that in addition to these school organizational factors, teaching quality and

social capital (i.e., strength of relationships between teachers and students) also have an

influence on dropout risk.

A school’s social climate is particularly important as research suggests that

certain school factors like feelings of attachment are associated with decreased dropout,

“above and beyond individual characteristics” (Kotok et al., 2016, p. 569). Students’

positive social integration with other students plays a crucial role in preventing them

from feeling alienated and withdrawing academically (Hascher & Hagenauer, 2010).

Additionally, when students in a school collectively share high expectations, it is

associated with better educational outcomes (Trinidad, 2018a). On the other end,

negative forms of student interactions, like the perception of teasing or bullying, can

predict increased dropout rates in schools (Cornell et al., 2013). Such hostile school

environments can lead to self-doubt and emotional scars, which are associated with

students’ decision to drop out of high school (B. A. Brown, 2010).


Inasmuch as student-to-student interaction can affect students’ decision to

pursue or drop out of school, supportive relationships with significant adult models, like

teachers and counselors, can also have protective consequences for students (Lessard et

al., 2010; White & Kelly, 2010). On average, schools experience lower dropout rates

when they have an authoritative school climate, or a climate that provides students with

both high demands and high adult supports (Jia et al., 2016). However, schools that

have high authoritarian climates, manifested in the prevalent use of out-of-school

suspensions, are linked with negative academic consequences, inclusive of students’

dropping out (Peguero & Bracy, 2015; Pyne, 2019). It is important to understand that

these individual- and school-level factors interact, but do not automatically determine, a

person’s non-completion of high school.

Neighborhood-spatial factors for dropping out

Inasmuch as personal and school factors contribute to our understanding of the dropout

phenomenon, a set of factors that are not as readily studied are neighborhood factors,

like a community’s socioeconomic advantage and the perception of neighborhood

safety. More than just the family’s economic situation, the socioeconomic advantage in

a neighborhood also influences the likelihood of graduating from college (Crowder &

South, 2011). Studies find that continued exposure to neighborhood disadvantage has

even more salient effects than just disadvantage experienced at a singular point in time

(Wodtke et al., 2011; Crowder & South, 2011). However, some researchers suggest that

rather than think of neighborhood disadvantage as directly influencing high school

dropout, this disadvantage actually affects dropouts because “[n]eighborhood contacts

in low-resource settings may not support educational attainment and may be poor role

models to guide and encourage residents to complete school” (Fischer & Kmec, 2004,

p. 520).

Another set of reasons point to how neighborhood violence and safety also

influence dropout trends. Despite controlling individual, family, and school factors,

neighborhood violence is suggested to mediate how neighborhood disadvantage affects

high school dropout (Harding, 2009). In a qualitative research among male Latinos in

Los Angeles, Rendón (2014a) finds that urban violence is one of the most salient

features of urban neighborhoods, consequential for completion of high school. It is not

so much that violence happens to them but that one’s involvement in peer groups can

lead to expectations of behaviors counterproductive to school completion, like truancy

and expulsion (Rendón, 2014a). More than the impact of violence on students’

behaviors, the perception of safety or incivility in a neighborhood can also impact

students’ engagement, even for those who are not directly affected by such problems

(Daly et al., 2009).

Despite these studies that highlight the importance of neighborhood factors in

influencing high school dropout, few published research look at the spatial dynamics

that affect such dropout trends. Among these few, a study of rural Louisiana schools

find mechanisms beyond school-level factors that suggest how wider clusters or

communities can influence dropout figures (Schafer & Hori, 2006). Aside from the fact

that factors beyond the school may affect dropout, using spatial analytical tools may

also capture important, nuanced, and clustered contextual variations that are not

apparent in global analyses of all locations (Tate & Hogrebe, 2015; Edmunds et al.,

2015). In urban areas in particular, it is important to see how clustered neighborhoods

may have different outcomes, resources, and historical dropout or poverty “legacies”

(Martinez & Sparks, 2018).

This research looks at the spatial patterns of dropouts in New York City, the

largest school district in the United States (Winters & Cowen, 2012). Although the city

is not representative of urban areas in the country or the world, it does provide an

interesting locus for seeing the impact of spatial factors on dropping out. Given the

city’s large student population and diverse neighborhoods and neighborhood clusters

(Chau & Yager, 2017), demographic and locational patterns can be more carefully

discerned in terms of its association with high school dropouts.

Data and methods

I analyzed cross-sectional data from the United States census of New York City in the

year 2000, prepared by the University of Chicago’s Center for Spatial Data Science.

This dataset had the percentage of the population in a given census tract (alternatively

referred to as neighborhood) meeting a certain criterion. For example, the data had the

percentage of people in a neighborhood who identify themselves as White (or any other

racial/ethnic group). The dataset had 2216 observations, measured as census tracts.

The dependent variable was the percentage of people over the age of 25 in a particular

census tract that have dropped out of high school. Although it is possible to compute for

the percentage of students ages 16 to 19 who have dropped out of high school, this

variable had a lot of zero values either because no one has yet dropped out in that

neighborhood or because there were not that many young people in the census tract.

Thus, the variable used is the percentage of dropout over age 25.

Two sets of independent variables were crucial for this research. For the

racial/ethnic composition of each census tract, I used two variables: a continuous

variable for the percentage of racial minorities living in a census tract and a categorical

variable for the majority race in a census tract. The first is the percentage of minority

population in a given tract (i.e., the percentage of the population who were not White).

The second is a categorical variable where the census tract is designated with the

racial/ethnic category of the majority of its residents. Five groups were created with:

majority White, majority Black, majority Hispanic, majority Black and Hispanic, and

majority mixed. A majority was defined as greater than 50% of the residents identifying

in the particular racial category. However, for those areas where the majority of the

residents were either Black or Hispanic but neither made up the majority, they were

designated as majority Black and Hispanic. Additionally, given the few number of

tracts that have majority Asian and few that have heterogeneously mixed populations,

these have been jointly designed as majority mixed for analytic purposes.

Aside from racial/ethnic composition in the census tract, the neighborhood’s

socioeconomic status had also been estimated with the mean of the adult residents’

annual income. Data were kept as US dollar values rather than log values so as to

provide a more intuitive interpretation.

Data analysis
I used Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis (ESDA) to measure and detect high school

dropout, racial, and economic patterns in New York City. ESDA is a first step into

understanding spatial associations between and among variables related by space. To

see if there were spatial components and predictors on the likelihood of people’s

dropping out, several geovisualization approaches were used, like the Local Indicator of

Spatial Association (LISA) clusters, quartile LISA maps, and disaggregated descriptive

statistics. Visualization analyses were done in GeoDa, an open source software for

spatial data analysis (Anselin et al., 2006). To provide a snapshot of the distribution of

the variables, I first mapped the census tracts into color-coded quartiles with darker

shades of orange denoting higher rates of a particular variable. Appendix Figure 1

shows the location of the five boroughs of New York City (Manhattan, Staten Island,

Queens, Brooklyn, and Bronx) since I will refer to these boroughs when discussing

which sections of New York have higher or lower concentrations of particular


To examine spatial clusters of dropping out, I used LISA maps that mapped out

the adjacent areas that have similar rates for a variable. In this study, the analysis

identified dropout hot spots and cold spots in New York City by testing for statistically

significant associations of dropouts between each census tract and its neighboring tracts.

A technical note is that I used the spatial weights matrix (queen contiguity) to identify a

tract and its contiguous tracts since it may be possible that certain dropout patterns in

one neighborhood can influence another neighborhood.

Clusters of tracts with higher and lower dropout rates were identified at a

statistical significance level of  = 0.05. These correspond to “high-high” (in red) and

“low-low” (in blue) LISA statistics. “High-high” areas have dropout rates above the

mean and a weighted average of the neighboring areas that are also above the mean.

Similarly, “low-low” areas have dropout rates below the mean with contiguous areas

with also low dropout rates. “High-low” and “low-high” LISA outliers were colored

light red and light blue, respectively. These outliers mean that an area had dropout rates

above the mean while surrounded by neighborhoods with low dropout rates (high-low),

and vice versa. Sections not colored do not form part of the core of the clusters that

have similar rates in dropout.

Aside from doing LISA maps for dropout rates among contiguous census tracts,

similar maps were created for racial minority rates and mean income. Clusters of “high-

high” and “low-low” census tracts provide a picture of which contiguous sections of the

city share similar racial minority status or mean income.


To see if the dependent variable of dropout is related to both space and

independent variables, I created quartile LISA maps (Anselin, 2019). Using this

method, I assigned the value 1 for tracts in the highest or lowest quartiles of a given

variable. Following this, I identified co-location clusters of high quartile observations

for both dependent and independent variables. For example, I looked for clustered

locations where the highest quartiles of dropout rates and racial minority populations

were present.

Descriptive statistics of cluster cores (dropout hot spots and cold spots) were

calculated to identify characteristics that are shared among clustered census tracts that

have high and low dropout rates. Disaggregating the clusters with high-high and low-

low LISA statistics, I calculated the percentage of census tracts, according to their

majority racial/ethnic composition, mean income, and total number of residents. I also

performed the same demographic analysis for outliers that have high-low and low-high

LISA statistics.


Dropout clusters
Figure 1A presents a map of New York City that have color-coded quartiles, signifying

the areas which have higher or lower dropout percentages in the given census blocks.

Higher dropout percentages (darker shade of orange) were concentrated in the Bronx

and Brooklyn, and lower ones in Manhattan, Queens, and Staten Island.


A more formal analysis of local spatial autocorrelation confirms this pattern as

seen in the Local Moran cluster map in Figure 1B (using queen contiguity, 999

permutations, p < 0.05). In all, 381 tracts were identified as the cores of high-high

clusters (high dropout neighborhood surrounded by other high dropout neighborhoods)

and 454 tracts as cores of low-low clusters. These hot spots in red and cold spots in blue

confirm the clusters in Figure 1A with high and low dropout rates.

However, there were also neighborhoods near these dropout hot spots and cold

spots that did not follow the trend in their contiguous clusters. For example, although

Manhattan had predominantly low dropout rates, some neighborhoods actually had high

dropout rates as depicted in the light red color. This was thus coded an outlier for

having high dropout rates in a location with predominantly low dropout rates. Similarly,

there were neighborhoods in the Bronx, colored light blue, that had low dropout

percentages while being surrounded by high dropout neighborhoods in red.

Racial minority population and mean income clusters

Figure 2A shows the concentration of racial minorities in census blocks. Areas in

Brooklyn, the southern side of Queens, and the Bronx had high concentrations of racial

minorities denoted by its stronger shade of orange. For the mean income, Figure 2B

shows an inversion of the previous trends with Manhattan, Staten Island, and Queens

having higher concentrations of neighborhoods with high mean income.


Although there is a significant proportion of minorities in the southern side of

Queens, it has a significantly higher income average when compared to Brooklyn and

the Bronx.

Formal analyses of spatial autocorrelation again show that there are significant

spatial clusters for racial minority populations and income distributions. Figure 3A

shows the Bronx, Brooklyn, and the southern part of Queens all having significantly

more clusters of minority populations while Manhattan, Staten Island, and southern

Brooklyn having majority White populations.



When compared with Figure 3B, one can see a slight inversion with the Bronx

and Brooklyn (in blue) having lower average income in their clusters while Manhattan

and Staten Island (in red) having higher average income. One will notice, however, that

the inversion is not perfect and that there are far less hot spots and cold spots in Figure

3B than Figure 3A. Both of these observations may denote that average income is not as

spatially clustered as minority population rates.

Racial minority population and mean income on dropouts

Figures 4A and 4B show the highest quartile of clusters according to dropout and

minority population rates, respectively. Although there were overlaps, formal analysis

in Figure 4C shows that the binary variables for high dropout rates and high minority

population rates have co-location core clusters of 76 census tracts concentrated in areas

in Brooklyn and the Bronx. However, these co-location patterns in Figure 4C do not

show the vast clusters seen in Figures 4A and 4B.


As shown earlier, the high minority concentration in the Queens area did not

seem to have high dropout rates such that the co-location map in Figure 4C did not

show any statistically significant overlap between minority population and dropout rate

in this section of the city.

A similar analysis was done for co-location of the highest quartile for

neighborhood dropout rates, and the lowest quartile for neighborhood mean income.

Figure 4D reveals 222 locations that form the core clusters (in the Bronx and Brooklyn

boroughs). The number and size of these clusters are markedly larger than the clusters

for minority population and dropout rates in Figure 4C.



Table 1 compares the demographic characteristics of all census tracts against

those clustered census tracts that have high dropout rates and low dropout rates. The

census tracts with high dropout rates were in neighborhoods that were majority Black

and Hispanic (39.95%), majority Black (23.76%), and majority Hispanic (18.02%).

Most of these tracts (96.84%) had mean annual income of less than $40,000. On the

other hand, the clustered census tracts with low dropout rates were in neighborhoods

that were predominantly White (87.72%), and with mean annual income above $40,000

(91.43%). Total residents do not vary as much between the two groups.

When comparing all census tracts with those with high dropout rates, majority

Black neighborhoods comprised 25.98% of census tracts and they accounted for 23.76%

of high dropout census tracts. However, majority Hispanic neighborhoods comprised

5.21% of all tracts but figured as 18.02% of all high dropout census tracts.

Aside from investigating clusters with high and low dropout rates, Table 1 also presents

the demographic characteristics of outliers. Determination of these dropout outliers

came from the investigation with Figure 1B, which includes outliers in light red and

light blue colors. Neighborhoods with low dropout rates but have neighboring tracts

with high dropouts (i.e., low-high tracts in light blue) were 31.03% majority White

neighborhoods, 41.38% majority Black, and 10.34% majority Hispanic. Interestingly,

their mean annual income ($24,364) was similar to the average in high dropout tracts


Neighborhoods with high dropout rates surrounded by tracts with low dropout

rates (i.e., high-low tracts in light red) were 38.89% majority White, 22.22% majority

Black, and 22.22% majority mixed neighborhoods. Interestingly still, their mean annual

income ($30,879) was actually higher than the average income for those with low-high

tracts ($24,364).

Discussion and conclusions

In a society as dependent on knowledge and literacy as the present one, high school

completion seems to be a prerequisite for a minimum standard of living, and dropping

out is a problem that needs to be overcome (Bridgeland et al., 2009). Education scholars

have studied what factors could affect it and found important consequences of personal,

social, and school factors (Rumberger, 2011; Cataldi et al., 2007). More than just these

singular factors, one can find evidence for even more negative effects when there is an

interaction of personal characteristics—like race, gender and behavior—and school

factors—like school suspension practices and teacher-student relationships (Trinidad,

2018b; Lessard et al., 2010). An added set of factors not often studied is an individual’s


Neighborhood factors—such as employment opportunities, demographic make-

up, socializers’ educational attainment, and level of crime—can have an influence on

decisions to drop out or stay in school (Doll et al., 2013; Rendón, 2014b). This present

research aims at finding a way of analyzing these neighborhood spatial factors

contributing to dropout occurrence, and presenting preliminary findings on these

factors. I argue that geospatial cluster visualization and analysis can provide significant

insights into understanding dropout patterns, and that these methods also suggest

important caveats to previous studies that generalize neighborhood patterns.

Using dropout and demographic data from New York City, I find that dropouts

did not just happen randomly in the city. There were particular places considered

dropout hot spots, where clusters of neighborhoods had more than 35% of their adult

population which have dropped out of high school. Often concentrated in the Bronx and

upper Brooklyn areas, such clusters suggest possible shared characteristics among these


Further investigation in these clusters reveal that racial/ethnic and poverty

factors are correlated with such dropout statistics. Although research has shown the

higher likelihood of dropout associated with an individual’s race/ethnicity and

socioeconomic status (Archambault et al., 2017; Wood et al., 2017), the present

research suggests that the concentration of racial minority population in an area may

also affect the level of dropout. In particular, majority Hispanic, and majority Black and

Hispanic neighborhoods have figured prominently in these dropout hot spots. Although

the present research cannot test it empirically, one possible reason is the migration of

Hispanic populations to certain clusters and pockets of the city, and the possibility that

they have been unable to finish high school education (Card & Lewis, 2005; Perreira et

al., 2006). Additionally, low-income neighborhoods also have higher proportions of

dropout populations, particularly as neighborhoods can constrain students’

opportunities, and thus affect their decision-making (Dupéré et al., 2015; Harding,


Despite higher rates of dropout in minority and low-income neighborhoods, this

does not necessarily mean that these types of neighborhood clusters automatically have

more dropouts. For example, certain sections in Queens have high minority populations

but do not have the same the high dropout rates as in the Bronx and Brooklyn. Co-

location maps also showed that only 76 out of 2216 census tracts form the core cluster

of high minority and high dropout neighborhoods. For co-location of low income and

high dropout, the number of tracts just increase to 222. These numbers suggest that

although high-minority and low-income neighborhoods are more likely to have higher

dropout percentages, researchers have to be careful about making quick generalizations


evidenced by how the co-location of extreme values for dropout and minority/low-

income population show imperfect alignment.

Aside from the small number of co-locational clusters, high-minority low-

income neighborhoods also have outliers in terms of dropout percentages; that is, there

are areas which have less dropouts compared to their contiguous census tracts. For

example, certain areas in the Bronx have dropout levels that are no different from that

of predominantly White neighborhoods. Researchers will, thus, have to be careful in

generalizing how race/ethnicity and poverty can affect neighborhood dropout rate, and

will have to qualitatively investigate why some adjacent neighborhoods with almost the

same socioeconomic and race characteristics have markedly different dropout rates. It is

possible that high-quality and high-expectations schools in high-poverty neighborhoods

can have protective effects on their students (Dobbie & Fryer, 2011). Another

possibility is in terms of the social capital among neighbors who are more closely knit

and how their shared experience and expectation can bring about better educational

attainment (Bryan et al., 2017; Trinidad, 2018a).

Although the data concentrated in New York City, the method used here can be

applied to other urban areas. More than simply determining which schools have higher

dropout rates, it may be necessary to see the spatial dimensions and characteristics of

neighborhoods—and more importantly, clusters of neighborhoods—that have higher

dropout rates. Particularly in urban areas and in neighborhoods with more students at

risk of dropping out, high quality schools can have protective factors and compensatory

effects (Downey & Condron, 2016). In this sense, geospatial analyses can help

determine where the dropout concentrations are, and this determination can lead to

allocating resources for schools that can intervene on the pattern of dropout in an area.

Methodological contribution

In this research, I highlight the contribution and added value of performing geospatial

analyses of dropout data through (a) quartile, (b) clustered LISA and (c) co-location

maps, and the demographic analysis of these clusters. Using quartile maps can provide

insights into which neighborhoods have high rates of dropout occurrence. Clustered

LISA maps show contiguous locations that have similar high or low dropout rates; this

determination of dropout hot spots or cold spots can lead to greater specificity and

efficiency in providing contextualized interventions (Freeman & Simonsen, 2015).

These clustered maps also show outliers in terms of neighborhoods with low dropout

rates when the surrounding ones have high dropout rates, and vice versa. Determining

outliers can prompt qualitative researchers to determine what could distinguish certain

areas from their neighbors. For an area with low dropout rate in a high dropout region,

could certain school factors, like teacher quality and student discipline, be protective

and lead to such positive results (Clewell et al., 2007)?

Aside from quartile and LISA maps, I also used Anselin’s (2019) novel

technique of finding co-location clusters, where contiguous census tracts belong to

similar quartile levels on the outcome and explanatory variables (e.g., dropout rates and

minority population). Such mapping technique can offer insights into which adjacent

areas have similar characteristics in at least two variables, and how this offers

suggestions on what might be causing higher dropouts. Lastly, these geospatial

visualization tools can be accompanied by determining sociodemographic

characteristics of those in high-high, low-low, and outlier clusters (Kolak et al., 2018).

Despite the conceptual and methodological insights offered by this research, it

still carries with it some limitations. First, data availability will always pose a problem

for geospatial research and this study is no exception. The use of census data from the

year 2000 may be unappealing but I used it because of its relative completeness when

compared to other non-census survey data. Moreover, using the percentage of the

population over 25 years old who dropped out includes those who were 26 and 80 years

old, who may have had differences in contexts, reasons for dropping out, and prior

neighborhoods they came from. Second, I was unable to investigate other variables that

may shed more light on and nuance spatially different dropout rates; these possible

variables include crime prevalence, social cohesion, job opportunities, and school

quality. Given that this is an initial attempt at using geospatial analysis for dropout data,

such limitation is an invitation for other researchers to extend the understanding of how

these variables can be spatially clustered and explain spatial dropout patterns. Third,

this present study confines itself to exploratory spatial data analysis and does not yet use

spatial regression analysis (Chi & Zhu, 2008; Anselin, 2007). More than ordinary least

squares regression, this spatially-appropriate form of regression accounts for non-

random spatially clustered variables, which may further the insights from the

exploratory spatial data analysis. Such limitations, however, can lead to more research

to be done to fully flesh out the possibilities of doing spatial data analysis with

education data.

Despite the limitations, the research offers both conceptual insights to help

nuance the literature on spatial neighborhood factors affecting dropout rates and

methodological possibilities to harness geospatial analytical tools for understanding

education issues. Conceptually, evidence supports the claim that New York City has

spatially-clustered dropout rates in certain neighborhoods in the Bronx and Brooklyn.

Although such high dropouts are associated with high-minority and low-income

neighborhoods, these are not deterministic. When upper-quartile minority and poverty

variables are intersected with dropout variables, the core clusters are relatively small. In

addition, outlier detection showed that some high-minority low-income areas can have

low dropout rates, markedly different from their contiguous neighborhoods.

Methodologically, the study suggests and encourages the use of exploratory spatial data

analysis techniques that are appropriate for educational issues and problems. Such

methods can extend conceptual understanding and lead to practical implications in

terms of finding contextually-appropriate interventions and protective factors in outlier

areas that defy dropout conventions. These conceptual and methodological

contributions can encourage education researchers to further extend the technique to

practical actionable research in terms of policy formation, school regulation, and

resource allocation.

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Figure 1. Dropout Rates in New York City, 2000. (A) Map of New York City that color
codes quartiles of the dropout rates for people above 25 years old. (B) LISA map that
demonstrates contiguous census tracts with significantly high (dark red) or low (dark
blue) dropout rates, or their outliers (light red or blue). Only spatial cluster cores at p <
0.05 are shown.

Figure 2. Minority Percentage and Income Averages in New York City, 2000. (A) Map
that color codes quartiles of the percentage of minority populations in different census
tracts. (B) Map that color codes quartiles of the mean income in the census tract.

Figure 3. Minority Percentage and Income Averages LISA Maps of New York City, 2000.
(A) LISA map that demonstrates census tracts with significantly high (dark red) or low
(dark blue) minority populations, or their outliers (light red or blue). (B) LISA map that
demonstrates census tracts with significantly high or low average incomes, or their
outliers. Only spatial cluster cores at p < 0.05 are shown.

Figure 4. Co-Location Maps for Dropouts and Minority Race/Average Income. (A) Upper
quartile of dropout rate. (B) Upper quartile of minority population rate in a census tract.
(C) Co-location map for clusters with high dropout rates and high-minority populations.
(D) Co-location map for clusters with high dropout rates and low average income per
census tract.

Table 1. Characteristics of Census Tracts in New York City

All Census High-High Low-Low Low-High High-Low

Tracts Dropout Rate Dropout Rate Dropout Rate Dropout Rate
Census Characteristics (n=2216) (n=380) (n= 454) (n=30) (n=18)
Racial/ethnic composition
Majority White 43.32 5.74 87.72 31.03 38.89
Majority Black 25.98 23.76 6.71 41.38 22.22
Majority Hispanic 5.21 18.02 0.88 10.34 0.00
Majority Black and Hispanic 14.38 39.95 1.10 6.90 16.67
Majority Mixed 11.10 12.53 3.08 10.34 22.22
Mean Income
< $ 20 000 13.76 40.26 3.08 33.33 33.33
$ 20 000 - 40 000 41.16 56.58 5.51 50.00 27.78
$ 40 000 - 60 000 31.00 2.63 39.21 16.67 33.33
> $ 60 000 14.08 0.26 52.22 0.00 5.56
Average Mean Income ($) 40 074 22 948 62 742 24 364 30 789
Total residents, no.
< 3000 47.38 35.96 45.57 66.67 30.00
3000 - 5999 38.18 42.78 30.83 26.67 16.67
6000 - 8999 10.61 16.53 14.53 6.67 0.00
> 9000 3.83 4.46 7.05 0.00 13.33
Notes: Table 1 presents the percentage of census tracts that fall under a particular category of racial/ethnic
composition, mean annual income, and total number of residents. The first column shows data for all census tracts.
The second shows data for clusters of high dropout neighborhoods beside other high dropout neighborhoods (high-
high) while the third shows data for low-low dropout clusters. The fourth and fifth columns show outlier
neighborhoods for those with low dropout rates beside high dropout regions (low-high) or vice versa (high-low).

Appendix Figure 1. Map of boroughs in New York City

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