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SESSION: 2023– 2024

GK HANDOUT 6 – Mission Space (OCTOBER)

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Mission space

Cosmonaut and Indian military pilot

___________________________ was the first Indian citizen in
space. Taking part in a joint Indo-Soviet space mission,
Sharma and two Soviet cosmonauts flew to the Salyut 7
space station on 3 April 1984. Their spacecraft landed
back on Earth on 11 April.

On 12 April 1961, _____________________

became the first human being to go into
space. The first woman to travel to space
was Valentina Tereshkova, another
Russian cosmonaut, on 16 June 1963.

On 20 July 1969, ________________________,

an American astronaut, became the first
person to step on the Moon. He travelled
in the spacecraft Apollo 11, along with
astronauts Michael Collins and Edwin
Eugene ‘Buzz’ Aldrin Jr. Armstrong
described the first step on the Moon as
‘one giant leap for mankind’.

The last person to walk on the moon was an American

astronaut named _______________________, way back in
December 1972. A navy test pilot and an engineer, he
was also the commander of Apollo 17.
The first artificial satellite to around the
earth was the Russian satellite,
___________________. It was launched in
October 1957.

Did you know there is a space research

station assembled and launched in space
itself? In the 1990s, the
___________________________________________ was
launched in collaboration with 16
countries. This is a unique space research
centre in the earth's orbit where scientists
can stay and research about space.

India began its first-ever interplanetary

mission be launching
_______________________________________, or the
Mangalyaan spacecraft, on 5 November 2013.
The MOM went into Mars’ orbit successfully on
24 November 2014.

1. Rakesh Sharma 2. Yuri Gagarin 3. Neil Armstrong

4. Eugene Cernan 5. Sputnik 1
6. International Space Station
7. Mars Orbiter Mission

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