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Greek design developed from the simple buildings

dating from the Geometric era to the Iconic
constructions from the Archaic and Classical
periods eras, like the Parthenon. Hellenistic period
offered a variety of styles, including Greek impact
reached Roman and Byzantine times architecture.
Greek architectural details, such as orders and
columns are still relevant. Western-style building.

Egyptian architecture evolved from Architecture The Middle Ages saw the evolution
simple structures to grand monuments, ofmultiple eras, such as the Early
Modern construction attracts major
including the iconic pyramids during Christian& Gothic, Romanesque, and
the Old Kingdom. The Middle Kingdom inspiration from earlier architectural
ByzantineRenaissance-era fashions.
introduced mudbrick fortifications and styles eras. The classical, Gothic, and Every stage hadown qualities and
rock-cut tombs, while the New inspirations from the Renaissance and reflected theTechnical and cultural
Kingdom emphasized monumental modernism, while additionally profiting developments ofIt is now. With its lofty
temples and tombs with massive stone from the improvements in materials and ceilings, Gothic architectureespecially
elements. Later periods incorporated remarkable are cathedrals. In
building techniques that developed
foreign influences. Egyptian theDuring the 19th century, there was
during the Age of Industrialization. aboth Gothic and Romanesque
architecture prioritized precision,
designs. Overall,the depth of medieval
symmetry, and large stone blocks,
architecturerelationships between the
reflecting the power and wealth of
social, religious, andpolitical
pharao developments during the time..
Greek design emerged from the simplicity
structures from the Geometric era to the
notable classical structures from the Archaic
and eras of classical times, including the
Parthenon. The the varied styles
popularized throughout the Hellenistic
period Roman and Greek culture influenced
each other, Byzantine building style.
architectural style components such as
orders and columns continue to Western
architecture is influenced.

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