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Ian's Mother-in-Law 05 +PICS

Text & illustrations © MixedPickles

Thank you kenji for your assistance


Ian spread the plates on the table and called into the kitchen,
"Mia, which drinking glasses should I use?"

"I got red wine from the cellar," her reply came back. "Oh, by the
way, when is Tom in?"

"In half an hour, we agreed at seven."

Mia entered the living room with a large salad bowl, and placed it
on the table. Wiping her nose with the back of her hand, and
giggling, she said, "Strange, I'm supposed to be a nervous wreck
when I think about what we have in mind today. But when I think
about Tom, I stay calm."

She kissed Ian on the cheek. "He is as sweet and considerate with
Sarah, as you are with me. I will be comfortable with him."

Ian, amused, asked, "Would you like to live with him, for a

Mia gave him a nudge with her elbow. "What makes you think
that? I want to be with you every day. Tom and Sarah are just
our best friends, that we want to get a little closer to, every now
and then."

"They are the same," Ian confirmed. "I was really surprised that
Tom suggested that Sarah try us alone first."

Mia rested her forearms on Ian's shoulders to avoid spilling her

wet hands on his clean shirt. "My god, Ian. It still seems unreal...
us, with Sarah, in the plush bar."

She grinned. "Even if you think I'm over the moon, but since that
evening, I've had the image of how you took Sarah."

"Well," Ian replied, shrugging, "then I'm just as hyper as you

are." He confessed, "I can still see you sitting across from us,
watching us, and petting yourself."

Mia looked at him through her bangs and said, "I guess it's
become a habit. That's what I did today during the lunch break,
when I was thinking about the evening." She chuckled, "Not what
you think, and certainly not on the office chair."

She looked scrutinizingly at her husband. "Don't you get the

jitters, imagining Tom and me?"

Ian put his hands on her cheeks, planted a kiss on her lips, and
smiled crookedly. "Not really. I've been jerking off for the past
few days, imagining you letting someone else take you."

Mia asked boldly, "And who did you see me with?"

"Of course, with Tom," Ian spluttered, "I don't know of anyone

Mia let out a whoop of joy.

And then thought, "I can't make sense of myself. In the plush bar,
I almost fainted from jealousy when you fucked Sarah in front of
me; but that made me so hot at the same time, I almost

Ian raised his eyebrows. "Not a bit jealous after all?"

"Where are you thinking?" Mia waved him off. "That was at the
beginning, then I just wanted to see how you climaxed." She
whispered in Ian's ear, "When we do it in the bedroom, we're too
close to see everything, but in the plush bar, I got a full view of

Mia kissed the tip of his nose. "You're so cute when you lose

Ian leaned towards her and grinned. "Now you understand why I
want to be there when Tom fucks you."

Giggling, Mia nudged him with her butt, turned around, and then
disappeared into the kitchen.

After five minutes, Ian was in the doorway. "One more thing I
wanted to ask. Sarah is staying at home tonight; doesn't she have
any problems with Tom coming alone?"

"How could she," laughed Mia, "after all, a few days ago, she
fucked her husband's friend."

Ian shook his head. "Of course... I'm stupid."

"But I'm sure she'll wait until Tom comes home. Surely, she wants
to know everything down to the smallest detail. And tomorrow
she will call my office."

Mia's eyes sparkled. "She's got it like us. She just thinks it's crazy
that her husband is cheating on her with her best friend, while
she's lying on the bed at home..."

"... and does it to herself?"

"Of course," Mia confirmed. "We women love to jerk off like you
men, too."

Ian wanted to know. "You said you would think of something for
today. Do you know what yet?"

"Maybe," Mia murmured mysteriously, "but we should let

everything come to us. We don't want to force anything, maybe
we'll just get to know each other today. We've got plenty of time,
and Tom and Sarah will remain friends, either way."

She wiped her hands dry on the kitchen towel, put one on Ian's
shoulder and kissed him. "Tom has been familiar to me for so
long. I feel comfortable around him and I'm sure..."

Ian felt Mia's other hand seeking his half erection through the
fabric of his pants.

His wife grinned. "...That we will have a nice evening together."

The doorbell rang. Ian was about to open the wine bottle, so Mia
went to the door. Tom entered, greeted her with kisses, and
waited until she had slipped out of her kitchen apron.

He eyed her from top to bottom. "You look great, as always,
smartly dressed, like you just came from the office."

Mia laughed. "I hope you didn't expect to find me in a baggy

tracksuit; you know I like nice clothes as much as your wife." She
looked at her guest and giggled, "I knew you'd be dressed up for
tonight." She rolled her eyes. "How would I have looked next to
you in a tracksuit."

Ian joined in, hugged his buddy, greeted him with a pat on the
shoulder, and welcomed him. He took the flowers from Tom's
hand and explained, "I'm still busy in the kitchen with the wine,
so I might as well put the flowers in a vase."

He disappeared with the bouquet, and Mia helped Tom out of his
jacket. She noticed that he looked around questioningly.

Finally, he took a breath, "I may have talked to Ian, but I want to
hear it from you, too. Does he really have no problems with our

Mia put a hand on his shoulder and led him into the living room.
"How could he? Sarah must have told you about the plush bar."

"Of course, she did," Tom sighed, "but… I'm just a little nervous."

"It doesn't matter," Mia placated him, "me too. For now, we've
agreed to sit together and chat... we'll see."

She had Tom take a seat at the dining table, disappeared into the
kitchen, and joined Ian in bringing the food into the living room.


The three of them sat at the table, toasted with their wine
glasses, ate and chatted, as they were used to doing at earlier
gatherings. However, they avoided bringing up the actual topic
and only talked about things that they usually talked about. Mia
was amazed at how well the actual conversation could be carried
on behind the conversation, not with words, but with the eyes.

She watched the men nodding in approval, then Tom's uncertain
look, which seemed to ask her if she was still serious about the
evening. She let him know, with equally unassuming glances, that
she was more than willing to do so, especially after the third glass
of wine.

Ian's body language also revealed that he was becoming more

and more comfortable in the threesome, even putting his hand on
Tom's, from time to time, when they were telling each other
something funny. When the actual behind-the-scenes
conversation had progressed to the point where a warm
familiarity had spread, Mia addressed Tom.

"What actually made you and Sarah decide to try it with someone

Tom had actually relaxed enough to not hesitate a bit with his
answer, "Sarah and I admitted to each other that we are still
interested in other people. Neither of us wants to secretly cheat
on the other, so we've been open about it."

"So did we," Ian replied. "We wondered what that would be like, a
Mia interjected, "...after which we can return home without a
guilty conscience."

Ian looked into Mia's eyes and spoke to Tom, "I was queasy at
first, when I talked to Mia about it. I thought such ideas were only
in men's heads."

Mia laughed out, "Maybe better if you can't see inside women's

Tom continued, "Then, we wondered if we could go to a club or


"Such a turn-off," Ian waved it off, "we dismissed that idea right
away. After all, we were thinking..."

Mia looked at Tom, and finished, "...that you and Sarah are our
best friends. We have known you for a long time, we are familiar
with each other. You think the same as us, you are considerate
and open..."

Ian confirmed, "We feel really good with you guys, almost like
we're family."

"Sarah and I think so too," Tom smiled, and toasted them both.
"After your night at the Plush Bar, she's sure about that."

He grinned. "Today, she literally shooed me out of the apartment,

telling me to leave already, or I would be late."

Mia began to clear the table and disappeared into the kitchen.
Tom seized the opportunity and turned to Ian. "I was wondering...
how should I put it, do you mind if there's another guy around?"

Ian laughed. "If it's you? I've often imagined Mia with someone
else. Of course, I didn't tell her about it."

Tom looked around him. "I didn't tell Sarah either, but jerked off
mightily every time thinking about." He smiled wryly. "I can tell
you, when you were in the plush bar, I was lying on the bed, torn
between jealousy, and imagining what you were doing. Man, I
almost exploded with horniness."

Ian put his hand on Tom's arm. "You don't have to go on, I know
the feeling." He considered, "It's rather rare for two buddies to
confide in each other about what makes them hot."

Tom agreed. "And if you tell someone you're jerking off your mind
while your wife is banging someone else, the best you'll get is

The two of them let their eyes wander around the tabletop, until
they saw out of the corners of their eyes that the other was sitting
on his chair with a mighty bulge in his pants.

Ian noticed that Tom had caught on, too, and said, "I think it's

Tom also eyed Ian's tent in his pants and grinned. "You obviously
feel the same way."

Ian nodded and was about to say something, when Mia came
back, dimmed the lights in the living room and put on soft music.
The men looked to her, wondering what she had in mind. Of
course, what most women liked, she stepped up to her husband,
extended her hand and asked him to dance. Tom remained seated
and watched the two of them spin in circles, smiling
conspiratorially as they rubbed their noses together.

After a while, Mia detached herself, stepped up to Tom and told
him to stand up. They made their rounds, Tom gladly putting up
with Ian's wife pressing her ample bosom against his torso again
and again. Ian, who had been leaning-half-sitting on the furniture
against the wall, regarded her sympathetically. Mia spotted the
bulge in his pants and knew it was going to be a nice evening.

She interrupted the dance so that the men were standing next to
each other. Beaming, she looked from one to the other, decided
on Ian and pressed a kiss to his lips, then switched to Tom and
kissed him, too. Taking a step back, she put her hands on their
shoulders and said, "I just can't decide between you guys."

Again she kissed the men in turn, stepping back each time to
examine them from top to bottom. She did it with such beguiling
elegance that Ian gushed, "You are so beautiful today."

Tom, too, could hardly find words, "It's like you fell out of the

Mia crept toward the men with a thieving smile. "I don't want to
be an angel today, though." With these words, she began to open
Tom's fly.

When she had also pulled down Ian's zipper, she reached into the
openings and made her way inside without taking her eyes off
them. When she found what she was looking for, her eyes flashed
like those of a girl unwrapping a long-awaited Christmas present.

She rummaged around in the pants with relish, until she brought
two magnificent cocks to light. That didn't seem to be enough for
her, because she reached into the slits another time and was only
satisfied when the men's balls were also emblazoned outside their

Mia embraced both boners, gently feeling them out, as if she were
checking fruit at the local produce market,

while her gaze switched back and forth between the objects of her
desire, and the eyes of the men.

The two endured the caresses with blissful abandon until Ian
joked, "Do you want to find out which one of us has the longer

Mia chortled, "More importantly, how thick they are." She

squeezed hard. "Oh, là, là...those two seem just right to me."

Tom put his hand on Mia's butt and pulled her to him. When her
other buttock came within Ian's reach, he grabbed it, too. The
men gathered up the hem of her skirt,

and Tom marveled, "You didn’t wear anything underneath... all

Mia felt the men's fingers venturing deeper and deeper into her
butt crack and sighed, "Didn't feel the need today." She furrowed
her brow. "Kind of unfair, you guys are still in full gear."

Mia opened their belt buckles with one hand each, she even
managed to unbutton their pants with one hand. These slipped
over their legs along with the shorts and plopped to the floor. The
men stepped out of the pile of clothes with two steps, they only
wore their shirts, between whose front halves their bulging
erections stuck out.

When Mia's only concern was Tom's boner, Ian stepped up behind
her, slipped his chin over her shoulder and watched, as she
kneaded his mate's cock. Mia jerked up as she felt her husband's
erection in her crotch. She squealed in pleasure, turned her head
back and pouted.

"You fiend, what are you up to?"

Tom took the opportunity to put his hands on her top. He felt the
soft curves of her breasts and murmured, "I've always admired
your bust size."

Ian murmured in her ear, "I think your breasts have two admirers
now." He brought his hands forward at Mia's sides and began to
slide down her dress.

Tom stood in front of her and embraced her bust with both hands.
Now he stood close enough to her that she could grab his cock to
bring him closer to her.

Ian's hands stroked her forearms, as if to encourage her to

continue stroking his mate. Finally, his fingers were over hers,
feeling them caressing his friend's cock. Mia felt between her
thighs how much Ian was aroused by the play. As she put her
hands on Tom's cheeks and pulled him to her, she saw her
husband close a hand around Tom's boner and begin to massage

When the next piece of music started, she turned her head back
and grinned. "As nice as it is to feel you between my legs, today,
I'm in the mood for someone else."

She pulled Tom to her again, sinking into a kiss with him, and at
her side, felt Ian's arm moving faster and faster. Her husband
massaged his friend while his hardness in her crotch almost lifted
her off the ground. After a while, Mia disengaged with gentle
relentlessness. Without a word, she slipped the shirts off both of
their bodies.

The men wore only their socks and helped her out of the dress.
Mia had dispensed with wearing a bra anyway, so she stood there
in only thigh-high stockings and high heels. She grabbed Ian by
the hand, escorted him to the stairs and stood him against the

Tom had followed them the few steps and watched, as Mia opened
the cabinet on the opposite wall and pulled out something long,
some kind of Velcro.

She pushed Ian backwards against the railing, wrapped the strap
around his chest, and stretched it under his armpits over the stair
railing. From there, she pulled the ends down to the stair treads,
tugging them forward under the floor-side flight of stairs. She
wrapped the Velcro around his knees, passed it back through the
bars again, where she placed the ends over each other and
pressed them together.

Giggling, Mia checked the fit of the Velcro. Ian's torso and splayed
thighs were fixed, as if she had nailed him to the cross. Only his
arms were unbound and dangling downward, though he couldn't
reach low enough to undo the Velcro. He didn't seem to intend to,
because he smiled and looked at her questioningly. Mia made sure
he was still breathing by kissing his lips, but she didn't say what
she was up to.

Tom had watched in amazement and quickly realized that she had
no intention of quartering her husband, although his erection had
suffered somewhat during this bondage action. Mia noticed it too,
crouched down in front of Ian and grabbed his cock. She looked
Ian in the eye and murmured, "Today I have other plans, and I
don't want you to interfere."

His features contorted, as if he understood that he was in for the
pleasure shock he had always longed for. Tom read from his eyes
that he had the consent to tamper with his wife. He knelt on the
floor behind Mia and grasped her hips. A mixture of admiration
and lust came over him when he saw her shapely ass before his

Mia bent lower to suck her husband's glans into her mouth, her
curved labia emerging from between her thighs, inviting Tom to
take her on. As he sank his head into Mia's lap, he caught a
glimpse of Ian, his mate staring down at him with widened eyes.

His face expressed agonized pleasure, as Tom dragged his tongue
unbearably slowly through Mia's labia all the way up to her
tailbone. She had closed her mouth around Ian's boner and was
snorting like a mare who didn't want to wait any longer. Even
louder than her, Ian gasped, peering spellbound over Mia's back,
watching his wife being eaten from behind.

Mia noticed that Ian's initial rigidity of lust was loosening.
Suddenly, he was hanging supplely in the ropes, as if all the
hardness in his body had united in his cock, because she could
hardly put her mouth over his glans anymore. She disengaged,
stood in front of Ian and kissed him on the lips. His erection
poked steel-hard against her belly.

He hissed, "Keep going."

His words released the last tension in her and all her feelings of
affection and horniness gathered in her lower body. Although she
could not see Tom behind her, she felt that he had also become
quite soft. She understood that the last doors had swung open on
the way to weightlessness. Mia turned ninety degrees away from
Ian, bent over and supported herself with her hands on her knees.

Turning her head toward him, she whispered, "I need more of
Tom's tongue."

"Oh..." Ian murmured.

Tom slid behind Mia, caressing her shapely buttocks with his
hands, and was once again entranced by the sight of her wet,
glistening labia. As Mia impatiently rocked her pelvis back and
forth, he slid forward and dipped his tongue into the soft heat of
his hostess.

Mia let out a liberated gasp, as her labia were stretched. Glancing
again at her husband, he had one hand closed around his erection
and was massaging it. As soon as their eyes met, he increased
the speed and opened his mouth.

Mia's palms were sweaty and slid lower and lower on her knees
until they slid down her lower legs and encircled her ankles. Ian
had a view of her protruding mounds, between which his mate's
tongue was incessantly invading.

He almost fainted with excitement as Mia nudged Tom, crawled

over him upside down, sucked his cock into her mouth and
cradled his balls with her hand… Tom's head between her thighs,
eating her pussy like a starving man.

Suddenly, Mia let go of Tom and turned to Ian on all fours. She
looked into his eyes, and groaned, "I want Tom to fuck me."

Ian could no longer speak in his fever, he only managed to nod.

Half standing, half crouching behind Mia, Tom guided his glans to
her pussy and played around with her labia.

The sight drove Ian crazy, he rubbed his cock wildly and gasped,
"Fuck her."

Tom thrust his prick forward and heard a groan that sounded like
a climax, but it was just Mia's cry of redemption, at finally being
fucked by someone else.

She came towards him with her pelvis, turned her head back and
hissed, "Fuck me, Tom."

Thank God he didn't feel the urge to explode right away;
suddenly, he wasn't in a hurry anymore. Every time he penetrated
Mia, he watched as his cock was engulfed by her labia.

His buddy had completely forgotten himself, breathing in short

bursts, torturing his cock and watching his wife get fucked by his
best friend. When Tom realized that they were sharing their
horniness in threesomes, he was unstoppable.

As if in a race, they all started the final sprint, took a last breath
at the same time and screamed their release into the room. Mia
didn't understand that her vaginal muscles wouldn't stop
cramping. She wrenched her eyes open and saw it spurting out of
Ian's glans, all landing on her hair,

then she sank into a warm mist.


It was already dark when the three entered the nearby park and
strode along the sycamore-lined walkway. Lanterns lent the
grounds splashes of yellow light just bright enough to keep them
from straying from the path.

Mia had hooked her arms with the men's. They strolled leisurely
along the little street, nothing about the well-dressed trio
indicating what they had been up to just twenty minutes earlier.
Only their damp foreheads betrayed that they were still agitated.

Ian took a breath, "Fresh air is exactly what I need right now."

Tom also puffed out his breath, "I feel like I've been jogging for
two hours."

"Oh, don't pretend," Mia said, rattling their arms, "I feel light as a
feather floating in the air."

"As I've already noticed," Tom grinned, "you fell out of the sky,
right into Ian's arms." He thought about how Mia had actually
fallen into his arms today, and far more than that. He heaved a
sigh of relief, "That before... I can't believe it."

Mia furrowed her brow. "Do you regret it?"

"How could I," Tom laughed, and to Ian, "That just blew my mind,
you tied to the stairs. It reminded me of your meeting with Sarah
in the plush bar when I was lying on the bed at home..."

Mia chortled, "...and jerked off?"

Mia whispered in his ear, "That makes two of us. I did it while
watching Ian fuck your wife in the plush bar."

Tom glanced at the two of them. "Do you guys like that, too?
Doing it to yourselves when others are watching? Sarah and I do
it all the time." He laughed. "Recently I went for a walk in the
woods with Sarah. There were too many passersby for us to dare
to do more, so we hid under a fir tree and watched ourselves..."

Mia grinned. "Ian and I, we've practiced this a lot, we almost

always come together."

Tom stopped, examined Mia from top to bottom and wanted to

know. "Are you still not wearing anything underneath?"

"What do you think of me," Mia replied, with feigned indignation,

"of course, I wear underwear, I'm a decent girl. After all, people
might be lying on the lawn looking up my skirt." She giggled. "I
wouldn't want anyone to think I was screwing around with you

She leaned toward Tom and sank into a kiss with him.

Then she turned to her husband and kissed him for just as long.

As she breathlessly emerged, she murmured in his ear, "Today

I'm so psyched; somehow, I haven't had enough of your friend

Ian looked around and wanted to say something, but Mia calmed
him down.

"Certainly not here, dessert is waiting at home."

Mia whispered something to Tom.

Ian did not understand and laughed, "What do you two have in
mind? Surely not a fling behind my back?"

Mia turned to him, smothered his question with a kiss, and

prompted them both, "Come on, the dessert will thaw, otherwise."


For the sake of simplicity, they ate the sorbet while standing in
the kitchen. The soft jingling of the spoons seemed like the cozy
end to an evening, but Mia was far from feeling like it.

She set aside her dessert bowl and invited the men in for a glass
of champagne. She got a bottle from the refrigerator and left the
kitchen in search of glasses.

When the men entered the living room, the lights were dim again,
and Mia had put on some music. She handed them both a glass,
and they toasted. None of the three said anything, they stood in
front of each other in agreement, and drank their champagne in

After the second glass, Mia grabbed Ian's hand and started
dancing with him. Alternately, it was Tom's turn, and gradually,
the men began to like it, because every time Mia changed
partners, she relieved him of an article of clothing, and, of course,
the dance partner had the counter right.

After a few changes, the men were completely naked, while Mia
was at least still wearing her high heels. She danced alone into
the kitchen, and soon a loud plopping noise revealed that fresh
champagne was on its way. When Mia returned with the bottle,
Tom regarded her appearance. The woman moved so confidently
in her Eva costume, that he felt as if she were descending from a

Mia handed the men their glasses and filled them up, smiling as
she surveyed their full-grown boners that jutted unabashedly into
the living room. They all enjoyed standing in a triangle at some
distance, sipping champagne and savoring each other's
nakedness. They gave each other looks to understand how tingly
they felt it to deliver their own nakedness to others’ eyes, until
they began to float in their feeling.

Mia was the first to find her way from heaven back to Earth,
gently grabbing the men by their cocks and directing them to the
storage unit against the wall. She winked at Tom to remind him of
what she had whispered to him in the park. Next to the
champagne bottle was an open jar. When Ian saw that it was
Vaseline, Mia had already taken a swipe out and was lubricating
his cock.
He gladly put up with it, and when she went to get supplies from
the can, Tom was already next to her, stretching his erection out
to her. Mia took just as long to stroke his cock to the base.
Finally, she stood in front of them both, had her hands closed
around their slippery boners and turned them into hard spanks.

After a while, she looked between the men to the furniture, she
seemed to have something in mind. Mia grabbed Ian's hand, put
it around his friend's cock and also guided Tom's finger to Ian's
erection with the explanation.

"Go ahead, yourselves, I want to take a..."

She walked around them to the storage unit, got fresh Vaseline
out of the jar, and when she turned around, she found with a
leaping heart, that the men were taking as much care of each
other's cock as she had before.

She stepped up behind them and murmured, "That turns me on

so much when you do that."

And how they both realized that what they were doing was
making Mia hot, because suddenly a finger drilled into each of
their pole holes. Their boners shot up, inflated and threatened to

Tom remembered Mia's words, which she had whispered in his ear
in the park. He reached for the vaseline jar, dipped his finger into
it, and seconds later, Mia was greased up too, as her butt hole
was stretched.

She looked at him and hissed, "You piglet... yes..."

The expression on the faces of the three of them became more
and more harried. Soon Mia had to lean against Ian's shoulder, as
Tom's finger in her bottom made her squirm. When she felt she
was about to take off, she disengaged, grabbed Ian's arm and
told him to lie down.

As soon as he was on his back, she squatted on his pelvis, bent

down to him and kissed him.

The tip of his cock instinctively found the entrance to her pleasure
channel, and Mia let herself fall with a liberated groan.

She moved her pelvis in slow motion to extend the ritual into all
eternity. As she took her mouth from Ian's lips to inhale, she saw
Tom kneeling behind his head, his throbbing hard-on stretching
out towards her. As soon as Mia opened her mouth, he
approached, and she sucked his cock greedily into her mouth.

Ian gasped, as his mate's balls dangled over his face and his wife
sucked his soul out of his boner. Mia got to feel his pleasure as
well, as his cock stretched in her womb. In time, Mia saw only
spots, she desperately needed air.

She released Tom's erection, gasped a few times with her eyes
closed, and when she opened them again, she saw Tom's boner
disappear between Ian's lips. It took her a second to realize that
her husband was sucking his mate's cock.

She went completely out of her mind and groaned, "Ian... yeah,
don't stop...this is.... my god..."

Tom also lost control, and after a short while, it was as if he was
about to... but then he remembered the secret agreement with
Mia. He pulled out, scrambled backwards and crouched wide-
legged over Ian's thigh. Mia squealed, as his glans nudged her

Tom grabbed her sides to keep Ian from slipping out of her; only
then, did he begin to apply gentle pressure. Mia's rosette opened
and engulfed his cock so quickly that he toppled forward. He had
to tap forward on his toes to keep from losing his balance. Finally,
he stood securely and felt Mia's supple butt hole tightly enclosing
his shaft.

Ian had overheard what was happening, he groaned, "Mia...

Tom?... oh..."

The three of them searched for their rhythm. Tom looked down
and could soon see that Ian's erection was driving in sync with his
cock in Mia's lap. Mia was behaving like a predatory cat and
screaming, "Fuck me guys... faster!"

The men below and behind her gave their utmost, until Mia
dissolved in lust. She turned to the back and slurred her words,
"Fuck me in the ass, Tom.... fuck me... oh Ian, I'm... Tom...

The stammering, panting, and sweating of the three continued for

almost another minute, until a confusion of screams and groans
filled the living room, and the three finally collapsed like a ball of


Ian stood in the doorway and tapped Tom on the shoulder. "Give
my regards to Sarah."

Tom smiled wanly, "I will, I'm sure she'll still be awake."

After a pause of embarrassment, he grabbed Ian by the shoulder

and laughed. "Not that you'd think I'd turned gay overnight, but…
how can I say, it didn't bother me at all."

Mia had overheard and cheered inwardly.

If the men had already become so close, they would also have the
understanding for their wives, who had found each other in the
same way. She hugged Tom and wished him a safe return home.
When he had disappeared into the darkness of the night, Mia took
Ian by the hand.

"That was just crazy today... I'm still so exhilarated. Come on,
let's clean up tomorrow, I want to take you to the bedroom.


Text & illustrations © MixedPickles

Thank you kenji for your assistance


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