Assignment BGM 2 Lengkap

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BPME 3013











Prof. Madya Dr. Shamsul Huda binti Abd. Rani


1.0 INTRODUCTION _______________________________________________ 3


FIRM_____________________________________________________________ 5

2.1 SOLUTIONS TO THE PROBLEM__________________________________8

2.2 SWOT ANALYSIS OF THE COMPANY___________________________11

2.3 SUGGEST APPROPRIATE STRATEGIES__________________________14

3.0 CONCLUSION_________________________________________________17




Cik Jah's Nasi Ayam Bakaq business will be operating in 2020 and at that time our country
was in the Covid 19 epidemic. The origin of Cik Jah's name is his wife's name. The business
name used is Mr. Khairul's own plan. As a result of Covid 19, many people in Malaysia have
lost their jobs. The manager of this company is Mr. Khairul. At first, Mr. Khairul had another
job before Covid 19 which was to provide buffet services for all types of events. As a result of
this Covid 19, Mr. Khairul's services could not be performed and the number of their employees
at that time was about 38 people. Due to this situation, Mr. Khairul got an idea to open this
chicken rice business. At first Mr. Khairul and his wife cooked and prepared this food in their
own home.

In addition, Encik Khairul uses 38 of his employees who have worked with him to take orders
at factories, government offices and there are also a number of his employees who do services
to deliver food to customers' homes. This was done by Mr. Khairul mainly to help those
workers who lost their jobs during Covid 19 including Mr. Khairul himself.

During Covid 19, all businesses need to follow the movement control order that has been set
by the government. So Mr. Khairul took action by establishing a business at home and delivered
to customers using his previous employees. This matter has also helped his employees to get a
source of income during Covid 19. After the government allowed to do activities outside the
home, Encik Khairul discussed with his family to continue this business because it had an
interesting response during Covid 19. The first place Encik Khairul opened a store in Kuala
Lumpur. A few months later, Mr. Khairul further expanded his business by opening a branch
in Changlun, Kedah.

At the initial stage to open this shop, Encik Khairul used a small amount of capital so as not
to be too extravagant in doing something and depend on the existing capital as well. This
method has helped Encik Khairul wisely in managing financial resources in doing a business.
The amount of capital required to open a business branch is RM300,000. Now, Mr. Khairul's
business has three branches in Kuala Lumpur, Kedah, and Perlis. This can show that the Cik
Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq business has grown rapidly during their three years of operation.

Therefore, the assessment we made of this company is very high performance to say that this
chicken rice business is a business that was successfully developed by Mr. Khairul himself.

Figure 1: Picture of Kedai Cik Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq


At some point, every business had to deal with Problems and Issues. While many other
businesses struggle to handle obstacles, some can do it with courage and confidence. Issues are
any incident that calls for a solution in order to prevent unfavorable consequences. Problems
are always unpleasant and are only things that you want to get rid of, whereas challenges are
essentially a set of goals that you want to achieve.

However, Cik Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq has encountered difficulties with its chicken supplier's
length and the cost of its raw materials. Compete against competitors who are already known
by their names, Covid-19. Getting over obstacles can improve the business. These problems,
like all other experiences, helped shape the company into what they are today, and the lessons
that the company learns from them are crucial for future success. The fact that they put the
company's skills and capabilities to the test may make them exciting to some.

A). Length Of Chicken Supplier

As we know at every stage of the product life cycle, suppliers play a crucial role. To
get the most out of their products, businesses need to collaborate closely with their suppliers
on everything from procuring raw materials to helping to scale up production and identifying
better raw material possibilities as the market starts to get saturated. According to an interview
session with Mr.Khairul during the Covid-19 season last year, he remarked that the supplier's
chicken delivery delay was a major problem. This is due to instructions from the Malaysian
government that have been issued to tighten SOPs and implement phase three PKP. Numerous
businesses were impacted by the PKP season, notably Cik Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq. Additionally,
Mr. Khairul claimed that the numerous delays his company encountered in getting chickens
throughout the PKP season had an impact on him.

B). Expensive Raw Materials

Price increases are not only something that the general public as consumers fear, but
entrepreneurs will also panic because entrepreneurs will rack their brains to understand the new
conditions. With this fact, entrepreneurs do not want to inconvenience their customers because
it will have a negative impact on the company's reputation. Not a few business people complain

about the significant increase in raw material prices. The persistence of business people turned
out to be a hard blow when they had to deal with rising raw material prices. This increase in
raw material prices is one of the external factors, which is beyond the control of business actors.

In an interview with Mr. Khairul said that food raw materials for Cik Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq
are very crucial because it is one of the main components in a food. The increase in the price
of food raw materials had a huge impact on the company. He also complained that the increase
in prices for chili, shallots and garlic had increased.Because the increase in food raw materials
will reduce the taste of grilled chicken served in 1 portion or he will make a policy to increase
the price in 1 portion. Even though he really doesn't want to reduce the composition of each
portion in the slightest and he also doesn't want to increase the price in 1 portion. Therefore,
the increase in food raw materials is one of the problems faced by Cik Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq

C). Compete With Competitors Who Already Have Name

In the business world, Competitors is when they offer the same things as our company.
The companies are the same size and make similar products. Competitors are an important part
of the economy, especially in free markets. Their presence in an industry lowers the prices of
goods and services, which is very beneficial from the customer's point of view because they
can fulfill their needs more cheaply. Mr. Khairul mentioned that the competitor that really
became an obstacle for Ms. Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq was KFC for the area around Changlun
because according to Mr. Khairul, KFC with Cik Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq sold the same main
menu as him, namely serving menus made from chicken. According to him, not in terms of the
menu which is served but the quality of providing food very quickly to customers. Also, from
the point of view of the brand, which is already very big, while for Ms. Jah Nasi Ayama Bakaq,
she herself does not have a big name. Therefore it is clear that customers will choose a place
to eat that already has a name.

D). Covid- 19

The food and beverage industry, including hotels, restaurants, and taverns, had a severe
crisis as a result of the Covid-19 outbreak. Early in 2020, lockdown procedures and limitations
on social interaction led a number of establishments to close. Consumers who tended to avoid
engaging with others in public spaces were likewise impacted by this. Due to the advice to stay

at home, consumers prefer to limit their consumption and opt to conserve money during the
PKP period, which has resulted in a reduction in food and beverage sales for the food business.

Mr. Khairul explained that the impact of Covid-19 was quite felt by Cik Jah Nasi Ayam
Bakaq. Due to a decrease in consumers who can eat on site and policies that require people to
stay at home. Mr. Khairul really respects the policies made by the government but on the one
hand the income he gets has greatly decreased due to the impact of Covid 19.

E). Financial Management

One of the crucial elements in determining a business's success is financial

management. Given that finances are a crucial concern, it goes without saying that the specifics
of the flow of entering and outgoing monies must be understood. Profit is a common objective
for all businesses. Therefore, it is crucial to understand how to handle finances effectively,
including controlling expenses, budgets, and revenue. Financial reports play a very important
role in helping to organize financial management. The company's cash flow will be strong if
you handle your finances well.

Mr. Khairul explained to all of us during the interview that he was very suspicious
because there were employees who had the courage to consciously take company money. This
incident really made Mr. Khairul very disappointed because the company he had built had
dared to betray the trust of these employees. It will directly affect the financial stability of Cik
Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq.


In order to succeed in business today, the owner of a business must be adaptable and possess
strong organizing and planning abilities. Many people start businesses with the expectation that
they can turn on their computers or open their doors and start producing money, only to
discover that doing so is much harder than they anticipated. By taking time and organizing all
the necessary procedures for success, Cik Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq may prevent this in their
commercial endeavors. Cik Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq can succeed in food industry with this
solution to maintain the business (Seabury, 2022)

A) Solution for Length of Chicken Supplier

Solutions to the problem are needed by Cik Jah Nasi Ayam in order to help the company to
grow and sustain in the food industry. Cik Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq can replace the previous
provider by purchasing chicken directly from chicken farmers. This is a solution for Cik Jah
Nasi Ayam Bakaq as they have an issue with the length of their chicken supply chain. In
addition, Cik Jah has stock issues because the chicken supplier has delayed deliveries. This
issue could result in losses for Cik Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq. Cik Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq must
therefore find an alternative solution to this issue, as the number of daily consumers has
increased. Mr. Khairul, the owner of Cik Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq, can purchase chicken from
local farmers directly. This is due to the fact that Mr. Khairul can purchase chickens from the
prior supplier in huge quantities for a relatively low price. With this approach, Cik Jah Nasi
Ayam Bakaq does not have to worry about running out of stock chicken, as the chicken farm
can deliver the same quantity of chicken every day that is required for their main raw material
'Nasi Ayam Madu' menu. Therefore, the quantity of chicken supplied by the chicken farm
affords Cik Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq the option to reach his income goals and minimise costs by
lowering chicken prices.

B) Solution for Expensive Raw Materials

The increase price of raw material might to be Cik Nasi Ayam Bakaq problem to operation the
business. Cik Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq needs the following solutions to their problem is Cik Jah
Nasi Ayam Bakaq can buy raw material directly from factory or manufacturer. By buying a
product directly from the B2B manufacturer, Cik Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq can cut out the retailer

or wholesaler, who buys goods at a discount and adds extra profit when selling them. The
maintan and increase customer, Cik Jah Nasi Ayam have strongly financial to buy large amount
of raw material to get discount price from manufacturer. Mr Khairul can save of expense Cik
Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq with buy large amount from manufacturer. By making their purchase
from the manufacturer directly, Cik Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq are avoiding those additional costs
(Jiang, 2022). Therefore, the low cost of raw material of Cik Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq can help
maintain the prices food sell before this.

C) Solution for Compete with Competitors Who Already Have Name

To compete with competitors who already have a name is not easy because they need the time
to build the strong brand name of the company. Solutions to the problem are needed by Cik
Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq in order to help the company to grow aggressively in marketing. Aspects
of aggressive marketing include direct communication with prospective clients and continuous
pursuit of their engagement with the organisation. This is in contrast to passive marketing, in
which clients are given product information but must take action to communicate with the
brand (Gordon, 2022). Cik Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq might advertise their business via social
media to increase their brand's recognition. For instance, Cik Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq can
promote on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok via social media. In addition, Cik Jah Nasi Ayam
Bakaq can offer special menus via social media to attract more customers, as this platform is
one method for acquiring more clients. Therefore, Cik Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq can boost its
consumer base through social media marketing and has the ability to compete with other brands
due to its strong brand name.

D) Solution for Pandemic Covid- 19

In Malaysia, the government has announced a lockdown to prevent the spread of the covid-19
virus. For restaurants to open, food delivery and takeaways are viable possibilities (Durai,
2021).Solutions to the problem are needed by Cik Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq in order to help the
company to grow is be ready to adapt a new environment. COVID-19 is changing our lives in
ways and at a scale we could never have imagined. The business plan entrepreneur had 90-days
ago isn’t what it is today. Cik Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq need a plan to adapt and reconfigure their
business for each stage of this crisis (Enright, 2020). Cik Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq can open the
business with delivery or takeaway for customers. Cik Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq can use third
party delivery for delivery food. Third-party delivery is an option for businesses seeking to

deliver their goods and services to consumers. Instead of having to use their own vehicles and
drivers, businesses can outsource these services to a third-party delivery service. These
providers are able to take on the workload while still maintaining an efficient delivery process
on behalf of the business (Wingo, 2021). For example, Cik Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq can use
Foodpanda or Grabfood for delivery food to customers. With third-party delivery service, Cik
Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq can maintain the customers if their cannot dine in at restaurant Cik Jah
Nasi Ayam Bakaq. Thus, Cik Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq can maintain the sales with this solution
if lockdown happen again in Malaysia.

E) Solution for Financial Management

Employee theft is a huge problem. It can be as simple as a clerk at a store stealing from the
cash register or taking money from customers and voiding the sale, to a more complicated theft
such as employees falsifying their expense accounts or writing phony checks (Dimoff, 2013).
Solutions to the problem are needed by Cik Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq in order to help the company
to grow is use new system payment with fully online. With full online payment, company can
keep the track of transaction all expense and payment from customer. For example, customer
can pay online with Debit card, Credit Card, E-Wallet, and online banking. Beside that, Cik
Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq can payment through online when buy raw material from supplier.
Therefore, fully online payment by Cik Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq can reduce problem internal
company and as a step to grow the company for Cik Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq to prevent this


SWOT analysis is a technique used to evaluate the benefits, drawbacks, prospects, and dangers
facing a business. The acronym SWOT is made up of those four words. The primary purpose
of a SWOT analysis is to raise consciousness of the elements that go into making a good
decision or putting together a winning business strategy. Besides its widespread application in
business, SWOT analysis has found limited use in the non-profit sector and among private
individuals for the purpose of making subjective evaluations. The conversation with Mr.
Khairul, owner of Cik Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq, allowed us to learn the company's SWOT

A) Strength

The team at Cik Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq is full of imaginative people, so they are always looking
for novel approaches to running their activities and promotions. What are the benefits of having
a creative mind? The benefits of creativity are wide-ranging. It serves as a safeguard against
complacency and as a catalyst for growth and originality. When it comes to marketing strategy,
Social Lights Enterprise is always willing to offer forth fresh suggestions. They are not
effective since they do not have a proposal template for each service they offer. Therefore, this
allows room for inventive improvement and customization on the part of the customers by
responding to their specific requirements. As a result, Social Lights Enterprise will be able to
better serve its customers and earn their happiness.

In addition, Cik Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq have a flexible team structures, collaborative networks,
and decentralized decision-making. Companies that are adaptable minimize needless hierarchy
and delegate leadership and decision-making authority to lower organizational functions.
Performance, innovation, and receptivity to change are all enhanced when a company employs
self-organizing, cross-functional teams and has a flexible organizational structure that
facilitates the quick movement of individuals between jobs and rapidly morphing team
formations. For example, the organizational and team structure in Cik Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq
is based on horizontal structure management, in which employees and the company's owner
are treated equally in terms of expressing their thoughts and opinions. Mr. Khairul stated that
his employees will rotate jobs every month at this company as well. This will make all his staff
adept in all areas of the business.

Another one of Cik Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq's strengths is that they may adjust their pricing to
meet the requirements of individual customers. However, Cik Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq using the

reducing in ingredient cost. For instance, during the interview session with Mr. Khairul he said,
“because of our excellent working connection with our suppliers, we are able to purchase raw
materials in bulk at low cost.” clients can be charged by the lower price. The main advantage
of this technique is that Mr. Khairul can negotiate prices to cover only the services they really
serve in the business. Customer value is maximized because this method makes it possible to
charge extra for individualized attention and reduce non-essential costs. Therefore, this is as
well one of the strengths of Cik Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq.

B) Weakness

Cik jah nasi ayam bakar must compete with existing competitors that have been around
for a long time. Mr. Khairul mentioned KFC, an established chain of fast-food restaurants, as
a challenge he must overcome over the course of our discussion. Where KFC often draws more
customers than his restaurant does. Because unlike its restaurants, where customers have to
wait for their orders, KFC always has food ready to serve. Mr. Khairul further claimed that Cik
Jah Bakaq Chicken Rice has a shortage of clients since children would rather eat at a KFC
restaurant than at a chicken rice restaurant.

C) Opportunity

Using social media to promote business is the way of the future, which presents an
opening for Cik Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq. As social media continues to develop and expand, more
and more businesses are using these methods of promotion. Facebook has 2.38 billion active
users per month and 1.56 billion active users every day as of March 31, 2019. (Appel, Grewal,
& Hadi, 2019). By 2022, it is expected that there will be 3.29 billion people using social media
worldwide, or 42.3% of the total population. There's no denying that social media has become
an integral part of the marketing strategies of both small businesses and multinational
corporations. This is due to the fact that social media users are an intelligent and engaged
demographic. This is a tremendous opening for Cik Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq to develop its client
base through targeted outreach.

D) Threat

The focus of Cik Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq’s business strategy is on satisfying its
customers' ever-evolving tastes. Customers' tastes are ever evolving, and they worry about the
viability of the companies they patronize (Felix, 2015). This is truer than ever, especially for a
marketing firm center on social media. This is since the nature of social media itself is dynamic

and ever-changing. As a company that strives to be cutting-edge, Cik Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq
must maintain constant communication with its clientele, monitor its online chat rooms, and
offer each customer a bespoke experience to show that it is listening. As an example, they need
to research and monitor which social media platform is most frequently used by their target
audience. Additionally, businesses need to keep an eye on customer choice regarding how they
want to see advertisements for brands and companies and adapt their marketing service
accordingly. People in the modern world don't just buy things; they also invest in businesses.
They value honesty, transparency, and a clear goal. If an organization fails to deliver these
three essentials, it will fail.


Internal and external growth plans make up the two elements of the growth strategy, each of
which has advantages and disadvantages of its own. Internal tactics are also referred to as
organic growth since they only involve internal intervention. However, external growth
methods depend on forging connections with outside parties. There are a number of suitable
techniques that should be employed to support the company's survival in the sector.

First, the business has the option of using a new product development strategy. It involves the
sale of new products, which helps the company's profits grow. When the business is able to
meet the needs of the clients, this strategy will be effective. During the trip, Cik Jah Nasi Ayam
Bakaq should offer some snacks like chicken roast and mineral water in the bus. Customers
will require food and beverages for breakfast or dinner depending on how far they have
traveled. Customers may rush to catch the bus and run out of time to buy food or beverages.
Cik Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq will be able to satisfy the needs of the consumer by selling the new
product. Being the first food and beverages that provides food and drinks during the journey is
usually important to keep the company one step forward among the competitors. It will become
a business uniqueness.

Second, product-related tactics that broaden the geographic reach and market penetration of an
already-established service. A business might use market penetration as a growth strategy to
sell current products to current customers. Through improved manufacturing capacity and
efficiency, as well as increased marketing efforts, this strategy can assist the business in
growing its product or service sales. It enables the company to market as many goods or
services from its current assortment to both current clients and new clients who have similar
requirements. The clientele should be clearly identified and understood by the business.
Strategically, the aim of a market penetration strategy is usually to maximize and ideally
increase the market share of the business. It can be archived by expanding the original location
to other geographic sites. Cik Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq should keep expanding their geographic
area widely, so that they can gain some competitive advantages in the industry that help the
company to sustain in the industry. In addition, it also helps build a good brand name for the

Thirdly, Cik Nasi Ayam Bakaq can use external growth strategies through franchising.
Franchising can be an efficient way of growing your business. It can help you create a wider
market base, increase revenue and expand your business in a cost-effective way. As an

established business strategy, franchising can help you exploit a particular gap in the market
before any potential competitors (Price, 2015). Cik Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq can open franchise
for every state in Malaysia. Cik Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq can increase income by franchising. Cik
Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq as franchisor also can increase income get by royalty from franchisee.
With franchising, Cik Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq can maintain income and opportunity to expand
business in the international market by franchising.

Fourth, a business should continue its operations through a joint venture. A joint venture is an
arrangement between two or more parties who consent to combine their resources in order to
carry out specific duties or activities. A joint venture is a contract between two parties for a
specific kind of work to be done over a specific amount of time. For instance, the Indonesian
Es Cik Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq is a business that concentrates on the cuisine served. The business
adds their goods to the list of items for sale at the Cik Jah Ayam Nasi Bakaq shop as a supply
of drinks to be offered there, so Cik Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq only focuses on the food they have
and Indonesian Es. The focuses on drinks to supply the drinks that are in Cik Jah Nasi Ayam
Bakaq's shop.

Moving on to the second internal growth strategy is another product related strategy. Our group
has chosen to improve an existing service and increase the market penetration of the existing
service. First, we will scrutinize further on improving an existing service. We have mentioned
earlier that Cik Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq is a social media-based marketing. The services offered
by Cik Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq mainly focus on marketing in social media. Thus, we suggest
that Cik Jah Ayam Nasi Bakaq can improve their service to be more up to date. How can this
be done? Cik Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq can do their marketing in video format instead of posters
when publishing in social media. Video comes in the category of interactive multimedia. Video
integrates the use of text, video, graphics, photos, animation, and sound to produce a complex
presentation where the viewers can interact.

Besides, Cik Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq should also widen their local expansion as they only have
clients in Changloon and kedah. Cik Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq can slowly start to expand and
reach Pulau Pinang and Johor. Then, can establish connections towards Asian countries. Since
their business is conducted online, the possibility to expand their market wide globally is
significantly high. Thus, Cikjah Ayam Bakar Enterprise shall utilize this advantage till

Next is increasing the market penetration of the existing service of Social Lights Enterprise. A
market penetration strategy seeks to increase the sales of a product or service through greater
marketing efforts or through increased production capacity and efficiency. Market penetration
would not be a difficult task for an enterprise like Cik Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq because they are
conducting their business online also. In other words, it is borderless. Hence, Cik Jah Nasi
Ayam Bakaq should use the digital channels on a regular basis to post additional material and
promote brand awareness, which enhances the chances of getting new markets. For instance,
Cik Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq for now only manages Facebook accounts and websites for their
business. They need to increase their exposure in social media by connecting across all social
media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, Google Hangouts, Tik Tok, Pinterest, Youtube,
and SnapChat. A sophisticated showcase in video format is required in those platforms, so
users know the services provided and their past clients. Here is how Cik Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq
can widen their exposure to users.


In conclusion, this Cik Jah Nasi Ayam Bakar business is one of the businesses that has started
a business in the phase of Covid 19. There are many problems that Mr. Khairul faced when he
was at the initial stage of opening this business. But every problem faced by Mr. Khairul's
business will have a solution issued to solve the problem. This caused Mr. Khairul's business
to continue to grow until now. Every mass that is present will have a solution to overcome it.

Next, Cik Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq business we can categorize as a business that is growing
brilliantly. Although it started in the Covid 19 phase, but Mr. Khairul took the initiative to open
on a small scale by cooking at home. Next, engage their employees to deliver food to
customers. Therefore, their employees will earn a salary from the collection of orders or the
delivery of food.

Every business has problems, no matter how big or small the problem is. One of the problems
faced by Mr. Khairul's business is involving chicken suppliers who raise the price of the
chicken. Mr. Khairul overcomes this problem by directly dealing with the main producers for
this chicken process. So Encik Khairul does not use middlemen to deal with raw materials to
avoid this problem from happening.

We say that the Cik Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq business is growing well because now they have
three branches in Kuala Lumpur, Kedah, and Perlis. Encik Khairul can grow his business by
having wise financial management so that he is not too reckless in doing things. Encik Khairul
only used a small initial capital to open this business. The total amount to open a branch for
this Cik Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq business requires RM300,000. Therefore, what Mr. Khairul
emphasized is that we must be wise in managing finances to stabilize the financial status of our

We have also recommended some more steps that are best for Mr. Khairul to apply in business
now. There are generally two steps which are for internal and external development strategies.
For internal purposes, we recommend for this business to improve an existing service and
increase the market penetration of the existing service, while for external purposes, we
recommend that a business should continue its operations through a joint venture. Therefore,
in this way we hope that the Chi Jah Nasi Ayam Bakaq business can become a more advanced
business and grow rapidly.


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